Newspaper Page Text
The Douglas Weekly Breeze,
VOL 15, No. 14
At The Leader Store For 15 Days Only.
This great sale begins Monday, August Ist, and lasts for 15 days only.
Great Bargains all over the house. This will positively be the greatest
sale ever held in Douglas. Read the prices carefully and you will see
where you can save money. The object of this sale is to clean up the
stock through every department, you will be surprised at the prices they
will go for. We guarantee to save you 50 per cent on every dollar that
you spend during this great sale. We present for your consideration a
few prices below.
Dress Goods Bargains.
Thousands of yards of Wash
Goods, bolts, half pieces and
remnants go on bargain counters
Monday at cost and less.
ioc yard wide percale 6\
Assorted Color sliatnbry 6^
-Assorted color gingham 6-£
Yard wide bleeching, best...—. 7i
Fine mercerised ginghams
sells 25c, this sale 10
All assortments of mercerise !
whi'e goods of the latest de
signs, worth 15c 09
We cordially invite you to come and we guarantee to save you money on the great special sale that
goes on now. Yours for great Bargains,
Card From W. M. Gaskin.
Douglas, Ga., Aug. 3. —To the
citizens of Coffee county :
time ago friends suggested my name
in connection with the nomination
for Rebresentative from this county
.and, unsolicited by me, presented
the matter to the consideration of
the voters through the medium of
the press. It is unnecessary to say
that the courteous action of these
friends merited and has recieved
•my earnest and careful considera
tion. Since my name was first an
nounced the strongest and warmest
kind of support has been voluntari
ly#enderered me from various sec
tions of the connty, and a due ap
preciation of the interest thus dis
played in my behalf has impelled
me to consider seriously and care
fully the question of making the
race. While appreciating to the
utmost the kindness of those who
gave evidence of the confidence so
courteously imposed in me, and for
which I return my heartfelt thanks,
I have reached the conclusion, after
thinking the matter over most care
fully and discussing it with friends
in whose judgement and sincerety
I have implicit confidence, that I
cannot make the race and I have
withdrawn my name from the con
sideration of the voters. Among
other reasons prompting me to give
this direction to the matter is a dis
inclination upon my part to be
away from my family as much as
would naturally be required in a
campaign. The people saw prop
er several years ago to honor me
with this office, and lam now con-
Better quality white mercer
ised waistings makes up
durable and neat 15
All kind flowered Silks regu
lar 50c grade 19
Finest grade Peau de Soie Silk
usually sells for 1.00 59
Ladies 5c handkerchiefs 01
Great Cut Prices in
$2 $3 and $4 hats will go for 95
Little priced hats for little
tent to rest upon the record of that
endorsement and the service then
given by me to my county.
In conclusion I desire to say that
I shall always have a warm spot in
my heart for those who have ten
dered me their support; I appre
ciate it hearti'y and I again extend
sincere thanks for it.
Card From Jeff Wilcox to the People
of Coffee County.
Willacoochee, Ga., Aug. 2. —
Dear Friends: —It will be impossi
ble for me to see every voter in the
county in person, between now and
the time of the primary election in
September, therefore I write this
to solicit vour support in my be
half in the race tor Representative
of Coffee county.
I am no stranger to the people
of Coffee county. 1 was born,
raised and have lived all my life in
the county, and beg to assure the
people if they want the City Court
judge and Solicitor and County
Commissioners elected by the peo
ple, that I will do all in my power
to pass such an act, if elected.
Any support you may be able
to give me will be greatly appre
Respectfully your friend,
Mr. Geo. T. Chandler, over at
Rochelle, Ga., says, in a letter,
that he “likes our style,” as a news
paper. We like his style, as a
gentleman and scholar, h 6 sent us
a dollar.
Douglas, Ga., August 6th, 1904.
Card From Judge C. A. Ward.
