The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, April 20, 1907, Image 1

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v . • r- . The Douglas Enterprise VOL. 17, NO. 49. Douglas Baptist Church Notes. By ALEXIS D. KENDRICK, Pastor. The Sunday School Picnic will be discussed next Sunday at the Sunday School: Of course you will-be present and on time. Prof. Edenfield, Principal of Hearne Institute, Cave Springs, gave an interesting and helpful address on "Christian Education, at the church Sunday evening. The debate Friday evening by the Baraca-Philathea classes promises to be interesting, and a large number of people are ex pected to be present to hear the young people. The pastor has an interesting class of children who meet each Monday afternoon in connection with the Sun Beam Society. The object of this class is to study sytematically the Bible. The children come with their Bibles and note books. The character of the prayer meetings on Wednesday even ings will be somewhat changed from the former way. The pas tor will select one man each week to conduct the meeting the coming week. The services will be chiefly prayer, praise and testimony. We note with much pleasure the increasing interest and growth of Dr. Bryan’s Sunday .School class of men. We are anxious to have the class con tinue to grow and ask the men who are not in any school to join this class and spend one hour every Sunday afternoon in the study of the word. The pastor will preach Sunday morning and evening, and the public will find a cordial welcome t these services. We are anxious to have a few more male voices in the choir, arid all who will help in this part of'the service will kindly come to the front and occupy a seat in the choir., [Several more lady voices are desired and any of ’the ladies who desire to render some seryice in this * way will please become members of the choir. The ladies Aid Society will ■ meet Monday . afternoon** at 4 o’clock, and a large attendance is desired. Let every member be* present and ladies who " are not members would *dc well to unite in the good work done by this scciety.-- Miss Lillian Orr, of "Davis boro, Ga., has beeff chosen as the pastor’s assistant, and has begun work. Miss Orr comes from one of the best families of Washington • county, and is a young woman of fine Christian character. For nearly . four years she was a member of the church at Davis boro, ancfciunjng which time she was an* .earnest * and faithful church and Sunday school worker. ■■■ ' • Prospecting for Oil A number of our promineifl! citizens have looked over the sur rounding country with a view of trying to locate oil, which is said .to be in the earth in and around Douglas in large quantities. Who knows but that we may not be the center of oil produceing world, and that we may ri *%d the oil, and make Douglas Weater Beaumont. ha,ve '.happened. *** S P The Revival. Mr. Chas N. and Dr. Walker Lewis are in Way cross in a meeting now and they will come to Douglas from there to assist in a revival here, on the first of May. Several have asked me where are you going to have the. meet ing. I answer that God knows, though s|s yet I do not. I* have been doing all in- my power to get the material here to finish the S. S. Dep’t of our-new church in time for the meeting. Just one instance of delay will show you something: The plaster has been ordered from Brunswick two weeks last Saturday and has not been received at this writing. Mr. Russell went to Waycross Tuesday evening to seek to rush matters and Mr. Forbes has promised that on his trip to Cor dele this week, he will do all he can to get our S. S. Room wind ows out for us. The work will require only a week or ten days and hence if we could get our material this week, we would be able to use the S. S. Dep’t for our meeting. If we fail in this,' the Presby terians have offered us the use of their tent, which is a great kindness on their part. We want the prayers, the help and co-operation of every Christ ian in Douglas, that God may give us a revival that will save our town. > . There are many here without God and without hope in the world. Let us lead them to Christ and then let them join the church of their choice. Some people have more “Churchanity” than Christianity; these need to be saved as well as others. May God help us to get ready for a great revival. Let it begin in you, in me, and let it spread from heart to heart, and from home to home, until the whole town is taken for our Christ. , Sincerely, . L. A. Hill, Cuttiug News Notes. Quite a number o£ people came down from Homerville, yesterday to attend church hire, but was disapointed as the poacher failed to come! Mr, Rice, has been spending several days here on .