Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, September 26, 1903, Image 8

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THE VICTOR Everything -sT TALKING MACHINE $50.00 I | Payments " I "Hl® MASTER'S VOICE" 5 - * w.wm«w,nccw:2r TrrrtS I YOUMANS & LEETE, Everything ! 355 WEST BROAD ST, Jgffir GA. TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE ,1 . S aw Y m?ll9 GINNING fjjk. /T\' OUTFITS Equipped Boiler Works Foundry Ec/Iff, r./f !•' 'fK'inr . <1 •; . /»< - V I'lim.i , M->tvr r:. H€i kes. Separator* We will Make it to Your Interest to Figure with Us. LARY BROS, MACHINERY CO. fc MACON, CA. ||||j| ||§§ Wllk RliA^Rrl^fP^ v '%* ~ v:;f . v ** 8 ' *', H* - I Cure HP fi| Hi •' ■ S’ '■ ■• * I'!**' • ’ Hi; v\ B * B? : H * kHHHBHH|MvV w:J ~ ■ . • ?; Kt;;- rt^ikir?f4?i : *?’t r-’ V s ' ! S' r •‘•' • ‘ , i *'. ?<s£: *?.'ir Bo per tv: tie; j CO., ’ ■ To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. gative Bromo Quinine Tablets. •s*y Wes sow in post 12 months. This signature. box. 25c. Citation. G EOIIGIA—Coffee Coiinty. To whom it concern :•' Leenari} Kirkland ij <*?' w? made application to me for haters & 2 -ministration upon the estate of Bettie u ' (rkiaml, late of said county, deceased, Oiotice is given that said application will he Eeurd at the regular term of this court to he held on first Monday in October. This Kept. 7, UtOSjl THOM AS YOT NO. Ordinary. Citation tVEOlK 11 A—Codec C.ounty. 'Jo whom it may concern: 1\ Waiter Barber having made application to me in |due form to be appointed ad- upon the estate of (I. A. 15rin late of said County, notice is hereby that said ap|>liea;ion will he heard regujir term of the ciu-t .>' ordi- snitl county, n. !•■• i eid <>n the |H9H>:"i::\ ill t>cl.>hcr l lu '.; I d.i\ • B(, idol ■ .. THOM AS voi \o. V M * Ordinary. ISB * v -f*i ... ■* B* jMiinfcagfe Sale- County. fcftJlUjr and-by virtue of a power of sale vsntniiv«i jii a mortgage executed by .1. M. JkWitnu; tociJj.Utler, Stevens A Company, dated the itmi da\ of September, 1002, and •recorded in 4iv‘ otlice of tlie Clerk of the Superior Court of Coilee County, in Book 9, foljns 521 and .Vjr>, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, at the court house door iu saiil count v, during t he legal hours of sale, to the highest, bidder, for cash, on tlte lirst Tuesday in October 1903, tlie fol lowing property to-wit: Lots of land num bers UKI, and 107, in the First fist) District of originally Appling now Coffee county, Georgia, each ot suit! lots containing 490 iuJfcs. more or less, and the two tracts con taining in the aggregate 980 acres, more or loss, for the purpose of paying a certain promissory note, for the sum of SBS3.3T> executed and delivered by .1 M. Denton oil the 10th day of September, 1902, and due January Ist, 1903, stipulating for interest from date thereof, at tlie rate of 8 per cent per annum, and 10 per cent attorneys fees, and having a credit thereon of $75.00, dated April 20, 1903, together with the cost of this sale, as provided in said inert gage. A deed to the purchaser will be made by the undersigned. This Sth day of Sept. 1903. Stkykxs A Co. Atty’s. in fact for J. M. Denton. Quinoky A McDonald, Atty's. for Riff’s. Wadley & Mt- Verne 2 R. R. This road now operates two trains daily between Douglas and Brox ton, as follows : Leave Douglas 7 a * 111 • Arrive Broxton 7.3°. Leave Douglas -.30 p. m. Ar rive Broxton 3.00. Leave Broxton S.oo. Arrive Douglas 5.30 a. m. Leave Broxton 4.00. Arrive Douglas 4.30 p. in. Close cbnnections with all trains on A. & B. R. R. SOUTHERN NORMAL INSTITUTE, Dotiglas, Coffee County, Georgia. i . The Foremost Educational Insti tution in South Georgia. Go Educational. 