The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, October 14, 1905, Image 2

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I TteGnsleUrd & imDrovement Go., LOCA'I ION 01- GUY6IE. ) Gnysie is in Appling oniniv, Go.. on the main trunk line of ) t!ie Atlantic & Bi i mini> Ini m i.iibmiil. 77 miles west of Bums- I wick. Iltld >i la ill t 30 miles moll: e;:-l ol Wuxcrot, Tie limn j already lias a j»**|>n II ion of 30 >. v\ i !i M •«i i.». i i t and Hipti-t I cl ime lies, a twelxr : oom Hotel, good Selin* I In ildtng. inn ,ninll ) Saw-mills, la roe Plaining • dl-. Blacksmith and Wood shop. and I will soon have !»itT Ginrrv and G-i-i nrll, Cunning Factory. ) Syrup plant and other imiustries. ADVANTAGES. > | Surrounding the town for many ■< ih*s are fit mi lands among t, the finest to l>. f. nid in the State. Every Southern Product | cart he grow it mi these lands in abundance except wheat and t apples. Within a mile of ihe town a bale of long cotton p*i f acre is being rai-ed. 25 to *]o bushels of corn pm acie is easib I made, 30 to 60 bitsbels oi n ts, 200 to 400 hu-hrl- of sweet > potatoes, too to 130 of Jii-h potatoes. 400 to 600 gallons of ( Georgia cane syrup. the finest in the world and fit for a Queen’s | table, are produced on one'acre. Some of the fioest peach lands i are to be found here, and as for Gmpe«. Melons. Cantaloupes , and till manncis of F 1 tick and Carden Vegetables, a finer sec | lion in lilts whole South cannot be found. I OUR OFFER. [ The Gnysie Land and Imprnvi mnit Company is offering for 1 sale about 2c;o muill Fnimimg Tracis of land, surmtiiinin r the > town and lying ju-t « utsii’e the incorporated limits. These | istlige in fiy.e In in sto to acres We ■ fTer the-e lands so ( heap 1 and on such ;o\ nuns that no poor fanner need go without a 1 home until tiny ate all sold. We have our hearts set op build* j ing up one ol the | 1 etttest and most prosperous farm cnmmni -1 ties in lbe Sotu h. | We are st llii g the farms rapidly. We have rot missed a [ single ‘•ale so fai as , very man has la tight who has come look -1 inglora fnim. Every number of the comp.*.nv was horn and > reaied on a Georgia farm. We know the farmer’s wauls if we J k now any 1 1 it g We trie putting tn tin mat ds of dollatsin 1 Guy sic at d << n mindly. at d are I nildii g nice h* 11ms to settle , out st Iv (she 1 e 1 1 ir I le. a *.d wi 11 ta i e ph as lire in feinting any aS ! bistuttce possible to ai(f those vv i-liing to locate w ilh us. OUR WORK FOR THE TOWN. I | II money. industrial enterpii-es and hard work mean an\ 1 tiling, tl n we are going to have one ol the mot hustling 1 young cities in Georgia. 1 OUR l LAN FCR THE TOWN. i Ihe site for the m w town is lov<-i v. It is on a bro**d and getills toiinrr tidgel dT:di t d < tv I • *4, h E*sl pud. West sides by beaiitilul streams. Ibo; n stri ct running east am? west v i*GFba graded now and will fae-yo let I yy ids iiuti UiUr lj J > IT er sheets bo f« t t v* ide at d nmt ing directly Nor ill and Sontlr i will cross litojtd street. Slid <liters will cross those from East to West which will lav off the tow n in blocks of perfect -Qtta'es. [ 2000 town lots are contained in this p.n tof the town. The tie v i A i't I> depot wifi he the center. ; Wt are selling moo ol tln-se h’‘s on the drawing plan. One 1 buys a lot and draws for the local i >n. Absolutely perfect titles ! w ill be given as soon as the drawing takes place, which mu-t not be later than April i-t. tyo6 Eight hundred ilwelling.ini 200 business lots are in this sale. They are selling so rapidly we are sure the drawing will take place much earlier tlmi first planned lor. LOTS AND PRICES. « Dwelling lots 30 by ere offered for $lO 00. Business lots. 23 by opt ire offered tor S2OOO. 'Pile terms are cash w j: h aptilicat ion. (»u\sie has 1 hree s t'OR :cs yvltich are doing good hu-inyss. E T. Averelt &C" . carry one of the I irgest stocks of general merchandise <•! any firm in Southeast Georgia. They sold about 00 worth lot c ish last year, and will do more t! 1i- v ear. Same of the most successful firmers to bj found in Georgia ate around Gnysie. Ote farmer in two miles (> f town sold lxst year o er $3 >0 00 wotth of pork. This i, one of the finest sec tions tor hog- and cattle. cl in ate and health. Our yvintersare mild, yy e ha ve beaut i I'll I frost s hut no b’izzurds 111 summer 11>«- lovely sea Iveey. • tempers the lie,it so that stir, strokes do not occur - n this, as they do in other sections. Ti is section will co tiome f 1 vortblv with any other in the Utl ted Stales is to health. 