The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, December 17, 1926, Image 4

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The Douglas Enterprise DOUGLAS, GEORGIA Established 1888 Published Every Friday By The Enterprise Publishing Company \V. It. Frier, Editor iuiJSC RIPTION KATES IN ADVANCE: ONE YEAR $1.50 SIX MONTHS 75 OFFICIAL ORGAN FOR COFFEE COUNTY Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Douglas, (la., under Act of Congress of Mch. 8, 1879 Member: —Georgia Press Association and Eleventh District Press Association. : : : The holiday spirit is prevalent everywhere, Christmas is here, and old Santa is ready for the big night next week. o Big publicity has shifted from Coffee coun ty to Toombs county. We are glad to have the transfer made. o Now is the time to begin thinking about swapping presents and Christmas cards. They come high, but custom is a hard master. —Dal- ton Citizen. The Enterprise will issue next Thursday morning early, on acount of the holidays. So govern yourself accordingly with copy for notices and ads. o Douglas stores are receiving a splendid trade this Christmas. All of the stores carry good up-to-date holiday stocks and there is no excuse for anyone to leave town to buy what thaey want for Santa Claus or other gifts. o EXPRESSION FROM HON. JOSEPHUS DANIELS. “The recent convict ons in the Coffee Coun ty lynching were worlh a hundred million dol lars to Georgia in advertising, because they show that the spirit of the State is opposed to such lawless outbreaks”, said Honorable Jose phus Daniels, former Secretary of the Navy, in a press interview in Atlanta last week. The South has lost vast sums through the unfavor able publicity caused by lynchings, said Mr. Daniels. “Such crimes cannot always be pre vented”. he continued, “but the state that pun ishes those perpetrating them will benefit from the increased esteem of the nation. Coffee County is to be commended heartily for its action in the recent case.” Greatly Reduced Prices on all •J|™y» Ladies’ Dresses >w i 1 lIjSPB Special for the next ten days—greatly !•■ » -m ■ 3 IliUSik' 4 ' MM reduced prices on all ladies’ dresses and coats—crepe satins and wool twills in •w all the wanted shades, beautiful mater / * - • • :$ fAJTTocXSrS $7.95 HIGH GRADE SHOES If you want quality and style you will find both in our Fashion Plate Shoes. These are perfect fitting shoes. New shipments arriving every week. Sold in many places for $12.50 and $14.00. Oour price— s6.9s & $7.95 THE BOSTON STORE MAKING OF LAWS. Congress began a new job yesterday with 12,000 bills left over and with nearly every sen atoi and representative ready to put more into the hopper. With all the legislation that some people hink ought to be made into law, this must be a terribly unfinished country. Here w'e have been filling the statute books with new laws, and repairing and repealing old ones, and yet no body is so foolish as to say that at last govern ment has all the directions it needs to run per fectly. How long will it be before somebody will think more laws are necessary? The ans wer to that question is: Just after the next to the last person on earth dies. So long as there are two persons in some ,sort of contact with each other, a condition which makes for a possible conflict of rights, or of what the two think are rights, there will be necessity for leg islation. So infinite and tangled are the rela tions human beings bear to each other, and groups of them bear to other groups, that there ever will come a time when every person and group is satisfied. 3o w'e might as well avoid inveighing a gainst the constant flow'-of new laws. So long as we have legislatures we w'ill have legislation. The millennium will start the day when a leg islature meets and looks about it and considers the state of the county and says, “Resolved, That everything is all right and that we do here and now' adjourn.” By that time invention will have ceased, because each new invention brings new human relations, as for example the radio and airplane have done. Every law will have proved its value or w'ill have been repealed as obsolete and unfair. Government will have been exactly just, and there will be no need to hunt for new methods of protecting the tax payer and the voter from unwise or bad officials. Everything will be lovely, in fact. Which means that it will be a very long time before legislatures lose their usefulness. At that, maybe the law'-mills can be slowed up a bit. Here in Georgia there is need for more thinking about law's in advance of the making of them. Perhaps biennial sessons of the General Assembly will tend to have that ef fect. Legislators should be chosen in Georgia for their stand on state-wide questions and their ability to consider them. To elect a lot of men on county-wide issues to conside state-wide questions is to take the. chances that state is sues w'ill not be considered very deeply before decisions are made.—Morning News. o Only eight more days until Christmas! THE DOUGLAS ENTERPRISE. DOUGLAS, GEORGIA. DEC. 17, 1926. GIFTS FOR MEN AT THE MAN’S STORE Men appreciate sensible gifts. Good looking gifts, yes, but something practical and useful. Something he would buy for himself. Something he needs is the ideal man’s gift. Our store has everything a man’s heart can desire. If you buy it here our label guarantees his appreciation—no matter how large or small the gift may be. He knows that it is of finest quality and the newest style. Our Christmas stocks are the most complete and boast of the best gilt mer chandise we have ever offered. We are pleased to say that our prices are an induce ment in themselves to all thrifty shoppers. Suspenders Belts What could be more useful than a belt or a pair of sus penders? See our new braid ed leather belts —some in alli gator or in plain quality. Suspenders as gay or plain as they come —with plenty of snap. In Christmas boxes. Belts SI.OO to $1.50 Suspenders. .50c to SI.OO Shirts Headwear Socks Our stock is complete— y- style, quality and good look- Give one or more of our quality shirts handsomely packed in a gay Xmas box. We have them in silks— broadcloths —and finest per cales and madras, as well as other new materials. All sizes and patterns. EACH $1.95. $2.50, *53.00, $3.50 —and a hundred other handsome, quality gifts! G. C. WEITMAN COMPANY Hatters Haberdashers Clothiers Scarfs He can use a scarf! If for protection or for fashion or both —see ours! Gay striped silks—knitted ones and oth ers of warm brushed wool. Each $1.50 to $5.00 Gloves < ';KS*Q*o‘y> -w The old saying of cold hands warm heart doesn’t apply here—for to give him a pair of our quality gloves will surely warm the coldest heart. Per Pair.. $1.50 to $4.95 Several names on your list can be given socks. Luxur ious silk ones—silk lisle or the fancy colored wool for the younger man. In Xmas boxes. Per [‘air... ,35c to $1.50