The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, January 27, 1906, Image 2

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We have jest purchased a solid cardoad of Brown’s Mule, Sweep=Stakes, Drum and other of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company’s popular brands. cp , n Our Store is headquarters in Southwest Georgia for Todaccos, Groceries, Faran applies and General M er= chandise, and the fact that our business justified our purchasing Chewing Tobaccos in car=load lots should convince you that there is a rerson why. Pay a visit to our store. We can show you why it is to your interest to trade with as. ' 13. M. TANNER S O IV, '’*’*"*'*•* - \ DOUGLAS. GEORGIA. Executor s fale. ' . GEORGIA. GofTocTiujuty aMe to mi otMer fi < of said county, will l*o gold before the court house door, in Douglas, between the le gal hours of rale, on the- first Tuesday in PajM uary 1906, the following described property to-wit: The-suw mill timber mid wood on 250 acres of lot of land No. 474, in the 6th district of Berrien county, being and actuated in the waßtalialf %/ said lot. Also 45 acres* !' Jot 7* land No. 392, in the sth district of Gotfee county, lying and being in the south wyst comer of said lot. Also an undivided one half interest in 200 acres of lot of land No. 897, in the fifth dis trict of Col fee ejoernty all the timber thereon being suitable for all purpose, cutting and boxing. Also an undivided one half interest on the timber on 390 acres of lot of land No. 836, in the sth district of said county. Also one undi vided ope half interest in the timber on 15 acres of lot No. 385 in the sth district of Coffee county. Alsijj.7s acres of lot of land No. 386, in the*sth district of Coffee county. Also 25 acres of lot of ( and No. 387, in the sth district of Cof fee county. Said property belonging to the estate of H. C. Paulk, late deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. This 2nd day of January, 1906. T J. Paulk, Executor Est. H. C. Paulk. Guardiane’s Sale. GEORGIA, Coffee County. By virtue of an orde- of the Court of Ordinary of Coffee, county Georgia, will be sold before the court house door in Douglas, Coffee county Georgia, at pub lic outcry on the first Tuesday in Febu ary in the year 1906, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, i situate in originally Coffee, now Jeff i LDtkvis county, to wit: One Ninth undi-! interest in the following lots of 55,;8k209.5 5 , ; 8k209. 310. 253. 253. 254, 255, 25<;. 2 th« First Pl-tru <•(' state. Ha Sr \ - b BHWjSpijsH Lonnie and Roscoe Enza f r s C Cl!.il Lvov BMgHSSgllßthe General Tax —Act of B B vocations subject ... :■ wu ■BDHs, Peddlers, Insurance B Circuses, Dealers ■ Agents and others. B business are guilty of ■ ! ’ '■ A *• ll • ml '1 7 Coffee County, Georgia. ■iri-’fetrstor’s Rale GEOK JK, Coffee County. By virtue ' <4 mi jjhe »,urt oi unliiiiiry "I said » Yt'fhe under irivi as udi'Miifatrifcwrs o the estate of.l. E Peter son, decensod, will be sold at public out ci\v> oil the first Tuesday in February. 11)06, at the. courthouse in aid county, between the usuul hours ol sale, twenty (2cx) shares of stock in the bank of Willacoochee, said coun'ty.of the par value of slmo. each; also two hundred and fifty (250) shares of stock in llie (.toffee Countv Fair Associa tion. of the pal value of $5.00 each; also one share of stock in The Douglas Printing Company, said county, Terms cash.. / This (Ith day of January’ POO. B. I’ktekson, I> rs, 1 Ai'minis in orsof.l. EytPeiej n i sneriff Sale. GEORGIA,—Coffee County Will be sold before the courthouse door, be tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February, 1906. the fol lowing property to wit: One town lot in the city of Douglas, bounded on the east by what is known as the Walter Stone place, footing fifty (50) feet on Phil lips street, running back one hundred and thirty two (132) feet to ten foot al ly being a place where a building is be ing erected by James Smith. Levied on and to be sold as the property of James Smith; to satisfy a fifa issued from the City Court of Douglas in favor of Frank DeLand & Co., against Smith & Willis. This January 11th, 1906. W. VV. Southerland, Sheriff. Printers fee $4.10. Guardian’s Sale. GEORGIA, Coffee County. Will be sold before the courthouse door in Douglas, said county, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in February next, the following prop erty, to-wlt: Lot of land No. 16, in the town of Pearson, Ga., containing one acre. Also the hotel lot, the same being lot No. 6, in the town of Pear son, Ga.. containing one-half acre. Terms of sale cash. This January- 2nd, 1906. . M. J. SUMMERLIN. Guardian. Notice of Dissolution- The partnership heretofore between the undersigned nas this day been dis solved by mutual consent. Each indi vidual member of the firm will continue the practice of the law in this city. F. WILLIS DART, CHAS. T. ROAN. Douglas, Ga., Jan. 1. 