The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, June 21, 1895, Image 2

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    01/i'i.l VS BREEZE.
Official Ors'in of Coffee County
Vl.'.'ri-'Hincr ■> Reasonable.
X " ■'
sa/iciurri n ..f 1 a year, in advance
if-ttc"!-;! ~tt ihe Posloffice t*4 Douglas
C •. : • ud-cliisH mail matter.
I’RIDAY, JUNE 21 150,',.
F; ec silveriti s at 10 to J in Do’ a
las are like hens teeth—few and far
It :■ generally conceded that the
Bound money men will control (he
‘policy of the State Demacratic con
yc i on in Kj ntneky.
Waycross is gelling a. rnoVO on for
the Ith of July. The latest attract! n
is a wrestling match 1- tween Editor
I’erlmm and Judge Brewer. Perhain
lm.-; requested the fri< :.da of the Judge
to la in;; out vestoratin.-s.',:es
The wool crops in this section is
something -liorf. Nevertheless mu h
money will come into the hands of,
the people through this channel. It
is noticeable that dealers arc paying
a login rpi ice for wool now than last
year h.loro the new tariff law was un
It is ridiculous to suppose that 'he
1 nited Slates government can, l>. a
mere word make If, pounds of %iivor
equal in value to J pound of gold,
when over the whole world 32 pounds
of liver are being given fur 1 of gold.
American people will never give th ir
endorsement to so idle a scheme.
'The famous Myars murder trial is
oi a' Atlanta again. Our readers will
_ ivmomlier that Will Myers was enu
vietr'oi' k 1! ,h lA r W. ; "B TwvftSf t
winter on strii.o: ciretimstautial <vi
denee. He w.i renteneed to hang
bill the courts granted a iSw trial.'
This is tlu- im asoii tif the year wimp
the tourist goes to the st-a, and the
“skeeter' gets in his, sledge haminci
t'ov - ; when the children squall with
the coil,:, adduced by indulgence of
green fruit; and the doctor lays up
hi earthly treasures; when the b.dd
headed man wishes everything wer a
lly trap and feels like his head wo.e a
frying pan ; when fishermen condemn
tnemselvcs to the eternal perdition and
everybody w ishes his chair was pad
ded with ice. In fact this is stunmei
I uder the new registration law it
i the duty of the Clerk of the court
Ordinary and Tax collector of e tc!
county in the State to prepare >i , u
before the first of July of each yar
beginning with a complete iisi
of per.-ons living in the county who hr
any reason arc disqualified from \ot
ing in (hat year. Wo would call tin
attention of our officials to the matter
and rejer them to -vet-ion 6, page 118
Georgia laws of 1891. for the act ir
question. This is a matter which
should receive immediate attention.
The announcement that the “Dime
hillist League if Spalding eount> "ha !
called a convention of silverite i )
not altogether correct. The nan .■ e
this organization is the ‘ Spaldine Si 1
icr League, i nere is no In,. gi; si’ ,
about it. The league wants stiver, a I
there is in the world, coined by th. I
government without cost into doilaj
1 ivvos at the ratio of ,'4 cents w rth ;
of silver to 100 cents worth of golf.
Of course there would be no bimeta
lism unf r such arrangement as .a .
and the Sp ldiug county eiiverit - 1 >
not pretend that there would 1•> h,- :
inscribing any bimetallism foelishae.-s!
upgn their banner. It is well enough
to give the Spalding County Silver!
League credit for its real purpose.— I
Savannah News,
Nichols, Ga., June 37th, 1895.
Editors Breeze:—As we have not
many items from this place in .-•■/
j eral issues of y our esteemed she*, :
with your permission we will let y<>, i
readers hear from our little** village
once more ahd relate to them (Jie f. t
■ tat since they have been unable to
i"ar from Niehofs though only af< ■.
months, she has rapidly grown into a
little ‘‘city,” and being the termin' -
and the Waycross Air Lino It. R. giv<
lit a larg territory as a mercantile
enter, and is unsurpassed in ever}
respect by any of her rivals. . Thou; h
the town is in its infancy it is hi and
with many privileges.
