The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, October 18, 1895, Image 2

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in,l AS HHEK/E. ; n w!v^‘.vcKV.** o, [ Ed ' u,m * 1 Glacial rgin of Coflea County AAivrluDir K lies itea-unr.iklc. i KCdlTlUl’rt N fl A, IN advance eii, msmkd weekly. *'" * • ' I JJn(ovdl ;il ihe Pusloiricc at Doughis fta. nn sit nil-class mail matter. i jtiinv, oct. in isir,. Pr ■ S. S. Court ill ion Program of :lie eunw-ntion of Cof fee countv huiulny School AsHoriiition | fA.'onveiio nt the Robots cliureh Fri -4 ay night Out. 2V It, 1-V.*.V. J KIIiAY niout. 7 ~’clock p m , —lni oration service.-- *ndnct(ui hy K-v. C. W. Inlingor. 7 : ;j,—Appointment of committee*, of organization hy 1C !’■ /VlVn. Pre-i'ieii! of Berrien county jt-uuidi-.v School Association. Adjourn. S.VJ'I WAY MoltN I No, JO—lnvocation services conducted f,y W. T. Fa trick or F. P- Cady. 10:1.1 —AililresH of welcome hy Kov. JJttnicl Kobci W. JO :oo Itp<ei<o y .las 8. Over street or I'*- B. Moore, 70 : j5 —*< fill I of schools J 1 :l'— Evil of Intemperance or Munjvci sek'e/ri], hy C- G. Buchanan, ffresiih-.”*' Y v nrvinO fchmdny School # VSSOI lUI'JR' iii—Dinner on the groom!*. A ITKKNOON sI.SSION. ! p, \r\ r~ Hong service and impor tance of music >n the Sunday school Jhy M. A. Palibi'd. j .;{*j—Model .Sunday school te.vk %r hy \V. J' Dot! or D. It. 1 :1 m porta nee oi looking .Jlci tWi' little ones bv Newhern or Rev. t\ VV. Infmgei'. 9 :15—Importance of ilWrwt ech t> ration* hy J. \V. Rnboidi V’ Bet- H yb Fentrees, 2 15—Report <>) committees. 3—Adjourn. NIGHT KIiSSION. 7 —Religious services conducted by y J,. Williams. "P;!;, —Slioit talks by enthusiastic. Humbiy fcliuol workers. 8 .30—Adjourn. Si !. DA S' MOBNISO. 10 o'clock ft. in , Inv ication ser vice conducted by Rev. .1. 8. Hinder- Ltavk. pi: 15 —Uotv to reach the neglected l.y V. L. .Slantou. 10; 15—1 lie model Sunday school auperiuteuileiil by Rev. 11,(.'. Fentress JlalO —Duties of parents to their c7iilili'eu by Rev. Daniel Roberts. 12 —Duties of cliililii’ii to parents liy J. \V. Roberts or C. W. lnfingcr. 12 :'10 —Slu.iild noii-l’rofessors be einvlojie'l ns Sunday school to icbers bv Rev. W. T. Patrick. 12 15 linj'.'irtance of Suuday •cliool teacher's meetings by Rev. A P. Hux or JC. 11. Moore. 1 p. m , —S(‘lt <:I a place for the next convention. Roan R, t>i:kTs, Pres. C. C. S. S. A. Ah orgia—I'oll'to county. To all xvlxotn il may coneern : 11 an salt Hargiftves, c lorod, lias iu rlu , form applied to the umlerfigniii lor perumneut letters of ad tninistra tion the estateof Henry Hargnivos lit. >of .