1906. CITATIONS. GEORG 1 A—t .'offee County: Minnie E. Gaskins applies for letters of administration on the estate of I). W. Gaskins, late of said county, deceased. j These are, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to show cause, if they van. why said letters should not be granted at j the ne\t term of this court, to be held on the first Monday in February next This January 4th, 1906. W. P. Warp. Ordinary li 1.0 KG 1 A—l,’ottee County : Mrs. Sallic Harrell adplies for leave to j lease the turpentine timber belonging to Minty Harrell a miner. These are. therefore, to cite all persons ! oonterned to show cause, if they can why said application should not be granted at the next term of this court, to be held on the first Monday in February next. This J anuarv 2nd, 1906. W. P. WARD, Ordinary. (i IK> 1, (9T A—(■olTetn^rrrnTyY— i M. l’.l Davis, administrate- upon the estat e wf Janie Sears -applies for leave to sell tl e lands belonging to said estate, for tlie purpose of distribution among the ; heirs o said estate. These are. therefore, to notify all con- i vented tt show cause, if they can. why said letters should not be grunted at next term of this court, to be held on the first j Monday in February, next. -] his January j 2nd, 1900. W. P. VV ARP, Ordinary. G !•:< >RGI A Ctrffee <iountj: Agnes Mullis having made application for twelve month’s sunport out of the j estate of Joel F. Mullis, and anpn isers duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed their return, all persons con cerned are hereby required to show cause before the . eotirt of Ordinary of said county, on The first Monday in February, 1906, why said application* should not be granted. 1 hits January 2nd, HM2 W. P. WARD. Ordinary. GEORG lA—Coffee County : "rs. S. H. W. Cattlcy having applied for twelve month's support out of the estate of S. H Cauley and appraisers duly ap pointed having tiled their return, all per sons concerned are hereby required to show cause oefore the court of Ordinary of said county on the tirsf Monday in Feb ruary, 1900. Why said application should not be granted. This January 2nd, 1906. W P. WARD. Ordinary. OtOl.GlA —Coffee County. This is to certify that Elias Meeks, J. Si Cannon, 1). F. Cole and L. 8. Cole have filed in the Ordinarvs office of said county their peti tion asking that lots of land Nos. 503, 504, 509 and 510 in the sth district of Appling county be annex dto Coffee bounty. The said petition will be considered by the Grand Jury at the next regular term of the next regular term of the Superior Court of said county to lie held on the 4th Monday in March 1900. This October 17 1!I00. W. P. WARD,Ordinary Oottee county. The Bainbridge Democrat insists upon the enforcement of the vag rancy law in Georgia. There will soon be something doing in the country and the farmers will need the vagrants in their business. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness. headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices of diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, ®f Raver,swood, W, Va., says— " I was troubled with sour stomach fer twenty years. Kodol cured me and we are now usine it ia ir.iA for baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. SI.OO Size holding 2% times the trial acre which sei.s for 50 cents. Praparad by 1.0. OaWtTT & 00., OHIOAOOh We ArfmpartJ To supply the want of every person in Coffee County in our line viz. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Wagons and Groceries. WE ARE THE FRIENDS OF THE BUYERS. TRY US. i Fertilizers Selected Sea Island Cotton Seed] We especially want to supplp the needs of the best farmers of this grand old Coun= ty of ours. • REMEMBER, Wc sell you now, and you pay us when No vember comes. ATTENTION! Give us your tnyJe. We will also supply I you with Guano at the very best price; - - MAKE OUR STORE YOU® HEADQUARTERS. % B. H. TANNER SON. I« • '