The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, October 07, 1905, Image 5

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Tiis Oiiijsis Land & liiiprovsnisiiL Go., LOCATION OF GUYSIE. Guysie is in Appling county, Ga., on the main trunk line of the Atlantic & Birmingham railroad. 77 miles west of Bruns wick, and about 30 miles north-east of Waycross. The town already has a population of 300, with Methodist and Baptist churches, a twelve room Hotel, good School building, two small Saw-mills, large Plaining miils, Blacksmith and Wood shop, and will soon have big Ginerv and Gyist mill, Canning Factory. Syrup plant and other industries. ADVANTAGES. Surrounding the town for ma r. v -vile* are farm lands among the finest to bjrtound in the State. Every Southern Product can be grow itf boo these lands in abundance except wheat and apples. Witmn a mile of the town a bale of long cotton per acre is being raved, 35 to 40 bushels of corn per acre is easilv m sde, 30 to 60 bushels of oits. 200 to 4 00 bushels of sweet p rtatoes, too lo 150 of Irish potatoes, 400 to 600 gallons of G rorgia cane syrup, the fine-t in the world and fit for a Queen’s table, on one acre. Some of the finest peach lands are to WBffoond liere, and as for Grapes, Melons, Cantaloupes, and all or Truck and Garden Vegetables, a finer sec tion in life whole South cannot be found. OUR OFFER. The Guysie Land and Improvement Company is offering for sale about 200 small Farmimg Tracts of lai*i, surrounding the town and lying just outside the incorporated limits. These range in size from sto 50 acres. We offer these lands-so 1 » > and on such easy terms that no poor farmer need go without a home until they are all sold. We have our hearts set on build ing up one of the prettiest and most prosperous farm commni ties in the .South, We are selling the farms rapidly. We have not missed a single sale so far, as every man has bought who has come look ing tor a farm. Every member of the company was born and reared on a Georgia farm. We know the farmer’s wants if we know anything. We are putting out thousands of dollars in Guysie and community, and are building nice homes to settle ourselves here for 1 fe, and will sistance possible to aid those-wishirfg to fbcate with us. OUR WORK FOR THE TOWN. If money, industrial,' enterprises and hard work mean any thing, then we arching to have one of the most hustling young cities in Geofgia. t LOCAL NEWS. O! the fine line-of jnillinery at Mrs. Turrentine’s is a treat to see. legal advertisements to-day show some valuable property for sale at fpickow. j . Come one apd all, to see the fine display of pattern Hats at Mrs. ’ lentintfV. ■->- -- w ■Etgsh Bread, Cakes and P : es, vefwday. at * +* Gi.Tver’s Sirotli Mr. E. L. Capapbell on Gaskin avenue, has been ill With fever, ‘ this we6k.y%* Fresh Bread, Cakes -and Pies, every day. tt, , s ! *’ Ge,ov:kr’s Baker Shop. Miss Ethel McCorm'ck returned home from a visit to relatives aP Ocilla, this week. «* Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies, every d>j. r , at ■ Glover’s Baker Shop. Little Bverlyn. infant daughter of Mr, tfhcf Mrs. Slielton, bSs .been quite ill with fever, this week. > Pilsberry Flour, the 'best, used by all Baker’s, the fit. ust on iff* the market, at Glover’s Baker Shop. Mr. John Smith, of Shepherd, passed through town on route to Atlanta, to enter the Medical col lege, last Tuesday. For sale! Tie timber on 900 to 1,000 acres ’and near A & B R. R. Address J. W. Rodwell, Fitzgerald, Ga. j Mr. W. A. Sibbett went to.’ Blakely to visit his sister, Airs. »Srpp. before entering the Aledicul college :it Atlanta, last Friday. Dr. W. F. Sibbett made a busi ness trip to Atlanta this week. For Sale. Canary birds guaranteed singers. 11. G. Moore. Ilazlehurst, Ga. 3't. Mrs. Brice, of. Sparks, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Tannei this week. \V hat you fail to find at the spe cial Sales places please remember can be hid here, as well as the same .line I hey carry. Douglas Supply Co. Mr. Geo. M. Kemptoa, of this office, has gotten up an extra edition (addition) to his family this week. Yes, its another girl. Sings alto. Notice! Those £ - ho owe me must prepare to pity at otjpe. I "have been unable f 6 do any Work chin-year, and must collect, to meet the Remands made on me. t , Yours Truly. . W. C-.Brvax, M. D. Mrs. Turrentine has the ideal stock of miliinere of the city. Come and be convinced. k