Newspaper Page Text
Short, Crisp Paragraphs Picht
Tp Here, 'J. here and
Event wha •<;.
Items Too Small l' .v Ilca ls, >:"* T.O’.ul
Enough to liaise ?£eriy 0... i When
Properly Loaded.
Watermelons will soon be ripe.
Nice weather for planting “taters.”
- Several real estate deals this' weex.
Arthur Lott and wife were in town
We need a good meat market at
The growth of Douglas goes steadi
ly onward.
Dr. Pugh passed through town- one
day this week.
Our fishermen arc grieved over trie
rainy weather.
Hon. H. L. Paulk of Willaeoochee
was in town Friday.
.‘T. S. Deen is the champion horse
. 'sw; p >er of our town.
E. Woodcock will soon have hie
cottage ready for occupancy.
Our teachers without exception vote
<ihe institute at Tilton a success .
Farmer ; who have their croj s clean
arc rejoicing over the recent raias.
Mrs. W. A. 11. Da vis i; slo'vly oon
'vafescing from a ke g gpeb of fever.
B, Peterson has fu peaches
in town. To this the editor can test
Mrs. B. \V, 810u■ \ < i D.-wni--;-. •"’-.i.
was in town vi:d*im y E. i ;; !-,
one day last week.
W. A. J. Smith • Mi l' maid’s
Mill Monday on busin ye- ; . elected
with county court.
Inquiries are coming in daily in re
gard to Douglas. Now is th; time fin
us to make our town ! m.
See notice to cor tract n . in nils is
sue for bids on the E mist . hurch
which is soon to be erected.
The now railroad is l-ni-gii:.; in a
vast amount of fr< ight now. Work
will commence on the depot this week
Marshall Ashley, one of Coffee
county's largest and most successful
turpentine operators was in town this
What ' are we going to do on thy
fourth of.July, gome of our citizens
have suggested an excursion to Brum
I 'Solicitor Denton was too sick to at
tend county court last -FriJai';' In
consequence of whi h sev- r;1 criminal
pases went over until next term of
Hall Brothers have improved the
appearance of their new drug stor ■ l>y
putting pn a bran new oat of yeiiow
Dave Lott proprietor of the o mt/
hotel now has six boarders. Four of
whom will remain with him until
superior court.
Bliss Kate Kirkland, the popular
belle of Kirkland, (Ja., is visiting in
Douglas this week', the gu- st of he*
.sister, Mrs. B. Peterson.
. McDonald, of Macon, and Strauss,
of Savannah, were in Douglas ‘.W*-
• day selling goods to cu • merchant:
for their respective firms
.Toe Daughtry returned Sunda
from Clinch county wh e he ha.-,
been selling bed braces for several
days. Joe says he did a finefcnsino- s.
Miss Mattie Child n left the city
Tuesday for her home at Ahapaba.
Miss Griffin has made many friends
during her stay in Dou r ;!:. 3 <vho vi*
be glad to have hoc vet .n.
Wiley Pusgell ad; key iron,
ton was placed m ■ Mom! .7 l •
'stable Burfell 1 .A : u'';k e <L
will have to stay 1 . jail till uj .
court unless he can give bond.
Mrs. B. Peterson r< .amen Tuesday
from Atlanta, with t . son Oli
ver, who has been under the treat
ment of Dr. Calhoun fv de ine;„-.
The little man is uni improved.
A damage suit v . u;cd y bar. ..
F. Funderburk, throu rh la r a.torn-r .
J. M. Denton, again -v Die Ait Cai; ••
bell, of this county this ,v k for
for words. This esse promises to le
rare and racy.
Deputy U. S. Mai-dial Hurst, of
Thomasville, vis’ted our county tins
week and arrested N. Devon under a
warrant for stilling whiskey. We un
derstand that bluer . ;,i.i's, some A
whom reside m Douglas, were vroau .1
blit got wind of the oiiieer’s ap. i .1
and made themroi-es -‘scarce” white
be stayed in this vicinity.
One ot our young unmarried law
yers of late has a pensive, far away
air about him that would indicate
some great trouble weighing on his
mind. Don't despair, however J udgo
she’ll return again in lire sweet bve
Charlie William-?, colored wa
brought before Judge Dart In F. F.
