Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, September 26, 1903, Image 5

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p Local Items. ©CXXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXSOOOOOO And she went wet! Leave your orders for ice with S. P. Adams. Ihe Douglas Breeze from now until Jan i, 1904 for 25cts. Surety bonds, standard rates, from Mark A. Candler, Agent. “Andrew Female College stands for thoroughness and economy.” The people never thought to “argy agin.” Everything went for bonds world without end. Mrs Addie Smith, of Wayne county, is visiting Mrs D. W. Gaskin. Go to the Leader Store and get your picture frames free. Rev. Mr. Marlow, of Ashton, was here last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. T. Rellhan is with Mr. B. Peterson again. Water and lights for the town and good roads for the county. Nichols was on hand Monday with a good Court delegation. Mrs. Wilcox, of Echols county, is visiting her parents on Gaskin avenue. The Florida orange crop is beginning to move and is estimated at 1.350,000 boxes. Judge G. R. Briggs,, is deputy clerk to Mr 1) W. Gaskin, in the clerk’s office. Accident insurance, the old re liable Travelers of Hartford, Mark A. Candler, Agent. Miss My tie Pickreu, a handsome young lady of Hazlehurst, is visiting her cousin, Mr. T. P. Will. Neighbor Summerlin, of Willa coochee, was over here last Mon day. Mrs. M. L. Comas, formerly with the Supply Co., is now an assistant to Clerk D. W. Gaskin, in his office. Summer goods are being rushed out to make room for the fall and winter stock, at the Leader Store. Now we want $40,000,00 for the, roads of the country. Of course, the towns must help pay the freight. Judge Reynolds, of Waycross, was attending City Court last Monday, Mr. S. W. Sellers, a staunch friend of, the Breeze was in town this week, attending City Court. You get stamps with every dollar’s worth of goods bought at the Leader Store. Life insurance, the old reliable Penn Mutual, from Mark A. Can dler, Agent. . Fire insurance, S. E. E. A. rate, from Mark A. Candler, Agent. “Home Raised Rust Proof Seed Oats, for sale. Apply to E. B. Moore. Broxton Ga.” Cyclone insurance socts. for SIOO. from Mark A Candler, Agent. Remeber the DuVall art Studio is making Photographs to please the people. Come in and look at the pictures. To the Fathers and Mothers. Bring your children and have there picture made, you cant have them made too soon. The very best buggies on the market, at the. same prices that others are sold, are at Flowers & Whilden’s, Douglas, Ga. Sid Lott, our own old Sid, is in the Breeze office again. Sid gets up as nice Job printing as can be done in this section. Mrs Charlie McCnrl, and Mrs John Pope, of McDonald Ga.,: has been on a visit to their aunt Mrs B. P. Moseley. * Of course four-legged brutes d# not know anything about tiy® Sabbath, but parents ought to teach their children to respect the day:.' The people.of Douglas have ves|. ! little patience with a man who will spend the Sabbath /in drunk enness. Hawkinsville voted for bonds last week, with which /she raise fund- for electric / lights ajpid water works. I Mr. Joseph William L of Baijey, has been elected warden of Jdhe State prison,.in of Mr- Allagood. * When ever it com to sooty? as well as nice job woi/k this isrjthe place to get it. Shoddy stuff and poor work don’t got ia this dffise. Rev. F. B. Standford is a tent meeting at Ambrose, but A,- will till his pulpit Sunday. His syfflect for Sunday morning will be of children to parents.” Go and the children. Kindly remember tharAv%-- le all kinds of wire and ir%iVfencin< , for all purposes, besides copings a low iron fence for brick walls. * A Prof. Summers and bps .hciaß whom he found in Kentuqlfy, fjflH here last Monday. They wJUj’gP from here to Gainesville^^la. The trial of T;-!'man, of