The Difference in Iron. That is in range tops. It’s either a case of cast or mallea ble iron. Cast iron has a cer tain per centage of carbon in it, which makes it brittle and liable to break. Malleable is cast iron which has been sub jected fo intense heat for a number of days until the car bon is entirely drawn o.ut. ‘Malleable iron will never crack, warp or break and makes the only success! upcast ing where strength is iron. The AJujcstic Range top is made of malleable iron and the body of chu coal iron. WATT HSRLEV-HOLKES 88- Fishery Near Kirkland. r fhere will be a fishery at the Kirkland Mil! Pond near Kirkland-, on the 35th, and 26th, of Oc tober. Tickets for one and half days admission one dollar. Time for entering pond 11 A. M. J. J. & S. T. Kirkland. it. Notice. 1 have tie latest improved up !and and Sea Island Cotton gins. Ugliest prices paid for both staples. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. R. Jo VVEIiS, Wray, Ga. Builders Supplies and Hard ware of all kinds at E. P. Fillin gim’s. OUR PLAN FOR THE TOWN. The site for the m-w town is lovely. It is on a broad and gently rolling ridge, drained on both East and West sides by beautiful streams. Bro;w.j street running east And we-t .is being graded now. and will be 70 feet wide and one mile long. Oth er streets 60 feet wide and running directly North and South, will cross Broad street. Still others will cross those* from East, to West which will lay off Hie town in blocks of perfect squares. 2-. h u own lots ace Contained in 1! is paw of the town. The new A <V B depot will .be the center. Y\ c aro selling 1000 ot Hiese lobs on the drawing plan. One buys a lot and draws for the location. Absolutely perfect titles will be given as soon as the drawing takes place, which must not be later than April i-t, 1906 Eight hundred dwelling and 300 business lots are in this sale. Thev are selling so rapidlv we arc sure the drawing will take place much earlier than first planned tor. LOTS AND PRICES. o Dwelling lots. 50 by 140 are offered for SIO.OO. Business lots, 35 by 14.0 are offered lor $20.00. The terms are cash with application. Guysie has three stores which are doing good business. E. F. Averett U Co., carry one of tin? largest stocks of general merehandLo of anv firm in .Son' beam Georgia. They so' j .boon; $ .50,000.00 worth for ca-ih last year, and will go more this \ear. Some of the most successful firmers to b.- found in Georgia' are around Guysie. One farmer in two miles of t*\vn sold last year over $500.00 worth of pork. This is one of the finest sec tions for hogs and cattle. CLIfIATE AND HEALTH. Our winters are mild, we have beautiful frosts but no blizzards. In summer the lovely sen breeze tempers the heat so that sun- * strokes do not occur ; n this, as they do in other sections. This section will compare favorable with any --other in the United States ns to health. This town has been settled for four years. Three hundred people and more have been living here during the whole time, and not a single death from fever. We are anxions for the home seekers to look at our farming lands, and those wanting lots in the town may send money for same direct. We guarantee you a lot worth all you pay for It. As to who we are and our reliability we refer you to anv offi cial, or any one else, in Appling county. Address all communications to. GUYSIE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO., Guysie, Georgia. Tallahassee. Quite a crowd assembled at Phil adelphia Sunday but were disap pointed as Bro. Hearn didn’t come. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gray, of Red Bluff, were among those at church Sunday. Mr. Grover McEachin and Miss Edna Horton were out riding Sun day afternoon. The Baptising at the Gully Sa turday was a failure. j Mr. Butord was the guest of Mr. L G. Horton Saturday afternoon. , r Mr. Clayton Swain, of Pine HUrove, was a visitor it. this com munity Sund ,/. Mesdames J. G. and J. R. Hor ton were in HaMehurst Saturday shopping. Mr. Tom Lewis and daughter and Joe Banks passed through this section Saturday. Mr. Toby Crosby wa» looking real sad Sunday afternoon. Ask Liiy why he looked so sad. Rev. Harden, of Douglas, dined at Mr. J. G. Horton’s ’Thursday. Mr. J. A. Walker passed through this vicinity Saturday. Messers Lewis Wolfe and Ran dolph Gordon-, of Toombs countvl were in this section Tuesday. Dr. Hull was called to the -bed side of Air, D. W. Dyal who is hav