Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, November 28, 1903, Image 1
ONE THOUSAND Readers Weekly, Guaranteed. FOll OUE COUNTRY AND HER PEOPLE, FIRST AND ALL THE TIME! VOL 14, No) 27 . Something for the mother and ilaughter and grand daughter, too, to wear in Stylish Goods at prices that will sumricp vra, -.nH , how we can seh them so cheap. How we can will be the question asked, which we will now answer We know •>!I th >n, >a' 1 and l tlkc - 9 U . wonder .Ist. We buy our goods right from the manufacturers, thus saving the middle man’s proms and bSviSSVem in K are *?J? en conviction, reduction mthem and are willing to give the people the benefit of our low prices. 2nd. If we sell a "Teat quantity 0 f“ "onjf 1 f/'?' i Weet - l grea f sells them fast it beats some merchants who lets his goods ruin on his shelf rather di n give customers me C IT S argn J and is in New York with the cash thereby saving a bad debt profit. 4th. He has bought out afinefine of " tof ’S 3 f ° ur , bu y er needing cash, at prices way down. Will give some below that we sell for the next 30 days: " g dt 10111 nlanu 1 acturers who was 500 yards Broad Cloth and Heavy Serge 98c Broad Cloth —all colors—l 1-2 yards wide, regular price $1.50 per yard, our price SI.OO 1 yard-wide Taffeta Silk, sells for $1.25 per yard, at this sale 89c Also a full line of Ladies’ Jackets of the very latest styles and colors from $5.50 to slß.oo—they will be sold at 50 per cent, discount, as they were bought as samples from the manu facturers Dress Goods Department. Outing in all the very latest colors, sell for 15c, o,ur price 7 1-2 As we have no more space to give prices, we respectfully asK you to come and see and he convinced. Thanking you for past favors, we remain yours to please THE LEADER STORE, THE LEADER STORE, . DOUGLAS, GEORGIA. DOUGLAS, GEORGIA. nm Wy For a QuarterLyi py People who have torpid liver find life a \ j misery. All they need is a mild remedy like) RA w »jils [and Tonic Pellets. The Pill stimulates the \ liver to its proper work and the Pellets invig-i orate the system. In short, they both Nature, as a medicine should do. /A fj Jm Treatment ° n, y 2 s cen ts. Battle fixe Slices, The best or) earth. pair guaranteed. ————— l ————— —— IIIMI ■ ———— ——i——g———an Try a pair of these celebrated Shoes for Wear and fit. For sale by E. L. Vickers, : Ga. To Cure a Cold in One Day Es.'su Take Laxative BrOHIO Qtlfnine Tablets. JB (TV & on every Seven Million boxes sold in *<>: > , .norths. Tills . fcox, 255. Douglas, Ga., November 28, 1903. The heaviest grade that sells for 15 and 20c, our price q c Percales, guaranteed fast colors, 1-yard wide, sells for 12 l-2c, our price.... 71-2 Lining, the 15c kind, for 7 1-2 Cashmere and Worsted—all colors, sells for 35c everywhere, on this sale 25c doming. A Wool Men’s Suits, the kind that sell for sl3-00, (for this special sale) $6.74 sls'ooSuits, heavy weight, all w 001... 7.30 Over Coats,s6.oo kind, for 3.43 $12.00 Over Coats, all wool, the very latest 1904 styles, for 6.24 Wadley & Ht. Vernon Ex., R. R. Time Table. EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 19TH, 1903. No. 1 Leaves Douglas at 7:00 A. M Arrive Broxton at 7:30 A. M No. 3 Leaves Douglas at 1:30 P. M Arrive Broxton at 2:00 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Broxton at 8:20 A. M. Arrive Douglas at 8:50 A. M. No. 4 Leaves Broxton at 4:00 P. M. • Arrive Douglas at 4:30 P. M. On Sunday No. 3 leaves Douglas 3:00 War. TOUCHTON, JNO. McLEAN, G. F. & P. A. Vice President. J. C. LUKE. M. 1). Ocilla, Ga. Specialist, EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT Also Chronic Diseases in either sex Hours: 7 to 10 a. m. 7 to <S p. m Notice to Debtors- All parties owing the late Dr. J. A. Montgomery will please paj r same to me or Mr. J. W. Ouincey, and oblige. MRS. J. A. MONTGOMERY. Douglas, Ga - WOVEN WIRE FENCING MADE IN ADRIAN; MICH. It’s the staori(jest Fence in the world. Xo harh wire to injure ani mals or tear clothing. You cannot tear down , car. r/j of]'or burn a PAGE Fence. J. (. HATFIELD, AGENT, Douglas, Ga. TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE *f TAYLOR GINNING |[ : 4> caw mills OUTFITS »«, PP— 1 Enuifpod H ,nt I 'VsF J'' works L ****, o;:jps anti SUPPLIES / ' Foundry Woven Wire Fence, Fire Proof P_oc fin;, Spray Pump.., . wt v . Pokes, Separators Me will Make it to Your Interest to Figure v, : 1 Ls MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. MACON, CA. BEST SHEET MUSIC 10c. POPULAR STANDARD and CLASSICAL SHEET MUSIC. Full size. Rest paper. Hands',me Printing Any of the 50c 75c and $\ 00 music named below Sent post-paid for 10c. Our large catalog contains over a thousand others equally good for 10c per copy Why not buy all your music at 10c a copy? Cut out this Ad, mane with an X any piece you wish, enclose 10c and we will send by return mail. You will’also receive our free catalog. If you prefer not to cut out ad. write for catalog or the music wanted. * Old Black Joe, Variations regular price, $ .75 Nearer, My God to Thee, Variations " “ 75 Last Hope “ “ 1.00 Bachelor Girls Three Step “ “ .50 ■ Smart Set, Society Three Step “ “ .50 ’Way Down South in Dixie “ “ .50 My Lady Love Waltzes “ “ .50 VOCAL My Rosary “ “ .50 Beside Still Waters (Sacred) “ “ .50 Faithful as tbe Stars above “ “ .50 YOUMANS & LEETE, ”T*v*™“h%a. Please send me your free catalog, also pieces marked X in this ad (enclose 10c for each piece wanted) Name Town State (SET s.__: —•' , J©lb PrfMkug standi §©@ ©mnr SMHtpi© ? SIB.OO Over Coats, Tailor Made, at this Special Sale 9 75 Ladies’ Department. Ready-made $1.50 Wool Skirts, 95c Heavy Walking Skirts, can’t be beat for $4.00, this special sale 2.14 Pine Broad Cloth Skirts, trimmed and made in the very latest styles, sells for $9.00, our price (for this special sale) 5.74 Also a nice line of Satin and Silk in the very latest shades at prices never be fore heard of Legal Organ . ..0f,,. Coffee County. $l.OO per Annum