Sou f h Carolina, for the murder of editor Gonzales, last Spring, has been put down formext Monday Keep your mondy in Coffee County ! Get your Fire, Cyclone, Life and Accident insurance, and Surety bonds, from Mark A. Can dler, Agent. If you have any pictures you want enlarged and framed, bring them to The DuVall Art Studio. We are doing a high class work and will please you. The people of Wilcox county have enjoined the tax collector from collecting the $37,00 per thou sand taxes recently levied by the Commissioners. Please remember when in need of a new Sewing Machine that we keep the best grades, and do not charge excessive prices. Come and see them. Flowers & Whilden, Douglas, Ga. It is supposed that President Roosevelt had his pistol in his pocket when he made the speech and wrote to one of the western editors condemning lawlessness. The Irwin County Citizen thinks open barrooms are the cheapest, as it cost*, cscts for a half pint at a dispenf' and two drinks qnly cost 2octs at a bar. No, Johnnie ! You need not be mad because the election last Saturday went wet. It only means water for tile town and will cost you nothing. Supt. Deuham of the A. C. L. Railroad, who was in Florida at the time of the storm, says the report that the Orange crop was damaged materially is incorrect. If the Breeze photographer has not reached your home yet, don’t be disappointed. He will be there in due time. Try to look pleasant, please. .Second Millinery Opening of Mrs. Turrentine’s will be on October ist and 2nd, next Thurs day *md Friday. Come and see us for your fall hat. Flowers & Whilden deal in small musical instruments. If you need a good banjo, mandolin, guitar or accord'eon see them before purchas ing elsewhere. Cupid took a hand in the affairs of sonfie last Monday, and to prev ent prosecution for vagrancy and adenttery, J. J. Leavens and Lovie Bratgher were married. A full page advertisement, telling about Parker s medicine and meat caused the Tifton Gazette to come out*7*fi)y half white, last week. Parker had physiced John Herrin until the other half was blue. It is now pretty well an establish ed fact that President Roosevelt cayrios a loaded revolver in his packet and six detectives at his brick. If that is not the mark of a eastward, we are surely mistaken. -'“Miss Lillian Ford, who has been visiting the family of Mr. A. W. *|Tharrin, has returned to her home In Charleston, S. C. She made jriany friends here who will be glad Jto see her return again. £ One dozen firemen, from the jengines of the B&. B. -were on a strike for $1,50 a day last Saturday land Sunday. Certainly the com pany will not refuse them a living at such work, and this trouble could have been avoided by an application. The first person tried and con victed of vagrancy, in this county, nnderthe Calvin la*v, was one \Y r . L. Yates, of Nichols. Some sympathy was expressed for the young man, but the evidence was conclusive. Contractor Eliott was very quiet during the rainy season, but sinco the weather has faired off work on, the Sweat-Vickers building is going nicely. The walls for the first story are about up, ready for the sleepers—second floor. be^lead. biiy yopr'mi!X«we\» JjSn ® the Leading jM^lineNo old goods, all e s. for the Adams will arrive in. Woiiglas in a jjPw days with a beau- Jnful line hats lor the ‘it:, ement is on foot to com pell baggage handlers to be more careful in handling people’s trunks. The railroad companies should pay for baggage already smashed by these people. Pianos and Organs, some of the finest graded instruments we have ever handled, on time or cash terms, are at our store, rear of Citizen’s bank, Flowers & Whilden. If the frosts are late millions of bushels of corn will mature, in the North west, and there will be plenty, and to spare, but if the frost comes on regular time the crop is short. If you were to gojto Jacksonville Fla., and had never been told of the great, sweeping fire of a few years ago, you would not know there had ever been one. Built up? Indeed she lias, better, stronger, more beautiful than ever. The Irwin County Courier, prifitC ed and mailed at Irwipville last Saturday, reached us last Tuesday.