Crops in this vicinity are generally
good—w ith seasons just to suit. • The
r:iit (in;, is just immense. The tine
hist approaching when the cry :
ard times'’ through this vicini
■ ill be becalmed by the loud applau
f peace and plenty.
We have two stores doing a gener •;
mercantile business, one drug store, a
la of market, the marnoth sa w m I
badness of the Waycross Lumber C
id the -Naval Store business of Me j
J. W. Docn & Cos. all of which arc l i
ng successfully operated at this plat
We have Sunday school every Sun
lay and preaching nearly as often.
I Mr. Jon. Hall is night watchman v
Nichols now.
1 Mrs. Akin is visiting relatives in
Kazlenursht this week.
The creek is in good plight for ti.
ing now and Zeb and .Tim are. busy.
The Nichols bachelors say • tie ;,
wish women were more ‘plentiful o;
easier found.
Manly Tharin has be-n as gay r,
'•two-year-old” siuce Sunday nig •
Cos slow son.
Dr. Barker is being kept quiti I .
no,v, and is giving satisfaction thV.
nghout Ids entire tori lory.
Under the rkiliful man gl.-m u (
Brill. E. S. Sapp Nichols is I,! -.
with the most progressive school
tds section. A few more names \ and
r ‘quire the service of an ae-ist.
to.i! her.
Wishing the Breeze and Don;
great success, Loude.:
Gov. Atkins >n i- very ill at Atlanh
with Appendieotis. An operation ha
, oim performed anil it , is much to b
! hoped that tho governor may so ,i
! recover.
tOd lb-war;! si 100
i The readers of this paper will !>
pleased tob ain that there is at
cue die idled disease that science la
Been able to euro in all its stages, am
Boat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur.
ii the only positive cure known to ite
medical fraternity. Catarrh being o
oestitutional disease, ri'quires neon
! tutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh
''ure is taken iatrnnilly, acting h
! leetly upon the blood and mucous hi;
saves of the system, thereby destr '
ing the foundation of the disea-;o, a \l
living the patient strength by build
mg up the constitution and assist in;
nature in doing its work. The i Y i
! prietors have so much faith in its ■ i, \
ii live p wers, that they offer one Ir n j
ii oil dollare tor any’ ease that it I :
to cure. Fend for list of testimonial
Address. I''. J. Cli 'iiev A Cos l'oled.••
i). ■Sold by diuggists, 75c.
■fawur tai Iflslitih
i’he great question of the day m
how and where can tho best edi. :; !
ion bo obtained? The best edit, a- 1
tion is that which prepares for ti
tee,ossifies of life. No man can 1 \
n ignorance and make a success <r
life. The education needed by 1
iverage young man or woman
hat which gives them a store <;'i
isefal knowledge, tmtl at the sau '
time trains the mental powers ' s , i
■ hat the knowledge they possess t a i
be used to a good advantage. “ !
successful man must be trained
think and to express his thong ;
forcibly. Janpor Normal Instil,:' j
gives such an Cd'Caiim as yot r
people of tin ataJi used. ’.'l
school has ar ’thiL l inos of root ■. i
givwl library an'a'’ .of aiiara r
The fa milt y 53 OuTioosed of a
corps of Normally trained teache -
better ones cannot be found in
south. 'J'iie student has eh.ici i
a variety of courses. The wan s
oi all are met, ork of a high c
dor is done in each departm *i ,
Thoroughness is the motto of tl e
lusviuite. Expenses are low. \
coniiuodations are good. 80-,
healtn is excellent. There has v :
been a serious ease of sieknes s •
mong the students in four ve " .