-business, but departed yesterday. M~. Enoch Patterson, our mill foreman, made a filing trip to Waycross, Saturday to visit rela tives and returned Sunday. Miss Bettie Lewis, made her return to her brothers here some few days ago. Master Charlie Craven, is visit ing his sister here Mrs. M. Craven for a couple of weeks. Mr. W. L. Matthis, of this place has accepted a position at Aiexandersville, Ga., made his departure to-day, hw mother will leave in a few dayfe, we wish them much success. Mr. M. Craven, formerly of ' this place but now of Saginaw, made a pleasant visit to his family and friends here Saturday. Mr, M. E. Dyess, made a fly ing trip to Waycross/ last Satur day. We are proud to say our prayer meeting has been successful thus far and hope it will continue so. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Theata Kennedy, but hope however she will soon be alright again. Cutting. Doyglas, Ga., April 20th, 190 7.. Epworth League, Sunday, April 3i. io o’clock A. fW - .-!jS programme: Song, - “He Came to Save A[<a v Prayer?" A Quotations by members" on * ■Love ?? Song - ‘.‘Not a SpaiVow Falleth,” •. Prof- Hipsher. The measure of bur interest in others, Mr. Geot, M Stanton. - “God’s Unselfish Interest,” Mrs. L. E. Heath. < God’s provision for the wprld’s . salvation, Mr. .Cary'lnfijm§r. Song - “My Father’s tlpe,’’ Misses Nellie Ward, Clement, Ruby McLean, Lu cille Clements, Beatrice Mc- Donald, Luella Roan, Ruth Wofford. ' , A Song - - - “He Loves Me.’’ Benediction. ‘ The Epworth League invites the young people of the -town to be present at this meeting. Death of Jesse Sweat. As esteemed corresnondent furnishes us the following, from' Pearson, under date of April 15th: After all that loving hands and skillful doctors could do, our friend, Jesse Sweat, died of ty phoid fever at Leland, Ga., last’ Friday afternoon, leaving ai wife and two small children. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sweat, of this place, and the remaing were intered at Red Bluff cemetery, a few miles from here. His wife and babies will live with. Mrs. Sweat’s mother in Douglas. * Little Picnic. Several of the young Misses got together and under the es cort of Masters Roddie Davis and Harry Roan, went out to the Sulphur spring last Monday, and enjoyed a good time. The follow* ing went, Misses Alma Clements, Beatrice and Irene McDonald, Ruth Davis, Mary Bryan, Luella Roan, Ruby McLean, Nellie Ward and Era Goodyear. Mr. H. C. McFadden. We regretted very much when we saw that Mr. McFadden had severed his connection with the A. B. & A., as it then occured that he would leave this section. We are glad to find that this im mediate vicinity will the benefit of his progressive rail road genius. He, with associates has bought the 0. & V. and he has been made President. The rodd will be improved and length ened. On a Still Hunt for Hands. Mr. J. R. Davis is manager of a large place at Lake Bird that Mr. McLean is interested in, and on Sunday morning they discus sed procuring some hands. He did not let Mr. McLean know tfiat he was to get married, and wlien he got on the train he sent Mr. McLean word that he had secured one hand, and that he would look for others at an ap pointed place. The law requires a 30 days notice from persons leaving an other’s employ, and, had it not been on Sunday, the Citizens Bank would have filed an injunc tion and kept Mrs. Davis here at least 30 days longer. But jok ing aside, Mrs. Davis has no bet ter friends than the Citizen Bank people, who she served so faithfully for the last few months, and they have nothing but best wishes for her future happiness and prosperity, in the land of flowers with her clever husband. Big: Building Boom in Dqtiglafc-aml ' There is new a big building imoin five stpry building of Swbqt and Tanner is - taking on the appearance of a rnagri: Jcent buifelmg. This"will be tho rm«M and most imoosing building in sot ■Tvv'p sides will be solidgat'e gladfe and this building would dapredit to Atlanta or any jMfcjNxwn. The larke two afij-j ~,-t. r built by. Mri B. Peterson wjlf soon, be completed.\ Rie ijfcttoqd'RH? church at a cost of abqut eighteen thousand dollar oon be completed. Thtf Baptists wilH)egin, a .church that will cost as rnuch. Both chufcffes will be o?/4o-date. and /will be imposing buildings for a town the size of Douglas:' Jhq , Urge novelty shop of. Mr. J. 11. Qentis no.