-aid county tleceft-fc i and 1 Trill pas upon sai,- ijiplicatio i on akc Ist Monday i:: November- Giv ■ n ui:del my hand an 1 ollicial sig auituiethia Oct. 7:h, 18D.5. Johu Vickers, Ordinary Sot ire. t)ur iriends and sutiseiilH'ts will please have us in mind when they s'ome to court. \\> are needing mon ■ey and will appreciate the little you aiwo us. While these little amounts are not much f> you, still they aggre gate considerable and will help us. Don't forget us court week. Our man will call on you. tleorgi i —Entice county All yitiso is having demands against Thomas I‘attlk deuNated late of said county are hereby notified and re quired to jiresent them properlv attested to the uudersigne<l within the t>tuc prescribed hy law. And all jierSons iid t bte.l t.> said dec as ■e l are hereby required lo make im mediate settlement to t'io uuiier toimed. This Seju 2nd 1-31)6. Blijuh Vaulki er, Aduiiu’r. DESTRUCTIVE silverhopPurs. A rici-tie Tli. it- Threatoni! to Sm Whim 1* the OriA\Hliirppsr. The fiiinie-.title Kansas, ltd,re* !ra and olher v.( stern, water. have im past years mi".. "Ml or*-i civ from a plague ol graw lii,which swarmed tn millions ever die prairies, d* vouringj hay, grain and ether crops. Vihei' ver '.lie greedy inn t- came ihoy brought desoStation. and l i.'iy ffnnrir hing sett’ffiments were completely rniiif and by the pests. With in on a i eultiva/mn !hn swarms gradual ly diminished and of late have done lit tle harm. pat 3! lot hi r abrl worse -foe to the farmer is abiy ml ill the land.' Especially ill tie snntlv went and northwest there has i rung *up a plague of xilveriioppc;'., that t brents as the destruction of onr m- S H mr..,.:': - m i4C4P; ’Jf ■ m. r.y}\ 1 'J ' ’.e• **• * finml prospi 1 , credit and honor. These Hew f. would if tuichecl'fxl cause tli* <•' greater loss in one year , ' grasshoppers since t’ ' i•• ■. They sCel; to est.ab which means the ii. (>t debasr ment of oi.r ii•/ rail. lli(i J. .’J *.f the oft cent dollars which are t' currency of i Mexico. With false • . I misleading jiromi-es of increased lih, which fltey p, .tcud would h the enact-| O.cut of a JHV f'f the! ■ ; tinge of sil- j vcv at Id to 1, they try to delude thy | farmerV Into supporting their schemes, j Were they to be successful trade and in- j fjnstry would be paralyzed, cajiita! , fo-gi'l hp withdrawn from agriculture ! i'pn genei.ii depression would j follow. The only safeguard against tliu j fillDfitfiJlCti danger is to vote down tip: j repndUtu-ts Hint fleet only men pledged i to support holiest money Wortli Coosiileriiig. Workingmen may not have time to study earci'uUy tI)C various cheap money sc homes of the silvcritos, grticubaokers, etc., but there is no reason why they should be deluded into voting for any /if (hem. So far the 50 cent dollar or Mm fiat, gii pent dollar have not made many converts among the laboring •■hue 's, but it is likely that in the next national a special effort will be made tit uidueS workingmen to vote for the silver standard. To all appeals for scidi support