Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, September 03, 1904, Image 3

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WF* ' bßi*. Druggists K -,t itM.crv. *"v . ttui 0 (P A Specialty jj *j| | and put up of Purest, Freshest Drugs, j A Full and Complete Line of Patent Medicines. ' Soda Water, Coca Cola, Etc. Sf Union Banking Co., llffii(SfM’p®rali@d 11©S)8. j„ M. ASHLEY, President; J. S. LOTT, V. President; C, E. BAKER Cashier. Directors. J. J. LEWIS, ELIAS LOTT, J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT,'HENRY VICKERS, J. W. QIJINCEY, JOHN McLEAN. Accounts of merchants and Corporations Solicited. Citizens Bank. Incorporated in 1901. Douglas, - - Georgia. B. H. TANNER, Pres., W. W. MCDONALD, V. Pres.. F. L. SWEAT, 2nd V. Pres., E. L- TANNER, E. L. TANNER, Cashier, A. W. HADDOCK, •, Assistant Cashier. Directors. w. w McDonald, b. h. tanner, e. l. vickers, r. g. kirkland, F. L. SWEAT, W. F. SIBBETT, E. L. ANNER. All accommodations afforded our customers consistent with good business principls. % Spring Slock is Resell' For L/adies who do not find it conven ient to come to the city. We make buying an easy task by sending to your homes two or three styles of garments to select from. We carry Shirt Waists, Skirts, Leading Corsets, Furnishings In our Boys* De partment can be had everything ready-to-wear for boys, ex cept shoes. B. H. Levy, Bro. & Co., SAVANNAH, GA, TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE GINNING OUTFITS GRIST MILLS MILL SUPPLIES Woven Wire Fence, Pire Proof Roofing. Spray Pumps, Mowers, Rakes, Separators. We will Make it to Your Interest to Figure with Us. •-/ W MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. MimON THIS PAPCR. MACON, CA. For Men who cannot come to the city wheh in need of clothes we make a specialty of fit ting you at your home. We carry the finest makes of Clothing, Hats, Fur nishings, and Underwear, and no matter what your size is, stout, slim, or short, We Can Fit You SOLE ACENTS FOR n flanhattan Shirts,® Stetson Hats, Carhartt'Overal Is. TAYLOR SAW MILLS Newly Equipped Boiler Works Machine Shops and Foundry Squatter Ousted from Land. Raleigh. N. C.. August 30.—1 n 188(1 this city bought from Dr. Eugene Grissom a lot in the suburbs of Ral eigh as a: site for the State Agri cultural Mechanical college. Grissom gave a deed to the state anti money was paid him. The deed was lost, and he declined to give a duplicate. Four years ago a man came here from Colorado while Grissom' then lived and squatted on the land. Chief Clerk Moody, of the state treasury, found the long lost deed, and t.he squatter is ousted. Executive Committee Meets. Indianapolis, August 23.—The na tional executive committee of the Unit ed Mine Workers met today to consid er the situation in Tennessee. No action has been announced. This af ternoon President Donnelly, of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butch er Workmen’s association, will appeal to the organization fox assistance in the meat strike. Stahlman’s Bc-dy Recovemd. Nashville, Tenn., August 30—The body of Edward C. Stahlman. who wsi drowned in the Cumberland river 9 miles above here last evening, was recovered at 4:30 o’clock this morning. Mr. Stahlman was a son of Major E. B. Stahlman. of Nashville, and vice president of the Nashville Banner Publishing company, and news editor of the Banner. His death was caused by cramps. Electric Chair Victim. Auburn, N. Y„ August 30.—Antonio Georglo was today put to death in the electric chair at the Auburn prison for his part in the murder of John Van Go.rder and his half-sister. Miss Farn bam, at West Almond. Allegheny county. May 4 last. Robbery was the motive for the crime. $50,000.00 " GASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of | LION COFFEE In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums %, —vox Abjjfpjj Xow Co - l J / T 0 SECOIVD NATtOXAL RAMf. tYOOlgo/v SP/CC CO. VaII // TOI.EOOi OHIO. [>er_xs(r J is jt—3. TO I4 —■ —W/ Like Check Like This? Ul- u»..» eon non nn Cash to JJotl Coffee users in our Great World’s Fair Contest lie Have Awarded SfcU|UUUiUU 2139 people get checks, 2139 more will get them in the Presidential Vote Contest I Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion What will be the total popular vote cast | ftt r» „ .. - for President (votes for all can- E Coffee Packages and a a-cent M* - ... , ~ . .. . .. „ ■ . dldates combined) at the election ffi stamp entitle you (in addition to November 8, 1904? g the regular free premiums) t® I i n 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted one vote. The 2-cent stamp COV“ WMJrm for President. For nearest correct esti- B mates received in Woolson Spice Com- n ers our acknowledgment to yo* pany’s office, Toledo, 0., on or before I that your estimate is recorded. N° vem>jer •*>. 