The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, March 13, 1915, Image 8

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Out of Tow" Society MT. ZION DOtS. Hello, Uncle Jim, here we come for the first time. Our school is Ret ting along fine under the careful man agement of Miss Idello Meeks, and she is loved by all of her pupils. Our Sunday school is getting along fine. Everybody is invited to come. Church was well attended Sun day, and a good sermon was deliver ed by Rev. S'. E. Illitch.—r-Messrs. Charlie Wall and cli- -r Cillis visited church and homef Sunday. We were all glad to .hem. ——There will be preaching i Mt. Zion next Saturday night at 7 o’clock, and Sun day at 11 o’clock, 13th and 14th, by Rev. Varnadore. Everybody invited to come. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wall visited homefolks Sunday. Mr. Tharp Vickers and Miss Mary Gillis were all smiles Sunday. The pin der popping and candy pulling Thurs day night of last week was well at tended. Mr. Johnnie Wall visited the home of Mr. Bill Gillis Sunday afternoon. Mr. A/.ie Bennett vis ited the home of Mr. Jim Sutton Sun day afternoon. Miss Emmie Wall and Mr. Johnnie Wall went to Fid dlers Green Saturday night, and re ports a nice time. Misses Lillie and Janie Sutton attended church on Sunday. Miss Emmie Wall was a pleasant visitor at Mr. Jim Sutton s Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dave Hen derson and daughter, Henna, return ed from Florida last Thursday after noon. Mrs. J. 11. Wall was a vis itor to McDonald Monday. Mr. G. A Gillis made a flying trip to Pearson Monday. Dr. McDonald is on the sick list this week. We hope him a speedv recovery. YELLOW VIOLETS. WEST GREEN NEWS. We .e having: gome fine weather the . clays. Begins to look like spring is here. Mr. N. S. Boyd vis ited Fitzgerald Sunday. Miss Fan nie Minchew attended preaching at Burkett church Sunday.—-Mrs. J. L. Denton spent the day Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Joel Ward. - Mi-.-os Esther Denton, 'Eula Wilcox and Lucy Courson visited Misses Gay nell and Bennie Ward Sunday. Mr. Mitchell Sapp carried Miss Ruby Peterson to church at Love Ilill Sun day. Rev, Morrison preached an interesting sermon at Lone Ilill Sun day and was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. N. S. Boyd is still at the hospital at Douglas, but is improving speedily, and is expected to come home this week.- Mr. Oliver Sapp visited his brother, Calvin, at West Green Sunday. Mr. Percy Ward, of the G.-N. €. and B. 1., visited his mother, Mrs. J. S. Ward, Saturday night, Miss Eula Walden spent Tuesday night with Miss Ruby Pet erson. Messrs. Percy Ward and Robert Wilcox visited Miss Ruby Roberts Sunday. TWO SCHOOL GIRLS.' WINFIELD NEWS. (Lasi Week) We are having very inclement weather. Bro. T. C. Jordan filled his monthly appointment at Union church Saturday a d Sunday. We are so glad to say .hat Mr. J. Z. Hes ter is improving.—*- Mr. J. L. Mob ley and W r . S. Sullivan spent part of the afternoon with . W. O. Betts. . Misses Mary Co. itt and Belle Hawkins had callers Sunday after noon. We are glad to say Miss Caroline Mobley is up again, hut is very feeble yet. Mrs. Florence Moore and Mrs. J. L. Mobley were the guests of Mrs. W. A. Mobley on Sunday afternoon. Mrs J. 'ioung has returned to Mrs. W. A. Mobley’s after a visit to her sisters and broth er at Osierfield. Mr. J. L. Mobley made a business trip to Ocilla on the 20th. Mrs. Susie Hester has been very ill, but is able to be out again. .——Union school is still progressing under the careful management of Miss Mary Corbitt. People out < here are trying to start up their far ming, but the weather is so bad they can’t do much Our Sabbath school at Union church is still progressing. LOVING HENRY. McClelland school notes. <Our school is progressing nicely. State Pig Club Agent, Mr. Down ing. and Mr. G. B. Eunice visitel our school last week, and made some dem onstrations of photos of pigs raised by the Pig Club boys. The musi cal entertainment at Mr. StafFler’s Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. Miss Johnson, the Can ning Club Agent, spent Tuesday af ternoon with us organizing the To mato Club. There are 10 members in the club. Some of the folks are talking of planting corn this week. Misses Mary Neugent and sisters spent Saturday night at Mr. J. J. Mc —Clelland’s. k\TILLA PARK DOTS. j We are having some very pretty I weather this week. Mr. Cauley Taft and Mr. Virgil McKinnon took i flying trip to Douglas • Saturday, then went out to the box social at Vickers School House. We