the intelligent work men should ask this question, "Is it. not it fact, beyond dispute that iu every country of the world which has the gold standard wages are higher than in Die countries which are on a silver basis?" iQC Hew Improved jiigiiinn FBVORITE SINBER. ► Rrojvleaf, fancy cover, four if 11 r KC * 1 rtt\vtns,so \ f-sotli nj? ucc- < 1 * 11 ißm * < I°' 1,0 -threadlna shuttle.' a RtlachTiUMits. equal A u -/Rl tortnymakeol SewiimMiii nine K.(iyyCJ‘.>l<l for s:'*>. 'fen days’ trial - * * in your home before payment - ► I Rskod. Huy of ilu* manufaetuiTis twin, • ► j.jid save i*utiinh*sjoi)H Machine warrant- 1 ►ed few ftv*' yt‘,art Hpntl ns a ftfaj ordor 1 ► with refcrcnco, and we u ili ship maehui| ►to you for approval. Wc pay toe freight. ' Co-Operative Sewing Machine Cc. hock ltox 3G3. l’hilHtU*l|lti*i, I*3* Georgia— Coffee ecunly. Will bo old hr fore the court lcm >e door iu tlieto'Vu of Douglas between the legal hours of sale oil the first Tuesday in November the sauK: be ing the sth day of said month to the highest and best bidder for cash the following and sor bed pro perty to-wit; AH that t a t o v ptr viol land lying nod being iu ii. • county of Coff e and described filb'ws: AH of lot of land "N, oil, ( 1 1 in tbo tir-it (Ist) distsict of Coffee eounty containing four hun dred and nil. ty (490) acres. Said property levied on and to he sold as the property of Holier: I'qssell tm ter and by virtue o' a 2fa is sued from the Justice court of the 1127th district tl M of said county in favor of >. Mayer A- l iman against Robot J Ktissell, Property I o be sold in sYtisfa'tioti of the ahoie dC“Cribvd li fa. d'his Oc tober 7th 1895. W M Tanner, Sheriff. Ge iigia—'Joitc-o eounty. To ail ’liom it ittav conear 1 : All per sons i Attested are hereby notitied that il no good cause he shown to the contrary an order wt! 1 ha grant ed bv the Undersigned on the 4th da> of .November, i895 , r -estab lishing the <>'d Rlaekshear road leadi ’g l oin Douglas t > Ilroxtoa in Coffee eounty, It being eon ider ed to l<e to tli • belt interest of t o public. This Oct.7th lSi>s. Jo'ip Vickera. Ord qary. if fit) r? _ ji ' ''s' .'• hit -■ . v I ■ % \■ . t 4 ki%m fl ; in w ■ tM, • t ■ *£> bm.. i 3s <*£< / jPjoiw Dy ?c?si a* hRfS.-’uds; Peck Tells He . £: icj fas Cured Biiff<*rcrs f/om i hlijuM r<*a*l wu ii;- Jt• 1;r r fr ~•••. ‘T. v * lir. •- I* lonii V:<\ V. ith ' A Viori-'it 1 I > : :i vv ;# Sf tit fr:*: i'.ir ; i j oc. !!. •: ■ ' !fr i 1 i; j tf <f Ii iu - fi. -:i P'A to . • \.,0 i IH,' CHH t l'r -e I C'.'rflt '! ''. .Ifl'/Ti ' i ,ii •, i , . tr!v irioil. i ? fr yea I j Dim.,, a grcai s i.i< 1:' >ia huu V.' t Trouble. Almo’-t cvoryU.;i I ;:1" woiii 1 n: ! ui * 1 <!i;ler .t 1. :i.'*i t‘t anti taedii iiD s. *. j fa: ; ize r f l ... v 1..; < ai: > ji 1: i ' prt v !