The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, June 28, 1895, Image 2

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i l * ;\ ; f> f* y.j>yiy * * r 1/ . ; ' 1 <4W -i i i so\ add, ;,,... . >. Vi '/•..; -Gt.Y, , > & Pull. O.Hoial Or'an of Coifee County - Advor 1:!' UatiH Kmouiltle. Gr.cßjrri fl a tear, is advance )’l . LISfIKD WEEKLY, i hi!‘.red .!‘ ill,. I*,. ti jfri'-c at Doug 1 .-- l:i11(1-■ 'mail i,.-.U-f. I'iil D \y, J U S& 2-S i 595. Hog, hominy ami taler.-;. is what oar people i; • "to have i Cl year. Blackbcrie , j-.oiicliaK, and waterm- 1; Oiia! Coll ■ amt tile übior happy! The Valdosta Time - has the cour age, of its comoetiom- and 0 hitting SK'dpfoh liani r blow.- Or true deiuoc rtfoy. The pr —onl j.,. full of bright hope* for the, Jut/.ii*!. Jhe.hie - in almet every lin ii i !i i-i.Hy improving;' while a li. -dtidy t-m; pr< vales the en tile With good-crops and lie-gii ..test; fruit yield ilud in- ever been hoou in j ti:.: -wipn of ' lia Empire State l.!ie n f I><’(- ■ ( “(liiiloc county li.ive just, ef'\ '< ..ire, ) , A j 1 ■ ami convention in the Si. ; uf < vvili' il : -enihlpd last : week refusi <! to open iia mouth w) the j in. i:< y ion. How now g mile-- limn':' • Why not resolve. They < i-i and, have not decided which v- ay \ the eat is going hi jump. ■U is worth v .of ' note that in the] K 'rtucky e.iiiijeygn, the free silver- j * *TT r" * U,h;ir l l . ,l l ’~ : *’'n‘l<>r Stewart of'-l Nevada to help * hie Blackburn” get j iiUo the ae. tie, amt in passing it is! inn-re-tin l ' tn'k::'o\V that Mr. StCWaVI i of Nevada ime of themrgest silvet j .mine ov,ner. in the <■•. untry. -- I j. The dene ti.' party lias * Vi. .•, noted for it.- ...n.-a'ivnfistn and in j i he l 1. - ei it aims! He strong hold it no:: j ,j ..'’iv'etious iif the people hcciius, j, .. , i ■i; i- • '.md will palm of S iimy kno> , . i no wild eat i *V‘“ fl,e ooursM.vf Hem. ■ . y today > iv, ns over. She will n, ver ‘h‘ r 1,1 do;-elitent to unlimited euinftjb al to 1 ; unless it be demonstrated UFA ; it can bo safely done. M’lieu we went to press last wi*el Gov. Atkin nit was reported to be in ; dy ug tm-Auum. .Vow the whole peo pie mo roj ; ingover rapid recovei ry. Nt ver L* tie' history of the S: iU has greater luve and more universn sympathy *■. in shown foi one o Georgia’s public men than was shown for our Governor in his recent illness. And the whole people regardless o’ pally, reall.-.o that in his roeovery on State has escaped a great calamity. The English pnrhnneut lias gone ( pieces. It will be remembered thn this is the Home llulo parlinm nt elected principally on that issue. Th Home rule measure failed sometitn ttgo. The ministry did not resign th.y>. as would gene vail y have beet il;e caste, but undertook to push othc measures <h .mporlanee. failing, th; ministry has been dissoulved. ar Lord fJuuDhury will endeavor t* u, gauko cn the plan of the cor es vativc party. Th*o man who owns real estate ar.■: puts it up.m th< market a: prices and i t the people are able and willing to pro 's the man who builds un his own end community. There is no e.isur way to kill a town than for one i r men who own all the land to e; * envoi* to get rich on every little pie< they oiler foe sale. They are simp, destroying their own prospects. Y t such men are found in almost eve community. Fortunately we hu\o none (?) such in Douglas. BAlflS DOTS. D.