The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, April 27, 1907, Image 1

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VOL. 17, NO. 50. Boagias Baptist Church Notes. By alexis d. kendrick, Pastor. The Sunday School Teachers will begin this week at the regu lar weekly meeting Saturday afternoon, at the pastorium, a course in Normal Sunday School Training, using as a text book, “Revised Normal Lessons,” by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut. This text book will be supplemented with other books on Sunday School work. The pastor will teach the Normal Studies, and for a few weeks, Col. Briggs will direct the regular Sunday School lesson teaching. We hope to have all of our teachers take the Normal course so that in the near future every teacher will have been trained in Normal Sunday School Work. In the regular Sunday School, Mrs. Dr. Whipple, will teach a Normal Sunday School class, usings the text book the same as is used in the teachers meeting. This new phase of our work will do much to provide the best teachers possible to take charge of the teaching of our school. The Pastor’s Training Class of children are doing some good Bible Studying every Monday afternoon. We would bke to have fifty children in this class. The sermon on ‘ ‘The Fall and Restoration of Petor,” which the pastor began - last Sunday morning will be concluded at 11 TANNER MERCANTILE CRMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise, Douglas, Georgia. Best Patent Flour, $4.00 per barrel $4.10 In Cotton. at our store In Wood Money refunded if not Satisfied Come at once. We want your busi ness. Competition knocked higher than a kite, in anything we handle, and we handle anything from a four horse wagon to a paper of pins. We are headquarters for anything you want. Remember, we do more than meet competition. TANNER MERCANTILE CO. A. M. Sunday. The scries of sermons which the pastor was preaching on Sun day evenings up to the Revival Meetings, on ‘ The Second Com ing of Christ and Related Sub jects” will be continued, begin ning Sunday evening. These sermons attracted large congre gations and much good resulted to those who attended the ser vices. The following sermons will be preached on the dates named. April 28th “The Anti christ, his character and his work.” May sth, “God’s Judge ments upon Man.” May 12th, “Is there a Literal Hell and Eternal Punishment.” May 19th, “Signs which will Precede the Second Coming of Christ,” May 27th, “The New Heavens and the New Earth.” Beginning Sunday evening at 7:30 and continuing every Sunday even-' ing through the month of May these interesting and bilical ser mons will be preached by the pastor. The public is invited to these and all other sendees of the church and Sunday School. The teachers in the Sunday School who were in the last con test were given their rewards last Sunday. Six beautiful class pins were given with the in scription “BAPTIST S. S.” These faithful teachers with the others of the school deserve much credit for their faithfulness in their Sunday School work. We want fifty more young men Douglas, Ga., April 27th, 1907. Revival Meetings. The Presbyterian Evangelist, | Rev. J. D. Fleming will preach at the Auditorium tonight at 7:45 P. M. Services at Auditorium every night at 7:45. Sunday services at 11 o’clock |A. M., special service for men at 4:30 P. M. and service at night at 7:45. No services at the Court House morning or night Sunday, as Methodist will unite in these revival services. to join the Baraca Sunday School class, and as many more young ladies to become members to join the Philathea class. The teach ers of these classes are anxious to be of some help to as many of the young people as possible. We invite all of our young people who are not in Sunday School to become members of these class es. Visitors and strangers will find a cordial welcome in any of the classes of the School. Miss Lillian Orr, the pastor’s assistant has arrived and is now busy in the church and Sunday School work. She will look after the church financies collecting from all who do not use the en velope system and secur in g pledges from those who have not made their pledge towards the support of the church. The Fin ance Committee expects monthly offerings from ever} member except from those who are not able to help support the church. Epvvorth League Program lor Sunday, April 28th. Hymn 655. Prayer. Introduction by Leader. India’s Natural Products and Water Suplies—Miss Bessie Lott, Something of Her People— Miss Margaret Rutherford, Her Educational Features—Mr. Robert Freeman, The Indian in His Home—Mr. L. E. Heath. Their Marriage Customs—Miss Irene McDonald. Their Religion and Our Oppor tunity There —Rev. L. A. Hill. Short Sketch of William Carey Miss Beatrice McDonald. Short Sketch of Adoniram Jad son —Miss Luella Roan, Our Hope of India—Mrs. W. C. Lankford. , All the young people of the town are invited. The Progressive Union. At the next meeting of the Progressive Union, the study of Southern Literature will betaken up. The following is the program arranged by the sommittee for this occasion. Ist Music. 2nd Ante-bellum Literature, Prof. J. VV. Hendricks. 3rd Prose writings, Mr. G. M. Stanton. 4th Music. sth Poetry of the South, Mr. W. T. Cottingham. 6th Selections, Col. W. C. Lank- Furniture. |One of our stores is literally loaded with all grades Household m Kitchen Furniture. at the right price. We buy in car-load lots and therefore sell cheaper than anyone else. Then i why not buy that Suit of Nice Furniture for your wife. Your credit is good. SI.OO per Annum Letter To Dan Vickers, Douglas, Ga. Dear Sir: Every job Devoe is !done with less gallons than ever j before with any other paint. S. J Field, Indianoia, Fla, says: “All houses here are painted Devoe. The hot air is too trying for other paints. One coat De voe is better than two of any other paint, so far as we know.” Less gallons, less cost. Yours truly 32 F W Devoe & Co Watt & Holmes Ildw Co sell our paint. ford. 7th Music. Note. All members will kind ly prepare themselves on south ern writers, and come with quo tations from or anecdotes of, favorite authors. The Union will meet with Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Bryan, and all members who were assigned sub jects during the first quarter, but who were hindered from giving same, are earnestly requested to be present if possible with their papers. Mrs. T. B. Marshall, Melvin Tanner, W. C. Lankford, Com. Every member is requested to be present specially all new mem bers. The Union is proving very interesting and will do great good for Douglas, if the members will do their duty. The time of meeting is the second Thursday night in each month and this meeting will be on the ninth of May. W. C. Bryan, Sec’y.