•! ; u . ;■> l:y Hood's JSa:\-. | j * tiirio ; l-:>i• * i;. o ; 'l : • > im. iit y/.y.A ~z •. my !■ -t:. • i..- ■ I 1 o rct.-v. titt lit; !/•::;oi.l i. bill ii ill’. . Gladly DCor.isrtcr<ci It. j I !V)v, If vd an i !.■•;:J i:! 1 a-i:! dot!’, ; •a. < t-r tlistrc.* lii *. it ;••* ;-> i, / J V A ' r and :ir.'v-" a 1 j P ai ‘" t' b 4 „ O' -,h a. '! . ] cruiriot j.ra.- Ii * K . ii' i t-i m.” V. -'. 11. ;*,I. j* l’r.M .., . a*:. <d-'; I? Hcod’c: !T : *ir al Ui ,i.vl ja .S ; til ’ t Of o.Ui) v#li' j'j/wUI- .vJi —-v' U Ldl, ! 800.00 i OiVEN AV. VTO tNVRtiTO; 5, J " everyiv '. rivf u ;.w,*y ? .*.nv - • r-' ' -I'reup;. v. - ; • <*i oi inciiio-.* au'ia.i .; t* j ii.r • i auli , ■-■-C efi XV*-luy vo pafftntsfoiovrcl; •?, and ih<* objec* of offer •: : g encournge 70 Im* i**ack ihci .-••t i'. . At t'.iesaiTie u. c wish £0 i*i:prc&4 u: .he p *:tic the iy .t d** . IT'S THE S TRIVIA!, JNVO'KT 11 THAT ; cLB iueft -is ih'i “car - ; >w ” vhi.-h c.mbe t • itv 5 ' and (iu-. .1 vt.ite ..'-eakD.thv ; .v< . n.itjo .r. ’ f t> , .... ; . i’nir. ' t:. * | v • h:.- J•• :y t f if.iji • •■viv-ii; ami e de H\: da 3- the s that biin';l.ti • bt;- urui. ..e . auth r. 1 . ,iu i! >of v*or.! ..•d'i'ij i'Vt'CT'f. !TISf;OT TIIAkDAS T SitEA 1' .ior.t'. t*n •' ■ rough us lecciv * r . ’ t! ■. iV'o.v .1 ].' i Jcr," 1-. b!r '. ' <\t ! f).. <: t v.hjn’f. t tli. J. *ii r.'.’iu .* s ca \ in t!'f it,!itcis. Vv c furnish i yea* .j- i icnv::cr, to this j' :ial. free cf cost, to all oi:r < s, V. . j ac*'ru-t .*ofC ' ,hei'. ..tio ya h th v *t '.in t*.r prize, and hundreds of th ids i' c( r id the z:v>nal Reco’ . .n:,, a ' f t win ind of n, v.tU ;*e scsttieiccl • . . ughout ill'-* l iirted Staler ;• ; c**; lists r- i-!a.tur:rs v fhi t-. at MCA on t!ie mei >t the invention. Ait comm unicat ... strictly confide . * Address , .!(•! iN V, DDEf;BURK & Cf’ Solicitoi& cf /. -ilcan onJ i*.t 's, 618 : Street, N.W., Box 3Ss. J. ' C-f/" >VVr.J pf/'irt: *■<•. .) } Kite,; " JUf j >. -*,£//• / v.'c /. yvf _ J 1 1 'i’liic 1 Ji’ 11l < 1-.UIJIVKSS I 11. : K iMneoa, Ua nnee'k'u l" Ik Hi tj* •p-i'll'.v.lui'. ..l-Vf.miii'-iii wt'ir * ■ vtng Fiusiness, 'Shnrl icl, Nonnnl, 'J ogvaplv or l*e- ivt ci 1 mu' '■ >ra ,iJU :md b-xin! dt )0. Alsogiviny; lo one worthy be or •j'i. liu cuci mnty <1 full Ciirtu W’vito at nee enclosing, jyi IT*, .stump for trifceulttw. | : ' jjj Jiivl St tib J.Jo- 3c Tib' In r Stale Building Tul la :iu 0 tion, Of Al3uriti' uu, loans inoti .to its meui’.i r.- it a e ',i|) I'at;' in’ireyt, ;.n,i o • my toim-s. It now ready for ine l usiiic.-i i - ' lot'.c.ias, For ft .her p: rticularr- ipply to J. A. I.); ht ry, loc 1! m: .etary atitl ireasm , o'- \V. Inti ;nr, local a£etit. VMI -I-CIJI -h. Sold on nositive guai mt to e. .re any ; in in one minut-c, A: .!: Hotrcsli rlp; k ir,e ’ID* v , 11* j ? U it I!;.1 1 '*ol S, i'ii,,, li - ill.-, i . ••ill :, he, i . ,-lii' Sprains, Bru s.