Newspaper Page Text
tfew : York : Racket
Everything going at New York
... i tees and such as lias never been
een in Douglas before.
In piiees • £ have no
SSJtudy these
pricesand save money
+' • , -
\ ►
,; tio O.ishmero, 3(5 inch, 25c togOc, worth 40c anil 50 cents.
Bne Henrietta, 30 inch, 25c " 40c
ijashirtere 15 cent worth 25 cents.
JfJonvoiling ' 15 “ “ 20 “
Ciialie • v 1(5 “ “ 20 “
Bunting ' 4 “ “ H “
(Suiting 8 “ “ 124 “
"ilks oT all colors 35c to 40c worth 50 cents.
Best Simpson Prints (it cents,
'■shirting Prints ? cents.
C towered. Law ns 5c to 7 cents.
3 also c;trrV>,:V niiv.rJim'of Pants Cloth a! l2e,;]fio and 25 cents.'
\?’Vuts Utuh'i ,•..) ir of every description from 2do to 50 cents.
I juts’ Silk Ties 15 cents- worth 30 cents.
Gents’ Half Hose from, (5 cents ( lO • civs worth 10 com Is and 25 cents.
Jffr.ts’ Hickory Striped Shirts 30 cents worth 40 cents.
O "it’s Neglige- Shirts 3T, cents to 45 cents worth 75 cents,
iculies I,'nderw >ar of every dostription, CHEAP ! CHEAP! ! (.'HEAP ! ! !
from 10 con's to 75 cents.
Silk Ribbons from 15 cents to 35 cents.
Ladies rappm (if) cents worth One Dollar.
Corsets from 55 cents to . 0 cents, worth 75 cents to One Dollar.
Laces and Embroideries from 3 cents to 35 cents.
Lelies Me Ini dies from $2.75 to $3.50 worth $5.00 to $7.00.
Good Linen Handkerchiefs 5 cents to 10 cents.
is > u.irry a TV>t of Li lies ai 1 (}; its Shoos at Prices too low to metl
tioi, From 5j cents to $ i, w irt'o ‘ double the money.
* w
Cedar Pencils ;>e a dozen. Eagle .Brand and Rubber 10c a dozen. 4
Ounces Machine Oil 5c worth 2ue. Best Silver and Steel" Banjo and Violin
4 rings 5c worth lac. Hair Bins, 140 for sc. Brass Dress Pins 3e or two
i*r sc. Water Proof Umbrellas Stic worth $1.50. Table Oil Cloths 20c
worth 50c. Gents Pants 07c worth SI.OO. And hundreds of other Articles
at simitar low prices. Everything retailed at wholesale prices.
I o prices I have no competitors,
Yours to command
E I. STOKES, Agent,
rww' vv rww ■#■v^
5 s / icELREES
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;aar ; this sa* s -sc9
g Mi;. Run •; —T 6taim*d a Mae r.ilk *.h wlin i
I lemon juir ./hat will jrentorfl tho s jua l
i.: makr ’g Id 'f mow-.'/ Beilin" the <.'liiti i>i Is C
.V- hkK't. 1 ” not mudu I*h fhaj. stftn ■ty I ?
’i vorJ J. ii v family want-, n l>ir' Wp- ?•! •*
l 1 |mv : ij it) whoii they nro the li/iKi -bed3
['•: niif! (i • cHy i* oi,o min are. j .•any $
Lv,aah jb nf . liroth'T, ai*l he is au •' ik;> 1
[' n- I v ■ ••: > this * fir. k4\i! the 2
E MI 0., Cohinibisti, Oiiio. Am *•;: i
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S .•' will cure .i j
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; Xhfl boat; AY- o; iillt
is Ayer'? i'hcri.v .. •. Ac
j “ 1 -..'t g, \'V\ 1- - . • /it!’
■ 1..; At i !'• -x i.v ,% -.V. ;., ros!
