The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, June 03, 1916, Image 9

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CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! ACTS UKEJNMIE OK LIVER I Guarantee “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had—Doesn’t Make You Sickl Stop using calomel! It makes you sick. Don’t lose a day’s work. If you feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti pated, listen to me! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver whiyh causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that aw ful nausea and cramping. If you feel "all knocked out,” if your liver is tor pid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone. Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drtfe store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone. Take a He Wanted to Know. "Mother, who was the strongest man?” said Johnnie. "Why, Samson. I think,” said his mother, who was not very certain about history, sacred or otherwise. "Well, how long was he champion?” asked Johnnie, another question which his mother oould not answer. COVETED BY ALL tout possessed by few —a beautiful head of hair. If yours is streaked with gray, or is harsh and stifT, you can re store it to its former beauty and lus ter by using "La Creole” Hair Dress ing. Price 11.00.—Adv. Quite Familiar. She (thoughtfully)-r-Did you ever think much about reincarnation, dear? T 8 (otherwise) —Think about it? I eat it nearly every day—only we call it hash. —Tiger. Unassisted. “I hear that poor Blank died with out the aid of a doctor.” “Yes, he managed it alone, poor chap.” Keep Hanford’s Balsam in your sta ble. Adv. , You never hear a dressmaker say that figures cannot lie. FINE FOR RHEUMATISM! Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints —Drives Out Pain You’ll know why thousands use MUS* TEROLE once you experience the glad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment made with the oil of mustard. Bet ter than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! MUSTEROLE is recommended by doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Conges tion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chil blains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist’s, in 25c and 50c jars, and a special large hospital size for $2.50. Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Nervous Women Find Sure Relief in STELLA-VIT* H jj | Nervousness is one of the most S S certain signs of derangement or B R weakness of the female organs. !to Do you get “fidgety” or upset I * when things go wrong? Do you g often feel as if your nerves were 2 on edge? Are you depressed and I irritable? You should go right to g the root of the trouble and sup- I ply a tonic that will restore your | feminine organs to their normal g £ condition. Stella-Vitae has been I a godsend to thousands of nervous, g to worn-out, discouraged women. It ? fi is guaranteed to help you. You ft to need risk nothing. Buy a bottle R fl from your dealer, and if you are b to not benefited he will give you 5 your money back. & bottle at to your nearest dealer’s. | Thaclier Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. I P/l U> M? lookout Biscuit STANDARD of EXCELLENCE 'southern CHATTANOOGA BAKE-ltV CHATTANOOGA* TENN. , J Kill All Flies! j r.l:T Placed anywhere. Daisy F’A KH!«r mttracta and kills all (Diet. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient, and cheap. ty prepaid, SI.OO, HAROLD SOMERS, 15C DeKalb Ave , Brooklyn, N. Y r.AV.n.rrrm bDs!n?ss ' patent or other property L3Su I Oui i aTin qaj o kiy ; describe, sta to lowest price. Write Browa't NaUuaai ExeUanfe, laL Life Bids., 81. Leola, 80. spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten you right up and make you feel tine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get ydur money. Dod son’s Liver Tone is . destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. —Adv. “Human Folk.” The people who live in the hearts of men are the “human beings” of his tory —the Lincolns, the Mark Twains and the Walt Whitmans of life who lounged through the world in snirt sleeves. They never took the trouble to put on airs, because they knew that if they did they would miss the whole show. The price of admission to that human show the greatest show on earth —is to leave selfishness and pride at home. That done, you walk in past the doorkeeper without giving him anything but a wink. —Bos- ton Globe. TALK ABOUT ITCHING A well known Georgia dentist, Dr. R. H. Thomas, Valdosta, Ga., writes: “I feel as though some encouragement is due you for the good results 1 obtained from Hancock Sulphur Com pound. I suffered greatly for three long, hot summers, with some un known itch on my legs from my knees to my ankles. There wak no eruption —the skin perfectly clear and smooth — but talk about itching, it certainly did it. I have used one fifty cent bottle of Hancock Sulphur Compound and think I am nearly w r ell. Many thanks.” Hancock Sulphur Compound and Ointment are sold by all dealers. Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more, Md. Write for Booklet. —Adv. The mind cure may be all right— but the patient must have a mind of his own to start with. THIS IS THE AGE OF YOUTH. You will look ten years younger if you darken your ugly, grizzly, gray hairs by using “La Creole” Hair Dressing. —Adv. In Luck. "We’re in luck, boys,” remarked Noah. “In what way?” inquired Japhet. “We can go ahead and build this ship ourselves without asking for an appropriation.” FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine —double strength—is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine —double strength—from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine, as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. — Adv. Don't blame a girl for assuming a striking attitude when she’s trying to make a hit. Get it to the bottom of the affected part. Adv. A woman is always suspicious of another woman who dresses better than herself. TRY DARKENING YOUR GRAY HAIR WITHOUT DYES Shampoo your hair and scalp each morning for about a week with Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. If your hair is gray, streaked with gray, prematurely gray or faded, brittle, thin or falling, all your hair will then be beautifully darkened and to such a natural, even dark shade no one would suspect that you had applied Q-Ban. Q-Ban is no dye, perfectly harmless, but makes all your hair soft, fluffy, thick, with that lustrous dark shimmer which makes your hair so fascinating. Big bottß sent prepaid or sold by druggists for 50c. Address Q-Ban Laboratories, Mem phis, Tenn. —Adv. In London. "If I say my prayers tonight, mam ma, will they get me by the Zeppe lins?”—Life. FITS, EPILEPSY, FALtIKO SICKNESS Stopped Qnieklv. Fifty years of uninterrupted success of l>r. Kline s Kpllepsy Medicine insures lasting results. Large Tri \l Bottle Free. DR. KLINE COMPANY, It«d Bank, N. J.-Adr. v A man isn’t necessarily a bird be cause he acts like a jay. For wire cuts use Hanford’s Balsam. Adv. Money makes the mare go and like wise marriage makes the money go. The chronic borrower is naturally a trifle touchy TWV TWUGI.AS ENTERPRISE. DOUGLAS. GEORGIA. SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL POULTRY RAISING Cull the fowl on the left; keep the one on the right. The long body, deep chest, broad head, and short beak, together with the bright eye of the cock on the right indicate good strong constitution. The short body with long legs, and narrow head and chest Indicate weak constitution in the bird on the left. (By H. L. KEMPSTF.R, Missouri College of Agriculture.) The secret of successful poultry rais ing is to cull. Breeding stock should undergo a most rigid selection not on ly for type but for constitutional vigor for unless a bird has a good, strong constitution it cannot be an economi cal producer. Weak chicks are more liable to disease, they are not as good egg producers, nor do the birds grow and faften as economically. A good constitution is indicated by a broad, deep chest, long body, active disposition, keen bright eye, a broad head and bright colored comb, glossy plumage and a very well curved beak. Birds which have any tendency to ward the elongated heads, commonly known as “crow heads,” should be eliminated from the breeding pens. Females that have heavy abdomens and excessive fat so that they bag down behind should be sent to the market for they are generally poor breeders and always poor producers. The bird which is the first off the roost in the morning and the last to go on to the roost at night should be used. Any bird which has been sick at any time should not be used in the breed ing pen. The time to begin to select breeders for the next season is when the chicks are hatched. Those birds which show a tendency toward weak ness should be marked at the time this weakness is noticed in order that they may never find their way into the breeding pens. A system of marking BEST GRAINS FOR CHICKENS Barley, Wheat and Corn Tested at California Station and Found to Be Equally Valuable. The chicken’s digestive system is quite different from ours, especially in one particular, the gizzard. You all eaten it and know what it is, but have you ever seen it taken from the bird’s body when dressing it for table use? If you have, you know it is full of fine stones and pieces of grit. These are used to help grind up the food and get it ready for use in the body, so we must see to it that our flock is furnished with plenty of grit. This should always be kept within easy reach of the birds. It is always a question as to what grain will give the best results as far as egg production is concerned. At the California experiment station they tested barley, wheat, and corn and found them equally valuable if other feeds were used to supplement them. This being the case, it is possible to use the lowest priced grain. If wheat is fed, the soft wheats or the shrunken grain that is not used for flour may be used. However, don't ever feed musty or spoiled grains. Some people crack the corn before feeding but this does not pay except with very young chicks. It is a good practice to feed a finely ground mash every third or fourth day in place of the regular grain feeds. This may be fed wet or dry, but care should be taken to see that it is evenly ground or the birds will pick out the coarser particles and waste much of the finer part. It is well to provide fresh meat from time to time and this may often be fed finely ground with the mash. When using it be careful that it is fresh and not spoiled. RATION FOR LITTLE CHICKS Youngsters Should Be Fed Liberally of W'heat Bran and Middlings— With Other Feed. Wheat bran and middlings are very good for the little