The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, December 10, 1926, Image 2

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AMBROSE NEWS. Misses Marietta Daniels and Lou delle Seymore, of Lax, were in town Sunday afternoon. Mr. Curtis Vickers, of A. & M. School at Douglas, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vickers. Misses Sue Boney and Alice Robert son, of Osierfield, were weekend guests of Mrs. C. A. Royal. Miss Emma Walsh, of Osierfield, spent the weekend with Miss Lillian Norris. Misses Lillian Norris, Sue Boney, Alice Robertson and Mr. Merle White attended the box social in Osierfield Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Jowers, Mr. M. M. Seymore and Miss Velma Harper visited in Fitzgerald -Sunday. Miss Edna McDermitt was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harper Sun day. Mrs. George G. Paulk, Mrs. R. J. Paulk and Mrs. Rixie Brown were in Fitzgerald Monday. Ambrose Society met Friday, Dec. 3, and carried out the following pro gram : Song, Onward Christian Soldiers. Roll Call. Story of the Great Stone Face, War ren Royal. Our Insect Neighbors, Willie tae Portwood. The Blind Men and the Elephant, Josie Vickers. The Courtship of Miles Standish, Willie Vickers. Arithmetic Match- by Mildred Car ter, Mary E. Seymore, Robert Leave!, Ellen Vickers, Earnest Vickers, Josie Vickers. History Match by Limett Sills, Ra chel Vickers, Erma Lee Stapleton, Floyd Harper, Carl liane, Aubrey Day. The Eagle and the Owl, by Albert Caves. Spelling Match by Rachel Paulk, Osee Day, Lester Harper, Mary Lee Day, Annie Russ and Wilson Harper. A Christmas Wish, Edna Burch. “Busy Bee Society” met Friday, Dec. 3, as there was no business the society was called to order and roll call members answering with Bible verse. Song by Society. Dialogue, The Animals and Mirror. Geography Match by 2nd and 3rd Grades. Prophecy and Story. Dialogue, The Hare and Hedgehog. History Questions, Adjective Game, He Knew What I Wanted EXQUISITE —is the only word which describes the wonderful perfumes in our special Christmas stock—so delicate and fascinating are the odors—so dainty and graceful the crystal bottles—so lovely the silk lined boxes in which they are packed. Perfumes lead the parade—always—in the thing that will please her most—but, our selection of gifts that will also please is much wider. We are listing a number of the beautiful Christmas gifts which we have: TOILET SETS WRITING SETS COMPACTS STATIONERY MAYONAISE SETS CONSOLE SETS BEADED BAGS MANICURE SETS HAND BAGS ATOMIZERS Dent’s Drug Store Douglas, Georgia Story. Recitation, Riddles. How Bro. Rabbit fooled the Ele phant. Song by Society. “Whittier Society” met Friday, Dec. 3, was called to order by the president. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Roll coll, members answer ed with Bible verse. A suggestion was made that we answer with our Motto next time, “At the foot, but climbing.”. Song by Society. Making the Automobile Pay Dividends to The Owner The dividends of automo bile ownership are a great er freedom of action, more contacts, more opportunity for business and recreation, more money, more health, and more happiness. We conduct this business so that our customers get all the dividends to which in vestment in a car entitles one. It does made a difference where you buy your car DOS 6E Broth Elis Jardine Auto Co. 213 Peterson Are. Telephone 110 THE DOUGLAS ENTERPRISE. DOUGLAS, GEORGIA, DEC. 10. 1926. Reading, Loyd Vickers. Riddles, Lillian Norris. Debate, Resolved that Harding was a better president than Wilson. Af firmitive: S. D. Philips, Ruby Vickers and Edward Stapleton. Negative: Otis Vickers, Charles Philips, J. T. Sills. The judges decided a tie. Recitation, Viola Bryant. Recitation, Francis Moore. Story of Baby Ray, Lois Vickers. Song, Star Spangled Banner. GIFTS FOR MEN AT THE MAN’S STORE Men appreciate sensible gifts. Good looking gifts, yes, but something practical and useful. Something he would buy for himsell. Something he needs— is the ideal man’s gift. * Our store has everything a man’s heart can desire. If you buy it here our label guarantees his appreciation—no matter how large or small the gift may he. He knows that it is of finest quality and the newest style. Our Christmas stocks are the most complete and boast of the best gift mer chandise we have ever offered. We are pleased to say that our prices are an induce ment in themselves to all thrifty shoppers. Suspenders Belts What could be more useful than a belt or a pair of sus penders ? See our new braid ed leather belts —some in alli gator or in plain quality. Suspenders as gay or plain as they come with plenty of snap. In Christmas boxes. Belts SI.OO to $1.50 Suspenders, ,50c to SI.OO Shirts Give one or more of our quality shirts handsomely packed in a gay Xmas box. We have them in silks— broadcloths —and finest per cales and madras, as well as other new materials. All sizes and patterns. EACH $1.95, $2.50, ’53.00, $3.50 —and a hundred other handsome, quality gifts! G. C. WEITMAN COMPANY Hatters Haberdashers Clothiers * Scarfs He can use a scarf! If for protection or for fashion or both —see ouis! Gay striped silks —knitted ones and oth ers of warm brushed wool. Each $1.50 to $5.00 Headwear Our stock is complete— style, quality and good look ing. John B. Stetson’s Hats $6.50 to SB.OO Etc hi son’s Hats $4.00 to $5.00 Caps $1.95 to $2.50 Gloves The old saying of cold hands warm heart doesn’t apply here —for to give him a pair of our quality gloves will surely warm the coldest heart. Per Pair .$1.50 to $4.95 Socks Several names on your list can be given hocks. Luxur ious silk ones—silk lisle or the fancy colored wool for the younger man. In Xmas boxes. Per Pair....35c to $1.50