The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, October 27, 1906, Image 1

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VOL 17, No. 2L Sessoms News Nolfes. Sessoms, Ga,., Oct. 2?>'~M rs - Sallie Music, near |fe* s place, died Sunday morniivT pneu monia. Mrs. has • been ill for some time °ut never gave up until aHs3t a week ago. We we ,e very sorry to hear of her and sympathize with the family. Mr. L. H. and Henry Courson made a business trip to Douglas last Friday. Mr. Frank Meeks, of Oeilla, visited homefolks near here Sun day and Monday. Mrs. W. M. Brown and daugh ter, Lyla, made a brief business trip to Nichols yesterday. Mr. J. W. Prince paid a busi ness trip to Nichols Monday. Mr. Archie Taylor, of Beach, visited friends here Sunday. We have not found out who did the robbing of Mr. Prince’s store yet, but hope to, later. Mr. L. H. Courson began grind ing cane to-day. Won’t we have a jolly time, though? Don’t you wish you could join us ? Mr. W. D. Courson will move to Beach this week where he will take a position as section fore man. Mr. Courson has been here for some time and we are sorry for him to leave. Nichols News Notes. Nichols, Ga., Oct. 22.—Miss Lula Sweat and her brother Jim visited homefolks Sunday. Our school is progressing nice ly and we have a good teacher. Mrs. Cliff Douglas returned Monday from a trip to home l'olks. Mrs. T. H. Johnson is very sick, but we hope for her speedy re covery. The Deen Realty Co., is doing good business in Nichols now. Mrs. Bowen has been very sick but is improving. CURES FOR MEN Old and Young Why suffer in mind and body, months and even years, thinking', hoping and even praying that a change for the better vviii come, writing to and receiving medicines from some 1 DISTANT MEDICAL CONCERN, or doctor who has NEVER seen you, to make an examination of your case to see or locate your condition, but who takes YOUR STATEMENT also your MONEY, and you receive Come where with one year’s experience and every facility known to medical science for the EXAMI NATIONS, TREATMENT and CURE of your condition, will examine you free of charge and prove to you by reference, not statements that you can be CURED of Kidney and Bladder troubles, Ruptures, Varico cele, Strictures, Blood. Poison, Unnatural Discharges, Contagious Dis eases, Loss of Manly Vigor, Etc. Also Rectural troubles, Piles, Fis tulars, etc. The secret of our success is in combinding Medical with Electrical and the latest Scientific inventions, and not trying to cure with drugs alone. 2)r* €bas £♦ ilfctedb'ss Co*, FITZGERALD, GA. Permanent Offices Suits, Corner Pine and Grant Sts., Over Citizen’s Bank. Hours 9to 12, 2 to G. Saturdays until 8. Sunday by Appointment Only I N B IJ R E Your Property Against fire* lightning and tornadoes Griffin & Fisher, General li)SUrai)ce arjol Bo*)ds Sweat & V ickers’ Building Douglas - - Georgia Whittling at the Fair. One of th 3 most unique, at tractive, side-splitting, original and grotesque entertainments of the coming Fair, will be a whis tling match between Bob Flowers and Elisha Vickers. It is said that these two artists possess the most frictious puckering strings that adorn the facial appendages of any men in this section. It is also suggested that Mrs. Flowers and Mrs. Vickers, with three other ladies will be the judges in this contest for a brand new live dollar gold piece. Col. C. A. Ward and Mr. T. B. Marshall, who live near Mr. Vicker’s resi dence have entered complaints with the police to protect them from the mid-night practice-ser enades of that gentleman, while Mr. Jno. McLean complains that Bob Flowers has driven all the mocking birds on north Ward street crazy with his ear-splitting practices. Both of these artists whistle strictly by note. Needle and Brush Club. The Needle and Brush Club held their regular meeting last Thursday, October 11th, at the residence of Mrs. Hoke Davis. After the business meeting, re freshments were served and the Club adjourned to meet October 25th at three o’clock, with Mrs. F. W. Dart. Mrs. Hoke Davis, Secretary. Mr. Marion Meek’s child is very sick, but we hope will soon improve. Miss Mae Busby is off on a bus iness trip to Atlanta. Miss Lula Sweat has up a full line of fall millinery. The child of Mr. John Ritch is very low, at this writing, but we hope will soon improve. Some of our farmers are talk ing of grinding cape. Are’nt we glad, and then the good old candy pulling. Little Julian Meeks is sick, but vve hope not serious. Douglas, Ga., October 27th, 1906. Proverbs and Phrafes. Little fish are sweet. —From the Dutch. A fellow feeling makes us wondrous kind.—Garrick. , ‘Tis clemency makes the ab solute conquest. —Petrach. Fear not to-morrow’s mis chance.—From the Turkish. A Christian is God Almighty’s gentleman.—T. C. Hare. Children and chicken must ever be picking.