! trued, fliv ' r:A. A '.v • ; ••/ *•••;• b. 2
| Cberry Pe< el. :ir ■ ;n> ixiaei fc ;•.; e:.u
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F-caact,sureioc r/
** f H ftr >ST mnarkal o son
a n'-‘ovu ,iave Ix-fn'aoeomplU Ihv
lioods X. ; *.r‘ . J: is mu’ riled.
for a.. MSSAaE
“For Years/’
Say# Caxiiiie E. Stock>vei,L; <'.:ester-
Tleirt, X. IT., ••& was afilictalt *v :h a
extremely severe vain in tie lower yart uf
tie cl' l j lie tv -!iDg ires a* it am/
-wclglit vres Jail
on a spot the sire
& i ofmyi:anU. r >
v in S the at:. of
>f/. . -■/ perspirationwoifi
‘ ■ . * , j i>s OD
/ I*- ••■.. It was
t.- ' 'j. 1/ lf-.j it*.’ :ient
<i f ■'//''%? eff ,:evt.'. jw! >
■ can o
igv//' : :ddei:!y, t soy i
//&;>• 1 Jj. rof I! lav i
a ‘ tb-vry m!r*.ites
Half a day, ler. vinrr as suddenly; - .t, ; r i
several ci' vs a.: ' I v :/. * .<i. . jrc..- i
firated and sore. Somct : V/s :ljy ta‘'
were ainuo l ;’lhen I' 1 V-fjueiir. After 1
about four years of this *-!:fle*in : r. ] wn3 j
taken dov/r, with luilotr; 1 f u% a: \ ]
when I beefui to recover, i t. worst j
attack of my old trouble I • r • :cp : indeed, r
At the First of the fever, my u. >t? ■ r gnva |
me Aycr’rt r.r;/doedor recur.' ndir.i*
them b< itiijc • er t! :*i ho
could pre:cire. 3^rout ii : 1 tiki:; thei.e
.. . • ■ rr-uit was !■ .- benefit and rive t
that durh-y no, :!y t;i..i • j ): ve in and
out oik* at •, . .: of i v ii . r trouble, which
tieided r-.liJy to .: . ■ i-:ody ■’
P: epareu i.y ]>r. J. Ayer &C\ I .owe Mp.gij,
Ever/ Do.:.© Ereri/e
' P ~r •
■; ;r;;: r:/; sin,
' tostlmoaliir, ..tricli l
"i:: f:! ;a°. ! ;in v ; .rorrc
' ..i • i the l locd, ole.,’* writes
. •• nf tie Janie. Smith
. . vVwoien Machinery Cos.,
‘ ‘ i'liiim: lipiiisi, Pa., "mine
impic.N.-j nte mere tL iu my
L owncase. Tweet, years
V 4 J: ■>, at tiie of r■ • ear.i,
A".•, r 1 - ; v filings e*.;‘-e oh
y •'-* j: " My icy", which hr- a.. '■
** 1 o.i'.' i'or.';.
; yyo * * * Ojtrfamilj’piiyrdci.To couid
ff,L f f, , ! id•> me iU; ; .od, a lid it W;..-:
' | • feared that the bones
would he aheeted. At last,
• : • n*y pood cM mr-tlmr
: • yer’a
-*■ . . i J \' : -'M-.-aivanPa. ‘too!: throe
h ■■■l -t, -.moo.
I ■ ■ i*l and I have noi. heed
' .*; t :•• ii Mod since. < dy.fcl-o
' - ‘>• -..r. :•. ;r.:iin, r,f.d t!ti
• ' t
r ; •* o f7. j^ood
4 ‘ s V:; - ’• ' . .. ••!(*. • no*.-;
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"<1 f.i- i'.v. ’ iv, h-.VP i tlcv.-i
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ti" > ■ . ■ ... ,
('re. in t.riii:; ••! . i,, ; i mc. !;
'Jot ll,i of ‘ii .<■ nr/rici ting in
!M|>l"f ’ ■ " I. : ■.■•.. ■■ ni
r f, • - r-.* ....
ihy ;,r. JiO. Ayer U Co., Lowell,
are ’ • c
■ ■ * sriy.-OC&i ' ;Of-
w •.5 '1 r r.-v j-f) v
,ir .j _. : 5 .. i,.:, J, v*dry
: ■ wapolis. i>:d.
Q MAauns op #
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Ch:r. al* Bu'-s
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V iULt A. v - l rg jl C^llvt
_ * a f-rx _ ?. . T
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n >•" r/i/ v * n / / / ? /!/n; o
fl 0 .- V i \ / U*: V ; • l\s K *S iii
. U. S. 4.
