Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, December 19, 1903, Image 3
Ailrift* The oplnionless newspaper is Tike the tudderless ship. It keeps moving with the current and the breeze, but it sever gets anywhere. It looks nt the proces sion of passing events without seeing anything, and never sings except to join in the chorus. It thinks it is en gaged in the performance of a mission. But it isn’t.—Albany Herald. There Is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors Kounced It a local disease and prescribed remedies, and by constantly failing to eure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to he a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional euro on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. Itacts direct ly on the blood and mueous surfaces of the Bystem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to euro. Send for circulars ond testimonials. Address F. J. Chexex <fc Co., Toledo, ©. Sold by Druggists, 75e. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. An Editor at Thirteen. Have a Smile is the name of a new weekly paper in Los Angeles, Cal., and of which Arthur L. Mackaye and bor ing Mackaye are the editors and pub lishers. The last named, who is the as sistant editor of the paper, is but thir teen years old. A MODERN INSTANCE. “In some circles of ancient magnifi cence,'’ said the pedantic person, “it was the custom to have a skeleton at the feast.’’ “We follow that custom at our house,’’ answered Mr. Meekton. “We have a turkey one meal and the skele ton for the next four/’ —Washington Star. ®Miss Whittaker, a prominent club womanH of Savannah, Ga., tells how she was entirely cured of ovarian troubles by the use of Lydia E* Pmkham's Vegetable Compound* “ Dear Mrs. Ptskham : I heartily recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound as a Uterine Tonic and Regulator. I suffered for four years with irregularities and Uterine troubles. No one but those who have experienced this dreadful agony can form any idea of the physical and mental misery those endure who are thus afflicted. Your Vegetable Com pound cured me within three months. I was fully restored to health and strength, and now my periods are regular and painless. What a blessing it is to be able to obtain such a remedy when so many doctors .fail to help you. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is better than any doctor or medicine I ever had. Very truly yours, Miss Easy Whittaker, 604 39th St., W. Savannah, Ga.” •> '■-<' ; v No physician in the world has had such a trainthg or such an amount of information at hand to assist in the treatment of all kinds of female ills as Mrs. Pinkham. In her office at Lynn, Mass., she is able to do more for the ailing women of Ameriea than the family physician. Any woman, therefore, is responsible for her own trouble who will not take the pains to write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. A letter from another woman showing what was accomplished in her case by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. , “Dear Mr.s. Pinkham : lam eo grateful to you for the help Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has given me that Me I deem it but a small return to ‘Strife you an Mg expression of mv experience. Jf “ Many years suffering with weakness, «|Jj uv MSP HA inflammation, and a broken down system, BSm made me more anxious to die than live, but USk Jr-- ’~~Ja Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- Hm §| pound soon restored my lost strength. Ilu s£> Taking the medicine only two weeks gro- Vy duced a radical change, and two months re wßg l * L / ' '%Ws stored me to perfect health. lam now a j J Jj | ’/i | changed woman, and my friends wonder at 7rf JTVZkV . 4 O’ T the change, it is so marvellous. Sincerely r t vours. Miss Mattie Henry, 429 Green St, j }ty * Danville, Va." The testimonials which we are constantly publishing from grateful women prove beyond a doubt the power of Lydig, L. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound to conquer female diseases. ifi w A A A FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures 0 1 % h Onn above testimonials, which will prove th»ir absolute genninenesi • - y. (j y Lydia a. Finkuam hied. (/o*Xynii, Alas*. Money invested in Printing. The average capital of those engag ed in the printing business is $12,574; the average value of their products is $14,569. These figures compared with those of a previous decade show that in a period of ten years an increased capital is required to produce the same or even a smaller value of pro ducts; this is largely caused by an increase in wages and a decrease m working hours. In ISSO a compositor in New York received $9 per week; ordinary job compositors now receive $19.50 per week, and operators on machines from $24 to $27, depending on the time of day or night they take their shift. In the opinion of many large operators, the number of wage earners has actually increased, rather than diminished. The introduction of machine composition has been of de cided benefit to the employe, offering a new field for endeavor. There are few unemployed men In the printing trade, as is shown by the fact that when in 1900 the Typographical Union was called upon to supply 150 men for a special job of city printing, only 100 could be obtained, and these with dif ficulty.