Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, September 17, 1904, Image 4

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MORGAN & DAVIS, BriinswiGK, • • Oeoroia. We are better prepared than ever to fill orders with prompt ness and dispatch. Our stock is immense and our facilities up-to date. Send us your orders and we will please you. We make the jug and shipping trade our specialty. IjLOnGfm Sc IDfIYIS, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealers. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. Weakness takes the joy of life away and °P ens system to disease. Assist Nature, RADIUS A & l ONIC PELLETS will help the natural forces 11 l\t° restore perfect health, feed the blood and Ik paint the bloom of health on the cheeks. /A hA?:. A. Treatment tHut Cures /A 1 without unpleasant effects. I Complete Treatrnent j^sdwW/ <'«. st. Lonisfj^ Alton b. Parked says: “I Rend the NEW YORK WORLD Every Day.” THE WORLD Elected Cleveland. ' 'it may be stlat without rcse r nation "(hat if the Democratic party in mu first campaign had lacked the forceful anil potent advocacy of Democratic' principles at that time b</ the NEW WMffi IfiOJiU) the result might, have reA'crseii." —Grover Cleve land* Letur to The World, May 10, SO3. THE WORLD IN THIS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Send $1 to the N. Y. WORLD and you will receive THE WORLD every week day for FOUR MONTHS from the day your subscription is received, including every day of the Presidential Campaign. The requlur price of the Daily World four months is $2.00. BOTH SIDES OF THE G TEAT POLITICAL BATTLE FOLLY ANdTmRLY GIYEN j_FIRST NEWS! BEST NEWS! ATAHE WORLD as the “Chief Champion In America of Democratic Ideas" will be J. the most interesting newspaper in the country in this Presidential cam paign. It already has a much larger daily circulation than any other morning news paper in America. We are beginning a campaign that promises to be memorable in history. By a single act of inspired courage the Democratic leader has restored "his party to its old place as the instrument of enlightened reform, sane and practical liberalism, clear-headed progressiveness and constitutional government. While the question of the standard of value remained an issue all other topics were submerged and the Democracy could not play its historical part. In the absence of that restraining force the Republican party has rioted in imperialism, centralization, militarism, extravagance and privileged injustice Now the time has come v.hen it can be called to account. Once more a party wisely, bravely and honestly led can raise with hopefulness Tikien’s old war cry, "Turn the rascals out! ” The Democracy is ready to correct the abuses of a monopoly-breeding tariff, to promote trade with our neighbors in Canada, to cut short the insane rivalry with the military powers of Europe in armaments made needless by three thousand miles of ocean, to substitute the reign of law for the personal caprice of an arbi trary ruler, to restore economy and integrity in government, to bring arrogant combinations of capital under legal restraint, and to discourage the permanent ac climatization of the American flag in any. country in which the Declaration of Inde pendence is a seditious document. To the attainment of these ends The World pledges all its energies. To raroiracc tho prompt formation of c | ut „ fop fhp nunp<U S * . a apt-rial commission ot 30 per oral, wilt be nllotvetl to agent* ' or parlies forming elobs of ten or more lit any town. i '» active agent wanted tn every election district. Write fa# < particulars. j sample copies supplied free on application. Kvery subscription will be for the DAILY Morning World foP ‘ I'Ol U months from the date it begins. This offer is for Mail ' • ni.seriber. 