1!1 i s town ha s been -et I led for font years. Three hundred people and more have been livii .r here dining the yy hob* lime, md not a single deal h from lever. \\ e are tUivnis lor the home set kefs to look at our fanning hit ids, a m ?to >»e u .ml iiia lots in Ihe Io w n mu v st ltd imme v for same direct We guarantee v• 11 1 ot yy or h all you pay for it As to yy ho w e are and our reilahi ity y\ e rcler you to any olfi C i u 1 , os any «• 1 ■»• * l-e.' in A pp! i • g dinnt y j A<fd'<*'s all con mi ide o i..|*s to GUYSIE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO., Gnysie, Georgia. Caotractor And Builder. Alexander Schmitz BRICK, STONE, WOOD, In the highest and I:*?e~t Styles. C<'m:nen«nr:ite with work All work gu irutitei l. Nf » c'lirgi* for t"L VM •, :tn l SPECIFICA TIONS vvneti I secure contract. A liberal share <>f pal ronnge solicited. References as t<> promptness, reliability and finish, all persons f«.r whom I have worked. either in i itzgerald Douglas or r hew here. A LEX AND ER SC H MITZ. lie Do Joi) Printii. Nov 13, 7, 8,9 and 10th, I^l DOUGLAS, G.PL, Splendid premiums for all barni&Products and all kinds of Live Stock. Send for and i hen go to planning for a goodexhibit in one < r n cie ins, rrd N’OU will add greatly to the Success cf the I lit uc h < iy of grand old Coffee County. Jhe public attractions will he the latest rrd 1 cTt and will give bushels of Fun and Amuseinent fer the cld and ycung j THE,RACES I \\ i.l (her everybody in C( fee rrd t( c n;rg cn ntics an eppertu mty to try their H ones, rui nil g; 1 d ticllirg. Ihe Mule is in it, too. So get him m trim for speed. F* . "i; iM.i.litar-y and Veteran’s Day. U e ate picnirg'fcr a >Grat Military Day. and Grant! Kally for the Old Veterans of this Section. Lei everybody talk all the tune for the Coffee County Fair. F. L, SWEAT, Pres 13. PETERSON, V. Pres. J. J. ROJERS, Sscaitd Treas. a KEAUaiG WONDER Discolored by a Louisviils ChemisS. The most remarkable remedy that has ever been known for the cure of pain 3 and aches of all kinds by external appli cation is Paracamph, First Aid to the In jured. Paracamph is a charming, pleas ing combination of soothing, cooling, healing oils axd camphor. No poison ous drugs, such as opium, morphine or cocaine, but as .fe andsurehome remedy. Paracamph gives immediate relief fer Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore Luscles, Coughs, Colds in the Head or Chest, Croup, Sprains, . ruises, Skin Diseases, Cuts and Burns. Relieves Burns instantly and heals without leaving ugly scars. Absolutely prevents Blood Poisoning. Paracamph is a panacea for all the acci dents of the household. It is America’s most reliable household remedy. Get a bottle today; if you are not satisfied with its results, bring it back and get your money. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial size -6c.; family sizes 60c. .and SI.OO. Agents. Farn:rs to lljld ThiirCottou Presiding II ir/i; .J >r lit of the Southern C >tci i V ;;) •; i:i >i. 1 i; issue 1 an o > > i !?: > • u :\ > fi • . mors of Lh 3 S)it l, i i ivim i : mgfc’p them to hold their ottm Ofer at 1 J ist two ,v *ilv >. H l stit is that if th 3 unmers of tne South stands together for two weeks and hold their cotton they will win the fight against thus wi > a*-e endeavoring to depress tin I l ice of the staple. kf'liis letter President Jor lan y/ters to the advice of former Vice Preside*# Peters of Texas tp sell cotton. He reminds the farmers of the South of the fact that the resignation of Mr. Peters as vice-president of the Southern Cotton Association was demanded by the Executive Committee Sept. 6, contending that Mr. Peters is 1.0 long r vice president of the association, and has no right to sign himself as such. President Jord m closes his letter to the farmers with a strong appeal to “stand together and resist to th# 1 last every at * tempt to break tne present or ganized effort of the producers to secure fair prices for their staple." ' Hm s idtgrated J. M. ASHLEY -b’jii.m.:i; J. S. LOTT, V. President; 0, E. BAKER Cashier. Director?. J. J. LEWIS, ELIAS LOIT L M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT,"HENRY VLL-IERS, J. W. QIJINCEY, JJIIN-McLEAN. Accounts f I iJividjil?, riirPii.Us and-Corporations MSBBgmBi MMM u jf perienccu I<iu\ cmb-'WMBHHHH state of Georgia. yIWWHB All Out Of Town Calls Have I cut i'o/. OFFICF and Chapel, No 22 Pen dleton, st., ’Phone 3o".