The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, October 07, 1905, Image 6

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CIIE great, corporate problem before the American people is not how to wipe out the new domain of property represent ed by the corporation, nor how to hinder or hamper it, nor how to take it over into national proprietorship; nor, sim ply, how to make those who have already come into its pro prietorship deal fairly and benignantly with the people, as the great proprietors in the monarchies of Europe might be required to (foal fairly with their peoples. I lie great problem that confronts the statesmanship of this day, like that which confronted the statesmanship that had to deal with the public landed domain, is HOW TO PEOPLEIZE THE OWNER SHIP OE THIS NEW DOMAIN; how to widen and deepen the popular stake in this new possession; how to sweep forward into the age that is to come, losing nothing overboard from the age that is pass ing; but with everything aboard so really republicanized that in the public mind there will be no feeling that tinder our laws and under the practical opportunities for an individual canter that our laws are supposed to furnish the field is not open TO ALL ALIKE. It is not the appetite of the men and women of America for food tlint creates our problem. It is not their wish for entertainment or change. What creates our problem is that witter present corporate policies THE INSTINCT OE INDEPENDENT MANHOOD, the instinct that characterizes us as a people, finds no field for exercise. And what confronts us is to find a way that will, with reasonable secu rity, open to this instinct the whole domain of industrial proprietor ship. *r at I DO NOT EXPECT THAT WAY TO BE FOUND IN A DAY OR IN A SINGLE MEASURE. IT IS NOT ORDAINED THAT A PEOPLE SHOULD GO THROUGH A GREAT CRISIS SO EASILY. I DO NOT EXPECT THAT THE WAY WILL BE FOUND BY THE MEN WHO ARE CALLED THE PARTY LEADERS OR THAT IMMEDIATE HELP WILL COME FROM THEM. Party leadership is timid. Men in line for the presidency and sen atorsliips and governorships are men who think many times before .they take any step that might separate them from the prevailing public mood. What I aim at is to set in motion the PUBLIC OPINION that lies behind party leadership. When the deeper judgment of the nation ; s reached, when the vested interests of this country come to see that THEIIi GREAT EST SECURITY lies in having all aboat them vested interests, a proprietorship that reaches out and oi\, uniU, carrying reasonable se curity’ it is within the reach of all; when the men who toil for wages,» *,without flffeting their appreciation of their preient protective agencies, conuDto ffrtuaW wish for an individual share in the country’s prop erty, when the country wakes up to the consciousness that benevolence is not the only thing*that is human; that just dealing is not the only thing that is human, but that individual ambition to get on in life is human also; that the wish for a career is human ; THAT INDIVID UAL INDEPENDENCE IS HUMAN; that some share in the world’s inheritance from nature is human; when the spirit that in spired the pre-emption and homestead laws—peopleizing the domain that fell to our fathers —revives in us, dealing, as we have to do, with the larger and more different domain that has fallen to us; when the public mind and heart have been lighted up, ways will he found, abundant ways, to infuse into this new property domain of the repub lic, even though embodied in corporate form, the widespread personal interest and individuality that alone give to property ITS FULLEST UTILITY AS AN AGENCY FOR GOOD. social Exclusiveness In College By DEAN WRIGHT of the Yale Academic Department PERHAPS the most serious evil connected with the segrega tion of well to do college students in expensive dormitories is that it is bringing together, especially in the sophomore year, those who aim to form the society sets whose chief purpose in college is popularity and social recognition and to whom for this reason THE CLAIMS OF SCHOLARSHIP BECOME SECONDARY. So many of the men who have been members of the junior and senior societies have roomed in these that there is a more or less prevalent feeling that to room there helps one’s chances for social advancement, AND THIS IS UNDOUBTEDLY TRUE. If the social honors of college are to have any value, ALL men should have an equal chance to g-ain them. THE SPIRIT OF FAIRNESS IS OFFENDED WHEN HONORS ARE BESTOWED UPON AN INFERIOR MAN WHO, BECAUSE OF WEALTH OR SUPERIOR LOCATION OR THE INFLUENCE OF FRIENDS, HAS HAD AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE OVER HIS FELLOWS. afioe Eye* and Hooks. On the basis of the population of the United States being 80,000,000, this country uses more than 3,000,- 000,000 of lace eyes and hooks a year. Every man, woman and child will wear out an average of two pairs of shoes in twelve months. The majority of people have two feet, and there are twenty eyes and hooks in each shoe. The Crux of the Corporate Problem By Judge PETER S. GROSftCUP of Chicago Small Ethel was spending a week in the country with her grand parents. “Why can’t chickens swim, grand pa ?