The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, October 07, 1905, Image 4

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€)fye Douglas Enterprise. DOUGLAS PRINTING CO.. Pkoimmetoks. JOSEPH J. RODGERS . EDITOR. Entered at the Post-office in Douglas; Ga., as second-class mail matter S AT UR DAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1905. Official Orgaa of Coffee Covmft;/. President Roosevelt will \ i>it the State Fail , of North Carolina, and Alabama during the present month. The managements did well to secure tins attraction. <*> <S> <S* A California paper says bad water kills as many people as bad whishey docs. Dot. t believe it, and then you don’t buy water by the pint, anyway. <*> 3> •$> Solicitor John W, Bennett is be ing spoken of as Mr. W. G. Brant ley’s successor. Won’t the boys be kind enough to wait until .Mr. Brantley is dead or out of the way before they fill his shoesr Of <s> ■» The manager of the California airship that has been secured for the fair at Macon, will kindly al low one man a day to go up with him. Here is a chance for some body. <3> <3> <s> wl'he barbecue to be given to the arrwiy of Smiths that will gather in Mavion on Smith Day, Oct. 28th, during the fair, will be a monster. The congest for the prizes for the tallest, shortest, ugliest and other «orts of sVnhhs will be spirited. <3> A dispatch from Hot Springs, Ark., states that B. 11. McDowell, late defaulting cashier of Broxton, has surrendered a nd confessed his guilt. The $2000,(X) he was said to have taken has been spent. I he bank looses nothing. . «><£<s Hon. lom Watson has come out editorially, in his magazine, for Don. Hoke Smith. There is one thing to be observed ip jvi r. Wat xon’s announcement, n d that is that he is perfectly hoitest and can did in Ins opinions. The State Fair at Atlanti be the most elaborate exhibi ts* of the products of Gecfrgta, stock 1 cattle Ac., ever held, and Frank 1 Weldon, the secretary, wants every I one to come. He has even sent] this office a pocket book, but it was empty. <S> <*> 4t> Moultrie Observer: The Val dosta Times is trying to palm o f al um on hunters and fishermenjas a cure for snake bite. All true sports ktvw what is good for snake bite and they ill stick to the old remedy. The Times will have to take its own alum. This paper said, last week that Hon. Spencer R. Atkinson should be appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme court and now it is no ticed that there are several seconds to that mot ion. The gentle ma n spoken of is very popular and quite efficient. <s> ■•> -*> The Summer is past, vacation is over, the lawyers and Judges are holding court all over the country, politicians arc busy, county Fairs will soon be open, cotton is being picked, somebody is tuning the fiiddle, and the boys and girls are for the dance. Promenade all! <*> W hen Fresi lent Roosevelt left his lesidence town last Saturday* for \\ asuingion city his neigl bors sang “God be With You ’Till we Meet Again.” Those people nui-t have thought he needed extra pro tection while among the political wolves of the metropolis, » . <S> 'f> l There will be an ail day singing 'of old fashioned -ongs at the State %Fair tiris month, in Atlr.nta. Of course these people can sing round and shaped notes, and one hard shell Baptist preacher says he can sing iound and shape notes and cut pigeon wing in seven different languages. . <?> <3> It is estimated that there will be five thousand Smiths, including Hon. Hoke and Coi. Jim, candi dates for governor, in Macon on Smith Day during the fair. These Smiths will not only come from Georgia S-but from all parts of the United States. I'he dispatches announced last Sunday that a colony of Boers from South Africa had arrived in New York on their way to Dodge j county. Thai county is to be con- gr-itulated and it would be amusing it some of these colonists were to j dodge tiie people of Dodge and .take Coffee in ttior’n. Guysie Local We have learned of the con solidation of the two papers in Douglas, and greet the Douglas Enterprise with hats off and good wishes. We had nothing against 1 either one of the papers, nor their; management, hut think the veryi best business judgment was 1 shown in consolidating the two. Mr. Rufus Penington returned last Tuesday from a business trip to South Florida. He reports a very pleasant time while away. Averett & Co’s saw mill is lo cated on little Hurricane creek, just south of Guysie, and is doing fine work. Sheffield & Go’s mill is located east from Guysie on Big Hurri cane creek, and also is doing fine work. Mr. A. M. Preston, of