chicks. They should be fed liberally of it, but care should be exercised that the ration is balanced up with other feeds. If it is fed alone no good results will be accomplished, but, on the other hand. Injury to the little fowls is likely to occur. CARiNG FOR HATCHING EGGS They Should Be Gathered Often Enough to Guard Against Chill ing or Any Other Injury. Eggs for hatching should be laid in clean nests so that there is no neces sity for washing them and removing their protective covering. They should be gathered often enough to safeguard against chilling, overheating by other hens sitting on them, soiling or any other injury. the birds should be used to enable the owner to tell the age of his chick ens. This can be done by toe-marking the chicks with a punch when hatch ed; or the mature birds may be leg banded in the fall. The fowls for the breeding pen should be selected from the one and two-year-old stock in or der to secure the largest and best eggs for hatching. In fact the experience of the Missouri agricultural experi ment station shows that in economical egg-production few hens over two years old should ever be retained. The breeding stock should be sep arated from the general flock. It is an unnecessary expense to breed from the entire flock because of the extra male birds which will be necessary. It is also a poor practice to breed from the entire flock because some of the birds do not come up to the keep ers’ ideal of chickens, and for that reason should not be used. The worst fault of the usual method of breeding are (1) the use of inferior males, (2) the breeding of immature or poorly developed stock; (3) the breeding from the entire flock, poor as well as good; and (4) the selection of eggs from the general egg basket. The farmer should aim to select a few of the best females and then mate to them a good, vigorous male. A few hens properly handled -vwill produce all of the eggs necessary for hatching purposes, will eliminate the need of using additional males and %vill pro duce much better progeny. PREVENT GAPES IN CHICKENS Disease Constitutes Unanswerable Ar gument for Keeping All Houses, Yards and Roosts Clean. (By H. S. EAKINS. Colorado Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colo.) Gapes is caused by wormlike para sites which become attached to the mucous membrane of the windpipe and more often affects young chickens than older ones. The wings are drooped, head extended, the bill is frequently opened, and a wheezing sound is heard as the chicken is seen to be breathing will difficulty. Treatment is worth while in some instances, but the main thing is pre vention. The eggs of the parasites are expelled from the mouths of dis eased chickens and may gain entrance direct into other chickens or the eggs getting into the soil may be ingested by angleworms and these being eaten by fowls will cause them to become affected. Magpies and other birds may transmit the disease. This disease constitutes another unanswerable ar gument for keeping chicken houses, yards, pans and roosts clean at all times. FAVOR DUAL-PURPOSE FOWLS Heavier Breeds Offer Many Advan tages to Beginner as Well as to Established Breeder. In keeping fowls the kind kept has a great deal to do with your success at the business. One should strive to produce lots of eggs and at the samo time have birds that make good table fowls. There are several breeds of this kind, which are Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Orpingtons. Rhode Island Reds, or any of the heavier breeds, and they offer many advanftges to the beginner as well as to the older breed er. This is mostly a ouestion of taste fer each individual poultryman. These larger breeds make excellent table fowls after the laying season is over if not wanted to carry over to the next season. ERADICATE LICE ON FOWLS Soft Earth, Mixed With Ashes, Affects Hens’ Opportunity to Get Rid of Blood Suckers. Droopy chickens, eyes closed and feathers ruffled do not all indicate disease. Better look around the prem ises and see where the lice are begin ning to crawl out. Pick the fowl up and look closely about the fluff on hips, at base of tail around the vent, and nine chances to one you will find the real cause numerous blood-suck ing parasites. Soft earth stirred up in the scratch ing shed, mixed with fine stove ashes, will afford the hens an opportunity to rid themselves cf this pest. Better to dust each individual and assist them to drive the pest away. Vain Search. Mrs. Bacon--Do you know, dear, I have only two suits of clothes to my name? Mrs. Bacon —Yes, John; I have no ticed that you have very little change in your clothing.—St. Louis Post-Dis patch. Defined. “Pa, what is meant by a superwom an?” "A superwoman, son? Let me see, Ah! I have a definition. A superwom an is a female of the species who could trace her ancestry back to royalty, but doesn’t.” The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depress ing heat of summer by taking regularly Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. 