Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, November 07, 1903, Image 4

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DOUGLAS WEEKLY BREEZE James M. Freeman & Daughter, Proprietors i- M- Freemati, Editor. Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter. SATURDATr NOV. ;'li, 1903. Official Organ of County. STEAMBOATS ON OCMULGEE. Macon and Brunswick Capitalists will Establish a Line of Steamboats- Brunswick Journal : The fail ure of the steamer Maloy, some weeks ago to establish a line be tween Macon and Brunswick, has not detered the business men of Macon in their determination to establish such a line, and even now there is something doing up in the Central City. The business men of Brunswick would be delighted to assist such a project in any way possible and it is believed that they will meet the Macon people half way with any proposition. The line would be of value to local wholesale houses on account of the numerous land ings between Brunswick. The Macon Telegraph yesterday had 11 is to say in regard to the establishment of the steamer line: In line with the ideas advanced by The Telegraph, for the benefit of Greater Macon, it is possible to announce tins morning that a meeting will be held for the pur pose of considering the develop ment of trade in general and the securing of low rates made possi ble by the inauguration of a line of steamboats on the Ocmulgee river. In the city last night were Mr. j, E. Melton, one of the most prominent lumbermen and sawmill men of South < Georgia. The Tel egraph sought him for an inter view, but he prefcred to remain silent. The Telegraph learns from other sources, however, the following: “There has been formed an organ ization composed of prominent business men with sufficient capital to carry out this move in the event of proper encouragement from the merchants of Macon to give them a competitive line of steamers on the Ocmulgee and Al tfaogaha rivers and assure thew .1 certafivAv boats ne. week from Brunswick iVnd .Savannah. The business men of this city, along with 'The Telegraph, believe, proper encouragement will be af forded any proposition looking to the carrying out of this long de ferred scheme. It is learned that the movement is backed by men of industry and capital, who with proper encouragement will soon establish river navigation to ihe sea coast. The Telegraph has sought an interview from Mr. J. E. Melton, but while that gentleman refuses to talk tor publication, its knowl edge of the man warrants Ihe most careful consideration of bis moves. Howe’s Great Shows- Douglas Saturday Nov. cist. — You may receive many flattering comments while you are present, but when you are absent and nice things are said about you they are of much greater value. We quote a le.v unsolicited press comments concerning Ilowe’s (Jreat London Shows after the exhibition bad been gi\ f en and tho show had left the town. The tents of Howe’s London Shows were packed and the large crowd highly pleased. It is a clean up-to-date show and worthy the liberal patronage it receives.— (Stand Junction Colo., Daily Sen tinel. It was a clean, moral, up-to-date entertainment and gave universal satisfaction. War rent on, Mo., Press. The Show gave universal satisfac tion, many features being the best ever seen in this city.—Vernon. Texas, Call. The performance was good. The Show is the largest that has ever visited this place.—Memphis Re cord. Show more than they advertise. | They are good people.—Bain bridge, Ga.. Democrat. The performances were fully up to the standard.—Ouray Colo.. Herald. It is a clean, moral show.—Mon trose Colo., Press. Such a show is bound to attain great success.—Lawton Okla., En terprise. Was clean and good throughout. —Bowie Texas Press. t The largest and best show here wyears.—Dawson. Ga., News. Congress in sesion we shall have some news now, from the front. Up in Kentucky on election day, as usual, there was a resort to guns and pistols to settle the differences. Ex-Gov. Bullock, of carpet-bag days has returned to Atlanta. OL course Atlanta is proud to have him. Brother Butler, of W aycross, preached at the Baptist church last Sunday, morning and night. Mr. Roosevelt says he is pleased with the way Ohio did last I uesday. Yes, and we are the same way about Maryland, Kentucky and others. Milliard Lee, the murderer of Miss Suttles, last spring, near At lanta, was hanged last Friday week. His lawyers fought bravely tor his life, but the case was against them. Some test cases of the vagrancy law have been made and the supreme court has decided that it is constitutional. Some of those who doubted this point will proba bly be surprised. The dispatches tell us that the democrats carried New York in tire election las. Tuesday in spite of the preachers and sore heads. With out: any particular insinuations this is a hard knock at Dowie and his clergymen co-workers. The Sparks Enterprise celebrated its first year of usefulness last Satur day by sending out a twelve page edition, containing illustrations and write ups of all the residences and business enterprises of that hand some little city. The Enterprise is one of the very best weekly news papers in Southern Georgia. Mr. Odum, of Waycross, was here last Saturday endeavoring to get up a good crowd 10 go down lo see Mrs. LeMoyne in Lady Besen thias Secret at the Opera house. We hope he succeeded, but if our friends down there want crowds from Douglas and Nichols they can get them if they advertise in the Breeze. Otherwise we - are not responsible. The editor of the Breeze has re ceived a leter from Mrs. A. ). Means, of Augusta, Ga., in which the Breeze was called “the best country paper s'ie ever read. \Con tavifng also a compliment oin the Breeze’s