Newspaper Page Text
James M. Freeman 4 Daughter, Proprietors
J. M- Freeman, Editor.
Entered as Second-Class Matter.
SAT UR DAY, N OY T . 12th, 1903.
Official Organ of County.
The New York World is boom
ing Cleveland lor president in
<§> 3> <J>
The Wilcox county court house
is said to be a very fine one. For
$50,000 it should be the best.
Superior court will be held at
Blackshear, in Fierce county, next
week. • Several Douglas lawyers
will go down.
<s> <3>
England has made application to
Georgia for young men who will
go to Africa and teach the natives
how to make cotton.
❖ <£
That the New York World is
opposed to Jlearst as a presidential
candidate is not surprising. In
business matters it does the same.
<s> <S> <»
Macon made a success of the
State Fair, and the people were
well pleased. Macon is a success
ful town, and will have the Fair
again next year.
<?> <t- <v
The clothing manufacturers and
dealers of New ’Y ork are com
plaining of slow business. The
continued warm weather makes no
sales for heavy clothing.
<s> <s>
It is said that Mark Hanna has
refused to entangle himself wi f h
the Roosevelt campaign. Ferhaps
Booker. Washington would accept
the chairmanship.
' ■s> ■$- <s>
The majority of democratic con
gressmen, thus far heard from,
have expressed themselves in favor
of Gorman for the presidential can
didate, in 1904.
The old confederate veterans of
Georgia are marching on Augusta,
to hold their annual State re-union.
The city has surrendered and the
old boys are having a good time.
<*> <§> <?'
The Sunday laws will be enforc
ed to the letter in Waycross. The
grand jury has had every druggist
in town before that body, and in j
future nothing but drugs cun be
purchased on the Sabbath.
Some of the negroes who went
from Ocilla to South America last
spring have returned to the United
States, and will soon be at their
old homes in Irwin county. They
are not inclined to try any other
<?> <s>
Manley Peacock who was shot
over at Eastman last .Saturday by
11. G. Avcrett whose wife he had
seduced and eloped with to Birm
ingham, is dead and buried. Averett
who was also shot by Peacock,
before he had fired a single shot,
seems to be recovering.
The B. <Si 15. having discontin
ued one train over the A. A 15.
from Brunswick to Irvvinville caus
es more talk, and there are nu
merous rumors in the air, as to
how the B. & 15. will proceed.
We are in the dark on that subject,
but we hope some means may he
brought out of chaos to build it to
Parties wishing to enter the
printing office at this season should
be governed by the following rules,
says an exchange: “Advance to
the inner door and give tiiree 'dis
tinct raps or kick the door down.
“The devil will attend the alarm,
you will give him your name, post
office address and the number of
years you have been owing the pa
per. He will admit you, you ad-
vance to the center of the room and
address the editor with the follow
ing countersign : “Extend the right
hand about two feet from the body
with the thumb and linger extend
ed, the thumb and index finger
clasping a sio bill which drops into
the extended hand of the editor, at
the same time saying : “Were you
for me?” The editor will grasp at
the hand and bill and say: “You
bet" After giving him news con
cerning your locality you will be
permitted to retire with a receipt
for an obligation properly dis
The Grand Jury and the People-
Two successive graud juries of
Wilcox county, in the spring and
fall terms of Wilcox superior court,
recommended that the commission
ers of that county build a new
court house. It will be remember
ed that there were two factions at
that time, one of which wanted the
court house at Rochelle, and the
other wanted it built at Abbeville.
The jury in the fall, we are told,
voted on this subject of recommen
dation when there were only eigh
teen members present, being seven
against and eleven in fftvor, but the
minority claimed the oth
er five members been present there
would not have been any recom
mendation, that “wire pulling fby
malicious persons brought out the
result.” Referring to this some
weeks ago, we said :
“Sometimes the recommenda
tions of a grand jury do not ex
press the sentiments 0/ the body,
only show the shrewd wire, pulling
of a few prompted by malice.’ For
this reason the presentments of
grand juries are often without Ef
fect.” ‘
Thinking that The Breeze refer
red to the Coffee county grand
jury, and anxious to create an ill
feeling toward this paper, tire Cof
fee County Gazette grabbed the
item as a sweet morsel and rolling
it under its editorial tongue said :
“The above shows what The
Breeze thinks of the grand’- jury.
Wonder what the grand jury thinks
of The Breeze?”
