The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, October 21, 1905, Image 2

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ppm! & Ilium w OF GUYSil^^Blw Guysie is in Appling county. Ga., on the main trunkjioe of too Atlantic & Birmingham railroad. 77 miles west of Bruns wick, and about ;o miles north-east of YVavcrosu. The town already lias a population of 300. with Methodist and Baptist churches, a twelve :00m Hotel, good School building, two small .Saw-mill,. I irge I’iuining mills. Blacksmith and Wood shop, and will soon have big Ginerv and Gnst m : !l. Canning Factory. Syrup plant and other industries. ADVANTAGES. Surrounding the town lor many miles are farm lands among t' e finest to b.. found in tin* State. Fvery Southern Frocluct c; nbe gaow n «»i. these lanes in abundance except wheat and apples. \V thin a mile of the town a bale of long cotton per :e re is being rai«ed. .15 to 40 bushels of corn per acre i, easib* t> uie, 30 to 60 bu-hels of oats. 200 to 400 bushel- of sweet potatoes, . so to 150 of Irish potatoes, .pan to 600 gallons of Georgia earn* setup. the fine-t in the world and fit for a Queen’s table, are produced 011 one acre. Some of the finest neach lands nr,- to be found here, and as for Grapes, Melons, Cantaloupes, d •• ] manners of i ruck and Garden Vegetables, a finer sec ' • n in the w hole South cannot he found. OUR OFFER. I'he Guysie 1 . and and Improvement Company is offering for v- !e about .vio small Farmitng Tracts of land, surrounding the town and lying list outside the incorporated limits. These ; age in siz.e from to 30 acres. \\ e offer these lands so cheap anil on such easy terms that no poor farmer need go without a Ime unit! they are all sold. We have our hearts set on build tt , r up one of the pretties! and most prosperous farm comimii t :es iii the Soul h. e are selling the farms rapidly. We have not missed a smgle >-.iie so far. as every man has bought wlm pa- come !.», s ir ’ ■' Fveiv member of the company was born and ri *’ ‘ <iU OM 1 Georgia I arm. \V e know the tanner’s wants il we f> no vv a(l\ i I; irig V e are. putting out thousands of dollars in Guysie and community, and are building nice homes to settle oui'tTa-v uric for 1 !e, and will take pleasure in lending any as si.-tancr possible to aid those wishing to locate with 11s. OUR WORK FOR THE TOWN. 1; money, industrial enterprises and hard work mean any tiupg, >ivu we are going to have one of the hum hustling V> ungi ita.'s in (ieorgia. OUR PLAN FOR THE TOWN. rile site for the il"\v town i- lovely. It is on a hro h! ami d ' c •'/ T'dg . drained on both Fast and West sides by Dna' i'hT st rea’m. ■ "!»V ft; iif v ttVrn"i* I'jllliii to* \ Amd.-dlp .VV-e-st bcAu;.; ug g’ a ; I 1 o-v. ami vsili be 7" Get wide ami oije mile long. Ofh er -1 reels b< left .wide and running directly North and South, w I ero s Broad, street. Still others will cross those from F.e t to Nv esl which wnl lay olf the town in blocks of perfect sqnutes. 2000 town inis are contained in this putt of the town. Tin* nes A .V. 1> depot v\!;l he the center* V v an selling <OO or these lu*s on the drawing plan. One bios ,1 !, t a;id draws for the location. Absolutely perfect titles w 1! be given as soon .is the drawing takes place, which mist not be late; than April 11. ipoO Fight hundred 2t o bu>.; e.J <»ts, are in this sale*. They are selling so rapidly vve are sure the drawing will take place much earlier than first pi lined tor. LOTS AND PRICES. G web mg lots, 30 bv 1 40 ere off. red for $lO.OO. Business lots. 23 by 140 are offera .1 lor $20.00. , ' be term- are cash with application. * Guysie has three stouks which are doing good business. K. T. Averett&Co.. carry one of the largest stocks of general merchandise of any firm in Southeast Georgia. They sold about $40,000.00 wort!) for cash last year, and will do more this ear. Some of the most successful farmers to bj found in Georgia arc around Guysie. One farmer in two miles of town sold last year over $500.00 worth of pork. This is one of the finest sec tions for hogs and cattle. CU.'tATE; AND HEALTH. Oar winters are mild, we have beautiful frosts but no biiz/mrds. In summer the lovely sea breeze tempers the heat so that sun stroke, do not occur mi this,-as they do in other sections. O is section will compare favorably wich any other in the i ted States as to health. This town has been settled, for four veii-s. t hree hundred people and more have been !ivin- r here during the whole time, and not a single death from fever. ■\ e ate anxious lor the home seekers to look at our farming bit s. and 1 hose wanting lots in the town may send money for same direct. V e guarantee you a lot wor'li all you nay for ir. \s to oho we are and our reliability we refer you to any oth er..l m any one else, in Appling county. Address all communications to. Hi GUYSIE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO., Guysie, Georgia. Contractor Ana Builder, ' Alexander Schmitz BRICK, STONE, WOOD, \ . In ti v' highest ami ito-t Stylos. Comineiwiirnte with work require*. All wot guirantec i. N > oil . -- fyr EL \\ ami SPECIFIC A. TIONS wiu n!. secure contract. A liberal of patronage solicited. References ;■« to promptness. reliability and finish, all persons for whom I have worked, either in Fitzgerald Douglas or elsewhere. ALEXANDER SCHMITZ. Be Do Job Prill. Nov 6,7,8,9 and 10th!