Jasper Normal is the largest se! . >!
of high grade in Florida, and is t ■
best equipped normal school wlf
in 800 miles of Jasper. Thorou . i.
honest work is the cause of o
N'ex: term opens February
Don’t think of attending school '
where until you know the full p •
uiars. Write for catalogue.
J. M. Guilliams.
Jasper, Fla.*
Jf't •.co f •/mont ! - given ar.vay to vny ?/•:'> ap*
plicr. > *ouj js for th most : : t.'unug
Uc r -r.ii '.odtng.
it h - r. :> 9tpri' .:t,
■ and t n'olyj f t • Ciici :'ag. r.i.-iS to .
keer,'-'sek \ti r b- ’jt * > A: t- • , tirae wc
f wtsh to itn; * upon .e public llie luct t
|. • BT VIILD DR ! j.N£ p
ti C.h th' .7- -vir..-- jw" whi hCi"; ‘.j •• up
•a:id . “.n .tout i/-cakir: c : tb; . v-l-/ • s :>.ick,
s v lar-bui on/ * 4 a A • “b< tile*
• ’ t tlK.u in.l other littl*; thi. ?f most !
any ■ • C r, J ; . ;<A iru prnvfnq ,g- pla i
i’"' r v'*.an >he 1 ■ that Lrr gin: -y ns to u*s :
outh . i ; li.uik cftitjsnetlting
ins jt sc iiaf.o as it .ms.
I t.nfs ..n outtJ ;o .•j’.htir, receives, nr.Hcc la
the ’ Nitr t R:CO. 0.r," p:. ,Ith! i t *T- ; *tcn,
;be l'-:A newspaper! Yi h America
ir* fl:" inter <X inventors Wc • T-.d-’s sub
"r.apAon t
V/c.'joac ; isc, free of cost, ii-eir.*. < r.:i .h month
v/ti : - . -$l5O .ori/ff, ?.i; hu- . .■ . ..tuds
of c . e ”N tional Ecccr.tsr/’ ai< tng a
s':et- . eft: ‘inner,rr<tl dtT'..ipticn > t ;v’:.;;on,
will ue sea M thru .ghout the L ite;} ..mong
; caf/i •!.: *& i numi canrers, thus Lrir to ihc:r
: atte. don t' rnerits o* the invention.
A Tint .ications regarded stri.:ly c- tniial.
A . r.yss
' So .itor >1 American e. J i -rtr. -at.ats,
18 F Street, N. W.
Dc ,-;8 . . Wash ng; D. C.
I'jr? Ac/t Vc —edi rofHr i7 fiaf-’ r. . eforQu?
SO-Pa;, ■■ pa mfh ht,/7/ ER %
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Vestal i 111 4, j. 'l* h",i x: ‘
M/ :t a. t. :ri r in, ‘ ;il i, ni?. ..
\ *oc- ■* ; Fill: of • i>. us .t* .< ->:•,
totV.jcsi: bUioiui. *. coU. ; . .*,i,
2IC. 11,0
nib. Mui's •. - ,
M.icot ia , conus, .< ~.
gest at most pra:
■ s giv g a .Du,sing... • .;i,;d.
N ruv. Tclbgvajdi ' ,
co rsi •!'825,1 )C and b.„ . - , ,
wfg • ■ w ■ . ,v
lirl in toll c>u %
Wri' ■at oiiwt' c *(*u • ;
'' nip ~r pari*
At€ iiCJ to I-i Jl.
Tb.“ liiE Sm; EuH ■■■ and
ij ;lM .'socieiion, of AI , Ga.,
l.a to its room .- at a
cheap .te oi interest, an ,t easy
(• -ms. It i.- now ready • doing
hu inc in i>, uyla.a'. l‘\ further
o .'tie tvs apply ;o A >nlight
-Ih)< i recqc!ary and ir; urcr, oj
N W. .ii. • r, 1 Oi• tl
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Ott ■ ju£ it .. to
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I; • vuy v.Jun ;;o!ier&l
1 "Jim : use! cx:oin*![y
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iC. i'ridc tK !.