In the case under discussion by
The Breeze, it does not care what
the grand jury of Wilcox county
thinks, for it is not supposed they
even knew or cured for what we
Perhaps it was natural for the
editor of The Gazette to assume, as
he did, that vvc referred to our own
grand jury, as it was just after court,
! but it was also just after the tax
collector of Wilcox county had
been prevented by injunction, from
collecting the court house tax, by
the people, showing that the rec
ommendation of the gran-d jury,
eleven against seven, with five ab
sent, did not express the sentiment
of that body, nor meet the views
of the people. They (the people)
fought the collection of the taxes,
but have lost, and the people must
pay ,$50,000 for a court house rec
ommended by two grand juries and
built by order of the county com
The editor of The Gazette is a
very shrewd gentleman, still his
desire to harm a contemporary al
lows his inquisitiveness to get the
best of him. For his benefit »ve
may state that the Supreme court
has turned down the injunction of
the people, and the tax collector
will proceed to collect the heaviest
tax ever levied in any county in
The Southern Book Publishing
Co., fought for uniform school
books and we are in favor of the
contract to supply those books be
awarded them,
Whenever you leave an order
for Job Printing at this office you
may expect satisfaction or your
money back or the work done
over. Prices will be right, too.
The Macon Telegraph and the Sa
vannah Press, two excellent papers,
seem to think the democratic vic
tory in New \ ork last week points
to the nomination of Grover Cleve
A young mhn connected with the
Gazette from the
Waycfoss last Wednesday
! night and reported that he saw
nothing down there but a seventeen
loot snake. It must have been a
horrid brand that John Greer was
furnishing to visitors of the craft.
A certain young man in town
says he w.ll see his best girl next
Christmas and expects to ask her
an important question. If she
answers “Yes," we are to furnish
dinner for the two and the young
man is to give the editor of this
paper .150.00. That’s the contract,
signed sealed and delivered, and
we’re writing to that girl. Sho!
Sheriff Safe.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the Town of Douglas, on the first Tues
day in December next, between the legal
hours of saie, the following property to
wit: hot of land number (159) one hund
red and fifty nine, in the sixth district of
G»tfee County, Ga., containing (490) four
hunired and ninety acres, more or less.
Levied on and to he sold as the property of
Jell' KirkJand, to satisfy (7) seven fifas,
issued from the Justice court of the 1130th
G. M., district in favorof I. Epstein & Bros.,
and against Jell Kirkland. This Nov. 4th,
Sheriff Sale.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in De
cember next, before the court bouse door
in Douglas, between the legal hoursof sale,
the following property to-wit:' All that
tract of land lying and being in the fourth
(4th) district of original' Frwi ii cou ntv, now
■Coffee County, Oa., containing four hund
red and ninety acres, more or less and be
ing lot number (30) thirty, in said district
and county," to be sold as the property of
Sam Story, to satisfy two mortgage fifas,
issued from the Superior court, of said
county, in favorof R. 15. Sweat. This Nov.
4th. 1903. W. W. SOUTHERLAND.
Application for Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Whereas, David Kirkland, administrator
of the estate of G. Kirkland, fate of said
county, deceased, applies to me for leave
to sell one store house and lot, in Kirkland,
Ga., also one fourth (}4) of an acre of land,
part of lot No. 20, in the 7tli district of said
coflnty, for the purpose of distribution
among the heirs, &c. Notice is given,
therefore, that those concerned, may show
cause, if they can, at next term of this
court, why said leave should not be grant
ed. Given under my hand and seal this
Nov. 2nd, 1903. THOMAS YOUNG,
Application for Leave to Sell
out iRGIA —Qoffec County.
hereas, Leonard Kirkland, administra
tor on the estate of Bettie Kirkland, late
of said county deceased, lias applied to me
for leave to sell 122)2 acres, more or less,
ol lot of land No. 517, in the oth district of
said county, for the purpose of distribu
tion, among the heirs, Ac. Notice is given,
therefore, that those-concerned, may show
cause, if they can, at next term of this
court, why said leave should not he grant
ed. Given under my hand and seal this
Nov. 2nd, 1903.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Mrs. Eliza Lott lias applied to me for
permanent letters of administration upon
the estate of Arthur Lott, late of said
county, deceased. These are, therefore,
to cite and admonish all concerned, to
show cause, if they can, at next term of
this court to be held on the first Monday
in December, 1903. why said letters should
not be granted. This Nov, 2nd, 1903.
, Ordinary.
Fall and Winter 1903-04.
We take pleasure inannouncing to the readers of the
Douglas Breeze, that the FALL and WINTER STOCK
of the well known
Harvard Brand etching
Pants For Men and Boys
Is now in the hands of your dealers and ready for your
Make Sure of Your Comfort
and Contentment during the coming Winter by Supplying
Its merits are are too well known to require .any expla
nation. Just ask your dealer for HARVARD BRAND
CLOT HING and he will know you want Good Clothing
at the right price.
