The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, January 06, 1917, Image 1

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“The Enterprise Covers Every Npok and Cor ner of Coffee County and Then Some” fIEW CITY FATHERS MAKE CLEAN SWEEP MONDAY NI6HT The newly elected city officers were sworn in on last Monday night, and immediately began to organize. - Those present were Hon. Daniel Gaskin, Sr., mayor; Aldermen: S. J. Stubbs, J. B. . Exum, J. L. Young, H. C. Whelchel,! and Jesse J. Lott. The outgoing municipal officers were Mayor G. M. Stanton and Councilmen, O. F. Dcen, I. C. Sapp, Jno. M. Hall, G. A. Tar.nor and E. J. Barclay. The'new board organized by electing S. J. Stubbs as Maycr-pri-tem, he having received the highest vote as councilman, and this is the usual cus- [ tom. Other changes in the appoint ive officers arc as follows: IL F. Brown was elected clerk to succeed J. ! D. Knowles; T. W. Upton was named ; Chief of Police to succeed M. D. Slav- j ens. Mr. G. IL Bridges was appoint ed night chief, and the following were re-elected at the piant: J. Q. Ward, chief engineer; M. F. Simmons, night engineer; Scott Cato, lineman; Simon Levin, chief of the fire department; Ben Smith, truck driver. Attorney IS J. Cornelius was unani mously named City Attorney to suc ceed Col. L. E. Heath. I Mayor Gaskin will announce the several standing committees at the next regular meeting. The new mayor and council promise to give especial attention to the streets j cf Douglas this year, a matter that should not be neglected any longer. ; We hope they can see their way clear to at least give the city pavement in the business section, if no more. The outgoing mayor and council should have nothing to regret in the administration of the affairs of the city during the past year. They have done exceedingly well and during their administration have accomplished much for the city. The present city hall will stand as a monument to the outgoing city fathers, and they have handled the financial affairs of the city to the best possible interest of all. f FRANCIS HALLAM OVERBY. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Overby have the sympathy of a host of friends on account of the death of their infant child, Francis Hallam Overby, which occured Tuesday night at Ambrose. The child never had been strong, and Mrs. Overby was enroute to the san titarium of a specialist in diseases cf .'■ l * CLERK A. W. HADDOCK. Who assumed charge of the Clerk’s office last Monday morning for a 4 year’s term. VOLUME XXVII, NUMBER 36 ENTERPRISE NAMED OF FICIAL NEWSPAPER. The Enterprise has been named of ficial organ for the county by the of ficers in charge and the legals for Jan uary wil I oppear in this paper next weak. KRACKER CLUB HAS TWO BIG DANCES The biggest event of the Holiday season was the dance at the Kracker Country Club on Christmas night. This was the opening event of the new club house, and many out of town visitors from Valdosta. Fitzger ald, Ocilla, Waycross, and Thomas ville, were present, to enjoy the en tertainment well planned by the local members. The club house is one of the most modern and best equipped house of its kind in Georgia. The arrange ments are artistic and nothing but modern conveniences are employed. The entertainment proved to be such a great success that another dance was given there on New Years night, and was attended by delegations from various cities nearby. This proved to be as enjoyable an event as the first, and established the fact that the Kracker Country Club is in a po sition to give first class entertain- Vnents when they desire. A series of these dances will be given during the season. children wnen she discovered that there was need of immediate medical attnticn. She left the train at Am brose, a physician was called and all was done that medical science knew. It was however too late and death en sued. The body was brought back to Doug las and funeral services were con ducted at the family residence on Bry an street, Wednesday afternoon by Rev. T. S. Hubert. The large attend ance and many floral offerings bore witness to the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Interment was at city cemetary. THE DOUGLAS ENTERPRISE, DOUGLAS, GEORGIA, JAN. 6, 1917. The Enterprise Publishes the Legal Advertising of the City of Douglas, CSFee County and County Commissioners. 