—From Scientific American’s Special Number on “Modern Aids to Printing.” BEFUt)t)LED. A rich, but ignorant fady, who was rather ambitious in her conversation al style, in speaking of a friend, said: “He is a paragram of politeness.” “Excuse me,” said a wag sitting next to her. “btft do you not mean a parallelogram?” “Of course I do," immediately re plied the lady, “how could I have made such n mistake.” —Tit-Bits. ADMIRAL SCHLEY ENDORSES PE-RU-NA. Pe-ru-na Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen: “I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken Pe-ru-na and I believe with good effect.” W. 8. SCHLEY- -Washington, D. C. ADMIRAL SCHLEY, *one of the lore most notable heroes of the Nineteenth Centurv. A name that starts terror in the heart of every Spaniard. A man of steady nerve,clear head, undaunted courage and prompt decision. Approached by a friend recently, his opin ion was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the slightest hesitation he gave this remedy his endorsement. It appeared on later conver sation that Peruna has been used in his fam ily, where it is a favorite remedy. Such endorsements serve to indicate the wonderful hold that Peruna has upon the minds of the American people. It is out of the question that so great and famous a man as Admiral Schley could have any other rea son for giving his endorsement to Peruna than his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he says it is. The fact is that Peruna has overcome all op Ask Your Druggist for free Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1904. New Tourist Sleeping Car Line to California. Commencing December 9th, the Frisco System will inaugurate through Pullman tourist sleeping car service between Birmingham, Ala., and San Francisco, California. Cars will leave Birmingham at 10:20 p. m. every Wed nesday, and will be routed via the Frisco System to Kansas City, Rock Island System to Pueblo, Denver and Rio Grande and Rio Grande Western to Ogden and Southern Pacific to San Francisco. Requests for reservations should be addressed to W. T. SAUNDERS, Gen eral Agent Passenger Department, cor ner Pryor and Decatur Sts., Atlanta, Ga. Business a Temperance Reformer. All the railroads that ‘enter in Chi cago have prohibited the use of liquor or tobacco by employees when on duty. Practically all the important railroads now concur in this prohibition. The Western Electric Company and numer ous other great business concerns in the west forbid not only the use of liquor, but of cigarettes and the habit, now grown to an almost incredible extent among all classes of the com munity, of “playing the races.” Busi ness reasons thus make necessary the control or avoidance of habits against which moral reasons are too often helpless.—From “With the Proces sion,” in the December Everybody’s. Reflection of a Spinster To remain a woman’s ideal, a man must died a bachelor. Love that needs proving is counter feit. Renunciation is giving up what we can’t haze. Friends are kept by silences —not by confidences. The world’s verdict is easier to over, rule than that of one’s own conscfenee. When jealousy sleeps, love is dig ging her grave. He whom a child takes by the hand, lives close to God. Ecstasy is happiness magnified into pain.—From Everybody’s Magazine for December. A Canadian Ship Canal. The ship canal from Lake Huron, in Georgian Bay, almost due south to Lake Ontario, near Toronto, upon which work has been in progress for several years, will shorten the lake route 250 miles. The highest point is GOO feet higher than Lake Ontario, andii.a drop of sixty-six feet in four miles, at Peterboro, made necessary the building of the largest iocks of the kind in the world. They are now completed. MAN Of""IEISURE. “I suppose your men of leisure over here travel a great deal,” remarked the British tourist. “Oh, yes,” replied the native, “they have to.” “Indeed?” “Yes, we keep the tramps on the move in this country, I tell you.”— Philadelphia Press. 'AHEAD OF MOTHER. “My wife excels my mother in one culinary particular at leas‘ v ” “What’s that?” makes five kinds cf fudge.”