Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, October 17, 1903, Image 2
THE GREATEST OFFER OF THE YEAH! CONSTITUTION \ jjj| f Gyr Circulation Over 130,000 I UheS UNNY SOUTK, Weekly for Circulation Ovor 100,030 \ (Otm By q nr Bb n p r n T Jshe WEEKLY CONSTITUTION Is the world’s greatest and most widely read week ly newspaper—the farmer’s friend, the woman’s companion, the children’s joy— one dollar a year. s*/?e SUNNY SOUTH Is the recognized standard Southern Literary week ly—devoted to Fiction, Romance, Literature and j Household reading especially adapted to the fireside i •—fifty cents a year LIFE and TIMES of THOMAS JEFFERSON By Hon. Thomas E. TVatson, written for The Weekly Constitution as the first volume of Watson’s History of the United States, the greatest of all of Watson’s great Histories. The Life of Jefferson was begun in The Weekly Constitution in July—being published weekly and to be completed between now and Christmas. All subscribers to The Weekly Constitution at SI.OO, or to both The Weekly Constitution and The Bunny (South at $1.23 for the two, will be sent FREE, upon request made accompanying subscription, a complete publication of all the back installments of this great history, which should be iu every household. You thus get two INVALUABLE WEEKLY PERIODICALS, one news, the other fiction and literature— and in addition, u publication of all buck installments of this great history, bringing you to the date of your subscription—all for thetrllloof 51.23. SIO,OOO.OO'PORT RECEIPTS CONTEST Is upon tbe total receipts of cotton at all U. S. Ports from 1 Sept., 1903, to 12 January, 1994, both inclusive. It Is offered only hy tho Constitution and not in connection with any newspni>er syndicate, and hence Is limited to the Constitution's Circulation. The prizes are $3,000.00 for the exact or nearest to exact figures, $1,500.00 for the next, best, $500.00 for the next, $200.00 for next, and $125.00 lor the next, l*est estimate, for five next nearest $50.00 each, 30 next $25 00 each, 2D next sls 00 each, 50 next $7.50 each and 100 next best estimates $3.00 each. Total of set prizes $7,000.00. IN AD DITION $1,000.00 iii five $200.00 prizes for the best estimates in live monthly sections of contest and $2,000 in two greut consolation offers for 500 bales and 1,000 bales each way from exact figures. The Statistics covering the contest for last few yaero are t Cotton Year, Total port receipts September 1 to 12th of following January, both inclusive: 1897-1898 G, 070,773 (808-1809 6,239,1 78 (899-1900 4,261,363 I® 0 ?' 1 ® 01 4,846,751 1001-1002 5,279.50 7 1902-1903 5,3151873 ■f - - **' “ ,D,TI ! Trie. NEXT “Y.L it nuu'iLional particulars wanted, or, what is better, send subscription remittance, with estimates, direct by money order or registered mail to „ THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ca. By special arrangement with the publishers of The Constitution and Sunny South, we offer a year’s subscription to our own paper in addition to the above great offer, and will furnish all for ONLY TWO DOLLARS. Such orders must come direct to this paper. DOUGLAS BREEZE, Douglas, Ga. The Union Banking Company, Incorporated 1898. J. M. ASHLEY, President; J. S. LOTT. V. President, C. E. BAKER, Cat hicr. DIRECTORS; J. J. LEWIS, ELIAS LOTT, J. M. ASHLEY. J. S. LOTT, HENRY VICKERS, J. W. qi INCY, JOHN M’LEAN. Accounts of individuals, merchants and corporations solicited. I PEOPLE’S BARBER SHOP First-class work. Clean, Warm Shop, and Sharp Razors. JUST GIVE ME A TRIAL. J. M. LUPO, Proprietor. Dyspepsia Curt Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the dipestunts am] digests all kinds o. food. It gives instaut relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs*can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive ou it Cures aS! stomach troubles Prepared C-tily bv K. C. ImW ITT &Co Chlragc Ti»e tt. bottle couuUnsiH tlUiestboMc. si*** At Ueik Drug Co.. Douglas; 1. W. Moorman, Ambrose; Dr. Parker, Nich ols, Ga FUNDS ALL PLEDGLD TO BANKS. Richland County, South Carolina, Placed in an tmbar.ass.nq Pusition. Richland county. S. C., in which Co lumbia is located, finds itself in the’ unique and embarrassing position of being “broke.” This condition is due to the fact that the 3 1-4 mills levy for "ordinary" purposes, which begins to apply October 15, has already been pledged to one of the banks for the payment of notes. Clerk of Governor Dockery 6oes Wrong. “AT' Morrow, stenographer and con fidential clerk to Governor A. M. Dock ery. of Missouri, was indicted by the federal grand jury at St. Louis Friday afternoon on a charge of aiding and abetting fraudulent naturalization. Freight Handlers at Savannah Strike. Between six and seven hundred freight handlers on the docks of the Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company, at Savannah, walked out 1 ’ *— r~ —, Morgan’s Visit Causes Speculation. The rumored coming cl J. Rierpont Morgan south at this time has given rise a yast deal of specula you and surmise among railroad men and others as to his objects and pur ; poses. Douglas Supply Co., Bank Bui!ding==North Side, Douglas, G-et., Dry Goods, Clothing, SHOES. HATS And General Furnishings. FAMILY AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Everything for Pantry and Dining Table. WATT-BA&LIY-HOLHES GO., DOUGtIjAS, G-A., DEALERS IN Builders’ Hardware, Iron, Nails, Hardware, Stoves, Etc. WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS AID OILS. ill Ms of Plows. Spp Mils ti Kollos. 7** R. E. LEE, Manager. ' Wfoeeler & Witeon Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings. WAN'rKI). Send for circular. WHEELER & WILSON MFG CO.. lA>r sale by Douglas Supply Co., Douglas. Ga. DR. KING’S TRY new discovery FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,HayFever,Pleu risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. Mcc 50c. and SI. TRIAL BOTTLES FRES, ATLANTIC & BIRMINGHAM R. R. Time "i able Effective July 26, ISO 3. ALL TRAINS DAILY. . WAYCR-'SS TO MONTEZUMA. MONTEZUMA TO WAYCROSS. ’""Stations 13 5 Stations 2 4 6 tVaycross .. . 7 35a 4 15p Montezuma .. . 6 10a 1 Nicholls 837 5 20p Byromville ... .6 3Ga ± 40p 5 30p Douglas 9 07a 5 50p Vienna 7 02a 2 : 4p 6 03p Ambrose .... 9 32a 6 13p Cordele 7 sOa 2 SOp 6 30p Wray 9 37 • 6 20p Double Run . . 8 00a 3 02p Fitzgerald .. ..10 10a 7 OOp Rebecca 8 10a 3 Rebecca 10 42a 7 33p Fitzgerald . ..8 45a 3 bin Double Run ..10 52a 7 43p Wray 9 ,1a 4 24p Cojdele 11 -fa 8 20p 7 00a .Ambrose 9 17a 4 SOp Vienna 11 4Sa 8 45p 7 2Sa Douglas .... .9 42a 4 52p Byromville .. ..12 17p 9 13p 8 00a Nicholls 10 13a o 20p Montezuma 12 50p 9 40p 8 30a Waycross .. ..11 20a 6 2-Tp Excellent through schedules and low rates for which inquire of any agent on the line. GEORGE DOLE WADLEY, Vice President and General Manager. ALEX BONNYMAN, Superintendent. H. C. McFADDEN, general Freight and Passenger Agent. J. G. KNAPP, Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent. B. F. HOLZENPORF, Agent. Douglas, Ga. Qpporqi ohpps Wavcross Ga. /Nichols Bottling Works, D. W. JOHNSON, Manager, 3NTiolx<olss, - Georgia, Soda Water, all flavors, Ginger Aie r Coca-Cola, lron=Brew. Good service* promptness; fair dealing and special attention to mail orders. /Neat Printing Creates a good Impression among your correspondents and helps to give your business prestige. We Dp Neat Printing at Reasonable Prices.