Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, September 26, 1903, Image 7

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BOLL WEEVIL PLAYS HAVOC Pest Does Frightful Damage West of the Mississippi, INVESTIGATION IS MADE Chemist, in Employ of the Government, Reports Distressing State of Affairs and Tells Gloomy Story, Charles P. McLane, a chemist in tlie employ of the agricultural department of the United States government, ar rived at Knoxville, Term., Saturday Ircm Texas and Arkansas, where he had been sent by the government to investigate the damage done in the cotton belt by weevil. Ke has spent two months studying the insects, and admits that the future of the cotton-growing section west of the Mississippi is exceeding ly gloomy. Mr. McLane says that the cotton crop in ninety-six Texas counties will he almost a total failure, and that the western part of Arsansas, especially Hempstead county, presents a desolate appearance. He predicts that cotton growing in the southwest will decline in the future. All efforts to destroy the weevil have proved futile, and the people are discouraged. Arkansas has not been as hard hit this year as Texas, but he predicts that the devastating will spread rapidly over the entire cot ton lands of .the southwest within two years. Few:, if any, evidences of the appearance of the weevil have been seen east of the Mississippi. SMALL HOPE FOR CURBS JETT. Witnesses Swear to Seeing the Prisoner Shooting at Cockrih. In the trial of Curtis Jett for the al leged assassination of James CockrilL at Jackson. Ky., the commonwealth Saturday introduced William Cope and James Jllanton, who corroborated oth ers as .to Jett being in front of the court house immediately after the shooting and to the shots coming from the court house. The feature was the testimony ©f Charles Green, the witness who es caped, and said he was afraid of being killed if he testified. Green was trough back under arrest from Lex ington, Ky. He testified that he was about ten feet from Cockrill when the shooting began. He and Cockrill both ran. He saw the shots coming in two volleys from the court house window’, and saw Curtis' Jett firing from tho court house at Cockrill. He testified that two other men were in the court house whom he didn’t recognize, and that but little smoke was visible, which corroborates other witnesses in saying that they believed smokeless powder was used by Jett. COWARD’S CABINET DWINDLES. Another Member Goes Out, Also Financial Secretary of the Treasury. A Lcmfian special says: Lord Bal four, of Burleigh, secretary for Scot land, and Arthur Ralph Douglas Eliot, financial secretary to the treasury, have resigned and their resignations have heen accepted by the king. Mr. Elliott was not in the cabinet. These two resignations make a total o£ four vacant cabinet posts and one secretaryship at Premier Balfour’s dis position. With the resignation of Lord Balfour and Financial Secretary Elliott, both strong free traders', it is understood that, the ministerial resignations are completed. It is practically certain that Austen Chamberlain. Lord Milner and Mr. Erodrick will take the exchequer, colo nies and Indian portfolios, respective ly. and the only surprise 7n the new appointments is likely to be the nomi nation of a strong man to the war of fice to determine how far the recoui mendations of the South African war commission can be carried out. < EVANGELIST JONES GOES FREE j While Postmaster Ackerman V*'ho Tecklad Him is Fined Ten Dollars. When arraigned in mayor’s court/ at Cartersville, Postmaster Akerntrm pleaded guilty to the charge of jdis crderly conduct, with which he land Rev. Sam Jones were charged, I and was fined $lO and costs. I Rev. Jones entered a plea of I not guilty and brought forward pJomi cent citizens as witnesses to provL his statement. All of the witnesses sMwo-e that the evangelist was on th® de fensive in the difficulty and hJ was discharged. I Trtnl by Time. Eugene E. Lario, of 751 Twentieth avenue, ticket seller in tue Union Sta- j tion, Denver, Col., says: “You ai - e at i liberty to repeat what 1 first stated through our Denver papers about Doan’s Kidney Pills in the sum mer of IS9O. for I have had no reason in the interim to change my opinion of the remedy. I said when first |s|||f|i interviewed that if I had a friend and acquaintance suffering from back ache figs™ or kidney trouble 1 would unhesitatingly advise them to take Doan’s Kidney |Wj|s§ Pills. I was subject to severe attacks of back £s «aS»* ache, always aggravated if T sat long at a desk. It struck me that if Doan’s Kidney Pills performed half what they promised they might at least help. This induced me to try the remedy. It abso lutely stopped the back ache. I have never had a pain or a twinge since.” A Free Trial of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr. Lario will be mailed to any part' of the United States on application. Address Fos ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box. ONLY WAY TO DO IT. The fair young thing is telling about how happy she was when she saw her brother’s baseball team win the intercollegiate game. “Oh,” she gurgles. “I was so de lighted that I just hugged myself for joy! ” Here the grave professor of psychol ogy looks up with an air of interest. “Hugged yourself?" he asks. “In deed, you must nave been quite b&side yourself to do that.” —Judge. How She Knew. Two little girls were playing in front of a city dwelling -when a strange man went by. “That ni3| is an undertaker,” said one of the little girls. ,J How deA you know?” asked her companion. “Oh, because he is the man who un dertook my grandmother.”