—From the Dutch. Ignorance combined with dis cretion is more serviceable than skill accompained by extrava gance. —Thucy aides. While the mind is still tender it is easy to mould it; vices which have grown up with us are with difficulty eradicated. —Seneca. He who thinks his place below him will certainly be below his place.—Savilie. Not only he who wrongs you, but he who wishes to wrong you is your enemy.—Democritus. There is no great achievement that is not the result of patient working and waiting,—J. G. Holland. ‘Tis easier to avoid a fault than acquire perefection.—From the German. To be content with what one has is the greatest and truest riches. Cicero. Craft must have clothes, but truth loves to go naked.—From the French. A pig on credit makes a good winter and a bad spring.—From the Portuguese. Choose rather to be the tail of lions than the head of foxes.— From the Hebrew. A laying hep is better than a standing mid. From the Scotch. What the seal is to man the church is to the world.—Beau mont. The first movements are not in the hands of men. —Don Quixote. There’s nothing like having | the key of the fields. —From the j French. I No conflect is so severe as his j who labors to subdue himself.— I Livy, | Education is a possession of I which man cannot be robbed.— -Menander. Rev. J. B. Bozeman was in town this week. Mrs. Lawson Kelly has re turned home after a visit to Col. Kelly’s father’s. Mrs. Kirkland, mother of Mrs. Whilden, has returned to her home at Pearson. Get season and family tickets from Col. J. J. Rogers, Sec. and Treas. Do not wait till the rush is on. Write the Central Business Bureau if you desire help or desire a better position. They are prepared to assist you either way. Address, 45G 2nd. st. Ma con, Ga. Mr. David Silverman gave one of his charming musical enter tainments at the auditorium last Wednesday night to a select audience of our citizens without remuneration, assisted by Prof. Hipshire. On his return it is hoped more of our people will hear him. On Wednesday last Mr. Sammy Harrell and Miss .Jane Smith were married and left immedi ately for Tifton and other points where they will visit friends and various points of interest. They have our congratulations and best wishes. Judge J. T. Relihan perform ed the marriage ceremony. Cole Brother’ Circus. While thrilling aerial and i arenic acts as well as sensational equestrianism and hippodiome track events are absolutely es sential to all big tent show’s, their performance would fall flat were it not for the clowms. Primarity the majority of show going enthusiasts, not to men tion the small boys and girls, visit the canvis cities to be amused and the salaried jesters must see to it that none are dis appointed. Realizing that a goodly share of the success of the entertainment depends upon the funsters. Cole Brothers, whose united show's will give afternoon and evening performances, at Douglas, Ga., November 7th en gaged for this season as unpar alleled a coterie of world famous clowns as money can hire. There is a veritable army of these jolly fellows, whose sole work is to provide wholesome laughs and amusement for all classes and all ages. From the time the main tent doors are opened, an hour before the first acts enter the end of the pro gram, the great hippcdrcrr.e track swarms with harlequins and mirth reigns fast and fu rious. Buster Brown, Simple Simon, Mose and all the other comic supplement characters arc there as well as more than a rcoi c of them. If ;< j <V no! >. ish to enjoy hale ai d !on tv jollity it will be advisable to remain away from the Cole Brothers United Shows. On the other hand, if you are suffering from an attack of the blues a certain and per manent cure is assured if you attend the performance. A spinster’s romance is always onesided] Music should be written on note paper. He who believes in luck use !- ly gets the hard brand. Men seldom follow good ad vice unless they pay for it. A woman can’t see how it is possible to lose in a game of chance. Hard labor is a plaster that alleviates the pains of the mind. It’s easy for a woman to keep secrets that are not interesting. There is something wrong with a small boy who keeps his face clean. Two women like to start a fuss and then leave their husbands to light it out. It doesn’t take much of a do mestic storn to sour the milk of human kindness. Even when a man knows a woman’s age she never thinks In* thnks she looks ic. When the opposing attorney offers to compromise it means that you have a good case. Nothing swells a man up so much as to have a pretty girl ask him for information. A watch should always have a guard, otherwise it’s apt to be stolen in an unguarded moment. The man who gets blue over trifles is apt to alter the color scheme by painting things red. When a girl gets hold of a young man’s heart-strings she proceeds to tic them in a beau not. Many a fool has acquired a rep utation for wisdom by acciden- j tally doing the right thing at the ' right time. If the success of lawyers were, due to the gift of gab, women would soon crowd men out of the profession. Instead of running away from your work, try to find an easier Tiie Bryan (My 60.. Douglas, Ga. Real Estate Bought, Sold fed Exchanged, Real Estate, Developement And Improvement. WfILTEf? n)ai?agef. We are prepared to handle Real Estate and'other matters that improve and develop the ‘county and town. We have associated with us good business men, and have plenty of money to handle any' reasonable and profitable proposition. We are prepared at any time lo show prospectors the town and country around, and invite prospectors to call on us. Below we give a partical list of the properties that we now have for sale. * In The City Of Douglas. 