*’ she asked as she was feeding the poultry, “Because they don't know how, 1 suppose,*’ replied the old gentleman. “Well,’’ continued Ethel, “why don’t they get the ducks to teach IRON FENCE C^RTHANWO^D WeSelllroaFence MANUFACTURED BV The Stewart Iron Works Company J CINCINNATI, OHIO Whose Fence received the Ilicheet Award, "Void Medal.” World's Fair, St. Louie, 19m. The moot economical fence you can buy. Price less than a reepectable wood fence. Why not replace your old one now with a neat, at tractive IRON FENCE. “LAST A HrETnra.” r, VV Over 100 designs of Iron Fenoe, "ljsrw,.egjey Iron Flower Vaae. Settee*, etc., shown in our catalogues. , °SBB OB 1 * W. A. H. DAMS, AGT., Ecuglas Georgia. School Building [Bends. “ToUN Cl L OH/ MBEK, 13roxton, Ga., fee j tt niter sth, 19G5 - To The Qualified Voters of the City of Broxtcn: Notice is hereb}' given that an elec tion *vill be held in said City at the regular place of holding elections (City or Distnct court house on Lott St.) for '-aid city on the 10th Gay of October. AGS, to determine whether or not the Major and Council of said city' shall isf ue IfIO.C'CU, tones to be known as “School Building Bonds.” Said school building bonds to be iss ued in denominations of s£oo.oo, each bond to tratuie twenty years after dale of issue, and to bear interest item dateof issue at the rate of five and one pet cent] half percent per annum, the interest on each bond being payable semi-annually commen cing six months after date of issue, that is to say, Thirteen Dollars and seventy five cents on each bend or a total of Two Hundred and seventy five Dollars being payable semi-anunally as interest on said bonds each, six months thereafter that said bond shall run. and said bonds shall be number ed from 1 to 20 inclusive and the cou pons Ito 40 inclusive. All the bonds and coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Aldermen of said city with iheir cfficial signature, and not to be sold for less than far value. The bonds and coupons shall be paid when they beceme due at the National City Bank of New York, or the Brox ton Banking Co., of Broxtcn Ga., said bonds and coupons when issued to be used for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a school building in said city anclall those voting at said elec tion who favor issuing of said school building bonds and coupons shall have written or printed on their ballots or tickets the words: “Fok the issuance or bonds boh ERECTING AND BUILDING OK SC HOC L BUILDING IN THE CITY OF KKCX'iO." and all opposcfl'Yo th'ETssuarifce*os' fcltid bonds have written or* 'Their ballots the' words: “Opposed to the issue or pcnds for THE ERECTION AND BUILDING OV SCHOOL BUILDING IN THE CITY OF EROXTON.” And if said election be declared in favor of issuii g of said bonds and coupons the Mayor and Council of said city shall proceed to issue and dispose of said bonds. The said Mayor and Council to pur chase land and erect school building of such dimensions in their judge ment to the best interest of the citi zens of said city. Witness our Ijand and official signa tures. QUITMAN HOLTCN, Mayor, T. M. Chea: ii/ m, A. G Gabbutt, L. Newpeek, J. F. Ward, Aldermen. Notictc Subscribers. The consolidation of the sub scription lists of the two papers is something not to be accomplished without .trouble.£ Some body’s name may get tangled up and they will miss the paper. Don t get angry; all will arranged and your paper |,\vill ccme with your name and date of subscription on the label. kill™* couch «hp CURE the LUNGS w ™Dr. King’s New Discovery „ /Consumption Price m I OUGHSand 50c & SI.OO 1 u v OLOS Free Trial - Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. When indigestion becomes chronic it is dangerous. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure indigestion and all troubles resulting therefrom, thus preventing Catarrh of the fetomacx. Sold by Peoples Pharmacy, If you ever took DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for biliousness 01 constipation you know what pill pleasure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of ah bile wi’hout producing un pleasant effects. Sold by Peoples Phar macy. Georgia School of Technology Is better equipped and organized in all depart ments than ever before, and prepared to do the best work in its history. Free Scholarships. In order to afford the young men of Georg'a a first-class technical education, the last legisla ture assigned fifteen tree scholarships to every county' in l lie Take immediate advantage ot this opportunity and* write for latest catalogue containing all information nec * essary for prospective students, and setting forth the ad vantages of the Georgia Tech. Advanced courses in Medical, Electrical, Civil and Te x tile Engireering, and in Engineering Chemistry. Eeteti - sive and new equipmenlß of shops, mill, laboratories, etc . Cost normal Students Received Any Time During Session. For further information address K. G. MATHESON, Chairman of Faculty. Atlanta, Ga.