Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, October 10, 1903, Image 8

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rxm VICTOR Everythin? *. TALKING MACHINE PRICES $15.00 tc $50.00 ■YOIMANS & LEETE, Every Uiillg 355 WEST BROAD ST. GA. TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES VfPLETE 4 • TAYLOR gufiiiHfft if •jl <4StT*% SAW MILLS two flrlLfl M iSW /ir fl X - jry comif% "OVV /»L f \\ . condition i t|jj gjfcj Equipped parformar ' BollCl* Works leanwliile f■ T'bjS ' imereti of S iPvT/ Machine irimlih'r *l§| |#v<X Shops and >O/ but th»j s'/j// / ' Foundry 1 all tesp ■* )OU prote encc * Firc Proof Roofing, Spray Pumps, .Mowers, Rakes, Joparatora , _ We will Make ii to Your Interest to Figure with Us. p ‘.‘MLLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. I; !':£■«. miacom, ca. HHHBHnirM! re ~ r i W A : /,l3" ' 1 y liiSH 1 r IV.. v. v* *;;■: " <U ; : ;K4<j?‘' : ,'•;•«. ”'-' ' §L /fj ~f tefKBL 5 ||j|gSk st To Cure a Cold in One Day Bromo Quinine TaMets. £ /v/f/ onevery Minion boxes sold in post ?2 months. This signature, box. 25c> t f'z'f JUSI N "K MASTER'S VOICE'* tasamsaaEn.-aßsa' nw mu jaussmesßEsrEaisfi p rat' B «, 'V'-'-nB ‘ , ! H' ciov, r of Us vrnmo tents •lias -r ub poo any druggist or le igfor Golden Khev.- nmi; you want a blood ig abating “0. R. C." not have it, ask him , J we will ship “0. R. all express charges 1.00 per bottle; elx fr S It* C. CO., IM AND FKONMETOKS. on, Cm. Horse Swappers’,Convention. Commencing\on Monday, the second Monday in October, lirst day of court, the Horse Swappers’ Convention will be held. It will continue all the week. Horse owners, horse dealers, horse swappers and sellers are - expected to be on hand, as it is for all horse folks, in and out of county. A lot of fun I promised all who come. Everj- body invited. For further information ad 'ln?ss - ft. L. MaSon, L. L. Tanner, W. R. Flowers, Notice of Sale. ■ GEORGIA —Coffee County. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the Superior (‘(Court of said county at its next term, Ir directing - the sale of lot he city of Douglas fronting" n Sellers st and running veland Ave. bounded on • vacant lot, on the west by jettV lot, said property ropejfty of Flossie 15. Smith }ld for investment. J. B. Smith, guardian. Dissolution. »--OolYee County. )atj*el Vickers and W. B. in Douglas, anifctate. has been dissolv lratf«onsent. W. B. Adams igSSrom the firm. All notes its will be settled by Daniel d Reason Lott. This Sept. 25th, 1903. Vickers * Lott. W. B. Adams. Wadley &Mt Verms R, R. This road now operates two trains daily between Douglas and Brox ton, as follows : Leave Douglas 7a. ni. Arrive Broxton 7.30. Leave Douglas 2.30 p. m. Ar rive Broxton 3.00. Leave Broxton S.oo. Arrive Douglas 8.30 a. m. * Leave Broxton 4.00. Arrive Douglas 4.30 p. m. Close connections with all trains on A. & B. R. R. J. C. LUKE, M. D. • Ocilla, Ga. Specialist, ~ EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Also Chronic Diseases in either sex. Hours: 7 to 10 a. m. 7toS p. m. Cash or I Easy | Payments SOUTHERN NORMAL INSTITUTE, Douglas, Coffee County, Georgia. The Foremost Educational Insti tution in South Georgia. Go-Educational. 11 Non-sectarian. ... flu Departments... LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, MUSIC, ELOCU TION, BUSINESS. Faroe Faculty ot Expert and Progressive leaders. Tuition rates, SSO per term of ten weeks. Liberal discount by the year. Beard SB.OO to SIO.OO per month in the best families. Location unsurpassed in point of health and moral and relig ious advantages. No swamps or malaria. No barrooms. four live churches. Fall term opens August 25th, 1903. Write for catalogue. 3. WALTER HENDRICKS, Principal. A DOUGLAS LODGE NO. 386, F. & A. M. Meets every third Friday evening" 6 o’clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited to meet with us. S. W. JOHNSON, W. M. S. FALLS, Secretary. M. H, TURRENTINE, Dentist, Vickers Building, Douglas, Ga. All Work Guaranteed. Office hours : 8 to 12, a. m. 2 to 5 130 p. m. Copyer Cnme From Cyprus. The word copper is generally admit ted to be deprived from Cyprus, as it was from that island that the ancient Romans lirst procured their supplies. In those remote days Cyprus and Rhodes were the great copper districts, and even in our own day new discov eries of copper ore, especially the beau tiful blue and green ares, from which the metal Is so mucljunore easily ob tained than from th -’(copper pyrites and other sulphvyetet swes of Corn wall, are made nearly every year in the islands of the Mediterranean.— Chambers’ Journal. Real Enjoyment. “I suppose,” said Mrs. Oldcastle, “that you have arranged to attend the grand opera?” “Oh. yes,” replied her hostess. “Jo siali says there’s nothin’ like grand opera to show real culture, so lie’s bought a box for every night, and we’re goin’ to take Daisy’s German teacher with us to explain what they’re sayin’.”—Chicago Record-Herald. A Natural Conclusion. Teacher—Tommy Brown, tell me the shape of the earth. Tommy—Round. Teacher—How do you know? Tommy Brown—You told me. Teacher —Well, how do you suppose i know? Tommy Brown—Oh, I s’pose some body told you. Advertising, Editor—Does it pay to advertise in my paper? Well* I should say it does. Look at Smith, the grocer, for instance. He advertised for a boy last week, and the very next day Mrs. Smith had twins—both boys. HUNTER, PEfiRGE & BfITTEY. Cotton Factors...... Oy er 30 Years Exjpe^iei^ce. Expert Handlers of Sea Island As Well as Upland Cottorj. Liberal Cash Advances Against Consignments. On Approved Security Large Dealers In - IVWV^L 56a Island anti'Upland Bagging, Sugar Cloth, Twine and Ties. Write for Terms. 126 East Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. DRINK Wi] Appetizing, Heathful. Delicious. The great ([ est Cola Beverage in the World. pnilQlp strengthening drink. Vim, Vigor, Vi ..l UiltilU taltjtj*. These exquisite beverages are on draughtat Soda Fountains and carbonated by bottleis. KALOLA —St-. Crystalized Mineral Water, a combination of crystal s containing thel medicinal properties of the waters of four noted mineral springs. Cures Constipation, In digestion, Stcmach, Kidney, Liver and Bladder troubles. TARE KALOLA SIX DAYS and eat anything you waut. A teaspoonful dissolved in a half glass of water makes a delightful and morning laxative. Price and SI.OO For sale at Drug Stores ai|d mail on receipt of price. KALOLA COMPANY. - - - HSfiMOa.