12 beautiful resident lots from SIOO to $1.50 1G desirable lots, resident from SSO to $75. 1 lot, 100 feet front on Ward St. running back to Syc amore, with nice Eleven room house. Fine place fbr some one who desires to keep a few boarders. 1 lot 50 x 210 fronting on Ward and Sycamore streets cheap. Other town property and can suit any one who wants some nice city real estate for a home or an investment. In Broxton. We have 178 beautiful lots for sale in Broxton ranging in price from $25 to SIOO. Farm Lands. We have a number of nice farms located in different sections of the county. Large or small to suit the purchaser. ; Rocky Lake farm, six miles from Douglas. 350 acres, 1 120 cleared. Fine water. Near three churcheg and good, i schools. Some good timber on it. ] 490 acres three miles from Douglas, 30 acres cleared and ■ all good farm land, on railroad, has post office and is a very I desirable location. i 148 acreas 3 miles from town, 12 acres cleared- good ; house, good community and a bargain. ; 905 acres 11 miles from Doulgas and 5 miles from Brox- ! ton. 75 head cattle, 75 head hogs. 80 acres cleared, fair 1 houses. A big bargain in this property. \ 150 acres one and half miles from Broxton. Good house, < 80 or 90 acres cleared, tine state of cultivation. Most desir- 1 able. < 4 We have numbers of other propositions in town and ] country. Call on us or write for particulars. Unjust ttaise in Postage. There is neither sense nor jus tice in raising the postage rate on second class matter, which includes newspapers and maga zines. Purely advertising sheets should be excluded but all print ed news and magazine matter is for the benefit of the masses. They should have their reading as cheaply as possible. Then if the thousands of tons of franked government matter were count ed and a reasonable rate only paid to railroads for carrying the mails, the ledger would show a balance in favor of the cash drawer. No change should be made in the . present newspaper rate. way of doing Tt. That’s one of the secrets of success. \ woman’s distrust of her husband is never really serious until she begins to refer to some other woman as “that brazen thing/’ It is great shock to a bride when she discovers that her hus band isn’t as fond of angel cake as he is of beefstak and onions. The average country woman looks at a restaurant bill of fare as if she was trying t? pick out something to eat that wouldn’t poison her. #I.OO per Annum Administratrix’s Sale. GEORGIA, COFFEE COUNTY. Under and by virtue of an order passed by the Ordinary of said county, on the Ist day of Oct., 1906, the undersigned will put up and offer for sale to the highest Did der, fur cash, between the legal hours of sale at the court house door, in said county, on the first Tuesday in Novem ber, next, 1906, the following property, to wit: Two Hundred and Forty Five 1 (241) Acres, of lot of land number J 1.4 ' in tiie sixth (6th) district, it being the east half of said lot. ar.d bounded on the North, Ea.-.t and South by orginal 1 nd lines, and on the West by a line paraded to and midwaA' between the east and west original lines. Also One Hundred and Sixty (160) Acres, of lot of land number 116, in the sixth (6th) district, it being on the west side of said lot, in the form of a parallelogram and bounded on the North, South and West by original lines, o n the East by a line paraded to and at such distance from west original line as to contain One Hundred and Sixty (led) Acres, Both o. the two S'"racts, aggregat ing Four Hundred vjp. Five (405) Acres more or less, anu being in Uoi ee county, Ga. The above described property will be add subject to a mortgage or trust o* cd t" secure a debt for 51250.00 to British & American Mortgage Company, limited. Said land is sold as che properly of the estate cfj. S. Story, late of said county, to pay debts etc. This October Ist, 1906 Mrs. M. J. Story. Admiuistratrix of the estate of J. 3. Story. Application Guardianship. . GEORGIA, Coffee County:— A. C. •letfords manes application for the gu r dianship of the person and property of Bessie Lee Jeffords, his wife, who is u minor, and all persons concerned are notified to show cause, if they can, why • a'd application shod id net be granted of, next term < \ to court to be hell on '•e< Mmdoo j }. rber next. This 0.-t. *th 1906. V.\ r. WARD, Ordinary.