Douglas weekly breeze. (Douglas, Ga.) 190?-1905, July 01, 1905, Image 4

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2f/?e Douglas Weekly Breeze. JAMES M. FREEMAN & DAUGHTER. Proprietors. JAMES M. FREEMAN . EDITOR. at'the Post-office in Douglas, Ga., as second-class mail matter. SATURDAY. JULY ith, 1905. * Official Organ of Coffee County. citizens of Tatnall county osed to having the county to make other counties. <*><s> <®> on L. Weston, was run over ain at Albany recently, and rom the effects of the acci dent last Sunday. Roscoe Canon, a white, was killed at a saw null in VVaycross last Saturday. Apart of the ma chinery strut k him. «>«><s> Darien Gazette: It looks more and more like Col. Estill would be the man. Wouldn’t he make a fine governor, though. —■ <£> <•> <£' Hie Japanese diet of vegetable, and fruits is said to be respon- ISllie for tb<? wonderful health and ~,Jnri’}' r r,.power ol the victorious .. iI 1 111 I v ill It is t <?>«><s> • „.„„.:kY’s oldest man is dead at *“ L 1 Kf hi years, lie was a 00d GeCNorth Ca rolinst and his ith their 18 nurn^er more l ' ian These f «.<s><s> • .one silly season is ontfe more •' is is shown in the revival ol / rite 1 kle abomt shirtwaists for men s* pit uiropriety of such garments jMiIIV “"i""'" ing machine, the folding ... ~ .irpet-sweepers arid gas Jit'.’S Bii)»d-, nventet l by men but it £) m l probably, who first >OUC.iI-.A£ hammock. • <?> «> : The Chicago k- 1 dead while mak ■ich will not deter i.ufifi J'hf winder the audience escape# and tire Ttieaker sufTered. <B> <S> <®> The Breeze has never slandered Douglas, anything or anybody, but some slanderers would like to "have that sentiment to prevail, still, it will not, for the people know the Breeze and the other fellows, too. <J> <s> G> Savannah Press : Haifa dozen omen are now under sentence of *ath in various parts of the United tates. In each case the crime was the murder of the woman’s hus band. ■<s><s><*> There is nothing so deceiving a so-called friends one has. When put to the test they are much like nr umbrellas—-easily lost, hard to ien up, and generally missing on .y day. W' ’ «>«>«> *Mr. Chas. E. Davis and daugh er, Miss Elmia Davis, of Miami, <'la., were murdered by unknown oarties on last Sunday night. One thousand dollars reward is offered of the murderer’s capture. <§> <s> AJashville Herald: There are to Leiglit new counties created by ext general Assembly. The t Id t **ing on Tift, Dixie, net Ore. ■ p, Stephens, Hen -11 and Toombs. old. It is claimed ed neither whiskey noi The iV is of Brunswick had a big celebrs mi last Friday. At 2. o’clock Solicitor J. W. Bennett, of Waycross, and congressman Brant ley, of Brunswick, received the de gree of Fellow Craft. We guess that goat thought the world had been picked over for tough cus tomers when he struck that couple. e of Douglas, the *oods and groce r more interested, a full at r. They catch end them. ty* s: The Wash yonicle is one hun- yenrs old and the nicle one hundred Republicans claim that the elec tion of Col. Tom Davis in the sec ond West Virginia district was without significance, but the demo crats are maintaining that it is significant of the fact that there will be one more democrats in con gress next fall than the party has been hoping for. <?><?>-£> Exchange: Two fashionable young women who went shopping in Pittsburg in hoopskirts caused the blockade for half an hour of a street car line, created a panic and had to be escorted home by police officers, all because they did not know how to adapt the ancient rigs to modern requirement's. <S> <i> The Quitman Free Press says that towns with Hoke Smith clubs get all sorts of free advertising from the Atlanta Jonrnal. If this be true, a Howell club will help Doug ins. By all means let us have a Hoke Smith Club and a Clark Ho well club, then both the Big At anta dalies will advertise Douglas. . *<& <S> <§> Thomasville Times : It is rumor ed in Thomasville on good author ity that the Atlantic and Birming ham railroad will build to Florida. This extension is in the realm of possibility, even of probability, and circumstances all points to its be ing done although no definite an nouncernent has been made. <»«><*> Any rerson who cannot put up with the rattle of buggies and drays on the 'streets, the blowing of lo comotive whistles at the depot, the buzz of the electric engine at the power house, and the practice of the^Cc' r net Viand willhave to move out in tLe country. TkftS&Ql l ' n gs denote progress. Douglas is on the hump. Confederate Veterans' Re-union af Nichols on July 4th- Broxton, June 27 —Editor Doug-, las Breeze: It is well known that* Camp Spivey No 1539, United Confederate Veterans at the meet ing in Broxton, July 20th 1904 ac cepted an invitation from Nichols to hold their annual re-union in that place on July, 1905. A com muncation has been received by the undersigned from Nichols in viting 11s to hold our annual re union there on Tuesday, July 4th, 1905. Therefore, as commandant of Camp Spivey No 1539, I invite every veteran, as well as their friends, to meet on the day named in said city of Nichols and let us have one more happy re-union of those who wore the Grey. Nich ols offers us a cordial welcome. Let us go, although it may disappoint some of us in