50c. A man can’t understand why all women don't get stuck on him. For thrush use Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Some men wouldn’t take advice if it were offered to them in capsules. IMITATION IS SINCEREST FLATTERY but like counterfeit money the imita tion has not the worth of the original. Insist on “La Creole” Hair Dressing- - it’s the original. Darkens your hair in the natural way, but contains no dye. Price SI.OO. —Adv. A man’s intellect doesn’t seem to have anything in common with his happiness. RESINOL SPEEDILY HEALS ITCHING, BURNING SKINS Usually resinol ointment, with res inol soap, stops itching at once, quickly and easily heals distressing cases of eczema, rash, ringworm, tetter or simi lar tormenting skin or scalp eruptions, and , clears away pimples, redness, roughness, and dandruff, when other treatments have proven useless. Physicians have prescribed resinol for twenty years, while thousands whose skins have been healed say, “What resinol did for us it will do for you.” Try it! All druggists sell resi nol soap and resinol ointment. —Adv. Ignorance may be bliss, but there is a lot of bliss that isn't due to igno rance. SOAP IS STRONGLY ALKALINE and constant use will burn out the scalp. Cleanse the scalp by shampoo ing with “La Creole” Hair Dressing, and darken, in the natural way, those ugly, grizzly hairs. Price. SI.OO. —Adv. Many a man who takes himself seri ously is considered a joke by his neighbors. ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE FOR THE TROOPS Many war zone hospitals have ordered Allen’s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder, for use among the troops. Shaken into the shoes and used in the foot-bath, Allen’s Foot-Ease gives rest and comfort and makes walking a delight. Sold every where, 26c. Try It today. Adv. Lots of men are lenient with them selves because of their belief that charity begins at home. Stick to Your Intentions. Don’t put off getting Hanford’s Bal sam of Myrrh until something hap pens. Get it now and be prepared for accidents. You will find frequent use for it in your home and in your stable for cuts, burns, bruises and any sore, any lameness. Adv. For a real likeness of yourself, the modern photograph isn’t in it with the old-fashioned tintype. Contests 15 Fluid Drachms Jrjf § wmim ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT A Vegetable PreparalionfbrAs similating the Foodand Hegtila* i hngthe Stomachs and Bowels of IC'W li*l -1 DPI 0; "0 f ~ £ Promotes Digestion,Clieerful i: c ness mid Rest. Contains neither jJi'l Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. vrjJJ Not Narcotic. Ijj-Bfi fycipi ofmpr.SA.mL PnVf£ff Pumpkin'sHd- Air .S(wm * \ ifcT r RoduU* Salts* v C Afusr S*«cL • i' fi Psppsrfninl \ ■ > bi-CarbcnaU.Sodct m t Worm ,S.W | , .7 * CJartfitd Sugar ! Wui/*rgr*cfi Ttmwr J A perfect Remedy forOonslTpa tion. Sour StoiimekDiarrhoea. ijj*? Worms: Feverishness and. if AS Loss of Sleep. . 4 «ajoO fbc-Siinile Signalure Of * The Centaur ComivvW, Exact Copy of Wrapper YOUNG WOMEN MAY AVOID PAIN Need Only Trust to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, says Mrs. Kurtzweg. Buffalo, N.Y.—“ My daughter, whoa* picture is herewith, was much troubled —.|l)ll'|i|lH|tmm ■ nwith pains in her I back and sides every month and they sometimes be so bad that it would seem like acute in- «T flammation of some organ. She read your advertisement ■ * in the newspapers TH and tried Lydia E. I^ ; ■ table Compound. She praises it highly as she has been relieved of all these pains by its use. All mothers should know of this remedy, and all young girls who suffer should try it”— Mrs. Matilda Kurtzweg, 629 High St, Buffalo, N. Y. Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re stored to health by this root and herb remedy. If you know of any young wo man who is sick and needs help ful advice, ask her to write to tho Tydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co., Tynn, Mass. Only women will receive her letter, and it will bo held in strictest confidence. If You Want White Clover. Most of the clovers are biennials or perennials, but not so white clover. It is annual and propagates itself only by seed. Therefore if one wishes white clover in the lawn he must not cut it so short that no ripe heads will be formed to provide seed for the fol lowing year. Some people are always sowing white clover in their lawns and wondering why they have to r«- peat the process every year. When a man says a bright thing he nearly always forgets the quota tion marks. Made since 1846 —Hanford’s Balsam. Adv. Talkative women are naturally open faced. MEN AND Kidney trouble preys i *, upon the mind, dl»- WfIMF.N cqurages and lessens VV UIULIV ambition; beauty, vig or cheerfulness often disappear when the kidneys are out of order or diseased. For good results use Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample size bottle by Par cel Post, also pamphlet. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bfnghamto*. N. Y., and enclose ten cents. When writ lng mention this paper. f~STEMTHs (PllTonic Sold for 47 years. For Malaria,Chills and Fever. Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. •®*iS£2 l *i2LS — liFTPills The first dose often astonishes the Invalid, giving elasticity of mind, buoyancy of body, GOOD DIGESTION, regular bowels and solid flesh* Price, 25 cts ripi/ Bend ten cents stamps to Mrs. Jenbla r Anderson, one twenty eight Hickory street for Booklets, Pictures and full Information all about Hot Springs, Arkansas W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 22-1916.” For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / . Bears the (\ Jp* In rtj' Use For Over Thirty Years THE CKMTAUR COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY.