The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, December 17, 1926, Image 3

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Give Really now—doesn’t jewelry convey truer senti ment and love than any other gift ? Most cer tainly ! What gift can compare with a diamond? What gift awakens in the heart so much emo tion and sincere appreciation as a glittering jewel—or an exquisite necklace? Gold—Silver—Platinum and Jewels—are the most precious materials of which the best and most desirable gifts are made. jm,L» White Gold Wedding Rings $6.50 up Diamond Rings $lB, SIOO and $385 Gold Pencil and Pen •. $8.50 to sls Gold Cuff Links $4.50 to $8 White Gold Watches sll to $55 Gent’s Watches $6.50 to S6O Military Sets Toilet Sets Indies’ Hand Bags Pearl Beads Compacts Vanity Cases Boudoir Lamps Wilson Jewelry Store KING COTTON is yielding to QUEEN PECAN. Learn why and how by writing J. B. Wright, Cairo, Ga. AN EXHILARATIN'G EFFECT A bottle of Herbine on the shelf at home is like having a doctor in the house all the time. It gives instant relief when the digestion gets out of order or the bowels fail to act. One or two doses is all that is necessary to start things mov ing and restore that fine feeling of exhil aration and buoyancy of spirits which be- to perfect health. Price 60c. 7 DENT’S drug store COTTON! HIGHER PRICES SHOULD PRE VAIL LATER IN THE SEASON. SHIP YOUR COTTON TO US TO BE HELD. LIBERAL ADVAN CES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS SAVANNAH HANDLES MORE THAN 1,000,000 BALES A YEAR AND GETS— Highest Prices SAVANNAH COTTON FACTOR AGE COMPANY Savannah Why worry about the price of cot ton when you can grow pecans ? We can furnish pecan trees any quanity, leading varieties, reasonably priced. Stuart, Schley, Alley, Success, Tesche, Money Maker, any size. For price and other information, write FLINT RIVER PECAN CO., Albany, Ga. 4t FOR HOME AND STABLE The extraordinary Borozone treatment for flesh wounds, cuts, sores, galls, burns and scalds is just as effective in the stable as in the home. Horse flesh heals with remarkable speed under its powerful in fluence. The treatment is the same for animals as for humans. First wash out infectious germs with liquid Borozone, and the Borozone Powder completes the healing process. Price (liquid) 30c, 60c and $1.20. Powder 30c and 60c. Sold by DENT’S DRUG STORE [Rubs Pain Right Out} MUSTANG LINIMENT THE DOUGLAS ENTERPRISE. DOUQLAS, GEORGIA. DEC. 17, 192fi. LOOK S UK EG 0 V ERN M ENT A L INJUSTICE. The post office is the one branch of the Government service with which everybody is directly eonceraed. It is the people’s business, and its patrons payfor its conduct in postage, the rates being fixed by Congress. The postmasters in’the small communities of the country ai‘e known as fourth class. There are about 36,000 of them. They are not paid salaries, like all other Government employees; their compensation is based upon percent ages of the value of stamps cancelled on matter mailed out from their of fices. The incoming mail is many times greater than the outgoing, and makes the great bulk of the post masters work, but they receive no pay for its handling. A singular condition exists in this branch of the service. The fourth class postmaster is required to fur nish quarters for the office,’ heat and light it, and buy the necessary equip ment. From a survey of the country, the National League of District Post masters ascertained that 21.8 per cent of the compensation of the fourth class postmasters is expended for these items. A bill is now before Congress that provides for the pay ment yearly of an amount equal to 20 per cent of their compensation as allcwenee for rent, fuel, light and equipment. The fourth class postmasters claim that it is an injustice to require them to donate, out of their very meager salaries, the things necessary to con duct the Government’s business. The people living in small communities are entitled -to good postal service. Few, if any, know the conditions un der which this sevice ig rendered. The salaries of these range from a few dollars up to $l,lOO a year. When 21.8 per cent is deducted from this for the upkeep of the offices, it ap pears that the Government is not dealing justly with the rural com munities. Congress alone can remedy this, and the National League