Ar :or :0 y\ tlru-i; .
MAMTACiTi.dr) 7
■T: : WALK] { CO.
Save.xuah, G i
-A _
its All o¥3r7j'OY .
air cl v nx
it's m f stigiF-'
Has the largest stock and purest DRUG ever brough to Douglas
V\'c i ( -i) in rtoc': . " stnndaw Pater. Medicines. V. e iso
c;;r. _ ... k.rf stock of the fir,- t American,
i’rencit a: Eng' it
t ••• -•w ‘‘Tp* •; Tip tr^
,2' l -T aft. /-t-dfc mt *•’ 4 i " A
Toilet iC . nno ; v. ilc'c ■ti les, Bi j Hites, Combs,
also J ;lt . ej. Ve ore not sit “I 'i 1 '
in L>ruim w .. j pi. tea!
\i. ’ ' r-M.
and )Ui c&e. skill and piecision in dispsn '.ng ensures <i
j he 1 * > iiijie ref. ;1 'pu .iv.r. as th.. n against erm
t • • - - If j -,r Tl'-’nilw hen- y
?• •; i; j iME A .‘iiu i rJiiiii;
.' a 1 ->' i Ly< : th . depar -rent. AVe v-.j
' .lia.'g . . deli','; r: g o Is.
setitit;rns J f., at on. Ph saucy by yoiir Physic an, or sent
v- . i (Cc ivc or. he. 1 uti ntlon and the medicine w;d ‘ j pretnptlv
i'• ' ."OU. ro.'i. ' ill n , 'I; of tc .vn.
i . !,i ,' V- * .ty f,E ?’s€>
’i *"A B ■ V*. IA Ci jiOfaa i
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>. 5 v. .* *• i ■ ~j , ( ’ a ■■ -r'*- r r
c,., ‘lftyJS \ Ajhltl-r iJi'j
i' . .. A:' Ai.JO.t r, Gin X,
“ f t l± ! v \ TI ■ r Qi vrv •
>1 - >iA 1 l -',.5 Ij. \ i y K) JL. iM JL;.?
■if T 7 (JifO J
. , dIYA \h 9
' JkiTA, - - Ci'X,. ’Ac. : '...
“hiS:-,0? A 1)0 CC LEGS IN TuS u'< ■* ’ .
!Ai ! ual Bu.-iiv's. : rot.. s . tio fini I; Banki- : and Anditinty ’ \>
and i wi .i School if -i rtha 1, Typ riting and Enel
PraGb .I ;ir.l ■■ i\"‘ . "i l . .:• • i ;larsa' beaut- -,il sp ,s .. >
. maniihip. i'e uv dm rah ' cad: ite a. isted t iositi . Ac
co IL FF" '.-i - .to
Jlaex.-ii, or i'o.ldost { Georgia
ag r..'ft S-'.'i, D;r & V; ” [ .‘t , 1 / o'*
v. Tu 2 .’; ■ i l,i, * s 1 1 WMc 0
1 C. >
; - s %■ •: A . V VV: -
t*. k . V. %\ . „ - ” 'A. ‘
*. T -A -• :C..i 'J a,Be. V* .I.’ ,*T i•* < I’ :CS,
r!.. ' , ' • v,, c % f-.dl ? i } i
. j ‘ * i . -il c’ ltvou (ib'.:!' ‘ ,r
fl/ X? •- .50 . Olico ; Dhr"-
~ ‘V. Mr. ' w;> , . S2 Q, a J
i . •" l \ JvV Uj:-qua".ed c
and - v . ♦ ac;-s m ass-j s
u.,,- \ Arc the Jl<'
cf i . A,.* .. 'MX i
, 'Vf ‘- kt ° ieo * **-• .-v-** *
fe”.. • * .••. -- - '-:^ r . io. tiii* • „• ' , lea*
l 1 ' *J‘>. <. . fe fess?, .■*'. ■. ... .5 'Z
. .. • A." * "
Mm m I ty.: t a m , - - l
aio push csleof’ C. L. I 15hoes g rusicn rrs*
v- . h;2r to ? -,cro is. the s. ir n their lull line of good . tu; j -.ju
a. ’•.! h. , os :2 a i> • • vou c.. p p,ve nonev I' I ; /Ib j ail uw
foot tvnsr ot tlo dcftlr. ".dvi r zdbfiow. t ‘taiosuw .-a txper. nppllei* Uu.