— • Cleveland Plata- Dealer. The flavor of TOBACCO may be in jured by the use of stable and rank organic manures. Potash in the form of sulphate produces ail improved flavor and a good yield. Tobacco must have Potash. Our little book, “Tobacco Culture,” con tains much valuable information, and every tobacco, grower can obtain a copy free of charge by writing for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS New York—OSS Nuhnuu Street* or Atlanta* So. Rroad St. \hl ET H C C C D Packed Oranges If L U i I LSI sl-75 PER BOX f.o.b. at Kissimmee from now until December 20th. Cash with order. WANTED—2O.OOO pounds Dressed Cat-Fish daily. Correspondence solicited. We pay the Highest Cash Price for Otter Furs, Raccoon Skins and Alligator Hides. Ship us your furs. W. B. HAKINSON CO., KISSIMMEE, FUL vP'I B O V S : Oil R'B£F OR : %S'CTS;: ~ UUHfcSWHtRE ALL ELSfc FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. COISIrSUMPTIOMr BEST FOR THE BOWELS fojacaMMi jl CATHARTIC fij GU A RAN TEED CU y blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, H paina after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness. When your bowels don’t move regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It B starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking I C ASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your bowels B right Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure or 8 money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped CC C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and 8 booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 50a 'capsicum vaseline (PUT UP IN COi.LAPbIUL.JE TUBES) A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curafci ve qualities of thisarticleare wonder ful. i t will stop tile toothache at once, and relieve headache and sciatica. We recom mend it as the best and safest external counter-irritantknown.also asanexterna] remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all rheumatic, neural gicand gouty com plaints. A trial will prove what we claim fori t, and it will befound to he invaluable in the household. Man y people say “it. is the best of all of your preparations.” Price 15 cts., at all druggists or other dealers, or by send!ngthisamount tousin postage stamps wewilisendyouatubebymail. Noartich should he accepted by the pu id ic un loss tin same carries our label, asotherwiseitis not genuine. CHKSF. BROUGH MFG. CO., j 17 State Street. New York City. 1 gjft Dropsy! , Removes all swelling in 8 to 30 | days; effects a Jjermanent cure /L in joto 60 days. Trial treatment givenfree. Nothingcan be fairer V Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons. ‘.T-cLi—i— Speciittsls, 2ox B Atlanta, cz. position and has won its way to the hearts of the people. The natural timidity which so many people have felt about giving endorse ments to any remedy is giving way. Grati tude and a desire to help others has inspired thousands of people to give public testimonials for Peruna who heretofore would not have consented to such publicity. Never before in the annals of medicine has it happened that so many men of national and international reputation have been will ing to give unqualified and public endorse ments to a proprietary remedy. No amount of advertising could have accomplished such a result. Peruna has won on its own merits. Peruna cures catarrh of whatever phase or location in the human body. That is why it receives so many notable and unique endorse ments. Address The Peruna Drug MTg Co., Co lumbus, Ohio, for free literature on catarrh. #S:CITSS nAXT»NE - Yr TOIIETf® I Antiseptic,;lEr FOR WOMEN J| A Boston physician’s covery which cleanses and | heals all inflammation of the mucous [ membrane wherever located. In local treatment of female ills Pax tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all disease germs which cause inflammation and discharges. Thousands of letters from women prove that It is the greatest cure for ieucorrluea ever discovered. Paxtine never fails to cure pelvic catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore mouth and sore eyes, because these diseases are all caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane. For cleansing, whitening and pre serving the teeth we challenge the world to produce its equal. Physicians and specialists everywhere j prescribe and endorse Paxtine, andthou sandsof testimonial letters prove its value. At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cts. A large trial package and book of instructions absolutely free. Write I The R. Paxton Co., Dept. 25 Boston, Mass. This is What You Want! Have You Any Malarial Troubles ? Do yon want to itt t well and K«t well quick ? If Bend a Fostoftice order for fifty cents to the REGAL MEDICINE C0.,0f Stamford, Conn., for medicine and directions. A quick and certain « ure f>7uaranteed in all casee of malaria, chills fever,dumb ukuo and intermittent lever. Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(Atsl-'03.) Malsby & Co. 4 f South Forsyth St., Atlanta, (la Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complete line carried in stock for IM MEDIA TE shipment. Best Machinery, Lowest Prices and Rest Term* Write us for catalogue, prices, pfr.. before buying. weak eyes,, ntu. Thcmpscn’s Eyo Water