11 Non-Sectarian. .:: fill Departments::; LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, MUSIC, ELOCU TION, BUSINESS. Large Faculty ol Expert and Progressive Teachers. Tuition rates, $lO per term of ten weeks. Liberal discount by the year. Board SB.OO to SIO.OO per month in the best families. Location unsurpassed in point of health and moral and relig ious advantages. No swamps or malaria. No barrooms. FOUR LIVE CHURCHES. Fall term opens August 25tji, 1903. Write for catalogue. J. WALTER HENDRICKS, Principal. Citation- GEORG 1 A—-Coflee County. E. I). Brinson a resident of said State, having duly applied to be appointed Guar dian of the person and property of Eftie L. Leatliie, L. and Robert A. Brinson, three minors under the age ot 14, years, resident in said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be passed upon at the next term of court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in October 1903. This 7th of Sept. 1903. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Citation- GEORGIA—Coffee County. Mrs. Brooks Harper, Admistration of the estate of E. J. Harper, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust. All persons in interest are hereby notified that 1 pass upon the same at the December term of said Court. THOMAS YOUNG. Ordinary. Notice of Sale. GEORGIA— Coffee County. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the Superior court of said county at its next teim, for an order directing the sale of lot of land in the city of Douglas fronting fifty feet on Sellers st and running back to Cleveland Ave. bounded on the East by vacant lot, on the west by \V. F Sibbett's lot, said property being the property of Flossie B. Smith a minor, sold for investment.* J. B. Smith, guardian. Application for Guardianship. G EG KG I A—Coffee County. Whereas, Jacob Young- has applied to the court of Ordinary of Coffee county, for letters of p-uardianship of the property of Emma Roy Young, minor heir of George Young, late of Fulton county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all concerned to show cause, if they can, why said application should not be heard on the first Monday in Septem ber next, at my otfice. Given under my hand and seal, this 4th of August, 1903. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Sheriff's Sale- GEORGIA—Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house door in Douglas, Coffee County, Ga., within the legal sale hours, first ruesdn\ in October next, the Summerlin hotel lot in Pearson, with all improvements thereon, bounded north and east b> streets, south by A. C. L. Ry., right of way, west by land of Lilia Martin. Levied on a- property of Mary J. Summerlin to satisfy an execution issued from Justice Court, 1130th M litia Dist ict favor of Hiram Sears, Sr., against Mary J Summerlin. Tenant in possession notified in writing. Levy made and returned to me by L. J. t rawford. Constable. Sept. Ist, 1903. W. W. Southerland, Sheriff. HUNTER, PEfIRGE& BATTED COTTON FACTORS. OVER f3O YEARS EXPERIENCE. Ex pert Handlers of - E Sea Island As well ns^ Upland Colton. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES AGAINST CONSIGNMENTS. MONEY LOANED TO COTTON SHIPPERS ON APPROVED SECURITY. YLarge Dealers In - [sea Island as| UsM Mm, Clotli, pise and fins. WRITE FOR TERMS. 126 EAST BAY STREET. 1 SAVANNAH, GA. i. t X DRINK RfiPnl'l Appetizing, Heathful, Delicious. The great* UuUlll est Cola Beverage in the World. 11(1110l 0 stren " t h en i n g drink. Vim, Vigor, Vi .l Ulifli U tality. These exquisite beverages are on draught at Soda. Fountains and carbonated by bottlers. KALOLA JZL Crystal* sed Mineral Water, a combination of crystals containing the njtedicinal properties of the waters of four noted mineral springs. Cures Constipation, In digestion, Stomach, Kidney, Liver and Bladder troubles. 1 TARE KALOLA SIX MS and eat anything iou wkut- A teaspoonful dissolved ini a half gllass of water makes a delightful and morning laxative. I Price 50c and SI.OO For sale at Drug ptores anp mail on receipt of price. KALOLA COMPANY. - - - sarauuA Ba.”