- A letter written at New York on the same day came at the same time. There’s something rotten up the branch, certain as gun’s iron. Miss Lou Sellers, at school at Hazlehurst, promises to act as cur agent and correspondent from that place. Parties over there who want the paper can hand Miss Lou their names and money. She will do the rest or we will find out why she dont. Now, Miss! Since the trial and conviction of Yate«, of Nichols, last Monday, on a charge of vagrancy, there may be others that will follow. We heard a gentleman from the country say he knew some in his neighborhood that would come under that law. There are many people in the newspaper business whose names appear as editors that never do any editorial work at all. They own or manage the hav’nt sense enough to write a four line, item, but never fail to grab the compliments and passes. We have had some experience ; n that, line. Are you constipated? Read what J. L. Pleasant, of Bobbin, Mont gomery Co., Texas, says about you : “I don’t see how people who are constipated live without Ramon’s Tonic Regulator. There is nothing that subdues headaches, indigestion and other effects of constipation like this pleasant vegetable powder. Large tin box 25c. You Know What You Arc Taking. When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle, show ing that it is sin.p.y Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure ,No Pay Hand in Your Wire Fence Order- In view of the expected further advance in iron and wire fence material, we shall send in an order for three or four miles .of 58 inch wire fencing about the first of September. We can make extrein ly low rates on the American Steel Wire Fencing, if the orders ate given now. So if you need any it would pay you well to let us have your order at once, as we can save atgood deal on freights on car load lo s of this fence. Old Conleds Organizing. A meeting of old Confeds was hyjcl at the court house last Monday and a temporary organization perfected.' A permanent organization will be i made on the first day of Superibr. court, officers, &c., elected. All inter ested are invited to be present. Grove's Tasteless Chill" has stood the test 2JKyears. Average Annual Sales overj Does this record of merit appeal to you? Nr" bottle b a Ten Cent, package of Grove’s hU m LIST OF GRAND AND PETIT JURORS- DfikvVn to Serve at Superior Court, October Term. 1903. GHIANIJ JtmoJCg.’ DVi Lott, y Moses J\irkland, Jblias Hinson, David Fender, P J Pearsojt, M»ses M Kirkland, H L Gin man. * R \, RorcT Dan L CiiAipaii, * . • Averv Moony •Jysli Carter; f G i.ibsdy,.. ;, Loti, SHtftiber Starling Dan Hull, Jas McKinnon. T)u>« Daniels, Wm 1! Tom on, Thos Paulk-, Arthur Moore, JasGrltlfh;- Bart Burkett, Y-iekers, JadS Roberts, Dan Brooker. Juo W Burkett, Sr., Jap M, 'Creeeli, 1 R Girtman, E * Oreu Gatehell. PETIT JIT MORS. D McLean, 1 ' Moses Griffin, S.) Woollies, ■ M ' .lowers, WiUT Smith, Chas F Meeks, K .1 Roberts, W R Cole, JoeE Trowel 1; Elijah C Tanner, A .Juo 1 rowel], _ Daniel Vickers, Thos Adajtus,- •-••'ll R Leaden, Ja> Melvin. J ■ Dan Wood, Tim V.uii*. W I) Demerv, Jno-W Truism, Jesse McMillan, Elms Batten. Daniel Meek-. ' David Sermons, Henry I. Vickers', W P fiow«sl, Aaron Kt'etts. Mark-A Anderson, Jnn L Tahner, Will I- Viniug, Thos .» Wilcox, Sr., Monroe Haskins, Afle.ti Smith. Harrison'-Davis; •. ZackJ Hall, Jake Hill, *• , Jno D Jower.