Hammond Tuesday charged with lar
ceny. A special term of court was
held. Charlie plead guilty and was
sentenced to six months iu county
chain gang.
The pea crop around- the court
house is promising. We are in favor
of holding a “pea carnival" and r- -
pectfuliy subnot that Judg-:,-- Ward
and Vinkers j ,>;j ?;. ■ nor ; ary ex
pense in advertising the same ; to be
held at Doug 1 as this summer.
A GR EAT OFFER.—To introdu; o
our goods we will send during the
next 30 dava a large line HAMMOCK
on receipt oi 50 cents, in money or
stamps. Order now direct from facto
ry Address Henderson AJ’f’g Do. 015
its. Wellington T >. C. Apr-o-3-m.
One of our prominent citizens was
seen at an early hour Wednesday
morning with a starter and catcher,
jas aCo i beautiful dog of the setter
! variety of immature days. Much sol
icitude was exhibited bv the citizen in
question, and his emu‘y for the dial
inutive race of elephants, commonly
known, as fleas, was very marked.
The sympaty of the community is ex
tended with hopes that there are no
erious symptonisv r.ud lha. all m ly
yet he well. , N
In our last weeks Issue our He de
hurst ■ corespondent said that fc..e
babe of Dr. J. H. Latt.mer was quite
id. It now becomes an- painful duty
to chronicle the death of this little
one, Hazel, the 13 mou.hs old babe
of Dr. atid Mrs. J. if. Lattimer died at
their home at ITazlehurst on Friday
June 14th and was buried Saturday
June loth, in Union cemetery. The
entire town attended the burial and
sympathizes as cm nian with the be
reaved parents. .. he many friends of
Dr. Lattimer throughout the county
sympathize with him iu this sad af
Info vat ati on !Va uted.
The mayor of a western city noted
for its healthful situation not long ago
received the following iettcr from one
who wanted information ;
‘•Bless let mo know the weekly and
munthiy deth stalk ticks of your Citty
and what they died of an also what
the Favorite diseases of your Climate
is ami when they tkte worst.
Ah., the high and buy temoatoor ai.d
in regards to the wind blowing an at
what per cent per mile u blows an
if syciones are frequent enough to
be unpleasant and what Precaution
is necessary to < •■>. ... • being; bio••ve' 1
away. ig ■. about you; Cli
mate an Diseazse . ;i be th. nla'uliy.”
Notice to guilders.
Contract will be let July Ist, 1895,
to'lowost bidder for framing, huikog
in, covering and flooring the Bapt st
church at Douglas, Ga. Building to
be 36x60 feet. 18 feet between joints.
Committee reserves the light to re
ject any and all bids,
W. ?■ Sibbett, i
I). V Gaskin, > Com.
'Geo. It. Briggs. )
It appearing to th ; court by UlO peti
tion of A. Burkhaltpr & Son that M. D,
Stephens and M, A. Stephens on the
firstday of January 189f, executed and
delivered to said A. Burkhaltev & Son a
mortgage en a tract of land lying in said
count •/ and described as follows: Twen
ty-two (2~ ' acr..-s inc o* or Ices of lot .no.
sixty-six (‘JO) in the s'xth (Cth) district
!of (JcftW c.-mty. Said laud bounded
on the north by lands of Jacob Ander
con, east by lands- f*Tom Johnson,
i west b;. lands i-f M. Button and
south by lands if Ac.d Job-, on, for the
purp -o of curt 4 the. payment of a
certain prouiiss >ry n .-to for the sum >.f
one i u:Jr-. i at-d tin. lye and one-half
lit id lakij tde by.ti.. Said 1: .Is
step! eus and M. A. Stephens on tkS
brst dav of J'r.thpy i-u-ia-.d payable to
the said A. Bur/.halter & Boa, due one
I day cider and do wit 1 interest at the rate
of eight per cen; per annum from date
whic i sa.d note tile said M. J>. and M.
A, Slepens refuse to pay. It is there
fore ordered that the said M. D. aud A.