our home arrange ment for the day. Reduced rates on railroads that day. One fare round trip on D. A. & G. railroad I also request each district in the county to send two or more dele gates to Douglas on July 7th, for the purpose of organizing the Coffee County Cotton Growers’ Association, thus we will organize this Association and also meet with the Farmer’s Institute for this dis trict. Let every body go to Nichols on the 4th, and to Douglas on the 7th. Vours, for two pleasant days, T. C. Allen, Com. Good Business For Sale. r I desire to close out business in Douglas, and to any one desiring a good business already built up, good stock of goods and good stand I will sell out fit for 75 cents on dollar. If you mean business see, or address me at once. 11. Leader, Douglas Ga.. Hazlehurst News Notes. Hazlehusrt, June 26.—Hon. Jno A. Cromaitie leaves to-night for Atlanta. Rev Harden preached two able sermons at the Presbyterian church Sunday. On last Friday night Mrs. J J. Frazier entertained a large crowd. A supper was given for the benefit of the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church. Little Minnie Lou Mahone while out horse back riding this afternoon was thrown from her horse and her arm broken. • Miss Rossie Wilcox, of Jacksons ville, Ga, is visiting Miss Alice McEachen. Miss Kyle Arthur, of Eastman is visiting her sister Mrs*. T. 11. Wertherly, Mr. Homer Daniels and wife’of this place are visiting his parents at Social Circle. Mrs. R. W. Patrick, of Enigma, is in town on a visit to her brother-in-law, W. T. Patrick. Among those who attended the entertainment at Mrs; J. J. Fraz ier’s were Mr. C. F. Chapman and Miss Rhetta Head. Lonely Girl. Wool Seller’s Day iu Douglas- Last Thursday was Wool Sellers day in Douglas, sure enough, and Solid, substantial farmers and sheep-raisers from Irwin, Berrien, Ware and Coffee counties were on hand. To mention all their names would take more space than we have now, as we are just going to press. But the Sellers and Buyers were here, and we suppose good prices were obtained. It was esti mated early in the day that between fifty and sixty thousand pounds would change hands. Pic-Nic at Midway Church. The schools at Wilcox, Williams’ Chapel, and JBrrkett town wjll cele- MatfijheMidway efi urch. An interesting program, consisting of recitations by pupils from differ ent schools and addresses from Profs. Hendricks and Tanner is being prepared, To those who know the thrift of the farmers and their house wives it is needless to say the dinner will be an elaborate one. A good time for all. Come and be with us. H. E. Oxford. The Odd Fellows Will Picnic. The Indepedent Order of Odd fel lows, of Douglas will have a picnic at Gaskins Spring on July 4th, and their friends are invited to join them. This includes the members of other lodges of the same order, and also the members of other Or ders, wives, children and frfends. Let every one that can bring a well filled basket of something to eat on 4th of July. Be sure to come and be sure not to forget the basket. E. L. Tanner, C. B. Porter, Com. Another Big Water Melon. Mr. G. L. Miller comes in now with the biggest water melon brought to this office, weighing 53 r-2, and of the Green Rind variety. It was not as fiue a melon as Mr. McDon al brought last, but just a little heaver. Will someone kindly send us a 55 pouder for the 4th? You will? Thank you, sir. Barbecue Next Saturday Arrangements have been made to have an old fashion barbecue and dinner on next Saturday July Bth, in Douglas. The Farmers’ Institute <-vill be in session and the farmers and their families must have a big day. The citizens of Douglas in tend to turn out in full force and make everybody enjoy themselves. TNE CUT PRICE STORE C our Cig Adv. Great summer clear anci sii«, at reduced prices and bard time's prices. MARKET TRADING Co. fnosES\ V* 50 J I^CENTS^ Going Out of Business! Everything Must be sold at the LEADER STORE,. DOUGLAS ICE FACTORY E. G. ENRIGHT, Proprietor. Manufacturer of Pure Crystal Ice, Made From Distilled and Filtered Artesian Water. DOUGLAS , - - GEORGIA. Is now prepared to fill all Orders and Solicit your Patronage. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. W. R. FLOWERS ft CO.. (Successors to Flowers & Whilden.) --DEALERS IN if Inc Grade ipianos, Organs And Sewing Machines, ■ win, Bush and Gerts. We have exclusive right of sale for the above instruments for Pianos have taken first prize at John H. Hunter. Wm. K. Pearce. Frank C. Battey Hunter, Pearce & Battey, Cotton Factors Naval Stores Factors. EXPERIENCED AND EXPERT HANDLERS OF UPLAND COTTON, OFvSEA ISLAND COTTON OF NAVAL STORES. One of the largest factorage concerns in the South. Each commodity handled in a separate department. SELL UPLAND AND SEA ISLAND BAG GING, TIES AND TWINE. Liberal Cash Advances Against Consignments. MONEI LOANED COTTON AND NAVAL STORES SHIPPERS ON APPROVED SECURITRY. Shipments Respectfully Solicited. 126 Bay St. East, - - Savannah Georgia. Lamar’s Lemon Laxa tive is the original lemon liver corrector. It is more than a remedy— it is a positive cure for Indigestion, Bil iousness, Constipa tion, Headaches. Sold by all druggists; prescribed by the best physicians. Prepared only by LAMAR-TAYLOR-RILEY DRUG CO.. Macon. Georgia. [llu