* ATLANTIC <& BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY CO. Time Table Effective Feb. Ist, 1905. EASTBOUND. Train Leave Douglas 9:39 A. M. 5:09 P. M. WESTBOUND. Train Leave Douglas 10:14 A. M. 6:44 P. M. H. C. McFADDEN, G. P. A. J. C. WROTON, Agt. Douglas. Ga m, HEMY G. WHELGtiEL Office 2nd floor Tanner & VieKers - - Building. - - DOUGLAS - - GEORGIA Special attention to treatment of Diseases ol Wottfen and Children. Office hours 10 to 12 A. M., 4 to 6 P. M. JOHN J. MOORE, Attorney at Law, WILLACOOCHEE. - - GEORGIA. Will attend to all professional busi ness entrusted to his care. ©Douglas Lodge, No. 91, K. of P. Meet every first rjnd third Wednesday nights. A DOUGLAS LODGE >• NO. 386, ' V* " F. & A. M. 9 Meets every third Friday evening o’clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited to meet with us. \V. C. LANKFORD, W. M. W. C. BRYAN, Secretary. QUITMAN HOLTON, Physician <Sr Surgeon Broxton, Georgia. Q. L. SIMS, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Office at Douglas Furniture Co., store. Tanner & Yicker’s Block. 9 DOUGLAS, - - - - GEORGIA. work guaranteed to give satis faction Joseph j. rogersT LAWYER, Douglas, - - Georgia. I want your law eases, in anv Court, Federal or fetate. My motto: Thorough preparation and speedy trial, Special at tentionto abstracting titles, and real estate oans. Dr. M. fi Turpentine. DENTIST. Office in Sweat & Vickers Building next door to Breeze office. Will gladly advise with any one on their work. All work Guaranteed. Quickest and Best Line to Macon, At lanta, St. Louis and all points west. Finest evuipment in the the south. Coaches elec tric lighted, with fans in summer and steam heat in winter, making travel comfortable and easy. «***•%, Tickets onfsale to all points in the U. S. If you are contemplating a trip, ask our agent for information—We may be able to save you money and time. Rev. Mr. Butler says Guysie is one of the .coming towns of this section. Congratulations; hope you are coming to the Fair. “A cold aor cough nearly always pro duces constipation—the wc..« all raps to the eves, n-sc «nd throat instead of pass ing out of the system through the liver and kidneys. For the want of mois'ure the bowels become dry and hard.” Ken nedy’s Laxative Honey and lar is the original Laxative Gough Syrup. It meets ana corrects the above conditions, by act ing as a pleasant cathartic on the bowels —expe's all colds from the system and cures all coughs, croup, whooping cough, I.aGrippe, bronchitis, etc. For sale by People's Pharmacy, Some parties in Coffee county are talking about a paper being published in the interest of the Baptist association. Let them furnish an editor and the cash, this office do the balance. It is easy to relieve a cough or cure a cold alter a copious uyacutiun ot the bowels. Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar is the Original Cough Syrup It acts on the all cold trom the system, and edres coughs by rmiove ing the cause. < his remedy clears the phlegm and strengthens the mucous mem branes ot the throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tabes. The honey bee and the red ciovetubtcjssom $s on every buttle of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, the Original Laxative Cough byrup. bold by People s Puartuacy. Presbyterian Church. The regular monthly' services svill be held at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning and evening, condr.cted by the pastor. Let every member be in his or her place, and invite our friends and the public to attend these services. Saßfthth school at io o’clock A. M. services at u A. M. and 7:1c; P. M. Eye Glasses are Ground in a few hours after the order is received by Jno. L. Moore, & Son. .Scientific Opticians, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Jno. M. Hall, of the People Pharmacy will test your eyes and send in the order. Douglas Lodge I. O. O. F. Meet every Monday night 7:30 o'clock First Monday night, Ist Degree 2nd Monday night. 2nd Degree 3rd Monday night, 3rd Degree 4th Monday night Ini. Degree Visiting brethren cordially invited to meet with uas. ’ . P 'WF.TVU A\- x G . M. r'/iItfi.STINK Be 3.