A, Stephens pa; i.,t> this esert otter
L-eforo the next, fern; tin >’ of the princi
pal and interest duo on saui note and
the tost of this si;.;, or in default there
of the court shall proceed a* to justice
shall appertain, audit is further order
ed that this rale fee pnllishel in the
Douglas Breeze, a new.--j.aper p ml
in tl e county of Coffee, once a lnciitu
for four mouths or served on the said
JI. L' St .'ph us aud 11. A. • ,e; ben . or
t-.oir special or attorney t ,r t
month; previous to iL: next ' 00 oi
t;.is ■ ourt, J- L. Sweat,
• Ju.’ge S. C. B. is.
Quincey & McDonald,
Betit.ouvro Attorneys.
Messrs. J. S. Bailey & Cos., will run
a special train on Jiily 4th, leaving
Douglas-; at 7:15 a. m., -fth:m>, and
making-connection with B. ’& W. train
t McDonald’s Mill at 10 a. ni., for
•Waycross. Returning to Ddhglas
leaving McDonald’s Mill 11 30 a.* vn.) |
July sth. Round trip one fare.
Georgia—Coffee County. Maggie Wil
liams vs Charley Williams. Libel for
Divorce. Order to perfect sendee. The
dependent, Cftarloy is hereby
requir. and in by attorney to be
ar, i appear fit the next term of the Su
perior Court to be held Iu and for said
county of Coffee on the second Monday
iu October next then and there to ans
wer the plaintiffs libel for divorce, as in
default of such appearance the court
will proceed the; eon as to justice shall
appertain. Witness the Hon. J L.
Sweat, Judge of said court. This the
18th day of June 1895.
D. W. Gaskin,
C. S. G. Coffee county.
Quinrey & McDonald,
Petitioners Attorneys.
Mortgage Sale,
By virtue of the power of sale
contain? and in a certain mortgage
made by C. W.McCumher to Oscar
Rudolph on the 16th day July 1592
and due one-half on the 15 day of
September 1893 and the lemainder
on the 15 da\ of September 1891,
which mortgage was duly recorded
i<i the office <n the clerk of supe
rior Court of Coffee county. Gn.,
ii book of mortgages “11” folio 621
on the 2nd day of August 1892.
There will ho sold at public outcry
before court house do v in said
county ot Coflee and state of
Geoigia on the Ist Tuesday
in July next, between the legal
hours of pale to the highest
and best bidder lor cash the fol
j lowing described property to-wit:
Thirty-eight (38) acr s more or less
of lot of land No one hundred and
ninety-one (191) in the 6th dis riot
| oDoriginally Appling, now Coffee
county and bounded a ioilows : JL
ginuing at a stake in the northeast
corner of Swea< & (Jo’s, laud run
ning north eighty (80) poles ton
Stake, thence west St*\ duty-six (76)
> poles to th ' original line, thence
south along the Origina line eigh
ty (80) poles to ast -keut the
north est corner of Sweat & Co-,
lands, thence east seventy-six (70)
poles to Hie beginning, together
with all improvements, appurtan
ce< and creditamcnts tie r, to b -
longing or in anywise appertain
ing. property t>> be sold as
the pr -pet 1 tv ..f said (J. W. AlcCum
her in satisfaction of the above de
scribed mortgage,
O. Rudolph At.t-'y in fact
for {}. W. MoCumhor.
Land for Sale,
The following lots of land h.:s been
placed in our hands for sale. Wo will
sell the timber turpintine piivilegesand
dirtj one or all and we mean to sell at
once, borne of these lands are improv
ed and some unimproved. We will sell
all or a part, to suit the purchaser. No
charge for showing you the lands. Call
on us or wrAe us, The following is a
list of the lands in the first (Ist) district
of Coffee county, Ga: 490 acres No 27,
490 acres No 47, 490 acres No 62, 490
arecs No 155, 490 acres No 167* 490 acres
201, 490 acres 224, 490 acres No 255, 480
acres ISo 256, 490 acres No 257, 490 acres
No 209, 490 acres No 204, 480 acres No
577, 490 acres No 310, 490 acres No 411,
490 acres No 157, 490 acres No 485, 490
acres No 220. The following is in the
sixth (6th) district of Coffee county:
490 a res No 185, 490 acres No 386,490
acres No 267, 490 acres So 002, 490 acres
No 407, 490 acres No 505, 430 acres No
SM, 490 acres No 207, 490 acres No 1, 490
acres No 93, 490 acres No 310,490 acres
No 435, 490 acres No 148, 490 acres No
213, 490 acres No 15, 490 acres No 407,
430 acres No 363,490 acres No 367, 490
acres No 386, 430 acres N0503, 430 acres
No 143. The following lots of laud is
in the second (2nd) district of Appling
county, Ga: 490 acres No 152, 490 acres
No 3/2, 400 acres No 70, 490 acres No 405
490 acres No 320, 430 acres No 268. Tne
following lots is in the fourth (4th) dis
trict of Appling county: 499 acies No
280, 400 No 83?, 490 acres No 888,
190 acres No 89, 49*.; acres No 168. Total
number oFacres 5890.