\vi. , (it., .Tune 24ih, 1595. Editors Breeze :—Leisure moment Thm us witting, as this is tiie fir j time- .two weeks that we’ve hat | time for jive iftve been so busy con ululating those newly married f b. •'• liavc'yt cven-re.-jed. Ve: terday p. m., rjuite a row occui <l between (Jol. J. M. Denton and i!. L. Smith, who was working on Col, T -nto'is farm. Smith came to ('• :. Deatons house drunk or drinking arm a ; ter heing asked, to leave lie rerun; e ■ want to refuse and went into t .e "in v.'iiere air. Denton was a; c 1 ■ •' anted to tight, Smith being drur 1 iv • Mr. Denton a pretty heavy blow | \:ter the tight was over it was pro vet j at Smith had been gambling wild ; he negroes of the place and now !: | - stopping at the Douglas jail. Smiih j id*only* been married six days am i lie leaye.i at Denton a foung \vi,V ; " mourn his misfortigie. ; This should be a warning to all win l uake wine, corn, beer and ale. It is j doing our country more harm than ii i ,viii.-.i;ey was sold by the bar roll. Such j could encourage the good citizen*! of ; .nr county to petition our next Geor j "ui legislature to pars a bill making it ; a. crime punishable by law to sell sue], ops. • if any one doubts the statemeni eat To w peddlers arc all gone we ft ... in referring you to.eit.hcr tliay : ' in alter at Denton or Mr. A. V. D.ivoi bo <:a,, toll you how many they <n- I'tertain each nay day. i The majority of our young people : :re looking forward to enjoy the \V : eru is picnic as j}s all free except i I read fare. All you can hear i [’ i . tli day of J lily'. i .Mlist be plenty of chickens : i r.bout Wilsonvillo; tell uh mon a! ; i .1 no. Thiccoss to Breeze and \\ or, ville c iresjiondont. }• Washhif/toik. Letter. Washington, It. 0., June 21 ; . The reform move which it s ear . :nn<l less, wafl sweeping over the . j try, is said to be receding, hep 11 nine here from New York wlk.m t | '"as highest, to the effect that u. ; Gothamites of all ekisses and uvoea ;ions are dis-atislied with the reform 11 f'the'teforrncr.s-iintl predict a speed i o. ..*•>;• !...!■ Tammany Hull. !The inaction of the republican lea':-’ tie of clubs on 01/or has sali-died no Fun'lmt the politicians who hope U | hold the party intact and J.een in o! 1 * j. Jviphotre's failure to unload his re*: •'■ita.t ■ in tins city on the' goveynmen: 'nr a printing olliec has now the.mor ideation of seeing part of it adverti | and to pay la.w.s due and unpaid.- f C'iipt. .Henry llowga'e, v, ho forge, j ?nd switidied the government out' rijyu.iusiTidj of dollars years ago an hoji tv.n away, hi; : after several tria been at last cmivietctl. A cmrk here named Cunninglia .- ■ its committed .suicide l?eauao ho and: not believe he could pass a civil se.- vi.-e examination. tomethiug great is in store for the . tPy of Thornas^Hcany. It fell foot i dte thiru slorv window to the sidewall. 0 f, et b I in' and was unit.jure 1. . 1 ■ ; bruise could Int found on the hotly. Jagsr Noraal iilitib fhe great question of the day ty iiow and where can the best educa tion be obtained? The best educa tion is that which prepares for the necessities of life. No man can lt\ 1 m ignorance and make a success <-t life. The education needed by the overage young man or woman is that which gives them a store of useful knowledge, and at the same time trains the mental powers so that the knowledge they possess can bo used to a good advantage. The successful man must be trainee, think and to express his though forcibly. Jasper Normal instilu gives such an edtKAt-zm as you: people of {ba g.r.r>;'4li Heed. Ti . school has an ab’vdtmae of room. .. good library arc p’.efity of a para tuy 1 The faculty is GJiaposed of a tU e - corps of Normally trained teaches : better ones cannot be found in b e | south. The student bar eh •ice . : i variety of courses. The wen ■ •of all are met. Woik of a high <-.