ing the chill and fever. Air. VV ill Buford visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. We missed the Breeze last week, it muft have been to windy for the Breeze to be stirriug. Well Uncle Jim, I have stayed primpted up for two weeks iootcing tor that old widower and he hasn’t come yet. See if you can find out the trouble oleuse. “Marie” Juaior Epworth League- The Junior Epworih League met last Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock, Oct. 2nd, 1905. We elected two new officers, Irene McDonald corresponding secretary, Ralph Griffin, bell ringer. We had a large attend ance but we want more to join. All the children in town are cor dially invited to join the League, it not join come visit us we would be glad to have you. We like a large crowd and we want it. Irene McDonald. Remember that we carry every thing that is carried in anv up-to date general merchandise store. We buy the best of everything. We buy no samples or seconds, consequently we do not accumulate hard stock that requires special sale. We sell 10 every body just alike, and all get the same treatment. We therefore solicit your trade. Douglas Supply Co. Sour Stomacl^^ illilll general debility, covr minflH- • of the stomach are all Kodo! cures indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices of diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodo! Dys pepsia Cure doos not pnly cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweeter,ing and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. „ Mr. S. S. Ball, cf Ravenswood, W. Va., says:— t was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years, Kodo! cured me and we are now using it in milk for baby.” , * Kcdo! Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. $! .00 Size holding 2 14 times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO. Notice to Patrons. Our advertisers must remember that the subscription lists of the Breeze and Gazette have been combined, and over two thousand subscribers, to say nothing, of par ties who are not subscribers, read this paper. The expense of pub lishing is greater and to meet this expense, the prices on advertising, both for display or local columns are raised just a little higher than was formerly charged by one of the local papers, hut not double. For instance in the Breeze local ines were 5c., now they are 8c each insertion. Display advertise ments were given almost below co*t, at 6 and <Se., per inch— ioc., per inch, each insertion, wiW b“ charged. Special positions will Jjc charged 20 per cent additional. This i-, not as much as other pa pers with 2000 subscribers charge —the regular rate for papers with 1500 subscribers being 15c per inch. This explanation is made simply to show our patrons that the charges made since October Ist are perfectly justifiable, and not ex tortionate. Athens Banner: Where is that South Georgia candidate for the governorship ? * - -- -- GEORGIA, Coffee Coiinij— Daniel Lott, administrator upon the estate of Eliza lute o* said county, deceased, anpues to me for leave to sell the real estat-- be longing to sunt os'.-tte: These are therefor to cite all persons concerned to show cause i! ilmy tan way hu»u application should not be grained at tin-next. i >rm of this v Mirl i,l> 1 "' ld ~n die first Monday in i,over?her next. Thi ''etober 2nd, i > . W ahu, Ordiaar-’. Lt-.o.UCIA. Coffee County— Daniel Lott ■'m.s r.itor upon the estate of Vchur j•* 1 ’ aU ‘ 01 wud county, deceased, ap plies to me fa- lease to sell the nal ■scue belonging to said estate: ‘ ,U; T :irt ! hereforu to n dify ail concerned "T v V, 1 : '■ J cau » v.hy said h-t --1* is-mould tmt he granted at ne.v term ol tins court, to be held on the lira. j ,u November next. This October i.h 'A- I*. Waud, Ordinary, v'k’rNTV ( ’ ofiee *-ouuty— Quince*/ ,fc V -‘ 1 Attorne*., aupjie* j r | : .,;.era ' '‘"-‘"Olrat:. n upon the os',ate of S II •orem'. T- <i^ east!d - Gu-se are there ■ ■- .0 --.any alt concerned to show cuu.-e, J- Jlu van ; .vhy said Leers .houid not be h 1,1 on. e ' 'IT" 1 of "‘is court, to I 1 -° '* 7' Monday in November next, tins October 2nd, 1 0b w. p. waud, Ur.iin.u-y. GEi'KGIA. Coffee County—P |>. Ilarn. r applies ior letters of guardianship of 'ho person; and prop, rty of .lames J’. ulk, end Eumer laul\ minor heir, of E. M. [-...dU d< reasul. 1 liese a- e, therefore, to cite all persons conecrned, to show cause if thev ran, why said letters .should no: p,- at the next term of court to be he <1 on the Mm v.ondiiy 111 November next. 