Meinhard, Schaut & Company,
Sheriff Sale for December.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Will be sold before the court house door,
in Douglas, said county, between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in De
cember, 1903, the following property, to
wit : Lot of land No. 264, in the Ist district
of said county, containing 490 acres, and
being all of said lot. Levied on as the pro
perty of Leonard Byrd, to satisfy three
fifas: One in favor of Quincey & McDonald,
one in favorof the Blackshear Manufactur
ing Co., and one in favor of the Citizen’s
Bank, of Mcßae. This Nov. 3rd, 1905.
Sheriff Sale.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Will be sold before the court house door,
in Douglas, said county, between the legal
hours of sale, the following property to
wit: One town lot in Ward’s extension
according to Wards survey, lot No. 22, in
the town of Douglas, same being a portion
of original lot of land. One Hundred and
Ninety Two (192) in the 6th district of said
countv, containing yof an acre. To be
sold as the property of J. ('. Christmas, to
satisfy a Ufa in favorof W,.1. Stapleton.
This November 2nd, 1903.
Sheriff Sale.
GEORG 1 A— Coffee County.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of Douglas, said county, be
tween the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in December next, the following
property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel lying and being on the cast side of
lot of land number four hundred and sixty
eight (468) in the sixth district of Coffee
County, Ga., and bounded as follows: 011
the north by lands of Mosses
east by lands owned by the Hardy Hall
estate, south by lands of the Hardy Hall
estate, and on the west by original land
line. Said tract or parcel of land contain
ing one hundred and fifty acres, more or
less. Levied on as the property of S. O.
Wilcox to satisfy a mortgage tifa issued
from the Superior court in favor of J. G.
Kirkland. This Nov. 2nd, 1903.
Sheriff Sale.
G EO RGlA—Coffee County.
Will be sold before the court house door,
in the town of Douglas, said county, be
tween the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in December next, the following
property to-wit: One-ninth interest in the
estate of John Pickren, deceased. One
ninth interest in No. 261, 330, 202, 215, and
260. Said lands lying and being in the first
district of Coffee County, Ga., to be sold as
the property of G. W. Pickren, to satisfy a
mortgage fifa in favor of John H. Peterson,
administrator of estate of Daniel Peterson,
deceased. This November 2nd, 1903.
Vickers Building, Douglas, Ga.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office hours: 8 to 12, a. rn.
2 to 5 :30 p. m.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
To whom it may concern: Amanda
Strobell having made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministratrix upon the estate of John F.
Strobell, late of said county, notice is
hereby given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said County, to be held on
the first Monday in December 1903. Wit
ness my hand and official signature this
2nd day of November 1993.
GOERGIA—Coffee County.
Whereas, Eliza Lott, wite of Arthur Lott,
late of said county, deceased, applies, at
this term of this court for twelve month’s
support for herself and minor children,
from eatate of said Arthur Lott. These
are, therefore, to cite all concerned,. to
show cause, if any, why said application
should not he granted as asked for, at the
next term of this court. This Nov. 3rd, 1903.
Sheriff Sale.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town ol Douglas, between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in De
cember 1903, that being the Ist day, the
following property to-wit: Lot 01 land
number 49, containing 490 acres, more or
less, 200 acres of lot No. 90, on west side,
being all of said lot except 122 k; acres
owned by W. J. Smith, and 45 acres owned
by J. Turner, also 2UO acres more or less, of
lot No. 50, being all of said lot west of long
oranch. All the above property is the pro
perty of Penelope Lawson and Annie J.
Smith, and being and lying in the first dis
trict of Coffee county, to settle 3 Superior
court fifas against Penelope Lawson and
Annie J. Smith, and in favor of Joseph M.
Terrell, Governor of Georgia. Terms of
sale cash. This Oct. 29th, 1903.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
By virtue of an order 'of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold before
the court house door in said county, at
public outcry, on the first Tuesday in De
cember 1903, between the usual hours of
sale, the following real estate situated in
Coffee County, Ga., to-wit: First, One
Hundred acres more or less of lot of land
No. 349, in the sth district of Coffee County,
Ga., being in the south west corner of said
lot of land ana bounded as follows: On the
north by an agreed line beginning at the
south west corner of the dower lands of
Mrs. Rhoda Metts, and running due west
to the original line and Youngblood
Branch, on the east by Youngblood
Branch, and on the south and west by the
original lines of said lot. 2nd, also at the
same time and place the following land 140
acres more or less of lot of land No. 349
in the sth district of Coffee County, Ga.,
and bounded as follows: On the north by
the lands of Caroline Graves and Boyd
Head and on the east by the dower lands
of Mrs. Rhoda Metts ’ and the lands of
Caroline Graves, on the south by said
dower lands and an agreed line ancl on the
west by the original line. The sale will
continue from day to. day, between the
same hours until all of the said property is
sold. Terms cash. This 2nd clay of Nov
Administrator Estate of John Metts.