-. i’.. ..iCity Court- City court Convened Monday morn ing last, with His Honor,' Judge Levi O'Steen on t.:-e bench, and twenty eight answered to their names. The morning was passed calling cases. .Tuesday morning Judge Henderson, of Vienna, Dooly county* presided, ; .nnd some cases in which J ugde .O'steen was disqualified were tried.' Jury was discharged Tuesday evening. Court adjourned Wednesday. . Tfim proceedings next week - Water Works and Electrick Lights. The election last Saturday for ’bonds was unanimous. 'More than the required two-thirds majority was. polled, and we are tola that not a single dissenting vote was cast. Now, that was avhat *’we wanted. If is just what is going to put a boom on Douglas. Nearly or quite all towns in Georgia have these two enterprises, if fcliey lay any claims* to enterprise, and importance. We believe the system of 'water works will lower the insurance fate sufficiently to .repay the few cents of additional taxation necessary .for the interest on these bonds, and then again, the t.Vxes will be shared by persons who will be attracted to Douglas by her push and energetic spirit, to permanently locate. . Vj . 1 tVine of Cynlui is Ihiy U- flHj lof a •.vtmnf-.’s h.wthli c " ’ 1 'Bhhßh B ness from youth to <> a Jmlp* li*»r safely into -v.J IJt'-sust; ins ho: during jKgffl lof prc^n.ttuey, 1 motherhood; | « uls , m car™ljfci gently. % | through thq/-4ang(:l ; ouß* p.elif w<ui ■ known astho Change of l?to. [WIMEMCA&IWJ ft cures leucorrhoea, falling vi the. ■ womb, and menstrual irregulaiyty B ■ in every form. 'lt is valuable in 4 every trying period df a woman’s K 5 life. It reinfoieen the nerygu.s fi V system, aets directly-t>n fhe geni- 9 ■ tal organs and is' the finest tonie S S for women kn<iru*j*Ask your ■ ■ druggist for a § 1 .%# bottle of fl AVine of Cardui. M Ala., Jvty XI, 1S0«. fcj lam using Wino of Cardui and Th«d ¥1 frrrd'» Black-Draught and I fool li>:« a EJ different woman already. Several la- Lj dies hero keep thy medicines in their H homen all the time. I have three girls K, and they are using it with roe. U Mrs. KATE BROWDER. » For advice and literature, address, giving J,' symptoms. “'i lie hadles’ Advisory lie pa rt- ■ E ment”, The Chattanooga Medicine Company, t *, ■ Chattanooga, Tenu. Typewriters- 1 New and second-hand machines all kind for salepaces reasoned;-! jand terms easy. Repair vvo J done.,oft all rpakes. .Write at O'tM for Bat#ples, etc.” ;‘t ; ' . Ci 1 as. 11. Jewet' v v Brunswick, C 1 J Tit for Tat* 1 The commissioners of Cot* 4 County arp after the tax dodgcKM This proceeding docs not havJHnl ! be resorted to in our county. —lrlqvV ; County Courier. Oh, 110; y a fine country, so have We, -W** ‘ things go wrong, some.-time. Wt have a good safe, healthy jail, yoi have not. Fix your jail, we’ll catc our dodgers. Now, by'gum ! Crops in Coffee County. During the present term of Cit\ Court we have talked with farmers from all sections ot the county, and all of t hem tell us that guo.d crops of corn, cane, pinders, potatqesaud sugarcane havebe6n made. Some of our farmers have madia more food crops than they can and are out trying to buy up a l .-the pigs, hogs, cattle, Ac., that they can find, and the prices offered are good. The Sugarcane Crop isxvay above the average, in both acreage and groWth. Cotton is poor, ;n some sections not more than hail a crop will be made. Some fine pea crops have been made this year, and now, in rich places, the farmevand gardner is planting heavy crops turnips. \ erily, there is plen-.y in-j the land, the goose hangs ip an elevated position and the bull-frog hello wet h long and loud. New Goods.. My fall and winter goods f arriving every day.- > hayi* returned from ‘ he, • Market with the a.Mslane * of my Miss Kerr, have vice led t lies! aid mosi sty 10. !i i i . \c dl.lii'.’l! tot; ! ■ : !it 1-1 -n>'\ . - : f e. ' { ' jM '■ aI ■'fl V^- ? ‘ y -V "*, -r: r Sm •1 A k jfi ' If ' * Bj > iHI •p $1 ' *■■ ■ this ..e-'v.S'--