01U.Y. Address TAB WORLD CAMPAIGN CI,ID. r.IM . aer building, New loric. ' " ; Bryan on THE WORLD. “ i'll A WORLT} never during the lost twenty years considered itself a pa rty paper. It jrromised to spread truly Democratic, principles ami truly Democratic ideas, and it has done so, anil will do so, with entire independ ence, of bosses, machines and plat forms, following only the dictates of its conscience.” —Quoted, with approval, by William .1. Bryan In the Com moner, July 10, l!)0i5. Douglas Sw s ippany, Bank Building—North,'Side, Douglas, Georgia, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Etc., AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS, Family And Plantation Supplies. Everything For Pantry And Dining Table. Watt-Harley-Holmes Co., Pf" lEVEKYTHING TOR THE STOVES RANGES. We sell the Best. Come and let us show them to you. Bridles and Shelf Hardware. Stoves, Tin ware, Crockery, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair, Oils, Paints and Varnishes. Paints Guaranteed for 5 yearg. Yours to Serve, J. D. FORBES, Manager. DOUGLAS, GEORGIA. ® Douglas Lodge, No. 91, K. of P. Meet every first and third Wednesday nights. \ k DOUGLAS LODGE c/CrW NO. 386, I » ESzf' F. &A. M. / Meets every third Friday everW’ff 6 o’clock. Visiting brethren cordßfly nvited to meet with us. W. C. LANKFORD, \V- M. W. C. BRYAN, Secretary. Douglas Lodge No. 203 I. o.^>- F. Meet every Monday night 7tS 1 ) o’clock First Monday night, Ist Degree 2nd Monday night, 2nd Def ree 3rd Monday night, 3rd DetT ree 4th Monday night Ini. D<-Kr ee Visiting brethren cordially invited to meet with uas. LEVY O’STEEN. N G - L L. KIRKLAND, Sec. EDWARD S. CHASTAIN, Attorney At I/aw, Douglas, Ga- All business entrusted us will receive prompt attention- Your patronage solicited. Cfh ce in Over street Building. QUITMAN HOLTON, Physician «£r Surgeon Broxton, Georgia. For Fall Trade. We will add to c«r already large business, millinery and ladies dress making parlors. T Uit S lve us time, and we’ll get there after awhile. Mafkey Trading Co. Wanted-- 5000 lbs Bees wax. 500 Cow hides. All kinds of fur. Will pay hipest cash prices. j avis-Rudolph Co. DRAUGHT STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black- Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion, in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional Hose of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. Rochellb, Ga., Jan. 30, 1902. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the best I ever tried. Oar stock was looking bad when you sent me the medicine and now they are getting so fine. They are looking*) per cent, better. S. P. BROCKINGTON. When you are in need of a cooking stove come to see us, We will save you money on it. Shelf and builders Hard ware, Tinware and Crockery. Mill supplies a specialty. Watt-Harley, Holmes Co. Look and Listen. No. come and we will tell you. Davis-Rudolph (Company. Be sure to see Frank Appleby, at E. P. Fiiiingim & Co’s for any thing in the paint and oil line, har ness, hardware and stoves. Excursion Rates via Atlantic and Birmingham. St. Louis, Mo., account Louisi ana Purchase Exposition, May i- Novembei 30, 1904. Season excursion tickets will be sold daily, beginning April 25th, and continuing during the period of the Exposition, with final limit December 15, 1904. Round trip rate from Douglas $37.60. Sixty-day excursion tickets will be sold daily, beginning April 25, and continuing during the period of the Exposition, with fine! date to leave St.- Louis, returning, sixty (60) days in addition to date o’f sale. Einal date in no case to ex ceed December 15, 1904. Round trip rate from Douglas $31.40. 1 ifteen-day excursion tickets will be sold April 25th and con tinuing during period of Exposi tion, with final date to leave St Louis returning .fifteen (15) days from date of sale. Round trip rate from Douglas $25.60. Coach excursion tickets will be sold May 16th and 31st, with final date to leave St. Louis returning ten (10) days from and including date ot sale. Round trip rate from Douglas $18.90. For schedules and full informa tion apply to B. F. Holzendorf, Agent Douglas, Ga. Prices and goods suit at the Lead er Store. You will find it profitable and pleasant to trade at the Leader store, because the prices and goods suit. Coffins and Caskets. We are supplied with Coffins and Cas kets, for (juiek shipment. All sizes fur nished on notice, or by wire when ordered by responsible parties. LIGHTSEY & DAVIS. Nichols, Ga \ Let us show you our line of Paint. We will save you mon ey on your paint bill. Our paint is guaranteed for five years. Watt-Harley-Holmes Company.