Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, October 17, 1903, Image 7

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Overheard. It was at one of those delightfully festive and exhilarating affairs, an af ternon tea. and a guest was about to depart when the hostess said; ‘'lce member me to your daughter -when you write, won’t you?” “Oh, yes indeed! Yes indeed! She will be delighted to have me do so. Since moving away out West she is interested in the most trifling thing fcere at home.” —Woman’s Home Com panion. APPRECIATIVE. "I don’t believe you hold the public In very high esteem.” “My dear sir,” rejoined the billion aire, “you wrong me. If it weren’t Tor the public, where would we look for our profits?” A Sermon in a Sentence. If you are morose, moody or despond ent; if you have a habit of worrying or fretting about things, or any other fault which hinders your* growth or progress, think persistently of the -op posite virtue and practice it until it is youfs by force of habit.—O. S. Harden, in Success. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to care deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumblingsound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam tnation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever. Kins cases out often • arc caused by catarrh, whiehis nothing but an infiipned condition of the mucous surface-. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any 'en9e.olDeafnes3(causedby eatarrh)th‘at can not bo cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CnENEiACa., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hail’s Family Pills are the best. More Snuff Used Now. The snuff users of the United States have increased in number about six per cent, a year for several years, tak ing the annual consumption of snuff as the basis of calculation. The aggre gate weight of pinches of snuff taken last year was 15.000,000 pounds. CDCC STUART’S S Gipaand CUCHU To all who suffer, or to the friends of those who s- -Ter with Kidney, Liver, Heart, Bladder or Blood Disease, a sample bottle of Stuart's Gin and Buehu. the great southern Kidney and Liver Medicine, will bo sent absolutely free of cost. Mention this paper. Address STUART DRUG M’FG CO.. -2S Wall St.. Atlanta, Ga. Poor man! He can’t help it. He gets bilious. He needs a good liver pill—Ayer’s Pills. "They act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. Want your moustache cr beard a beairtiful brown or rich black ? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FIFTY CTS. OF R P. T,T, »• C Q.. h y. V. BM 9 • -"" 1 ’ ‘‘l have used vour valuable C-aacarets and find them perfect. Couldn’t do without them. I have uaed'tnem for 6orue time for indigestion and bil iousness and am now completely cured. Recom mend them to everyone. Once tried, you will iUever be without them in the family.” Edward A. Mars, Albany, N. Y. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. ‘Do Good, ’Never Sicken, Weaken or Grlpo. 10c, 2r*c.’soc. Never *old in bulk. Tlio genuine tablet atemped CCC. Cruoranteed to cure or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago cr N.Y. 602 MimM SALE, TEN BOXES Tile Great East anti Went Line S llßlllll < ‘^^RAILWAY Mr HO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. Thirty-five miles Shortest Rome Shreveport Ui Dallas Write for new' hook on Texas— free. E. P. TURNER. Lieu. Pass. Aj?t.. Dallas. Texas s» rwm Ri'sr, '*7i r Z Pi „ * ' nUP Cures by remoy- i**g the cause. * One Solution. If each would mind his own affairs. And each would go his way, There’d be no need, with all our c'U’es, To work eight hours a day. —Sam S. Stinson, in October LipiMn cctt’a, - j ADMIRAL SCHLEY ■ ENDORSES PERK Pe-ru-na Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen:—“s can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley ru-na and I believe with good effect.W. S. SCHLEY— ADMIRAL SCHLEY, one of the foremost, notable heroes of the nineteenth century. A name that starts terror in the heart of every Spaniard. A man of steady nerve, clear head, undaunted courage and prompt decision. Approached by a friend recently, his opinion was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the slightest hesitation he gave this remedy his endorsement. It appeared on later conversation that Peruna has been used in his family, where it is a favorite remedy. Such endorsements serve to