\v jbenv, cement stone. Merealbifte a large warehouse which they will at once fill with ‘car ‘of* buggies, wagons nnd heavy groceries., The. Agricultural college;', buildings are being- started and pact of the material fb qowj op ground. -There will be three of these with a frontage of phe hundred and forty one feet each, built of. brick,. Ashley PriciLumber Company bought the timber of Mr.,,, lirson last week and this added-to the large tract that they a]'?.;’ I bold will enable them .to build -ohe -of the largest A , Vr built-in south Board of trade has doMM‘ vo / wf| U ,«n the A. fit & A.-and G: &F. railroads, valued, at |fie? will,-. at once begin the erection of their big thill,- at least a thousand* hew'citizenibo Douglas right w j r Jr. J. D. Forbes is laying the,foundation for an eight ‘ t | ( on Jefferson street. ' The Leader Land ConfpjaLj ( j t the erection of a number of nice stone cottage ? Tljjere are many smaller buildings now in cob,. and some other large buildings that will soon bVoi&rred. A visit to Nichols, one of- Coffee’s.-good towns, shows man building improvements going on, in the way of 'splendid b ,btHjjd&pas and subst£ftcial residences. ■ \\Jllaeoochher*i&nother pjos~ v perous towq of the-county, shows .the sap ie'Class of improvement ■ and the same with Brcxton, which is north of Douglas in The writer had the pleasure of a day or two at Pearson, .the oldest tOwriTft ebuhty, and ona that has made very little progress for rhe last few years, but To. our surprise, we found i»pme ot’ Coffee’s most substaheiarimprovement going on there. new brick buildings and nice residences of a very substantial and an ' air of progress that the town has not felt for many years. There is a general, improvement going dn thfdUgfeoufe the codiity at the smaller towns and the country is witnessing the building of many nice country homes. > Coffee County Fair, There is no way of telling how much good the Coffee Chunty Fair has done for the county and there is no doubt but that the coming fair will be tf^ and do the. most good of any yet held. The management is'determined, that noth v sh 11 be left utidofie that will tend to make the^fair t o t every effort v be made to mak e it what it is for Coffee countyj, her'resources and po interested and write or see Melvin .Tanner apd left • i expect from you in the way of halping to make ' success that fc all want it to " r * L, "/ 1J: Woukl BrW it Up. ~ We need Florida’s lav/ in referenc whiAey in Geor gia, as we believe that it would break up tiger whiskey. The Florida law provides that a person f »und gutity of soiling ■ whiskey without license, shall be fined -/250 to the chain gang for six months. There is no alternate e/apd the Judge has not the power to vary this sentence. Tma uieang that those who are inclined to violate the law along this line will bp restrained / and that it will be brokpn the public serpent doesn’t / L r et so weak against selltr)g tiger booze that there ? no con- * victions. as an Not a Matter of Sport. One or two of our ries are striving to make *prt of the fact that* a holiness preacher, of Atlanta, jftev. jL b, Lee, employed in a furniture | store, is in the toils of the law, | charged with larcency after trust, having collected- money for which he failed to account. It is not a matter of but a matter of regret, that this man supposed to have been sellected as a messenger from the Prince , of peace to every man and woijmfi should have fallen by the way side, still the Enterprise rejoicp in the cousoling rememberandfe that “all men are not criminals,** nor will all preachers "go wrong" because this one yielded to tem ptation. If he was a preacher,/ called of God, then his misfo*/ tune can be accounted for, liy it.-* nA A 'W SI I/O per ticiUffTw'■ ’ the other rail- " Y aJEo go ahead and says ; • TljjijSi'V no 00r hi uCA.ulite House. —Bosto’ An unM Rj of Rpcamatism. by i plantjpg. thtMei{ry. of Ch^ n « i k J . numg , , jumatieity of much as he wa.y stren „istituted Master’s businf elude the of mreg-ular tax he was overtaly , s i be collected Tn this Conn#(/ ein prescribed T‘ , 'Tihefid. I Wisoes It ' that it does ( Arts of ordinances | be, and } enCeV W£T repealed, bessness read at regular meet utfheld this February 18th, are raSn at next regular meeting fnnwP^ e ld this Mareh 4th, 1907, LOUn^- U p 0n j, ts p assa ge and duly ! ¥sfi NB Merrier, Clerk City Council, improved this March 4th, 1907. W F. Willis Dart, v Mayor City of Douglas, Georgia.