Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, December 12, 1903, Image 11

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THE GREATEST OFFER OF THE YEAR! ' —•- ■—— ~ —** * 1 . 1 ' a.w.'-I' -t ■ BTOBgJMlXninillliaiiaillMlUWJ J W -THSBJ!* ' -, €T/?c WEEKLY CONSTITUTION \ jj|| Circu'aiion Cver 150,000 I &/>oSUNNY SOUTH, Weelily for Circulation Ovar 100,000 V, Gbomas E. Watssn’s * 0 kife of THOMAS JEFFERSON <g 553S 53 j'r.tri TWO Estimates at (ha CASH j !m& fi | $20,000 COTTON CONTEST/ r 8J “* ?sh@ WEEKLY CONSTITUTION Is the world’s greatest and most widely read week ly newspaper—the farmer’s friend, the woman’s companion, the children’s joy—one dollar a year. ohe SUNNY SOUTH Is the recognized standard Southern Literary week ly-devoted to Fiction, Romance, Literature and Household reading especially adapted to the fireside —fifty cents a year LIFE axid TIMES of THOMAS JEFFERSON Hon. Thomas E. Watson, written for The Weekly Constitution as the first volume of Watson’s History of the United States, the greatest of all of Watson’s great Histories. The Life of Jefferson was begun in The Weekly Constitution in July—being published weekly and to bo completed between now and Christmas. All subscribers to The Weekly Constitution at SI.OO, or to both The Weekly Constitution and The Sunny South at $1.25 for the two, will be sent FREE, upon request made accompanying subscription, a complete publication of all the back installments of this great history, which should be in every household. You thus get two invaluable weekly periodicals, one news, the other fiction and literature—- and in addition, a publication of all back installments of this great history, bringing you to the date of your subscription—all for the trifle of $1.25. $10,000.00 PORT RECEIPTS CONTEST Is upon the total receipts of cotton at all U. S. Ports from 1 Sept., 1903, to 12 January, 1904, both inclusive. It is offered only by tha Constitution and not in connection with any newspaper syndicate, and hence Is Lisztitc’J to the Constitutions Circulation. The prizes are $3,000.00 for the exact or nearest to exact figures, SI,S®Qo OO for the next best, $500.00 for the next, $200.0$ for next, and $125.00 for the next best estimate, for five next nearest $50.00 each, VO next $25.00 each, 20 next $15.00 each, 50 next $7.50 each and IQO next best estimates $5.00 each. Total of set prizes $7,000.00. IN AD DITION $1,000.00 in five $200.00 prizes for the best estimates in five monthly sections of contest and $2,000 in two great consolation offers for 500 bales and 1,000 bales each way from exact figures. The Statistics covering the contest for last few years are t r, nf . n Voott Total port receipts September 1 to 12 th vouon iear< of following January, both inclusive: 1897-1898 6,070,773 ! SOS -1899 6,259,1 78 1899- 4,261,365 1900- 4,846,751 1901- 5,2 79,507 1902- 5,315,879 , . 1 2_. : - . ■■ ■■ -y * „ \ WRITE BY THE NEXT MAIL if additional particulars wanted, or, what Is better, send subscription remittance, with estimates, direct by money order or registered mall to THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ca. By special arrangement with the publishers of The Constitution and Sunny South, we offer a year’s subscription to our own paper in addition to the above great offer, and will furnish all for ONLY TWO DOLLARS. Such orders must come direct to this paper. DOUGLAS BREEZE, Douglas, Ga. The Union Banking Company, Incorporated 1898. J. M. ASHLEY, President; J. S. LOTT, V. President, C. E. BAKER, Cashiciv . / DIRECTORS: J. J. LEWIS, ELIAS LOTT, J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT, HENRY VICKERS, J. VV, QUINCY, JOHN M’LEAN. Accounts of individuals, merchants and corporations solicited. I PEOPLE’S 11 SHOP First-class work, Clean, Warm tShop, and Sharp Razors. JUST GIVE ME A TRIAL. J. M. LUPO, Proprietor. Dyspepsia Core Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of ths digestants and digests all kinds o. food. It gives Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachscan take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else fallen, is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Cures a*3 sioassch Prepared only by E. C. I,'ha il.boiuecontains ‘i J4 times the aOc. sj/b. Sapp <z Dear Drug Co., Douglas; I. W. Moorman. Ambrose; Dr. Parker, X:-oh ois, Ga LEVI O’STEEN, Attorney at Law. Money to loan on City and Farm IcLliuS from 3 and 7 per cent, per an num. Office in Overstreet Building, Douglas. THE CITY BARBER SHOP. ARTHUR BROOKS, PROP. In front of Bank Building, Douglas, Ga. Carries a nice line of Cheroots, Cigars, &c. Everything clean and cool. Your patronage solicited. J. T. RELLIHAN, Justice of the Peace 748 Dist. G. M. Douglas, Ga. Regular terms, 4th Monday of each month. COLLEGE TRUSTEES ARE SCORED. North Carolina Press Association Takes o Hand in Bassett Matter. The North Carolina Press Associa tion had a lively discussion of the ac tion of the trustees of Trinity univer sity at Durham, N. C., in refusing to accept the resignation of Professor Bassett. S. W. Whitehead, of Raleigh, de nounced Professor Bassett and the uni versity trustees, and offered a resolu tion condemning the action of the trustees. Bank Building==Worth Side, Oong’Ma, G-a» ? JDi?y Goods, Clothing, And General Furnishings. FAMILY AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Everything for Pantry and Dining Table. GrJZ.., DEALERS IN Builders 9 Hardware, Iron, Nails, Hardware, Stoves, Etc. II Kills of Plows. Simp Mills ai Kettles. R. E. LEE, Manager. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings. Send for circular. WHEELER & WILSON MFG CO., For sale by Douglas Supply Co., Douglas, Ga. DR. KING’S TRY HEW discovery FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,Hay F ever,Pleu risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO RAY. , ?-ic© 50c. and 31. TRIAL BOTTLES FR£S» ATLANTIC & BIRMINGHAM R. R. Time : 1 July 26, 1903. DAILY. WAYCR.SS TO MONTE^.f t ' A MONTEZUMA TO WAYCROSS. .... i .. . . . . . .... . ... ... .. . ..... 1-'. ■ :jr ,\ ; .: ic i g IChJ G- £& «H| flavors, Ginger Ale, Coca Good service, ir dealing and special attention tcnrnail orders. ; /Neat Printing / Creates a good impression amonig you? correspondents and helps to giwe your business prestige. / We Bo Neat Printing at Reasonable/ Prices.