0, PETERSON IS CHAIRMAN OF NEW BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS. THE NEW BOARD EXPECTS TO DO A LOT OF ROAD tiUILIDING AT ONCE. The new board of county commis sioners took charge cf the county’:: cf airs on last Monday, ‘the regular ting day. The beard organized by electing Mr. Oivler Peterson, chair man. Mr. J. F. Meeks, of the Tanner | district was elected vice-chairman. ! The new chairman is a resident of | the Douglas district, and he pledges ‘to give the county’s affairs all the time necessary in carrying out the wishes of the pc-oplo. The board could r.ot have made a better selection in naming a chairman. Silas Meks was retained as county warden and Mr. Hill as deputy war der.. Dr. Gordon Burns was again elected county physician. All of these selections will meet the approval of the people, as they are men well qquali fled for their respective places, and have served the people faithfully and well for some time, in the same cap acity. The new boa"d expects to give spec ial attention to :c. building, and deided at this meeting to purchase new road building machinery and eight rnroe mules. Other equipment will be added from time to time until the county will have first class road ma chinery The main camp will be moved from the Willacoochee district to the Doug las district to-day and will remain in this district for at least four months. During this time the convicts will be in charge of Chairman Peterson. He expects to put the roads thru here in splendid shape as well as open some new roads. The other commissioners will in turn do likewise with the road building in their respectve districts. The new board is made up as fol lows: Douglas district, Oliver Peter son; Nicholls district, J. F. Meeks; McDonald district, Morris Davis; Pearson district, Dan Metts; Willacoo chee district, Oscar Paulk; Ambrose district, Geo. Paulk; Broxton district, P. L. Moore; Pickren district, Silas Lott; Mora district, Peter Harper. STATEMENT Of COUNTY COM MISSIONERS TOO DEC. 1816. Cr. Balance Over Draft $28151.78 Errors 5.79 Bills Payable, Paid note due Dec. 30, 1916. 50000.00 General G. 8. Eunice 1 Mo. Salary 50.00 City of Douglas Lights & Water 20.00 Postage for office 5.00 Willie Merrier Labor 35.00 Union Banking Co. Int. on note 2457 Shepherd Kitchens 20 days Janitor 14.40 Foote & Davies Co. Stationary 19.96 Citizens Bank Int. on note 27.21 M. F. Head & Co. Office Furniture 28.50 L. E. Heath Dftg. Bopds 9.00 W. J. Taylor Holding Election 21.00 Coffee County Progress Printing 5.00 Douglas Hardware Co. Supplies 2.50 Union Pharmacy Supplies 6.95 W. P. Ward Election 5.00 Sapps Pharmacy Ledger 2.50 Pure Food Gro. Co. K. Oil 6.20 Porter Plumbing Co. Work 1.50 Douglas Hotel Auditors Board 48.80 L. C. Montigue & Co. Audit work 195.20 Watt-Holmes Hdw. Co. Supplies 19.01 Fielder & Allen Hdw. Co. Etatior.ary 4.60 David Ricketson Bal. in Settlement 110(5.10 Powers & Meeks Hardware 40.35 J. E. Anderson Rep. work 8.10 J. B. Lott Syrup Brl. 1.00 J. L. Sapp Lumber 17.62 D. Kirkland Co. . Hardware 4.30 R. L. Knight Bridge work 42.55 O. A. Mcßae Arrests 23.15 J. E. Gaskin Supplies 54.14 G. F. McCranie & Co. Supplies 33.40 S. L. West Supplies 11.55 (Continued to Editorial Page.) AND COFFEE COUNTY NEWS TOBACCO SEER GIVEN AWAY DISTRIBUTIN' OF SEF.I) IS FREE AND MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MELVIN TANNER OR SAM LEW IS, OF NICHOLLS. It is bed planting time for tobacco, and those interested in the culture of J tobacco may take notice that they can i get all the seed they desire for ;h f asking by < pplying to Secretary Me:, vin Tanner, of this city or to Mr. Sant Lewis, cf Nicholls. i It; is a free istribution of t< hurra seed and these gentlemen will furnish ypu whatever amount of seed you de sire to plait, free of charge. ■ January is the month for planting your -beds and about April i the time for trapsplan ting. So take due n.oti o m.d cull on these gentlemen for seed at once. Mr. L. G Proctor, Agriculturalist for the A. B. & A., spent to-dav in the city and talks interestingly cf the tobacco industry in Coffee county. He believes in the subject and predicts great-things for the culture of tobacco in Coffee county. Besides getting the seed necessary from the above gentlemen, they will furnish you with ether hif-mat.. on the culture of tobacco, all free of charge. NEW DOUGLAS HOTEL CHANGES HANDS JAN. 1. The New Douglas Hotel changed hands on last Monday morning, Mr. J. G. Joffcoat, proprietor of