Douglas, Ga., Aug. 3rd, 1904. —
To the citizens of Coffee county :
In response to numerous petitions
and personal appeals from the
voters and citizens of the county
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for representative from this
county subject to the action of the
white primary election to be held
next September. As to local affairs
I am in favor of the election by the
people of this county of the Judge,
Solicitor and Clerk of the City
Court of Douglas and also of the
County Commissioners, and if
elected I will use my utmost en
deavor to enact such legislation as
will give to the people of the coun
ty the right to thus select these of
ficers. lam also in favor of the
enactment of such general laws as
will require and secure the services
as jurors of all such upright and
intelligent citizens as are comtem
plated by the present law.
I am a native of the county and
you all know me and I leave it to
you to say whether or not I will
if elected do what I promise.
I solicit and will highly appre
ciate your support in the approach
ing election.
It has been the custom in Ala
bama, since the war, to appoint
one negro and two democrats as
county elections but now the state
electors have decided that they can
do without the negro. Of course
this will be used as a sweet morsel
by republican campaign spell-bind
75c child hat for 35
35c child hat for 19
Baby Caps 14
50c Boys Caps 25
Ready made skirts will go at
half the usual price
Hen’s Clothing.
Fine 10.00 all wool suits 4.47
~ 7.50 all wool suits 3.45
Big line single coats worth
3.00 and 4.00, this sale 1.95
Big line pants, worth $2.00
$3.00, to clean ’em up 1.25
Soldier’s and. Widow's Pensions.
The legislature has fixed the
pensions list for 1905 at .$8654x10,
a decrease of 455, 000 as compared
with last year, and compared with
the pension commisioner’s esti
mates for the coming year.
Disabled soldiers were cut down
$15,000, widows in the old class
cut down $25,000, indigent soldiers
soldiers were increased $5,000, and
indigent widows were increased
The appropriations to the various
classes for next year were fixed as
follows :
Disabled soldiers, $170,000; wid
ows of soldiers, who died in ser
vice, $160,000; indigent soldiers,
$415,01x1; indigent widows, $120,-
About to Lift his Top-Knot.
In his carelessness in handling
the Breeze in the mails Uncle Sam
has caused trouble in Dr. White’s
family. Read this nostal :
“Pendergrass, Ga., B—24 —Edi-
tor Breeze—The Breeze for last
week has failed to reach me. Please
send one or my wife will quit me.
A. D. White.”
Of course we secured a copy and
sent it with a special delivery
stamp on it. for if there is anything
that would bring us sorrow just
now it would be to know that Dr.
White was an orphan.
Don’t buy your hat or have your
dress made until our lady for this
department arrives, Sept. Ist.
We’ll save U money.
Markey Trading Co.
SI.OO per Annum
Boys’ suits are cut to half
SUSPENDERS worth 25 at 15
Best 20c suspenders now at 09
Shoes, Shoes.
For men, women and chil
dren, all styles low quarter
will and must go.
$1.50 and 1.50 shoes 95
$3 and $4 men’s shoes for 2.75
Brogan shoes worth 1.25 65
Men’s hats.
Fine men’s hats goat half pi ice.
Where the Registration Lists May be
All those who expect, or those
who may wish to vote in the White
Primary in September or in the
State election on the first Wednes
day in October, or in the national
election on the first Tuesday in
November must register. Voters
who have registered since the open
ing of Tax Collector’s books in the
fall of 1903 will not be required to
register again.
Registration books, or lists are
now open at the following places :
Clerk’s Office—Douglas.
Pickren D. Wise,
Pickren; Post Master, Bingham.
Tanner District—Post Master,
Nichols; Joel Tanner, Wilsonville.
McDonald District—Post Master,
McDonald: B. 11. Tanner, Fales.
Pearson District—Post Master,
Pearson ; John L. Carter, Kirkland.
Willacoochee District—Post Mas
ter, Willacoochee; B. B. Gray,
Pine Bloom.
Philip’s Mill District—Dennis
Vickers, Ambrose.
Wooten District—T. J. Young,
Broxton ; C. C. Smith, Residence.
The registration books will close
ten days prior to the Primary Elec
The Thomasville Times shipped
as a present to Judge Parker,
the democratic nominee for presi
dent, last Monday a water-melon
weighing eighty-six pounds.
That’s a big melon but no larger
than the vote Georgia will give the