are all very glad to see Misses Lucile and Annie Mae Davis return to school af ter a long absence. Prof. 0. L. Taylor went to Waycross Saturday on business. Church was well at tended at Royals church on Sunday. We are very glad to know Mr. Melvin Davis is improving from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Homer Gillis was the pleasant guest of Miss Mary Vickers. Mr. A. McKinnon made a flying trip to Willacoochee one day last week. Prof. O. L. Taylor and Mr. Oscar Starling plan ned a trip to Douglas Saturday, but was disappointed. Mr. S. A. Sum merlin is up again from a case of lagrippe. Misses Blanie and Ra chel McKinnon took a pleasure trip about inviting people to the box so cial. The farmers of this section are very busy plowing and planting corn, cotton, buying guano etc. Prof. Tullie Weatherington was in Douglas Saturday. Bought him a horse and buggy. Box social at Satilla Park School House Saturday night next. Everybody is cordially invited, beginning at 7 o’clock in the afternoon with literary program, and closing time unlimited., such as joint debates, songs, quartetts, speeches, dialogues, etc. WARD SCHOOL DOTS. We are having some fine weather now. Everybody is getting ready to plant.- Uncle Jim, why didn’t you come to preaching Sunday. Will look for you next time. A large crowd attended preaching Sunday. Mr. Herbert Harrell, Miss Cor bitt. and Miss Winnie Lee Harrell spent Sunday at Mr. Dan Vickers -Miss Lillian Vickers and Mist* Viola Lott spent Friday and Satur-. day at O’Berry visiting Miss Lott’s homefolks. Mr. Leslie and Ernest Squires spent Sunday at Mr. Dan Vickrse. Miss Annie and Mabel Squires spent Sunday at Mr. Thomp son's.——Mhs Alice Williamson, of Douglas, spent Sunday at Mr. Dan Vickers’. -Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kirk land announce the arrival of a little girl at their home. We were glad to Irave Mr. and Mrs. Shram, of Quincey’s Farm, at { reaching Sunday. —Prof. Sangstcr, of Ambrose, spent Sunday at Mr. Dan Vickers. We are glad to see Miss Bernice Kitchen out again. Miss Gatsey Butts spent Sunday at Mr. T. Crosby’s.— Misses Pauline Vickers and Clig. Crosby attended the pinder shelling at Mr. T. Crosby’s Tuesday night. —Everybody is about well of the lngrippe this week. Miss Lillian Vickers returned home Sunday from Willacoochee. Hoping the Enter prise success. ROSE BUD. ROCKY PONl) SCHOOL NEWS. Dear Uncle Jim: School is getting along fine.' Some of the pupils are out this week. We hope they will soon be back i nschool again. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Grantham, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Grantham, were visitors at Mr. John Grantham’s last Sunday. Miss Alkeone Rollins was a vis itor at Miss Gertrude Moore’s last Sunday. Mr. Myers Thomas was a visitor at letaoin shrdlu cmfwypn a visitor of Mr. Lonnie Moore last Sunday. Mrs. Brantley and chil dren were pleasant visitors at Mrs. John Grantham’s Sunday. Mr. Wil lie Thomas was a visitor of Mr. Ever ett Smith’s Sunday. Miss Mary Smith was a visitor of Miss Mary Grantham last Sunday. Mrs. W. B. Mercer and daughter were pleas ant visitors at Mr. H. L. Smith’s on Monday. Mr. B. T. Rollins visited I Mr. Isaac Smith last Sunday. Miss Martha Ann Smith and Miss Levada Smith attended Gully Branch preaching last Sunday. Miss Eula Bailey was driving the little cream mule last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith was a visitor at Mr. Luke’s last Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Rollins was a visitor at Mr. H. L. Smith’s last Sunday. UNCLE JIM’S CHUMS. VICKERS SCHOOL DOTS. We did not have a very good at tendance at school last week on ac count of lsickness. Mr. Hansel Sears, who has been gone for a month looking over the United States, re turned home last Tuesday morning. All his school mates wer glad to have him come back. Mrs. Henry McClelland and son, Ernest, from Way cross, spent part of last week at Mr. W. H. Vickers’. Miss Aleph Lott is visiting relatives and friends in the Mora district this week, and Leon Mils is wishing her back. —Miss Agness Vickers is on the sick list THE DOUGLAS ENTERPRISE, DOUGLAS, GA., MARCH 13th, 1915. this week. The box social Satur day night was a success, as they took in $411:43.