the Aldine Hotel, at Fitzgerald, assuming control. Mr. M. E. Bardin, who has been in charge for several years left for Knox ville, Tenn., where Me will take one of the hotels there. Mr. Jeffcoat is an experienced hotel man, stands high in the business, hav ing at one time been president of the stale assoc :ation of hotel men. Ho pomises to give Douglas one of the best hotels she has ever had. WANTED —A few pupils in music at Methodist Parsonage. Miss Mable Whittington. SI.OO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE COUNTY MAKES SHIFT Of OFFICERS ON NEW YEARS | CLERK P. E. PAFFORD. ! ! PERKINS PROPERTY AT BROXTON BRINGS $23-006. The entire holdings of the late R. R. Perkins, at Broxton, was sold at Ad ministrator’s sale in Douglas on last Tuesday, and brought something over 'IJb. . ... d»J the brick bloc.: jin the center of town and some farms 'near Broxton. The successful bidders were Messrs. J. H. Milhollin and P. L. Moore, of Broxton. Thse gentlemen will make l extensive improvements in the prop jerty. Fireman’s Carnival Was Big Success i The Fireman’s Carnival closed last Saturday right after a successful week’s run. The boys here received a benefit of S2OO. from the week’s contract. Chief Simon Levin, of the fire de partment, desires to express his thanks to the people of the city and county for their patronage during the week. The money will be used in the purchase of uniforms and other equip ment. # ■ FOR SALE. One fine Kentucky breed mare and mule colt ten months old. One young horse about four years old, well broke, and one grey horse. All for sale at reasonable prices. MRS. W. J. MADDOX, * Douglas, Ga. r ': > * ,-• p f y X f ,vy^ f; . • 4g•'•flv^^gr■- v * ''vf • '' .- ** *. ; h fe" 4^;."'''' •Si^B^^BwM||^^w|^BßH6iMßßwrajßßkv^- •.;Xt!. ■ "TvnjE > *r A- '&£*•-<^,^wm^&klßbP SHERIFF V.'. M. TANNER. Who tcok charge cf the sheriff's office or. January 1, for a 4 year’s term. Help US Ey telephorfl News Items Numbers 44, or 106. ! The switch in court hous’e officers was made on last Mo nay morning, most of the new officers taking the oath on Saturday before. Only a few of the old officers remain on dtuy. Mr. A. W. Haddock assumed his F’nee in the office of Clerk of the Sup : : r court, succeeding Dan Wall. Mr. Haddock has worked in this office be fore and the duties tf it are not now Ito him. He is fully oompetent to | ban;lle the affairs cf the county there, ; >r, any where else for that matter, land his friends are predicting for him i a. most successful administration, j Mr. VV. M. Tanner succeeded Dave | K leketson as sheriff. Sheriff Tanner is thoroughly familiar with these du ties as he has served as deputy in-the I • anio offfi-e. He is qualified in every j way and will make Coffee county one ;of the best sheriffs the has ever had Just 12 years ago, Mr. Tanner’s father j whose name was W. M. Tanner, closed a twelve year tenure of the same of fice. For this reason alone the pres ent sheriff feels grateful to the peo_ i pic- for placing him in the same office j that his father had so long at one j time. j Mr. Haddock was succeeded as clerk i of the city court by Mr. P. E. Paffcrd. Mr. Paffcrd is a native ' f Coffee r< : ,i --j tj, or.c ol her brightest, young men, 'and will make the city court a very : efficient official. He will also serve the county commissioners as clerk. His friends throughout the county pre diet for him much success his admin . istration. I Ben Morris suceeds Dan Vickers as tax collector. Mr. Morris has served in this capacity before and made an excellent collector. That he, will do ou abain, no one can doubt. Judge W. P. Ward succeeded him self as Ordinary, E. S. Sapp sueceds himself as tax receiver, G. L. Sims, as coroner. The office of county treas urer is abolished and the Citizens Bank has been designated as deposi tory. Mr. J. P. Strickland has been nam ed by Sheriff Tanner as deputy sheriff. He held the same job under Sheriff Ricketson for the past two years and has made the county a splendid deputy Mr. Haddock has employed Mr. Wil lie Merier as deputy in the Clerk’s office. He is a young man, full of energy, and fully competent for the duties involved on him. Mr. Had dock’s selection is an excellent one. NOTICE. Tite sale of this stock of plantation tools, etc., to be sold on the second Tuesday in January 9th, 1917, will be called off, as I have decided not have this sale as announced above. A. R. Harrelson.