- der is done in each departm : thoroughness is the mono of t '.lnstitute, Expenses are low. •ommodations are good. V . health is excellent. There has i . been a serious ease of sickness a j mong the students in four yea - . j Jasper Normal is thg hugest sell, i of high grade in Florida, anu is t . - j best equipped normal vvii - ;in 300 miles of Jasper. Thorough, ; honest work is the cause of o.i: I success. | Next term opens February Tub ; Don't think of attending sclun 1. e’ where until you know the full \. uiars. Write for catalogue. Address J. it. Guilliaivs. Jasper, Fia. pmm G2VEK Vv/AVTOINVE; ORS.. $j 50.00 c .^rymonth given away to any .tv?io r.p- ; • pKcs tbren# us for t!iv inoat L.Britoxious duriug ! 1 tiJCJ: A'.rU • coding j v. , *,e< "o ►;f;rc .-I;cnt3, 3X1(1 ’.'.c obj t I>f tl.Di ofier is (■/encounip r.t >rsi O ■ UceD rack 7 ui At the • Utli- tve * wtaaioimj upon : dj puhitc the fact ti IT 3TH SIMPLc, TRIVIAL IN\' -IHONS Vf YIOLD FOR: -w ti. •' r-v o-'Jach can h~- y slid up ’ ■ "itHoxt .'-reakuig th passf 4 ,’s back, ! ‘v.oJJar-buttoti/' ‘‘r.ut-ic. ' “bottle | ; •; a: thousand other Ijttk thin that most ! r- u y *? c CK •-oav. p/ of Jifiprwvjrj-; an-© , ; ‘* jvr 'dons ;■; t.‘i; onr y tJI - t Id- ;! J 1- . rfCf-t : .ms to til© | uthor. I to think cf somethin- i, . llv IT IS OT SO HARD AS IT HMS. i P.• :H • -n out h.rough us ter.- h-esp’ • notice sa Kr.r ! Ucco- \<:y” puh’:h..*i at :.hi;,gton, ’■>- [ i ?he &v.Ttnev/sp*f~rjMiUhh- ; America *• t : ■ ;;it' .of invcrito-rs. ’.v'e U rn;:. . ear'' sub* ' ■ . nts. 'Ve . iv D-cC'.rcp.r.rh^:,.,..mi'- ch month isands I' ’• -"ics : Di'o tat Ileccr'bir,'' mining a : -let heft e.-ir.nor, ;.ind a cJer.iipnnn of nvention, ; wiU i: soa Td th/' j- i' .ut t. ;c < i.fied •is amonu c.ap' ahsts 1 irair. -eturers, thus trip _/ to their attc: uon t jaerits ofth.c invention. Ad com; ..-.ications regarded strictly c .'eatiaL Address .101- i WEDDERBURN £■ 0., Sol.citO! o! Am.r ican ar,d Furnic Patents, ujS F Street, N. W. BotaS-'k Weshlngt •, D. C. . -Jir * Atcfi. nee—edit cv of this pa/>?r. '. :efor our S3-S~*‘ r S# hi A hist, Adi I,E. *\'M \ \ : j ' ‘ f / C *“ - - • ■j* e ' y -i 1 - 3-tv, \C(.I ~% lt c. d&v . •• : ” fmd* i'i vi'd'ji.trina \ .tit ...m :k..d,;!:;?. f ■' •• - o't ti my l* 1 ';. v :.,m. <# OK " 1 ''Wfm' *' V ‘ ; C: . C . 'i' til .-'.HI it;. 1 St; V .; .k 'i- sw.. ' i*i vo • i.->>nlr3. * ' ' ■ iM.-ey ;o: < rom kt, .' . ■ ; ties. J. . j- , e vanish,nr ■ - . i think II -fs i . . ~( pi. ily i :i: , , hi. L. C’ :l*. . , :‘,.|, . t Hoc-, ;’f ;o":4 ■ J, I■. - : Macon An , mik- -. . .■ , ; gi at ad mo.-a |i*i:* : h .■ is giv ng ft linsii. ■■ , . p , A a'lll n . ’i ( .'gTi. I d.i • M ccurse ...>y : :/ /l >,( .md ; . a i A d;0 t viler 1' 0 V V’ ,! / wi rl m ‘acli c c XVl'i: A at <’•'< .. - , - A 111]; or p. a: . ’ jP - : i: icy to i l'n h... 'St;de Bui 1 r.g and b a.s . sso.-i lion, of A! nta, <!a„ !e ms ioiiey to its men >rs at a oi.cap 'at.; o; interest, an- on easy term?. It is now ready r doing t'uan- in Douglas. F< further p rlii hii s . i-yly to J. Da UT'bt ry, lo .] secretary and in urer, or C. \V. I niin;vr, local - age . 