. ' ra, •= -i - -ic, ,it v '
a ® i- !■, \ A# j- q
"c cs, -!s 5Sn ifacti. sof
l t
Send for 0: !•: ;:t . M Ptr-as.
We Ca:.:S?yeVciFlG:.e .
. • f£Z- -j
' /' : % A 0,
■ r
i'adoiy a. and vaksroai: s, • miOEO, IX
: o . An -S C CO.,
tnct attention given to all business.
w. quixcey. w. v;. mcdonald
ouf/his, : : : s : Georgia •
::il practice in Coffee, anil ndjoißine
ounties. Office in Dr. M. M. Hulls old
rug store.
J Lee Crawley
• AYCUOSS, ::::::: : GEORGIA
Will attend the mouthly and qiTar
erly terme of tho County Court of
Homerville, : : Georgia.
Will attend Superior Court in Cof
oc county.
Hazdehdksit : : : : : : : Ga
Will attend terms of County and
iperior Courts of Coffee connty All
-egai matters attended to promptly.
W. M Toomer
Vv AY CROSS, : : : : : GEORGIA.
j Will attend all terms of County and
Superior court of Coffee county. All
legal matters attended to uromptly.
! A. WARD Jh. F. W. DART
l i tryeiis,
Douglas, : : Ga.
Will practice together in all tho court
of Coffee county, except County court,
and elsewhere by special contract.
Prompt attention given to all legal
| matters.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office over 15. Peterson's store. All
: -alls promptly attended day or night,
Vv. r. siilbkttl
Calls promptly answered day
or night.
Dr. W. A. Moore
All calls attended to, day or night
iV. M. Carter
I Paris, : ; ; Georgia,
All calls promptly attended day or
; Hght.
J)r. J. A. Pugh
headquarters Pearson, Ga. Branch
| ; mces, iiouglas and Willacoochee. Per
j nous wishing work at other points write
j me. I am fully prepared to do any
j |dnd of work pertaining to the art-,
j Crown and Bridge work a specialty.
1 will be at the following places on the
f "Rowing dates: Douglas, Ist to tith
D.oxton, Utli to 12th, McDonald’s Mill
12th to 18th, Pearson, 18th to 21th, Wil
■ iacooehee, 24th to iiOth.
DAVID LOTT, Proprietor.
: RATES reasonable. Table supplied
with the best the markets afford.
Rooms pleasant and beds comfortable
i am prepared to take the best of care
j stock. Plenty of feed, comfortable stale
Miss E. X. Douglas
IS Milliner $
lUncr Goods of U Kinds. Call and
see her Stock befro buying
jour HATS and Dress
Insure your lixe.
e represent three of the and t es
companies in the world, and cast
make it so easy that you catit help
cut insure—Come to see us.
Quincey & McDonald.
1-ouglas Ga.
Blacksmith and Wheelwright,
I am fully prepared to do all kinds
of work jn my line.
'uc’n as making ai.d repairing bug*
-wagons, road carts, timber carts,
etc., etc.
SHOEING a special
I would be pleased to have the pat
ronage of the pub’ic. Respectfully,
i-23-93-tf Jf. {*. GOOPYEAB,
A!.: VJ! ’ r..fiTEf.D