indicate the wonderful hold that Peruna hns upon the minds of the American people. It is out of the question that so great and famous a man as Admiral Schley could have any other reason for giving his endorsement to Peruna than his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he s«3 r s it is. The Newspapers and Good Roads- One of the most hopeful signs for the future of Good Roads in North Carolina is the attitude of the newspa pers all over the state toward this pub lic question. Editors, like politicians, live with one ear on the ground to hear the first rumblings of an ap proaching popular uprising; and are the first to detect the qualites that In sure permanency and popular favor to the movements affecting the masses of our population. The good roads proposition has been agitated long enough to enable our people to determine whether or not it is a good thing, and the fact that our newspapers constantly advocate a pro gressive policy along this line is a good indication 6f its permanency as a public question. Several of our leading papers de vote each week considerable space to the subject, and upon any public oc casion when good roads are to be dis cussed, special representatives of the press are sent, sometimes, long dis tances, in order to secure complete and accurate reports of the proceed ings. A few days ago such a meeting was held at Lakeview, in Moore coun ty ,(N. C.) and the leading dailies on the following morning contained a full account of wnat was done there. Upon the publicity afforded by an intelligent press must the advocates of good roads depend for the educa tion and inspiration of our citizens; and it is believed that through this medium —more than any other —will be brought about the ultimate reform in our public road system at present advocated by a rapidly increasing mi nority.—jExrtange. / Ercteart Tbmpson Seton is to con tribute I a seres of articles to the com ing yefcr of The Century, which he calls “tFabieand Wood Myth,” consist ing of 1 ' a number of quaint and sugges tive lftt.hs sketches which will remind the reader somewhat of Aesop’s Fa bles. Mr. .Ceton has the advantage of Aescp in taat he can illustrate his own work |! Yoii Don’t Want tUßlis IN YOUR HAIR YOU DO WANT Carpenter’s OX MA3ROW POMADE (beware of imitations.) It f« the best bait* «trai*?ht*ner sold; makos the hair soft and trio us v and is perfectly harm less More than worth the price. P?ICE. 25 CENTS. Ai dif vonr (Inuredat hadn’t It wre will send it by mill on receipt of 25 cents in stamps. Audrey, CARPENTER & CO., Louisville, Kv. Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At42-3) INDUSTRY. “Why don’t you go to work?” “Mister,” said Meandering Mike, ‘l’m workin’ now. J’m no idler. I get busy every time I see a man that looks like he’ll respond to a tale of sorrow wit’ a donation.” THE PRIZE-WINNER. Naggsby—How did the contest in optimism result last night? Waggsby—Gaggster won the prize by laughing most heartily at one of his own jokes.—Baltimore American. To cure, or money refunded by your mercnant, so vvny not try it? Price si)c. HIS PERSUASION. “Have you ever made any effort to distinguish yourself in public de bate?” “No, sir,” answered Senator Sorg hum, “when money talks its argu ment is usually most effective when it comes In the nature of a strictly personal communication." —Washing ton Star. LEI THIS COUPON BE YOUR MESSENGER OF DELIVERANCE FROM KIDNEY, BLADDER. AND URINARY TROUBLES. It’s the people wlio doubt and beo om o cured while they doubt who praise Doan’s Fills tlio highest. Aching backs are eased. Hip, back, and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with Orick-dust sediment, high colored, pain in passing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting. Doan’s Kidney Fills remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart pal pitat ion, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness, dizziness. TAYLor.viLi.B, Miss.— “I tried everything for a weak back and got no relief until i used Doan’s Fills.” J. N. Lewis. ‘NEW RIVAL” BLACK POWDER SMELLS. * ing and the use of only the best materials which make Winchester Factory Loaded “New Rival” Shells give bet ter pattern, penetration and more usiform results gener ally than any other shells. The special paper and the Win chester patent corrugated head used in making “New Rival” shells give them strength to withstand reloading, _ BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. CAPUDIWE V. @ P* 1 ® (5 s * (V** It remove, the cause, ft .0 ILB kV IT 1 eoothes the nervec and W H Has \z-jf relieves tho w .; ieo a - : j GOLDS AMO GRIPPE Jiofuiachen and Neuralgia also. No bad effects. 10c, 25c and Mo bottles. (Lutein.) dEaaßbaawna^isigHilß I® „ (kIRES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. E ■0 Uest Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ft* 52 In time. Hol’d by druggi«ts. ifi Free, - The Y ©util’s Companion. THE FAMILY PAPER OF NATIONAL CIRCULATION. THE LIFE IT PICTURES AND THE CHARACTERS IT HELPS TO MOLD ARE TYPICAL OF OUR TIMES AND COUNTRY. Annual Subscription Offer. The New Subscriber who cuts out and sends this slip or the name of this Paper at once with $1.75 will receive: Ba _ Ail the issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1903. B 1 g* &a 3 Ti, e Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Double Numbers. The Youth’s Companion “Springtime” Calendar for 1904,11th ographed in twelve colors and gold. Then the lifty-two Issues of The Companion for 1904 a library of the best reading for every member of the family. 9302 FULL ANNOUNCEMENT AND SAMPLE COPIES OF THE PAPER FREE. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. The fact is Peruna has overcome all opposition hearts of the people. The natural tiniftlity which so n . giving endorsements to any remedy is giving way. v , ... help others has inspired thousands of people'to j runa who heretofore world not have consented to siu£a|ja|| Never before in the annals of medicine has it of national and international reputation have been and public endorsements to a proprietary remedy. could have accomplished such a tesult. l’cruna Peruna cures catarrh of whatever phase or location is why it receives . o many notable and unique Address The Peruna Drug M'fg Co., Columbus, catarrh. On the Instalment Plan. A bashful youth and buxom maid who had travelled sixteen miles to the parsonage were much perplexed on be ing informed that the marriage fee was one dollar. The young man could only produce fifty cents. The maiden naively suggested that the preacher marry them as far as the money would go.—Lippincott’s. mvn «■*» J Pills , FRICE SO CE.HX 5. I Z'XkkjJ a-sviomt v*»- NAME i STATE - For free trial bov, mail this coupon to Foster-MiUmrn Co., buffalo, N Y. If above space is insufficient, write address on sepa rate slip. MEDICAL ADVICE FREXL % Oropsyijl jr Removes all swelling I days; effects a 1 A in yo to Ac/dav.s. Trial i'.ZfrvJX l r - n h. <;. C*'®’’ SpciJ iliils, bo-. bJHH Wanted AgcUSSB j for our 1 1 r,*: Ibn.fiuipf, JfifnlH, 1-. Jovn-1r r-i<i.--J/I,'r pnU'-H. <ie< ■! ■ : .i !.•■• h-s, fuirt---. .uuuucc 11a.. i 1 A. I i; ' '&pß3BS[ The reason yon can get this trial free is be cause they euro Kidney ills and will prove it to you. West Branch, Mich “Doan’s K idney Fills hit tlio case, which was an unusual desire to urinate had to get up five or six times of a night. 1 think diabetes was well underway, t lie feet and ankles swelled, j There was an intense pain | in the back, the heat of which would feel like put , ting one’s baud up 1° a lamp chimney. 1 have used tlie free trial and two full boxes of Doan's Fills with the satisfaction of feeling that lam cured. They are the remedy par excellence.”, , B. F." Eaixaiuj. O: M SS,OH GEORfI!A-ALflrt]KH| . i. or cured use of lilpa_n* Tabules. Physicians know them .and speak highly of them. AJI druggists sell them. The flve-cent package la enough for an ordinary occasion, and the Family Botllc. sixty cents, contains a household supply for a year. One generally gives relief within twenty minutes. W. L. DOUGLAS & *3 SHOES S! You can save trom $3 to $6 yeairty by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shrfos. They equal those that have boon cost- at ?S?v. ing you from £4.00 & J to So.oo The iiu- ffc. Jiouglas shoes proves JhE^Jgp'e»gj} their superiority over Sold by retail shoe -/ dealers everywhere. L/ Look for name and .-f price on bottom. •*I That Dougta* nses for- 'L \ onaColt proves there is jf± '*#] s rsis : r7'2 /Hk value in Douglas tlines. r A&V Corona is fho highest /MUZi-vS frailr Put. I,rat her maile. / 'tut Color LI uelete uted. '-tjjr?/ y / . Orr 51 Out L g Line -•tuntk oe equalled at any price. Shoes b, mail, 2. r » rents rvtra. Illustrated (atalog free. U. L. lIOtGLAS. Brockton, Ma*»