The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, October 15, 1926, Image 5

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You Can Have GOOD LUCK! Neglect and abuse of the eyes is a direct cause of pure INABILITY the re sult being what you call BAD LUCK; it causes MISFORTUNE, BAD SIGHT and BLIND NESS; it makes trouble now, and sorrow when old age comes, —at the time when all should be happiness. Have Your Eyes Examined NOW! Don’t neglect and abuse your eyesight have glasses fitted if neces sary. Don’t forget your Child who is now struggling for an education. The sooner you have it done fhe better for the eye, and child, and the less it costs. DO IT NEXT! You will find our services as good as anywhere and you will see in us a con tinuous interest in your welfare. We Promise Every Case Our Very Best. W. R. Wilson Opt. D. FOR FEDERAL FARM LOANS S2OOO to $25000 Amortization Plan over period of 33 years. No Stock subscription required! See or write— J. A. ROBERTS, DOUGLAS, GA. GEORGIA STATE EXPOSITION MACON, GEORGIA OCTOBER 14TH TO 2:iRD, INCLUSIVE, 192«. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OFFERED IN PREMIUMS! (Send for Catalog) Big Agricultural Displays from all sections of Georgia. Wonderful Poultry Show, Unusual Live Stock Exhibits, Farm Machinery, Georgia Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs, Wo man’s Domestic Work, Flower Show, Art Displays, etc. GEORGIA VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS DISPLAYS GEORGIA BOY SCOUTS EXHIBITS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXHIBITS GREAT MIDWAY OF AMUSEMENTS AND WONDERFUL FREE ACTS ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM DAY AND NIGHT. I POLOCK’S WORLD AT HOME SHOWS. FAMOUS WHIPPET DOG RACES. GEORGIA FIDDLER’S CONVENTION. SOMETHING DOING EVERY DAY. OH BOY!—WHAT A FAIR! It will be moonlight nights in Georgia! All roads lead to Macon and reduced rates on railroads. Don’t miss this Big Fair in the Heart of Georgia. GEORGIA STATE EXPOSITION E. G. Jacobs. Pres. E. Ross Jordan, Sec.-Mgr. sinm him 10 ra p HILL The date set for the Smyrna Bap tist Association to convene in its 64th session is Thursday morning. October 28th, 10 o’clock. The association will be held with Sand Hill Church for two days. Rev. R. 0. Martin, of Broxton. is the appointee for the in troductory sermon. Rev. J. D. Be thune, of Alma, is the alternate. Carl W. Minor, D. D., is the appointee for the missionary sermon. We herewith give the names of the chairmen who are to offer reports: Nominations, T. H. Brown. Memorials, Mrs. J. L. Cochran. Destitution, A. F. Tanner. Sunday Schools, W. H. Murray. Education, H. L. Lankford. Publications, Mrs. B. H. Tanner. Temperance, C. W. Randall. State Missions, E. L. Bledsoe. Home Missions, Melvin Tanner. Foreign Missions, P. L. Moore. Orphans Home. Mrs. W. F. Bronson. Womans Work, Miss Vera Gibbs. B. Y. P. U., Miss Maud Griswold. Resolutions, Mrs. L. L. Denton. State of Religion, J. H. Green. Law Enforcement, R. O. Martin. Hospital, C. L. Sibley. The chaircen are earnestly request ed to have their reports prepared as fully as possible by the noon hour of the first day. If for any reason you are unable to prepare your report please inform Rev. H. M. Meeks, Nich oils, Ga., so some one else can be ask ed to serve in your place. The churches are urged to send a full delegation of messengers and the messengers so elected be requested to attend the sessions of Thursday and Friday. One day messengers unin tentionally impede the work of the association. The moderator requests the constituency to be much in prayer for this session of the association. Carl W. Minor, Moderator. “Universal Independence Is an Al mighty Idea, Far Too Extensive for Some Brains to Comprehend.”—David Crocket. “My Toast Would Be: Moy Our Country Be Always Successful, but Whether Successful or Otherwise, Al ways Right”—John Quincy Adams. “This Is the Devil’s Play That We Call War”—Horace Bushnell. SICKLY, PEEVISH CHILDREN Children suffering from intestinal worms are cross, restless and unhealthy. There are other symptoms, however. If the child is pale, has dark rings under the eyes, bad breath and takes no interest in play, it is almost a certainty that worms arc eating away its vitality. The surest remedy for worms is White’s Cream Vermi j fuge. It is positive destruction to the ! worms but harmless to the child. Price 35c. Sold by DENT’S DRUG STORE THE DOUGLAS ENTERPRISE, DOUGLAS. GEORGIA. OCT. 15, 1926. as winter approaches let us see to !t that our homes and offices have the proper ventilation and sunlight; both are essential to proper health. If a thing is vital we cannot live without it. Therefore, if Georgia, ex pects to live, she must have reliable Vital Statistics. Is it not better to know the fact and set about correcting the evil than to let preventable diseases continue their death ravages? Records of the causes of death it our midst must be made if we expect to safeguard the health of our dear one*. Records of births must be made it we expect to guarantee to our chil dren their legal rights. I Blindness in babies is preventable in a large measure. The thing to do is to put drops into the eyes at birth. Do not neglect to give your baby the protection against disease that advanced science provides. Ratify the vital statistics amend ment of our Constitution at the polls this fall. Typhiod season is just ahead of us Have you had your vaccination? c \ G° ( « Next week is FAIR WEEK and everybody will be here to see the wonderful exhibits that will be arranged , to partake in the spirit of revelry— >a fitting celebration of the end of harv est time. Although our great TRADE EXPANSION SALE closes SATURDAY , October, 16th , we have decided to offer the same low prices on our entire stock for one more week, as an extra FAIR WEEK attraction . See our exhibit at the FAIR and visit our store for bargains. % y The M. F. Head Co. ********** * DR. H. H. OWENS, Dentist * Phone Office 324 * Residence 383 * Douglas, : Georgia * ********** ************* * DOUGLAS LODGE 386 F. & A. M .* * * * Regular Meetings * * First and Third Friday Nights * * All visiting Brethren cordially * invited to attend. * S. M. Moore, W. M. • H. G. Fussell, Secretary * ************* ************* * * * DOUGLAS CHAPTER 49 R. A. M. * Regular Convocations * * Second and Fourth Tuesday Nights * * All visiting Companions cordially * invited to attend. • * John M. Hall, H. P. * * H. G. Fussell, Secretary * ************* ******,******* * Call 392 for * STOVE WOOD * $2.00 per Load * Delivered * * COOK STAVE CO. * ************* IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE—try it! FOR SALE! FOR SALE!! FOR SALE!!! One Bay Mare 7 years old, good condition, work anywhere, with mare colt one year old, price $150.00 cash. One horse eight years old, weight 1000 lbs, gentle, werk any where, price SIOO.OO cash. One mule weight about 1000 ibs, good as mules are made, price SIOO.OO cash. W. M. COOK 220 Peterson Ave., Douglas, Ga. or Broxton, Ga. Fresh Goods * Quick Delivtry Prices Right • ~ Ph ° ne9o EVERYTHING IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES VEGETABLES IN SEASON LOWRY’S STORE