Broxton. spent a day or two of last week in Guysie, looking over the pros pects of the colony movement. Mr. Stafcoiy Douglas, formerly of Guysie but now of Ocilla, was visiting relatives and friends here a few days of last week. We expect within the next few days tq see work began on the ne\V to be built by *• Mfi ’«s* R R* com ■»’pfSfthg to Douglas to the Fair. Look out for /us, and have board and lodging ready. Mrs. Padgett, of near Coffee returned to her home last Mon day, after spending a few days in Guysie visiting relatives. The greater G lysie club will be orgarilzed in a few days. The oojcci be to pull for the new t)wn awf/urm colony. The surveyor with a force of hands has begun the work of run ning the line around the farm lands. This work will continue till all the farm tracts for the new colony are laid off, and every I block, street and lot is surveyed. The large new business house jof E. L. Averett & Co has been, j about completed and they are 1 moving in this week. It is one jof the largest, prettiest building of the kind in South Georgia. Mr. T. C. Allen, of Broxton, spent a day or two, first of this week, looking over Guysie and surrounding country. Several parties from north Georgia have recently bought farms in the new farm colony section. Quite a number of others from the same section are expect ed within the next few days. There is strong talk of a news paper in Guysie just now, but while the movement is taking from we will have the Douglas Enterprise to give our news and our people will take about fifty copies of same. Work has been begun on the dwelling of Mr. Charles Evans. It is located on Broad street, will be a beauty when completed, and will cost $2,000.00- Again we say: good luck to the Douglas Enterprise. Guysie. A $7.50 set of Enamel and cop per ware with every range sold at \\ att-Harley-llolmes store this week. Saturday the last daw Don’t get left. Important Meeting. At a meeting *of the Minister’s Alliance of Douglas, field to-day, it was decided to begin the Union Revival services on Monday even ing (Jet. 16th, tinder the Gospel lent. The services will be con ducted for several nights by the lo cal pastors untill the arrival of Rev. Lincoln McConnell, which will be about Wednesday following. Douglas will have such a meet ing as has never been he Itl here be fore. The movement is thoroughly organized, and all denominations will be united for the upbuilding of the spiritual interest of our tow n. Never before has there been such "unity among pastors and people as j exists among us just now. The | need of a great revival in our midst is felt by all Christians, and God’s promises to-day are just, as sure as they ever have been In times past. We would urge every Christian | therefore, to lay aside every thought of denominational preferences, all* malice, envy, jealousy and worldly desires, and hand in hand and heart to heart. Let us work for a great awakening in our town. Let 11s not forget to pray daily for God’s presence and power with us at this time, pray for God’s ministers as they speak and work for Him, pray for our loved ones and friends who are unsaved, pray for His spirit to bless and equip us for ser vice. Let us do much personal work before and during the meet ing bv speaking to sinners about their need of a Savior, nrging at tendance upon tvery serviee, pray ing with our friends whom we would have God bless. With the rapid growth of our town, prosperity of the country, new fields for increased business opening up, the tendency is for men everywhere to forget God and their duty to Him. We need His Spirit’s power to rouse us up and open our eyes tjiat we mav see our 1 " 1 ' those njmut us. May we never Le satisfied mi till every »aul in Douglas has been saved by the blood of Jems Christ, which “cleanseth us from all sin.” God has wonderfully blessed His Word in many countries ancf cities of the world during the past year, and daily we read of numerous “seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.” when thous ands are being brought ta Christ by the preaching of his servants. Get in earnest abou* your friends, about your town, dear Christian people, and pray and work for their salvation, anrFthe moral un lift of your town. Be- constantly in prayer, and never be contented until God gives you the blessing you desire. Mothers and fathers, your children need a Savior, broth ers and si -ters, your parents need a Savior. Do you want them to find Him at this time? Then may your hearts be burdened with a longing for their salvation, so in tense that vou may cry- out with the fervor of John Knox “Give me