1904 > we wi 'l give first 11 ~ prize for the nearest correct estimate, Kj You can send as many esti- secon( j prize to the next nearest, etc., j? mates as desired. etc., as follows: Grand First Prize of $5,000.00 1 Secon^PrlzT"^ || i " 2 Prizes—s6oo.oo each 1,000.00 will be awarded to the one who is nearest Prizes- 200.00 “ iggoioo correct on both our World’s Fair and Presl- 20 mies- 60.00 “ 100000 & dentiai vote contests. x f o oVAltl- 'e.oo •• | We also offer Special Cash Prizes to Grocer*' 2139 PRIZES, TOTAL, $20,000.00 i Clerks. (Particulars in each case of Lion Coffee.) ’ % How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks ? £ Everybody uses coffee. If you will use JL/O.V COFFEE long enough to get acquainted with it. you will be suited and \ convinced' there is no other such value for the money. Then you will take no other—and that: s why we advtrt'sAn 1 - we are using our advertising money so that both of us—you as well as we will get a benefit. Hence fjt y I WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars in Every Package of y 5 LION COFFEE WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP’T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. } LION COf FEE on sale at u.. t ». Glover. i-. L. Vickers, Doug a-s Supply Company, B. Peterson, S. T. Thompsoto # A Freak of Lightning. When the lightning entered the apartments of Ethel Spooner the other day at Harrisville, R. 1., a bird cage which was hanging near the window came in for a share of attention. The hook and chain by which the cage was suspended were thrown the width of two rooms, the spring has disappeared, probably be ing melted by the bolt, and the cage itself was blackened and thrown to the. floor. The peculiar pirt of this incident is that the canary that oc cupied the cage is still as lively as ever. An African Tree. Pr. Welwitsch brings news of a wonderful tree which he found growing in the west of Africa and named for himself, the Welwitsch. The extraordinary proportions of a trunk four feet in diameter, with a height of only one foot, make the plant look like a round table. The tree never has more than two leaves, and these are the seed leaves, which appear when the plant first begins to grow and which it never sheds or replaces with others. Liner Breaks Her Reccrd. New York, August 30.—The North German Lloyd steamer Katser Wil helm 11, which arrived here today, broke her own best westward passaga by 2 hours and 2G minutes, making tlia time of passage 5 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes, Her best previous time westward was 5 days, 15 hours and 10 minutes. Ctoakmakers Win Thetr Srlke. New York, August 30.—Strikes of cloakmakers which took place In the factories of 11 manufacturers In this city last week; for recognition of the union have been won by the workers. About 2,500 cloakmakers lu all were affected. | Under Murder Charge. ’ Zanesville, O , August 30.—James Spencer was arrested here today charged with murdering William C. Tanner, an aged book agenT. Tan ner’s body was found in a cornfield last evening in a most terribly bruised condition. Although unconscious, he lived a few hours, after being found dying while being brought to the hos< pltal. Spencer was the last man seen In the company of Tanner, and the po lice say he was known to have been with him when he made two sales. A few dollars were in the possession of Spencer denied his guilt. Storm In Lowndes. Valdosta. Ga., August 30.—A report from the Clyatteville district states that a small cyclone passed through that section Monday afternoon. A very dark cloud came up and there was a goo<j deal of wind at this place. In the Clyatteville district the wind blew down many trees, ami In some places the forests were almost wiped bear of timber. Many fences were also blown down, though no Injury to persons is reported. Vice Admiral Rolland Dead. London, August 30.—The death is announced of Vice Admiral W. R. Rol land, retired. He was born in 1817. Admiral Rolland received a gold medal from the United States government for saving part of the crew of the United States brig Somers, upset off the island of Sacriflclos, on the wrest coast of Mexico. Nothing Is Heard of Aeronaut. St. Louis, August 30.—Nothing has been heard from Aeronaut. George Tomlinson, who sailed from St. Louis Saturday for Washington, since he passed over Wyoming, 111., about 200 miles north of St. Louis, Sunday after noon. It is supposed be has contin ued on his aerial way.