Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, November 14, 1903, Image 8
e 9 ' DAYS ONLY! dausjlilcr, too, to wear in Stylish Goods at prices that wn.l surpriscyoo “ n J “'aW' ",' lwl question asked, which we will now answer- We know an the peopie aie 1 ,L 7 1 ‘ . thus saving the middle man’s profits and buying them m large quantities. v s , ; s , of our low prices. 2nd. If we sell a great quantity of goods at a * g , l * Bmgl goods ruin on his shelf rather than give his customers the oenetit of it. -C* L ‘ , J l debt protit. 4th. lie has bought out a tine line of goods from manuf actum . i below that we sell for the next 30 days: KIMJie heaviest grade that sells for is and 20c, our price 9c males, guaranteed fast colors, 1 -yard Hg> wide, sells for 12 1 -2c, our price.... 7 1-2 ■fining, the lsc kind, for 7 1-2 MHBM /ash me re and Worsted-all colors, sells HH for Ac everywhere, on this sale 2sc ■ Clothing. BS9y\ii Wool Men’s Suits, the kind that sell f ()r SI 3.00, (for this special sale) # 6.74 BitbOOSuits heavy weight, all w 001... 7.50 Coats, #6.00 kind, tor 3.4 s #12.00 Over Coats, all wool, the very latest 1904 styles, for 6.24 lb we respectfully asK you to come and see and be convinced. . . |§W Thanking you for past favors, we remain youis to please, ■)RE, - THE LEADER STORE, DOUGLAS, GEORGIA. IgjgpMia ■f b Residence Auction in |Q|"| COFFEE COUNTY, cLLI . . . ■~er, the 3rd 1903, at 10 o’clock a. m. HH ii ' HB'timcsi. locations WM t i U, ! tO!tS)O (s as = Wm aCCt of Don gilts, Hwrt |9 v & >U. Vernon :r construction* Y 'vlus and it will Hst,csuand great 1 y H «» ■Vi ties now o\er Bo gB eg Plant are now SbV Ire a she r cit i - Hno-cd an issue of gßhw the last session uc tion. ■ ■ id to none in the I j cash, one third three months, one third six months ||s to bear six per cent, per annum interest, finds for title without charge. | Oil Lj of title in office of Qulncey & McDonald. For further In Von and descriptive maps of lots address, ) . = > Douglas, Georgu state and are operated ten months in the year with tuition FREE to every bona fide resident of the city. The health of Douglas is unsurpassed by any other city or town in Georgia. Lots previously sold in Purse Sub=divisiort are being improved with homes, by purchasers. Douglas is 42 miles from Waycross, 28 miles from Fitzgerald and will soon be 20 miles from Ocmulgee river by rail with direct water connections with Hacon and Bruns= wick and Savannah by steamboat. By a!! rail Douglas is now 95 miles from Brunswick over the Brunswick & Bir= mingham R. R. The sale of these lots afford a fine field for speculatioi as well as permanent investment. I A Ticket will be given each person attending the sale entitling him to participate in a drawing for a FREE LOT $ #lB-00 Over Coats, Tailor Made, at this Special Sale 9.75 Ladies’ Department. Ready-made #1 AO Wool Skirts, 9 5c Heavy Walking Skirts, can’t be beat for #4.00, this special sale 2.14 Fine Broad Cloth Skirts, trimmed and made in the very latest styles, sells for #9.00, our price (for this special sale) 5.74 Also a nice line of Satin and Silk in the very latest shades at prices never be fore heard of , - a a