tribute to the memoVy of Dr. Montgomery. The lady Vis, a stranger to us, not even a subset'di er and must have seen one of the several dozen papers mailed to friends by our people, nevertheless we are grateful for her kind words, even if they are only a repetition of expressions we are accustomed to hear. Wait For It llowe's Great London Shows. A grand new departure of Howe’s Great London Shows that will ex hibit at Douglas Saturday Nov. 3i, is the new trained animal exhibit. Animals trained to present the most astonishing displays from time to time during the progress of the ex tensive program. The two rings are occupied by animal actors of surpassing interest. Among them are the performing elephants, doing marvelous and sensational acts. These veritable mountains of flesh present a most wonderful and unique display, manifesting re markable precaution and under standing in these accomplishments and exhibition of animal intelli gence that gives great credit to their trainers and is a source of wonder to all beholders. Will exhibit at Douglas Nov. gist. —■. Excursion Rates via Atlantic & Birm ingham- WAYCROSS, GA. South Georgia Fair. Round trip rate from Douglas, $1.55. Tickets to be sold November 10th to i.jth, inclusive, with limit November 15th, 1903. I>. F. llolzkndokk, Afiient Douglas. Ga. Notice. The publishers of the Breeze are noi re sponsible for goods sold or debts made bv any person outside of the family. Thev have {riven no one that privilege. J. M. Freeman A IHcuhteb. Ten Dollars Reward. Will be paid fora loose mule which got away \\ ednesdav, the .Ist inst. from F. T. A. Bailey's Logging camp of McDon ald, <!a. It is a large dark mule, weighing about 1.100 lbs., with a sore OSI the right shoulder caused by the collar, the hair being rubbed oil' of the left side in one place with a aprt in the place. Age 7or S years. . Yours trulv. J.T. A T. A. BAILEY, i__ ,» ■— . You Know What You Are Taking. When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Because the formula is plainly prated on every bottle, show ing that it is sirnp.v Iron and Quinine iu a tasteless Tortu. A'o Cure, No Pay Sheriff Sale. GEORG I A—Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house door in the Town 6f Douglas, on the first Tues day in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: l.ot of land number (159) one hund red and fifty nine, in the sixth district of Coffee County, Ga., containing (490) four liunJred and ninety acres, more or less. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Jeff' Kirkland, to satisfy (7) seven fifas, issued from the Justice court of the 1130th G. MY district in favor of I. Epstein & Bros., and against Jeff Kirkland. This Nov. 4th, 1903. \V. W. SOUTHERLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff Saie. GEORGIA —Coffee County. * Will be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember next, before the court house door in Douglas, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: All that tract of land lying and being in the fourth (4th) district of original Irwin countv, now Coffee County, Ga., containing four hund red and ninety acres, more or less and be ipg lot number (30) thirty, in said district and county, to be sold as the property of Sam Story, to satisfy fifas, issued from the Superior court, of said county, in favor of R. 15. Sweat. This Nov. 4th. 1903. W. W. SOUTHERLAND, Sheriff. Application for Leave to Sell. G EO RGIA —Coffee f .’Oll nty. Whereas, David Kirkland, administrator of the estate of G. Kirkland, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for leave to sell one store house and lot, in Kirkland, Ga., also one fourth (%) of an acre of land, part of lot No. 20, in the 7th district of said county, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs, &c. Notice is given, therefore, that those concerned, may show cause, if they can, 'at next term of this court, why said leave should not be grant ed. Given under my hand and seal this Nov. 2nd, 1903. THOMAS YOUNG. Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell GE< >RGlA—Coffee County. Whereas, Leonard Kirkland, administra tor on the estate of Bettie Kirkland, late of said county deceased, has applied to me for leave to sell 122)4 acres, more or less, of lot of land No. 517, in the 6th district of said county, for the purpose of distribu tion, among the heirs, Ac. Notice is given, -herefore. that those concerned, may show cause, if they can, at next term of this court, why said leave should not be grant ed. Given under mv hand and seal this Nov. 2nd, 1903. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Citation. GEOKGI A—Coffee County. Mrs. Eliza Lott has applied to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Arthur Lott, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause, if they can, at next term of this court to be held on the first, Monday in December, 1903. why said letters should not he granted. This Nov, 2nd, 1903. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. HARVARD BRAND CLOTHING and PANTS. We take pleasure inannlpuncing to the readers of the Douglas Breeze, that the FALL and WINTER STOCK of the well known / ■*■■■ tt 11 n«i urni■ mini ■ . • « • • • cifl d • * • « « Psills F?or I^era Boys Is now in the hands of your dealers and ready for your inspection. Make Sure of Your Comfort and Contentment during the coming Winter by Supplying yourself with HARVARD BRAND CLOTHING ' Its merits are are too well known to require any expla-’ nation. Just ask your dealer for HARVARD BRAND CLO THING and he will know you want Good Clothing at the right price. MADE BY Meinhard, Schaul & Company, NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH. Sheriff Sale for December. GEO RG I A—Co (fee Cou n ty. Will be sold before the court house door, in Douglas, said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in De cember, 1903, the following property, to wit : Lot of land No. 264, in the Ist district of said county, containing 490 acres, and being all of said lot. Levied on as the pro perty of Leonard Byrd, to satisfy three fifas: One in favor of Quincey & McDonald, one in favor of the Blackshear Manufactur ing Co., and one in favor of the Citizen’s Bank, of Mcßae. This Nov. 3rd, 1903. W. W. SOUTHERLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. GEORJ if A—Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house door, in Douglas, said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: One town lot in Ward’s extension according to Wards survey, lot No. 22, _in the town of Douglas, same being a portion 1 of original lot of land, One Hundred and Ninety Two (192) in the 6th district of said countv, contaihing %of an acre. To be sold as the property of J. C. Christmas, to satisfy a fifa in favor of W, J. Stapleton. This November 2nd, 1903. W. W. SOUTHERLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff Sole. GEORGIA— Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Douglas, said county, be tween the legal hours of f ale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being on the east side of lot of land number four hundred and sixty eight (468) in the sixth district of Coffee County, Ga., and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Mosses Kirkland, east by lands owned by the Hardy Hall estate, south by lands of the Hardy Hall estate, and on the west by original land line. Nuid tract or parcel of land contain ing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of S. C. Wilcox to satisfy a mortgage 1i fa issued from the Superior court in favor of J. G. Kirkland. This Not. 2nd, 1903. W. W. SOUTHERLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. G E( > RG 1 A—Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Douglas, said county, be tween the legal hours of sale, on the lirst Tuesday in December next, the following property to-wit: One-ninth interest in the estate of John Pickren, deceased. One ninth interest in Vo. 261. 330, 262, 245, and 260. Said lands lying and being in the lirst district of Coffee County, Ga., to be sold as the property of G. W. Pickren, to satisfy a mortgage fifa in favor of John H. Peterson, administrator of estate of Daniel Peterson, deceased. This November 2nd, 1903. W. W. SOUTHERLAND, Sheriff. M. 11. TURRENTINE, Dentist, Vickers Building, Douglas, Ga. All Work Guaranteed. Office hours : S to 12. a. rn. 2 to 5 =3O p. m. Citation. GEORGIA—Coffee County. To whom it may concern: Amanda Strobell having made applicatirm to ine in due form to be appointed permanent ad ministratrix upon the estate of John P. Strobell, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said County, to be he'd on the first Monday in December 1903. Wit ness my hand and official signature this 2nd day of November 1993. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Citation- G OERGIA—Coffee County. Whereas, Eliza Lott, wife of Arthur Lott,' late of said county, deceased, applies, at this term of this court for twelve month’s support for herself and minor children from eatate of said Arthur Lott. These are, therefore, to cite all concerned, to show cause, if any, why said application should not be granted as asked for, at the next term of this court. This Nov. 3rd, 19u3 TII< >MAS \OU N G Ordinary* Sheriff Sale. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Will he sold before the court house door in the town of Douglas, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in De cember 1103, that being the Ist uay, the following property to-wit: Lot 01 land number 49, containing 490 acres, more or less,- 200 acres 9l i9t A - 90, 98 YY?»t side, being ail of said lot except 122)4 acres' owned by W. J. Smith, and 45acres owned by J. Turner, also 2uu acres more or less, of lot No. 50, being all of said lot west of long oranch. All the above property is the pro perty of Penelope Lawson and Annie J. Smith, and being and lying in the first dis trict of Coffee county, to settle 3 Superior court fifas against Penelope Lawson and Annie J. Smith, and in favor of Joseph M. Terrell, Governor of Georgia. Terms of saie cash. This Oct. 29th, 1903. W. W. SOI ~ ! HEKLA»D, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—Coffee County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the court house door in said county, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in De cember 1903, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Coffee County, Ga., to-wit: First, One Hundred acres more or less of lot of land No. 349, in the sth district of Coffee County, Ga., being in the south west corner of said lot of land and bounded as follows: On the north by an agreed il:ic beginning at the south west corner of the dower lands of Mrs. Rhoda Metts, and running due west to the original line and Youngblood Branch, on the east by Youngblood Branch, and on the south and west by the original lines of said lot. 2nd, also at the same time and place the following land 140 acres more or less of lot of land No. 349 in the sth district of Coffee County, Ga., and bounded .as follows: 011 the north by the lands of Caroline Graves and Boyd Head and on the east by the dower lands of Mrs. Rhoda Metts and the lands of Caroline Graves, on the south by said dower lands and an agreed line and on the west by the original line. The sale will continue from day to day, between the same hours until all of the said property is sold. Terms cash. This 2nd clay of Nov 1903. DANIEL METTS, Administrator Estate of John Metts.