my friends, my father, mv brother, my dear people, or 1 die.” Let the watchword of this Union meeting be ‘ Douglas for Christ.” “The Lord’s hand is not 'short ened that if cannot save, neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have seperated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you that He will not hear.” If God does not save the town of Douglas during the meeting it will be yor.r own fault and because of vour sinful life, which has separated you from God, and he will not hear your prayers. Are you willing to have your sins shut out the hope of some poor, lost sinner in this meet ing. when you might simply make confession to God. and receive 11 is gracious pardon? Christian peo ple, examine your hearts, and rid .. ■' i The laddies of Douglas, are all invited to call at our Store and see the Great Majestic Range at work dont fail to take advantage of their special offer this week, Dont get left. HICKORY On the First of November, I will deliver at McDonald, Ga., Youti gHickory Axe Handle Timber. For cross tie and Turpentine axes. Every Peice Guaranteed, 15 cents Each. S. A. LASTINGER. The Jesuc Sentinel :for Atkinson ‘•The mention of/ the name of Judge Spencer R. ( Atkinson for <.iic !-as e of ‘chief Vustice the Supieme p a 3 Awakened a re sponsive cord t h«' hearts of the people of Brunswick c.-„ u j t /^ s a judge of the Superior Ci. , rt Q f this circuit, Judge Atkinson m. a splendid record. No judge wait ever closer to the people or com manded their respect in a higher respect in a higher degree. Able and fearless, he dispensed in even handed justice and when he re tired to become a justice of the Supreme Court, he carried with him tiie.earnest good wishes of all the g'od people of this circuit. As a justice of the Supreme Court Judge Atkinson increased the con fidence of the people in that high tribunal. Now that his name is mentioned to- the office of chief justice of that court, the people of this circuit have awakened to the necessities of tiie occasion. They feel that some one familiar with the manners, customs and morals of this section of the state should have a place upon the Supreme bench. They have learned to look upon Judge Atkinson as an emi nent judge, and turn to him as a fitting man for this important po sition. His knowledge of the law is so profound, his character so high, his experience so broad, his executive capacity so great, that the people of hi:, old circuit, who know him best feel that none could more satisfactorily fill the office of chief justice. They uestre him to become a candidate for that office, anf! should he accede to their wish es he will receive their loyal and untiring support.” The ladies of Douglas are all in vited to call at our store and see the Great Majestic Range at work. Don’t fail to take advantage of their special offer this week. Don’t get left. them of everything that might hin der your approach to God at this needy’ time, and He “will open the windows of heaven, and pour out such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” _Lii WIHITM SO’’®**** *t*' * ' Ward st. Douglas GA. DEALER IN Family and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Confections Next to Hfmmoiids Market. l’hone Number 1.15 Broxton News Notes. We regret to 'cromcle the illness of Miss Steed, the teaeher of music at the Broxton Institute. She was carried to her home in Macon, last; Friday, very ill, it is feard from typhoid fever. fi * Mr. Philip Newbern left JtJs • week to enter the law Mercer Univesity. The course 6f this splendid young man for many years past has been a sohree of pride, both to his family and com munity. In the prosecution of his higher ambition he leaves a host of friends who wish for him the fullest measure of success. The Methodist people here are now in the midst of a very interest ing revival meeting. Rev. 11. C. Brewton assisted by Rev. A. B. Wall, of the Broxton mission, and ? some able talent from abroad is putting in sooin real good work. The prospects for Broy ton’s fu ture success were never brighter than now. The crops are fairly good and, as usual, Broxton is en joying a fine- cotton trade. The Railroad to Occilla will soon be ready for the trains to go through. Our school is doing nicely. While we have been unfortunate in not be ing able to keep a teacher as yet we have been exceptionally fortu nate in securing good men. This is a fine office, have nearly’ .everything needed for good, fast work, but it is short on printers, and patrons and contributors must send in copy beiore Wednesday. After that time they run the risk of getting left out.