-i —Miss Tussie Houze, of Fitzgerald, is visiting her sister this week, Mss Ruth Houze. Miss An hie Mae Mills is all smiles this week. - - -We are sorry to learn of the sickness and death of Richard Vick ers, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Vick ers. He was about ten years old. The burial took place Saturday after noon at the old Carver church. Everybody is invited to attend Sun day school at 3 o’clock. BUNCH OF PINKS. BICKLEY DOTS. The farmers of this section are very busy preparing for planting. Our school is improving nicely under the management of Prof. Alvin Carter. We have 56 on roll, and several more yet to come. The debate here was well attended Saturday night. The school is very dull this week. Miss Maggie Morris made a visiting trip to Nicholls to her mother Saturday, and returned Sunday night. Miss Leona Davis, of near Wilsonville, has been visiting her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berry Tanner. Miss Bes sie Hemett was looking pleased last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Walter Smith made a business trip to Way cross this week. Mr. Clifford Wil son, from Waycross, is visiting Mr. John Edenfield and family this week. There wasn’t many out to church Sunday at Rehobeth. Miss Gussie Smith and May Denton ipade a visit to Mr. G. L. Carter’s last week. Mr. Alvin etaoinshrdlucmfwypetii-dr Miss Maggie Edenfield attended church Sunday. SALEM NEWS. Our school is still progressing, con ducted by one of the best teachers in the county. Little Myrtle Vin ing spent Saturday night a he home | of her uncle, Mr. J. O’Steen. Mrs. J. O’Steen and children visited Mrs. John Chaney Sunday afternoon, who has been sick for some time,—— —Mr. H. Thomas, Mr. S. Smith and Mr. J. O’Steen attended preaching at the Mobley School House Saturday night and-Sunday.-—*Mrs. L. A. Yarbrough | visited Mrs. Jim Tarrant Saturday afternoon.—; —Mr. Frank Dooley call- j ed on Miss Zeppie Minix Sunday af- ] ternoon. Cupid is getting very busy ! on Rfd. No. 3. Little Eva and j Ronia Minix visited their grand-par- i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Minix, Sun- ! day. Little Stella Horten was a j pleasant visitor at the home of her | uncle, Mr. Archie McCullers, Sun- ; day. Mrs. Jim Tarrant, of Upton, i is on the sick list this week. We i hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. O’Steen announce j the arrival of a iittle son. Mr. R. j G. Underwood and Mr. Pat Chaney j visited' friends and relatives at Chat- ! terton Sunday. Quite a surprise wedding to the many friends of Miss Rebecca Minix and Mr. Robert Ford which took place Sunday afternoon. Mrs. B. 11. O’Steen spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. O’Steen. Mrs. Henry Chaney has been on the sick list but is improving now. - Mrs. G. W. Hester and daughter, Myr tice, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hester’s daughter, Mrs. R. L. Underwood. Mrs. Pat Chaney and children spent Sunday at Mrs. R. L. Underwood’s. Little Julia Under wood spent Tuesday at the home of her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hesters. Little Eula Merritt spent Wednesday night with school mate, little Aline O’Steen. Little Harvey Underwood is spending this week with his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Underwood. —Miss Mary Ward and Miss Martha Hester visited Mrs. Byrd Sunday. Mr. Wm. Car ver, of near Gulley Branch was a mong friends Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Hester spent Saturday night and Sun day at the home of her mother, Mrs. i B. Carver. Mrs. B. Carver visited her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Hester, Sat ! urday. Hope we will be in the new ! school house next week. SCHOOL GIRL. FARM LOANS. Money is now more plentiful. We are now closing loans promptly. If you need money, come to see us. DICKERSON, KELLEY & ROBERTS SEND US YOUR ORDERS FOR Egyptian Wheat, any quantity. Hall’s Drug Store. Summerrous % and Vfe cotton seed SI.OO per bushel. $4.00 per bushel less than I paid last spring. You can get seed at H. L. Graham’s, Brox ton, Ga., or order from me. JNO. S. CLARK, Jacksonville, Ga. WE CAN FURNISH YOU EGYP tian Wheat in any quantity. Let us make you a price. Hall’s Drug Store. To Our and Friends We are in position now to furnish you all grades of Fertilizer and Can give you 4 per cent of Potash, Retail from our ware house, and car lots delivered anywhere, come to see us and get the best Douglas Oil & Fertilizer Co, Douglas, x Georgia WE HAVt TO EAT In War as Well as in Peace TJkLrL* Let us serve you with all the deli- FRUIT JjjyppM C acies for the table. We keep ev ervthing in season, and your phone orders to No. 52 will have our J. C. RELIHAN & COMPANY DOUGLAS, GA. SWIFT S FERTILIZER f v Its Reputation IS THE BEST They Manufac= tur Noting but Uii w FERTILIZER See us for Prices Before You Buy G. I « I f sllOl Douglas, - - Georgia