1) ,a T'v ... T fY’ r>T7 h ~ >a. i “Jl - V J- x jilt, •So! on positive g'U; nice to cure any paiu in one mil te, * \ a;! : a .f • •* ' ' -r f ] - ’ i ,v' *1 f X i ilUui i -.U . iiVAdJ U'i .ioultillG uiv .Vuiufoi •. IPn-irmail- -orv u;s or Sand a P.-i:: s. Toothache 1 l:i. -k-iahc, S- w:in i:ntic<. I.asaem •. .mu Colic. I*'- ■ . a - . .•:' ?, ; : Chen ' -■* - Tg “ I -r^ I 2 vs.i-v- . ; t 4V ! ".: y~c r' 'j -t -n <-n r- i - -r - rr ; C3 —. . i-o_.---._ij .... > e_,-_ L>r jl ■ h-i ' -■" ■' LIT G alia _0 r 3 . , ... . . . . er; X : . ' h.- ..'on : >-• .m • ; he, of -we ; ' . V, iter fohee ■ gbd "g tv>t. fo ■: fills. It a isa i- > a. ,ii- se. end ; o "C, •>; a .. .-a j : -*l. .s re Fa very v hi. general ’ - fo: kinds ypiivi . s.. uy, saddle ills, slid ! bairn c;e. Price oa< d.<b . I | At ' for >• VUy druggie M.v.’.a-.H - i'n;>.:i) v iXI/ifo W.\l,K; J CO. Savannah, G '.ft ; ” |W' 'jh'dwdo ' ■ rf c< / M ' |1 f|i7.op and spvcap: i: *• that .1 -- V 9 V- V JO. • z -T. Has the i; ■->t mock ami purest DRUG ever brought to L’otfglas V.'e kt :p in stock all standard PatentvMediclnes. We also cai-ry a large stock oftke filia l American, French an 1 Engp it 7*£3-> “'J?* "ww TWB f.-T *^s Toilet and . ilet j\rti..les, IJr shes, Combs, t -.ngos etc.,* al-.o Hawk's Fpc. kt.v. ies md eye glasses. We aro not- sua; ly “Dealers in Drug.,” but.wo are prae ticel LfPltr-.c and our car.: skill and p*ocis:on in dispon dig ensures our cu.-derner the to,t po;,Si-.,;0 i'e:juH...j , id gu.DMii'. ;*es tin ai against erroi fljlk v;]jj m P; a fitc f iwd 1 xiJubiy li'U.'lu diil X Clililijf 1.1.cU ip . nm e a siu.'i Iry o’, this' d'epaftdT.nt, ' Wc mitke no extra for delivering goods. > - '' • - .'cript.ons oil at our I'litiVlnacy by your D-hysician, or sent 11 i ■ receive our -e . at entionvand.tji • nci' *"•' 1 l| ' home in any part e.f town. 1 tfi \f'-ilrk’ic V-0 '-.-DAilvrf ij%J ¥ eyliitW u.,: A 111: f iri y;r r iir tuiO n;cr;r. Teipratu ihllgpi and f m\)\m} Wi' fi-'Alfl in A GAnjljl .iuiL, DA„ .; :A 1. :y ill ulr ' LUuii'i ' [|y v 1 V R IT r ■ -.. ■ . . .. - £-* •'rVJT.D •T Q ,fi e'r. - fN— r ~ A Jb -tOG?;-..; ,y Dwell: ‘ - 'l' - ' St ‘ ... COll tJC ill t ■ ,'A," • b.j-j ,> a ?. 4 't c.t st :.j FiiA; asd in ter- A1 w ~;i. *‘Devilled y she and and best college In Gy.-:, la.” ?port a. te hers. H ! : " B . - : .id Slu, ui.t-i course . : .': cm-a. <..r, Ui-.ates a,. At. ■! to pouicTa i advmilago ...c,e c>|.octal suinmco- rates. D mio. Address J. E. !;Tap. A'f: Dv.. i ,•; i j. i il > ; > t, \ n i-j , ...... urn i uOiiiiiis uf fill yi[bfo,iiij A "g -a g \ 1f v '"■T-?, S' v.r v< —i- ...jl --.A. JJLj th ifor Wc oiler gt ;al • u ced - o jl i*o>l ..© vV til u 3 . i c -’ ■- • e pri es t 3 L ' si - { OFil K, Ft-i.: 3 •fo t ;’i lASE JUS G IE.-, l . Wo woul.l cl* mly call your aik Mjuto * r 1 )\m .Li -i yibd iioj id d’luUitb H Ft,; IV AT PRIOJib Low-ill- THAN VOlf EVER hA’ . • >EFOIi *> 1J I Jtsi I.J j J ant 1 * l-> l ) " V V Q. -x 7<r v • • --- XV J-~ U V? A Ct t ? J3j t y7J t . i j:Lea tl; I‘.y-Gooe gjloru-n V: a" c • !-■ f n /h\ The ivn Stines Scr . '■ [ ! ■ < m -■ % ■ ■■■ % | ; - . v,C T- :5 C (ts‘- t :T. t¥■ i- \t ‘ it. \:A : >3. y| ' .■ V • _ h* KSi .. in v.u. a, ctwHH ; f it.' V. \v i ? G<k. . . Ct 39* -V ■ . V, . - \V i a r;;.-s ■ v \c &; 50, nm? C -. t-, . - - ' W“ - N x \ $3, Ct.\. .