—Septem ber Lippincott’s.. Colombia Ims in circulation $003,000,- 000 of -paper money,from which nearly all value has departed. The paper money per capita is $lO3, and it takes over SIOO of the stuff to pay a hotel bill for one day. There is nothing like a wet blanket to distinguish ,the fire of enthusiasm. There is more Catarrh in this section of tho country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it su local disease and proscribed local remedies and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to bo a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market.; It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. Itacts direct ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails t® cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Drulggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. The investment in pleasure yachts in Americsi is about $50,(L0,000 and the annual cost of their maintenance is about $6,000,000 a season. When a steam yacht is chartered the price usually is $lO a month per yacht ton. In Saxofny there is an industrial school fori every 14,041 inhabitants. IgBtg"STUARTS rEFICtC Gift and buchu J To 8.11 who suffer.or to the friends of those who strfferjwlth Kidney, I.iver, Heart, Bladder or Blood i»ise*se, a sample bottle of Stuart's Gin and Buchu, the great southern Kidney and rill be sent absolutely free of lis paper. Address STUART 28 Wall St.. Atlanta, Ga. mmW veu wtb riM» I&HE S’S 'sb fiVURYWHtRL. hs best materieJi. skilled workmen and ntyocvcn yerr> experience hoc mode filters. Costs and Hats imp tie world over Tliey arc node in ork oryellowftr all hinds of we* work, d everyjwxeff becrinfthe 5 ION OF ME r ffili is juararteed to oive xt faction All reliable dealers sell then. {A.J.TOWK CO-8C1TC3.MA35..U.5.A --JWW CAHAPIkM O.Uirjtt-I.TOfOBTO. CAM. icient Cause. why do you think they are do certain to fall in love? Ann —In the first place, their p?.- hate each other; and, in the se-ccfod, neither of them has a penny in the world. —October Smart Set. 'ni + +• PL’ii p mmm - wim Planfalmn Chill Cure is Guaran To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price fl Reeding in Groups. Isn’t too little attention paid by you young readers to the Order in which i you read books? It is not difficult to | obtain lists of books so arranged that each helps in the understanding and appreciation of the following one. In the reading for example, v.ouldn’tfit be wise to take them or tuoso you prefer —in the order of their time? vFirst comes “Count Robert of Paris,” then “The Betrothed." Next “The Talisman,” and “Ivanhoe,” then “Castle* Dangerous,” “The Fair Maid of Perth,” “Quentin Durward,” and “Anne of Geirestein" —all of which are cf times before the discovery ot Amer ica by Columbus. Reading them m their order, one has a better idea of tr.e early times, and appreciates each the more because of those before. If you are just beginning to read Scott, tiy taking them chronologically, in this way.—From Books and Reading in the September St. Nicholas. No American Horse Type. Notwithstanding the importance cf horse-breeding as an industry in this country, there is at this time no dis tinctly American horse type. The rac ing thoroughbred is English, the heavy cl raft-horse is. French, the hackney is English, and the trotting horse, as bred at present for ‘rack and toad ser vice, is not a type at all. An animal type cannot be said to be established until it reproduces itself with reason td/le certainty.—From John Gilmer Speed’s “The Horse in America” in September Century. Gross Carelessness. Miss Ellicott —Why did you dis-' charge your chauffeur? He made such a fine appearance. Mrs. Lippincott—But the man had no tact. Why, once when I was doz ing, he ran over a fat woman and al most jostled me out of my s,eat! —Oc- tober Smart Set. Poorly? “ For two years I suffered ter ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. I then tried Ayer’s Sarsa parilla, and in one week I was a new man.” —John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. wiax—ini wtiii'~i IDl> 11 ■nil'll ■ ' 1 ‘I. ————■ Don’t forget that it’s “Ayer’s” Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don’t waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried and true Ayer’s Sarsapa rilla. SI.OO 1 bottle. All druggists. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Ho knows nil about this grand old family medicine. Follow his advico and we will b'o satisfied. J. C. A YBit Co., Lowell, Mass. «O4O*OKK)>OK)>O*OAOKIAO>O i fAPUDINE | | v COLDS and 5 X FEVERISH CONDITIONS. 9 i 10. 25 an i SOeents, at Drugstores. g 04040A04040404040K5.040+0* W. L. DOUGLAS ‘3.5* & *3 SHOESSS! You can save from $3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes. They equal those "v. thsrt have been cost- /g ing you from $4.00 to $5.00. The im- Ip; mense sale of \V. L. Ws Jggj Douglas shoes proves ngSflkf' gET. s§£• their superiority over Mjphy *£*•} Sold by retail shoe dealers everywhere. price on bottom. That Douglas uses for* J«,.;,? L nn.-iColt proves (here is /bv. value In Pouirlas shoes. Corona is the highest /JuTSjSpSfr gr.i.le I’at. beat her made. Fust I'nlor iixrrt. £ Our $4 Gilt L(i je Line cannot be equalled at ana price. Shoes by mail, 25 <-enls extra, illustrated Catalog free. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass insures against Smoasaess I’AJW Has been regulating rebellious livers for more than 58 years. TuSwSfcO. . Chemists. New York. At druggists or by za&lL CpriipsjS r Removes ell swelling in Bto 20 q® B’' 8 ’'" 5 ' [ davs : effects a permanent cure A in jo to 60 days. Trial treatment £]*?*■• given free. Kbthingcan be fairer i (KMSSitjEffirfafi Write Dr. H. H.SGreen’g Sons. | ' Spcclilistr. Bov B Atlanta, Pa. COMMODORE NICBOLSON Recommends IPc-ru-na—Other Promine* Men Testify. *4 Commodore Somerville Nicholson, of the United States Navy, in a letter from 1837 R Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., says: “Your Peruna has been and is note used by so tit any of my friends and acquaintances as a sure cure for catarrh that J am convinced of its curative qualities and I unhestitat tngly recommend it to all persons suffering from that complaint. ”— S. Nicholson. United States Minister to Guatemala Endorses P»*ru-na. Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter, U. S. Minister to Guatemala, ex-member of Congress from Kentucky, in a letter from Washington, D.-C., writes: -> “I am fully satisfied that your Peruna is an efficacious remedy for catarrh, as 1 and many of my friends have been bene fited by its use.”—W. G. Hunter, M. 1). Member of Congress From Virginia Writes. Hon. G. R. Brown. Martinville, Va., ex member of Congress Fifth District, 50th Congress, writes: “I cheerfully give my endorsement to vour Peruna as a cure for catarrh. Its beneficial results have been so fully dem onstrated that its use is essential to all persons suffering from that disease.”— lion. G. R. Brown. The day was when men of prominence hesitated to give their testimonials to proprietory medicines for publication. This remains True to-day of most proprietary medicines. But Peruna has become so justly famous, its merits arc known to so many people of high and low stations, j Ulat no one hesitates to see his name in ! print recommending Peruna. The highest men in our nation have given Peruna a strong endorsement. Men representing all classes and stations are equally represented. SOFJ, SILKY HAIR COMES WITKN VOTJ BSE Carpenter’s OX HARROW POMADE (nftWARE OP 1 IMITATIONS > Rub it Into the scalp thoroughly once a wocli and it will work wonders. Keeps th<* hair from fulling out and cures dandruff, too. Hotter tiian any liair oil or tonic. PRICE, 25 CENTS. At your druggist’s, or by mall. Address, CARPENTER & CO., Louisville, Ky. Ripans Tubules are the best dyspepsia medicine ever made. A hundred millions kflggfouvv of them have been v -sold in the United States in a slnglJ year. Every arising from a disordered relieved or cured by tl.'ir ujflHH common is il Ilia; diseases from the stoi.iaeli it may he sorted then- is no e<e.d:: lieultli that will not be emed by the oei-asi.mal use Tabules. i’hysieiatis know speak highly of them. A !| sell them. 'The flve-cent enough for an ordinary the Family Bottle, sixty’ceuts, eopiH a household supply for a year. 1 offe generally gives relief within twenty minutes. Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At39-3) l/bursjhra H MmmWM R W /<« /*; Vi-:U V/! 7M ' jflpfjg ES3T FSB TLIIHHH C tJAK ANTEE'/ CTjPH for el! bowel pppa-ndim?;'., \.\' r,'\, or: :■,»■.•■ . l/ri"’] oow'i- f - *;, < J- air:-; nfb-r <••;•.:•;:<, : r * !■-. '.allow \kir. «.i. - ./•■■■■ " ¥’'l V'fc> r-; :-a ■ ,' you ;-f *- '. r '.ti nkll i■, rr.' o ;>< ;.■ ' ■■■ -■ star 4 -- 1 r 1 S rr.-r.f- a:.' 1 I- ■ r y;ir\ ,f vifin:' .'. ."-' rr .' '^FrjjS^g K Mr&~ CASC/.r ; : ■ ',' V/)’.: r.'-VPr <r-» • • Take ■.-.' :>■'■■' '■. >.‘->rt with tavar- :■ .-. ,■e_ _ '»'•" i-V ■■ *' ’HIjMII money ref-J.-de i . T ;. - ,'r-r. :iat tablet t'amped <- ', ' ’-' cowm uo oru:-*^r* Jgk JVichok If you do not derive prompt and satis-, factory results from the use of Perunw write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a* full statement of your ease, and tie will bet pleased to give you las valuable advice 4 gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Thai Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. Malsby & Ca 4| South Forsyth St., Atlanta, if i -■ ■ t etc.. wbHB ■- v •