*Lameness, \ rum die, i'-.1 •In •:. 1 cut • Min"' • ’ els. S I Iviini-. Sli . ill- .10" S hom:, '.51,1 . ..!,n .1 c.--. in . ui' I 1 h', (Mid- u r ; ien ’iiii p i- } jEvIC .3 £5 C-cL'is 'B- W vXjid ±u 18-' S lOIM T | H 11 j; 8 i 3 r l r v* • i ' 'c | -- * f is • / < . i ~ , j Bißivn -,—*. 1,-e iti t *;.l-' .0011 fnls in one at of .-weet snllk b: .dev If ivit rel'. -Jia 8) minu:os peat jtUed-’ eg' :>ji two tal-’csj >on -. 1: [ i.* sola in i to give th 'omi jil -c, us ii ts lii.c nmje. , .re j i'k f almost : -'.a"it;y. it U al. :IW, Va’. '-ic [ iaiimt.irt v. .1 eiiAraally U c aid* a. pains, 'uises spr.. us. old th, i aviis, ny. sa-id'o 'tali still .j- ris •. ?e. I'l tcc one dollar. j And far cby drug i#t. M '.I’FACTI Xill.o ny TIIE NVAUvEU ai. [ Tr? ‘- • * f i Il?v - . . .. - t g hpi' % g "T : F ' 7 t 'i | iff * ',?• a ’j AW A- * V .m*. 'O Vf .. - * ji* - • ,m- - V Jlitt • • '•' t. v A‘. TANARUS:" ) -vt ev • broui’-li to ' vrlas • !' 1 i' i . • Me iji ■■'•,. vVeills 11 : 3 ■> l' o ■ '.st Ti hsricun, # -f .1 , sil - - • v ‘ • 5 '‘ V M- e-vxl X If' ’p an r !e C mibs, Spcn et<.. :i -* av ’ '• *]• • • o c j. We i, 3 iiot simply ‘ i ids ‘tp-n,*:,- Ty'st' CT • w*!:. ,vJa xk f2> 1 diT ei-r - . .I’’ • s!n<v easm-es our . f< ■!•■•. ; a • ~ :a:a ust ei v-.h'S. Won I ; I :m}j Urt '.o ff uJ fit ):m! 0 • I : ll? 11} lU ■ W 1' •: • T ANARUS„ , , , < tin m. i\ e taago 2 •.v iu ( harg 'hi- ;. . o *;*'■- ■ . '. * , ■ r ‘ : ' ' " " ' • ari by ■ nr Pi-Tcm: . ■■ si-ni. lr 4 ‘ 1 x l ' * • - :0 i)i( cine vv-H I;-*-- ; ;H ‘- f i-tj TANARUS: . VI n-; ;' • 4 " ' ' JVrfS T-.IV„ . ' ~ „.v,... . j - - _ . '• t , • "(5 U l 1 >F ; " p $ tf%QT' 7 j'JjJik. kx <V- ' 'V.*" cV ? i- • -j h , ■ p ii?? imr 5r AX ", !' JI f- ,T- i' 1 ... UaU in. Ox ■W mni-.- l. ... .. - , * * • . " , TT i■ yp: ■ . r, 70J BlljS ?'• ’ .o; ' tor:' t’;n * ; • .- ul'iu iilij : T AT " ' •' ■ ■ • - v - V J(L ii Ji , V • k QO 'IAT T r. o'. ’ - * i 1.70 ,7fr ? Sou tit iii ' r: ' 3 ’3 ax' Inter-*3 f .a tk . .ai cuMr •f i'orriu <{•: ,v "last-: -new.. Actcn.l n ‘ - • . ham. oursc ■■'. 1 oa • J;e iu! -.ntoga of tli . summer, , i ! . OH'ff . Prssideat, -AX OSTA, C -A. . vcAAr.'.raAvaxxrv- *, -. — r ... ■* -JtMrnr-js*,.- r: a'*ojr4.oa;u.rjiiun*jjjuirfc. *anrvT •r. , . •kF : 'a s '- -hi-, i, * iitiyon h-uiil a fuil Ii . [ th> ;C'-| n.i.A *.Ui •- l,a uni U- • iowt- pricef to bes- ’ a . i • ar .-th able to give n. cu.-tc i-s t: - ■" ■ •' ; Jit (il CEKiFS. ** J ' - 111- ,/Ctlo3l lii •*‘ - . '• ly leh'awmv :’cr ' COHrl’ X ' ; ;j ,p ; f' YJI ']y - lir?* 1 i: hi\ -? von • -it 1 - 5 -‘ - £N- li J.. ii _,'O Ii iLA r X' ding L 7 die repot. ‘ Top ir. vOTVii i-r the rv; ott'ldiiig < c frieD-n during cout For ar.yihis., :r. . n: .ial r. id get your aey’ V.'vi - * • - : iS ail i j ■ i TOFESBIONAL CARDS. 