% : .75 fki \ - I ” • ■ 5 - ' - \\ * X -.. —•** r* , sune V ' ‘ -■? • : - ■■ Vtv ; r , * f? ;! " DtALERS •••no pusr. the sale of \v . L. * cugias Shoes g. .. c....... mere, which helps to tuerea.-; the sales on their lull line of goods, rm-y cm affor.'. to st-H :!t , Isrs y-roilt. ami we bcli-'v you .a Kye taonov?.,- ias U your footwear of the dealer advertised below. C'atAtojju. ;ree upon application. PEOFESSIONAL LADDS. GEO. E. BKIGGsT” —ATror.NET AT LAW— vOUGLA- - - GA. - riot attention given to all business. . . ■ . .. QUINCKY. W. W. MCDONALD quincby & McDonald, ATTOIINETS AT LAW. ' ouglas, ; : ; ; : Georgia, ."ill practice in Coffee, aril adioiniu -•>untu-a. Office in Dr. M. M. Halls oid ; ug store. J' Lee Crawley Attorney -at-Laiv AYCaOSS, :::::::: GEORGIA Tv ill attend the mouthlyv and quar terly terme of the County Court of Codec - eTg. dickersonT Attorney-at-Law, > joiner ei lie, ; .• Georgia, Will attend Superior Court in Cof -1 wO county, ""xITj lt ' ’; - ATTORNEY AT LAW Tlazlehusst, : : : ; : ; . Ca Will attend terms of County and • -‘‘perior Court.- of Coffee county. All .■•gal matter., attended to promptly. ~n f T~ % g i Ddl, loonier ATTORNEY- AT-LA ir, WAYCBOSS, : : : : : GEORGIA. Will attend all terms of County and Superior court of Coffee county. All le;rHl matters attended to uromptly. > - 0. A. WARD Jit. F. W. DART WAKD & DART. L i M YERS, Douglas, : : :::::: : : C A . Will practice together in all the court of Coffee county, except County court, and elsewhere by special contract. Prompt attention given to ail le-al matters. *“ Jhlt. W, ir. TJJl.ltULjl I‘hysictan and Surgeon. I or tevv-n years lias made a special ■ tidy <>f disi arcs peculiar to won en -:n ! ehiblren, both in private ardl ot ■).ta’ j r,i. l ive. Douglas, Ca. C-25i90. W. F. SIBBUTT, TJI tSICIAA A SLiiGLON."' DOUGLAS, Gnih* j-rompti anhuieretl., day or night. - Dr. W. A. MooriT Vil iSfv iA N AND SURGEON, N ILLACtioUIIEIO, : : : GEOHdU. Ail evils nt tended to, day or flight W. IL Carter * PTXSICIM AND .SURGEON, free is, : : : Georgia, All calls promptly attended day or irght. iir J J Pu'th ■“ et , Qj- , Ay. a lti Dev. i ist. Headquarters Ga. Branca offices, _ Douglas and Av iilacoochee. i’er -mis wklihig work at other points writ# ue. I am fully prepared to do any -I ' and of .work pertaining to the art. r-‘\vn aiid Bridge work a specialty, t will lie at the following places on tli (.•■bowing dates: Douglas, ist to 6th Droxton, Clh to 12th, McDonald’s Mill, l:. U to Ibth, Pearson, 18th to 24th, Wil lacooohee, 24th to 80th. DOUGLAS HOUSE, DAVID LOTT, Proprietor. ;ft i r i Ld reasonable. Table supplied with ;Lc best the markets afford, .-oms pleasant and beds comfortable l am prepared to take the best of care Stock. Pic;-', of feed, comfortable stals ’ JSJiSS Jit, A., JUQtifjlm DRESS-MAKER m 1-J Xj ' tf* a,ft i: i „ \*j. ini fa DOUGLAS? : : : : GEORGIA "•lilUncr Goods of II Kinds. Call end res her Bt,.ck belio buying your HATS and Dress GOODS. LATKS STYLES AND lASHIONS. Insure your lire, e rojire.-enf three of thi 1 i e3 ‘mpaiue-s in the world, and cam 'mMce u ;o easy that, you cant help but insure—Come to see us. Quincey & McDonald, Douglas Ca. I : :k F. GOODYER LicCkSinfiii and Wkcdlwrigit, DOUGLAS, - - - - GEORGIA. I r.:n lull? lu epared to do all kinds ei work in my line. king as and repairing bug* : vug ~ iv. carts, timber carts, etc., etc. ILF c-L g‘E SHOEING a special* 1 won: I be pleased to have the pat* ronage of the pufoie. Respectfully, 2-23-93-tf N. F, GOODYEAR,