Q#ixcfiy 6c McDonald
Douglas, Ga.
Greogia— Coffee county. All per
sons indebted to the estate of Airs.
AI. L. AlonCrief deceased, late Oj
saxl couimy are hereby notified t
come in and settle tho iame at
once and pors ns hoi li ig claims
against the Same must present ih- m
;n terms of th law, or for \er b c
debarred. This Al a y 6 1895.
J. 3, Pearson, Administrator.
Sheriff Safe,
Georgia—Coffee county- Will bo
sold at the court house do >?■ in the
town of Douglas, said county and
state to tiie h'gh :st bidder for cash
during the I gal hours df mle on
tfie first Tuesday in July r.oxt, the
following described property to
wit: Lot of land No 360 iu the 6
district >f Coffee county, contain
ing 190 aerts more or less. L ivied,
on as the property of C. L. Carver
to sa isfy a fi fa issued from the
County court of Coffee count) in
favor of Dickey & Staton against
C- L. Carver and Warren Tanner
Also at the same time and p’ace
■ot No 30, in the 6th district ot
said county and containing 490
more or less and levied on as the
property of Warren Tanner to sat
isfy above described ti fa. This
June 4 1 95.
W. AI: Tanner.
Georgia—Coffee County :—Will
be sold before the court
house door in the {own of
Douglas, county of Coffee, State
of Georgia, during the iegel hours
of sale to the highest bidder for
cash on the Ist Tuesday in Jujy
next, the following described prop
erty to-wit: One fifteen (15) home
power engine and boiler, Ames
works, levied on ns the gr >pe, tv of
J If Kirkland under an I y virtue
of a fi la issued from h e county
court of Ci ifce county in favor of
Ames Iron Works, agruust Jeff
Kirkland. This June 4th 1895.
W. A. J . Smith,
Bailiff County Court.
Georgia—Coll’ee county. To all
whom it may oo icern : B. r
Blount, administrator on the
-estate of J. H. Blount, deceased,
late of W tre coUnfv, applies to me
for letters of dismissio i from said
admiui.-t atorship, and I will pass
upon his application on the first
Wo 1 day in September 1895, at my
office in Douglas, said county
Gi.en under my band and official
s g nture this 3rd day of June
18;i5. John Vick. tv,
Georgia—Coffee c mnty. To all
whom it may concern: Dicy T
Jordon and C. F. Parridi, admin
istrators of J. J. McDaniel, deceas
ed, has in due form applied to the
undersigned for leave to sell the
lands belonging to the estate of
said deceased, and said applica
tion will be heard on the first Mon
day in July, 1895. This June 3rd
1d95. John Vickers,
The voters ol 0 iff'ee Onu ty will
•o no. together at the club in tlr ir
respective precincts on the fourth
Saturday in June for the puroost
of recommending a suitable pci
.•on for Road Supervisor in tija;.
district, and make ret ,r>> of pi lt i r
recommendation to m , at Dougla,
on the first Alonday in July next.
John Vickers,
Georgia— Coffee County-Will he
i?oh] before the court house door i;i
tli* town of Douglas, on the first
Tuesday in July next, between the
legal hours of pale to the Lightest
and best bidder for cash the follow
ing * escribed property to-wit: Fif
ty-four acres of lot of land No. fort /
two (42) in the fourth (4th) d‘*',.
tri ' t of originally Irwy- Dut 1;(( . ,
Coffee couyty, the same being the
[dace on whicii James Merritt now
resides. - Said property levied on
and to be sold as the property of
James Merritt under and by virtue
of afi fa issued ‘rom the county
court of Coffee county in favor of
V inkers & iJuo 1 baiter against Ja t.