'J his tie toDor H)u.">. \\ Ordinary. OLOIKiIA, < offco Oonntv—])r I) II Meel<s applies for tetters of guardian hip V t,)e property of Willie V Lott, Marv Lou. anclNancy Lott, ninor heirs ot ]),.ni.’-l W . 'ott deceased. These are, thereb-ae. t<> cite all persons concerned to show cause d they can v.hy said letters should not he granted at the next term of court to be held on the first Monday in November 1 Ins October 2nd, 1S)o5 W. 1* Ward, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Coffee County—J. A. Carter administrator of the estate of Tabitha Carter, deceased, has applied for letters of dismission of the administration of said estate. These are, therefore, to cite all Persons concerned to show cause if they can why said application should not be granted at tiie next terJh of this court to be held on the first Monday in November next. This October 2nd, tffoo. W. P. Ward, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Coffee County— C. L. Lovett applies for letters of administration on tho estate of Jacob Harper, late of said countv deceased. These are, therefore, to cite all all persons concerned, to show cause if they can, why said letters should not be granted at the next term of this court to no held on the first Monday in November next. This October 2nd, 1905. W. I’. Ward, Ordinary. Administrator b Sale. GEORGIA, Coffee County—Will be sold Jefore the court house door of said comf% •greeable to an order from the com ) of Ordinary, of said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, the following prbperty to Lot of land No. 299, in tne HthJdis- W < -bb mi v, containing 1:0 acres, ■.'-ijHkor less Said iot of land to be sold as .- Kindred Grifli , deceased, for the purpose ot' dicWi; ?i. This October 2nd, 1905. . 1 R. F. Gftims, Administrator. Admfnistrrtor’s Sale. GEORGIA. Coffee County — A -refeableto an order from the court, of Ord nary, of -aid county, will be sold before the court h"us.e door, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, between the usual honraof -ale, the following property to avit: hall acre in the citv of Douglas, described as follows: Bounded on east by ' 'ucaisini street, on west by lands i f Daniel < Sr., Soil Hi by a Off foot stree', and mjrjVbV lands of Z. W. Kirkland. Also, all of lot No. 272, in thefflh, district of Coffee couhty, except about twenty acres, more or less, now fenced in and under cultivation, 00 the south side o said lot. Also, a'l of let No. 215.), in the tjth, di-trlct fo <'oiHe county, Iving on the east side of big branch, being about 50 acres, more or less. Also a 1 out six acres, under fence and in cultivation, situated in the south east corner of Jot of land No. 27 '. in thefith. district of Coffee county. All of said lands to he sold as the property ol estate of Joe l Gaskin, decease l, ior the purpose of division and paying debts, &c. This October 2nd, 190f>. DanielG vskix, Sh, Adin’r. cst. Joel Gaskin. Guardian’s Sale. GEORGIA Coffee County—Will be-old j before the court house door of said county between the usual hours of sale, on the u: st, ! uesd.-iv in November, next, to the highest ynd best ladder for cash, the fol u;\v:ng property to-wit: One lot 01 land situated in the town of Nichols, Ga., con tat,uiig two acres, more or le?s, and bound ed as follows: On the North by the At lantic <k Birmingham railroad, on liie East by barker street, on 'lie South by \V. B. IVston’s lands, and on the West iiy ine established by 'original survey, made by M irk Hall. This lot contains the p enn-es known as the Park, r old place, and the livery stables, lot and stalls, and .ill of said bargained premises except the hotel lot the same being eighty (So> feet font, and running back one hundred ( K;c) loot, which is not included in tin's -ale. Also, house and lot known as the “White place,” east of the “Wooten place," and do. ih of the Atlantic A Birmingham rail road, next to the branch running back of W\ R. Teston’s land on South, .--aid lands sold as the property of Arjninda Nu gent. Agues Anderson, (’ora Phillips and v lifton Parker heirs of C. S Parker and Mrs.s. Parker, for the purpose of dives ion. 'ihis October 2nd, 100.3. Ales. J. t-t Parker, luardian of Agnes Anderson ai d Clifton Parker. We have just marked up our Fall Stock of Dry Goods and Notions, We carry a beautiful line of .Silks tnd Dress Goods. Douglas Supply Co.