of District Postnfasters is urging that august body to enact the bill now before it. The postmasters are appealing to the public to ask their Senators and Con gressmen to enact this bill. Rural carriers are now given an allowance of 4 cents a mile for equipment main tenance. Granting the fourth class postmasters this allowance would on ly restore to them what they have already spent to maintain postal ser vice in rural communities. The bill now before the House Post Office Committee is known as H. R. 4040. The postmasters would appre ciate any help the public may give them. For Rent—s room house, 1-2 mile from city, electric lights .For other information phone 2 rings on 14. 3t FOR SALE—Used “Eden” electric washing machine, aluminum drum, ad justable wringer attached, 110-220 volt motor. Two weeks free trial. Write or phone E. F. Striplin, A. & M, School. 12-25 Wranted to rent—House or Apart ment, telephone 3. FEMALE HELP WANTED. Ladies, who can do plain sewing at home and want vrifitablc spare time work. No Canvassing. Write (Enclose Stamp) to AMSTERDAM DRESS 00., Am sterdam, N. Y., Dept. D. 4t v************ * DR. H. H. OWENS, Dentist * Phone Office 324 * Residence 383 * Douglas, : Georgia * ********** FINDS WAY TO AVOID MUSCLE-LAMENESS Athlete has simple method of keeping in perfect form Athletes and trainers know how pain ful and disabling muscle-lameness can be. And they, more than almost any one else, can tell you the best way to overcome it. “In my training work as an ath lete,” writes Frank B. Conover, of 175 South St., Jersey City, N. J., “I have used Sloan’s Liniment for the past five years and found it most effec tive for soreness caused by vigorous exercise. Also an incomparable rem edy for stiff neck.” It is marvelous how ache and stiff ness in lame muscles yield to th~ magic of Sloan’s. Just a little patted on lightly and healing new blood tingles through the hurt place. Away go “fatigue-poisons.” Sore muscles limber up and stop aching. Get a bottle today and have it on hand. All druggists—3s cents. Sloan’s Liniment PALIN Not F. 0. B. But 0. Y. W. Not Freight on Board, But—ON YOUR WHEELS. Every Goodyear Tire you buy from us goes on your wheel, if you wish. Correctly applied, properly inflated—ready for the road. You pay nothing extra for this. Neither do you pay a premium for our regular Inspection Service which helps you get every mile from your Goodyear Tire that the factory built into it. We can supply you with a Goodyear-built, Goodyear guaranteed Tire—backed by Good year Service—at a price that makes sending a wav for tires poor economy. Come in and let us prove it to you. GOODYEAR MAKES THESE 30x3 «/ 2 PATHFINDER CL. FABRIC S#x3 ' / « PATHFINDER cl. cord :{2x t PATHFINDER SS * CORD y 29x4 40 PATHFINDER UAU.OON 30x4.95 PATHFINDER BALLOON We have a Goodyear-built Tire and Tube for every pocketbook. City Service Station Phone 171 Douglas, Ga. / A yy^SOt/^j/X y / \ \(( H % \ t—y AtiM J u 1 V. No wonder reports like this are N. y I "w coming in from Pan*Am dealers \- ) everywhere— • L 1 ii. . . We have not .only increased our gasoline sales materially, but have done more business on all other items as well since changing to Pan- Amdl C. F. Gober Cob«r Motor Company Red Bay, Alabama W hy thousands lookfor the cream colored pump THERE is no question about the way motorists have accepted Pan- Am gasoline and oils! The letter quoted above is typical. Hun dreds of people write the story of Pan- Am success—more miles per gallon... honest service ... increased business for Pan-Ant dealers. One reason why people-prefer Pan- Am is that they knoiv they are taking no chances at a Pan-Am station. They know that every Pan-Am dealer has been investigated and found trust This better gasoline costs no more than the ordinary kind. And people know they can depend on every Pan-Am dealer. ‘ PAM-AM ' Ton American Tetrokum Corporation &Cew Orleans, -Qt. y worthy in all his business conduct.., else he could not sell from the cream colored pump. They know that every gallon is four full quarts and that it is Pan-Am. Then, too, the genuine concern Pan- Am dealers show in the best interests of their customers has much to do with it. You will appreciate these things. There is a Pan-Am pump near you . . . and this better gasoline costs no more than the ordinary kind.