Merritt. Said properly to be soi l
in satisfaction of the above desorib
ed fi fa. W. M. Tanner,
* Sheriff.
Georgia—Coffee County : To all
whom it may concern : Session Faics
administrator on the estate of John
Wood, deceased, has applied to the
undersigned for letters of dismission
from said administratorship ard
I will pass upon his application on
the first Monday in September next
at my office in Douglas Bust} County.
Given under ray hand and official
signature. This June 3rd 1895,
Johu Vickers, Ordinary.
Waycross, ©aos'gis.
Gur goods are made to order by
first-class Manufacturers.
Op n and top Buggies. Road carts of different styles. Light
farm wagons. Cross-tio and wood wagons- Turpentine wagons, Spirg
wagons. Light and heavy team collars. Sad lies ! Saddles !! Sat dies !! 1
Buggy harness, wagon harness, carriage harness, harness leatuer, laco
leather, harness made to order, sewer aud drain pipe.
Wp /cross CS-eoarsia
lo tare elleet at 1:40 o’clock, a. m., Sun,lay, March 24th Njj.
dow y
•Local O.KK Atl’ia Br’ns 1 I
wick Qrr . rn r Passe jC.U u I’asV
Daily Daily liiu’tU ICx 8 4 ATI O NS. iifior Kxp’s imv
oxSun Daily Daily Daily Daily Uai 1
AM PM AM. pm” , .• L,
-- - —— —j _j. P M. A. M. P M
'>2o 745 2, i ■ DA W Shops -
r*l ’ - Brunswick - 7051 227
L:‘ 55 8 .imam (.Tossing . s 6;1220
ILf l V 3 , * Able Turnout l 1).! U
j i V. 13 - .) aiiiuru . . <> 11 oSL,
LL - N ayn.'sville . f'i I.
Ji!* j. i ‘* 80 - Atkinson . •> *> 11134
lit' “ D Liilaton * ' 4.s mvs.
L. j'l Lli - N'.iliuuta - * ' 5••I IU its
i x ,i, •, [ - Hoboken -f 533 111 It
a?-'#:,.T3*** wsa y ; kh?
At;:,l S-••• ■- v,W|S te.n,, 451
110Oj f ILI3 ■ • f0 19 f 4 “j
IW 13fii2o .* ; 1 ‘ > ” ,n, ' l - 1 4 57j fi-
DU 24. 11.,j . , flJf I
14>i 111 12 . 1- il'kiaiu/ ■ f 4 34 1 l ,'S ,
llo4jl 11 oL v:„„, TANARUS, ( , •-f 4 ->7l r ~ -
lo is t Uai hu “ ty-bnmt .\i,l e p ost f 4 jD .1 *
110jo 1 11a/ . ’ w . bray’s - L r ■“ -
ill lo 11215 Willaeoochee - . • '■ t
- ' £r!v * -
530 * H 60 6 12 S5 uZve° tikL'ln -’boavcLm '
- ;Vl? -, -5f 1
3 7 10.122,11 ni : . L2L , ■
* 7 45U2 41 113.8 . l utn.ui . . f 224 )
"8 18 12 3, t 1 40 . U'mi , , el l U * f2 17 t 147;
sß4.ii 124, n 11 *vuiuigham • 12,,.; 1 401
920 1, ( 2la ' Davis . f1 37 f 1 371
> IJi 2 AiTLnT . L/ 1 17i
. stewt* *•
v£ Bain,.,ridge. 8 “ talß h '' Mu <*<>** ami Montgomery
•B. Dunham, B, W. Wronn G W Coates
° “Superintendent Lass. Trafic Alanager. Hi v Pass. Agent.
And Siioes
Wc offer great incueemente to
Tmde 'With Us A
Oi r sock the Bes, our prices the Lowest a
Wo would especially call your Attention to our
fioloc! Boy ai limig Mi
Stars FALL BlLLaAß^ttefS
811 A 1) W ATS O N & CO. ’
Tiie Leading Dry-Goods House
W a y e r ss, G a.
'l've keep constantly on liaml a full
<usd Assorted ILinc of Stationery
and are prepared TO print
At prices that defy competition. BREEZE JOB OFFICII.
Order of
Wm. P A.RKTER, Waycrosa
If you want to keep yoai gsudi
don't advertise them in tho