DEa r, 'ER T ' .lie eburaet- r
ffV istic of Ho ■ . S irsapari la. It
cures even :.i: ro r ju'i'i>arit:e:is fail.
L.,t-110 ONLY HOOD’S.
pROYELSTICM t/e gr.p,
■ pru uau uipht'nr-r' i. fever and
epidemics is given by Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla. li makes HUwS BLOOD.
f rices ) ait the times
l \ ra
i-C—jj Si. 3
I’hc Vtner ...anclisc store ojt
.f ' • : t #.
i #B*i b£ . . - . i r - JLy
Pearson , 6Vp
12 ° cy-.L. _a:o school
Opc.. j..... :.. iocs, y
Taorou;; ; instructions ..> ;ommori and High schoo, wih
tne ini>st in • n. : .tractive methods applied.
Cxoo . Order ana. .c will b3 maintained.
/ ’’
- oun I -.m'with au >. 1 / termination can by artility oi
tiie ;:: ..lire a lib .1 : • , t a miuimu .1 outlay, since
board and i 111 .1 triile in compari
—. ' V.e :e. etlicr places.—
For fart ler particulars a.-. . or by mall to
Ovla -j •.. —1 •'.AA.InTILn ZELL Principal.
5/ei cep ect .-f./d'K on hand a full
a.;d Assavtvs j-uii oi
811. HEAID, LI. . , it; HTATE.RENT3J KV£L
or iibills,’etc., -,L ; ..4
At i>ri-•. .5 that defy ci. com BREEZE
J? f T r
p-Su -i i l
’: U^;-ti,
*a 53j*. . C“~* i ’ r - “ . "3 •* _
l: -• ~i -•/\ - • • sgy-y*
ptrr-rr-V . : 1 &>psa?iog to Castor Oil,
n£L" ‘3—Lr:. rn cry ft,r Castorim. BOl
y a;^‘iq■ i
Castorfa ot as Colic, 7ortsti ■ ((T . -
Pour Stem Dicir;;c“t : ® A J*eccnnend Castoria for childve^'9
(fives hea y sleep ; .! o „ir ... ,V v, ’ - us supenor to any prescription
Without uc hue suWacaoi ' * kLor.ato me.- H. a Archer, M.
111 So. Oxiord St., Brooklyn. N.Y,
vn CoiffAKT, 77 Murray St.,-New York.
F. A. ii/bap & <30.,
V, .•**! • * u.'iit.iu3 , e.''a of
' —i: CHICLES.
Sacd for CafalogiiG £i:.d Prices,
We Can Saue Ys& Money.
jktrrv"- ¥7x
v cr %>Q e?
Factory and Salerooms, OWENSBORO, ST.
so:ce': '.a- r.'miiELY new.
Durri a and Pret y f— C i v Sliver at the cost.
Alwnlnuia- liver Solid tletal" -.n- •
*: ;; *■ ** t
5“““ * T 3 “
$ - tt u
6 •* Plz
4 M ... ..
5 “ 44 SoTMlietair
“ 44 - “ C. . X-7,
| 44
** 44 - 64 - - :
• < M p:.,
i 44 * - s.V j.
i “ - - •* i . X
!.“ “ “ " F>S •■:.
I* a “ : : : . -A "
Fall Se. § . . e- -. ’- 1
Wc mean exactly what \-c 3ay .“.nd c-re abie to make every promise
rvrr.V .RTTCLE F'.VVAXTTn AS r.rFR*.
• ••Is not placed, they are solid meUd
and v- ill wear like sliver.
To J f-nr: *re !a*' in every connt.rln the V. SI
" -x> fifth la ay i hereafter who an-wers tide
r.caxid TVT /hasrs worth or more
£ :.. sor s remlnim; cash wiih order, we will
with a ladys elegant GOLD WATCH,
gol ! filled case and a ftrii jeweled Swiss
imd worth $30.00 of any one’s raoaey.
• i; !•; introduce those gooes and they are
-verch whac you pay for them without pits
. x niheT a watch goes with every order of the
e received f anv county and one walefe '
?> Hh every fdih order aftcrwunls.
Every Vehicle Exactly a*