^^l DOUGLAS, GA e •raw* " ——TT-n rrrrfi in ■! himiiii n iimi .■■ — .... rai Mvaxsma Splendid for all Farm Products and all kinds of Live Stock. Send for and Phcn go to planning for a goodexhibit in one cr mere, and voa will add greatly to the Success of ttfe Feu rrc! Teglry of grand old Coffee County. ihe public attiactions will he the latest and best and will give bushets of $- tin mid A ititi settle lit for the old. utid young GEHE RAGE.©. \\ ill offer everybody in Coffee and adjoining counties an opportu nity to try their Horses, running and Mule is in it. Military and Veteran s Day. / A\ e are planing tor a Grat Military Day, and Grand I<Wlly for the Old Veterans of this Section. fet everybody talk all the time for the Coffee County Fair. L, SWEAT, Prey B. PETERSON, V. Pres. J. J. ROGERS, Sec and Treas. To tiis Qualified Veters of the City of C roxroii, Georgia- Notice is hereby si yen that on the'Ah-d k, “i . ovi.iim . i-, I <.), mi elepiion will l>e held in u.eAityof Brexton. -‘I wdiieh will >c sni milted to tlm pualilied voters of •iiii <i > for rhs-.i-- ill-termination, the jues'i in whether or not said f'ity shall is sue it* Ponds for the purpose of providing ninds with which to erect and furnish a seiioo litiiiding iti said Oily, Said Umids to be f.e nggresr <te priru-ip.-d <>f Ten Thou sand (TO.OOO) Dollars, namely: Twenty (?(>) Bonds of the d-nomination nf 3 « o.i>*' each, all Bonds tv) bear dale tiie tirst day of December, 19Ui, to bear interest at the rate of six (i>) per-centum per annum, payable semi-annually on t in- tirst days of June and Deeeaiber in each year, the priii- j eioal tv) he payable as follows;- Out-| riiousaud (1.000) Dollars on the first nay I >f D-ce inner. jh'2'>, and One Thou-; mil I l, D Dollars on the lirst ot Deetfmber I ■aeit and every year thereafter until and j .m-lnding t iie lirst day of De- ember. Mod. a lien said Bonds shall he- fully paid olf. loth principal end interest of these bon is to be payable in gold c?in of the l nited States, iif the present stand »rd of weight md fineness, at the office of the I*nited States Mortgage A Trust Company, in the CitA- of Nod York. At said election mue but t lie quai tied of the City of Bmx m, \vh r » shall nave, duly registered, shall he premiltcd to vote, and those voting ii favor of ttie issuance of said Bonds will do so by easting ballots have written or print ed on them the wiinis "ror Bonds, a;n> hose voting against the is im lee of said Bonds will do so by easting ballots liavi-g vritlen or printed on them the words 'Against Bonds." Said election shall be leld at the City Hall in the City of Brox ou. in the same manner amt under the same rules and regulations that eiectiom f>r officers of said i ity are held. The > a|s u ill lie open at S:Un o'ciock a. in., min wi.l remain open until tt.-no o'clock p. m. Dated this tin- 1-kii d-iv of Oc'ohci, 1005 i,M I I’M AN 11•»I TON. Mayor, E. E. BLEDSOE, Clerk ot Council. Sour StpmacH Np appetite, loss of strength, nervous- headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of tne stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices of diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining thfcstomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, U\ Va., says:— " 1 was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and we are now using it in milk for baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. $ 1.00 Sire holding 254 times the trial size, which sells for 5C cents. Prepared by 6. C. DeWiTT * CO., CHIOAOQ. xgf (Jfllof| g>? f| |u g> r*y HS'3)bo J. M. ASHLEY -V. .i; J. S. .LOTT, V. President: O. E. BAKER Cashier. Directors. J- LEWIS, EL IAG LO IT J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. 1.0TT,~1 VICE ESS, J. W. OIIIXCEY, JOHN-McLEAN. Accounts f I iJividuals, Here hauls and- Corporation! Solicited. jJm I «H||gg|Jl' ffiraßjayßaa m »w;~- a ’:;ch-dl7;if pericnced iady cttiba l state of Georgia. Ad Out Of Town Calls Race Prompt 'ention. OFFICE and Chapel No 2'i dleton, st., Phone 307.