0 LO. U, BRIGGS. —ATTOESEY AT LAW— : 1 •' - - - - GA. Mention given to all business. W. W. MCDONALD qjjijcey £c McDonald, i'TOHXE VS AT liA AV, : ■ tLs i • - •* .* .* Georgia. •'" m Coffee, aid adjoining i unt> s. Office in I)r. id. M. Halls old * iy store. J Lee Crawley Attorney-at-Law ■ ’HCSS, :::::::: GEORGIA 'V: ; attend tlic moutlily ana quar ■ i vine of the County Court of x. (IcKEKSONT Attorney-at-Law, G.i-erviKc, : : Georgia ’ ni attend Superior Court in Cof c county. Xj. x. x:xx=x j ixx,~~ ■ '' 10KSET AT LAW i-a ..rnr-RsT, : : : : : : : Ga 1 -; i attend terms of Cou it; and "r *. ourtsof Cofiee county All alters attended t piomptly. W M. Toomr ■ ttolwijf-a t-la n, X'SS, : : : : ; OEOiiCIA. a:‘and ail terms of County and . e.jurt of Coffee county. All matters utended to oromutly. Vi AEDJn. F. W. DART 'MiUk DART. L i IVY Lies, > • • ::::::: S C A . Mice together in all the couit, ■ county, except County court, (.-where by special contract,, attention given to ali legal • h\ tEurLll, ' i ityhiti<D> and Surgeon. ' I'Ovim cars jas made a special i no. of dis. asos peculiar to women Idren, both in ; rivals* ad J IOB . ,!"• practice. Douglas, Ga. 6-25-95. w. FTsibbett^ . 11YSICIAN & SLftCEON. i TANARUS)! f>LAS, { promptly an*wisve& day ‘ or night. - j\ \V. A. Moort ; s V-'.ICJAX AND SURGEON, ii;- .AC-OOCHj'.,*:, : : GEORGIA. ' - •'lie attended to, day or night 1 M. Carter 17.1C1A5 AND SURGEON. • • •’ Georgia, i calls promptly attended day ei i I DM. . I>. JOHNSON - Physician and muiofon. ! ; Chronic desiase a specialty, will be n Douglas on 2nd Thursday of eack. ; uonth. Mr. J\ A. Pugh Dentist. ciqu&rters Pearson, Ga. Branch " . i iquglas and Vt iilacoochee. Per 'slung work at other point's write - lam i'uily prepared to do any of work pertaining to the art. C ' and Bridge v/ork a specialty, v .‘i oe at the tollowivg places on the "'■ins dates: Douglas, Ist to (dk R ... an. (ith to 12th, McDonald’s Mill, l’Mh, Pearson, 18th to 21th, YYil tcoachee, 34Ui to 30th. i OUGLAS HULBK, . AVID LOTT, Proprietor. -reasonable. Table supjilied h the best the markets afford, nil as art and beds comfortable • prepared to cake the best of care . , . jOientv of iepri. comlortable stala ~r- t '# L. A. Douglas <MESS MAKER $ ' UlllllJgp - -GLAS, : ; : GEORGIA Geode <>r tl Kinds. Call an 4 her Stock befre buying V- iir 11 ATS and Dresa GOODS. STYLES AYR FASHIONS. Insure your lire. r ' ' ■ present three of the fin is "v 'allies in the world, and caa mn •• it so easy that you cant help msure—Come to see us. Quinoey A McDonald. Douglas Ga. S, F. G OODYE’II blacksmith and Wheelwright, V GLAS, - - - - GEORGIA. : fully prepared to do all kind* •;k in my line. - , . , h as making and jepairing bnjs c ayons, road carts, timber carti # C*C. rIORSE SHOEING a special* i >u!d be pleased to have the pa^ :r of ihe pub’ic. Respectfully, i -.1-93-tf N. F. GOODYEAB,