The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, October 18, 1895, Image 3

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Short , Crisp Paray.dpls Pichu
Up Here, lliere and
Items Too Small for Heads, but Hiuifl
Enough to liaise Merry Cain When
Properly Loaded.
“What do de Bib!* say". Not to
fling dat ■what is jloir to and dogs.
Yes sir I kin whistle but X don't
want to do dat now.”
John Henry Gilmore.
For the most gccds for the !cns
money call on Ward & Davis.
E. S. Sapp, Esq., of Broxi .n, was
on our streets this week.
A fresh supply ot garden'seeds at
Ward & Davis’ for fall planting.
J. S. Denton made a flying visit to
Denton, Ga, Tuesday
We arc glad to see Hiss Eva Mar
tin, who has been ill for some time
cut again.
Col. W. P. Spence, of Waresboro
was among the visiting lawyers at
ourt tchi t week.
The best and cheapest line of sh es
in town can he found at Ward <v
Mr. H. 11. Sasnett of Waycross was
In town this weed shaking hands with
his many friends.
Mr. Ben W o.oton, • of Denton, was
among the visitors to Douglas this
Col. Stone, the Morning No* man
has been in town this week to the de
light of his many friends.
Mrs. Mattie Etheridge has bessu vis
iting relatives and friends in Douglas
this week.
Mr. Bennie Girtman, one of I-lazlo
hursts popular young men was in
town this week on business.
Mr. James M. Freeman,of the Way
cross Hera’d was in town this week
in the interest of the Herald,
Henry Leggett, the nogro who shot
at Mrs. F F Hammond at Pace fc Gas
kins still last summer pled guilty.
The best and cheapest college in
Georgia is the Valdosta Business Cos!
lege. Address J. E. Porter, Valdosta.
Ga. 6-28-tf
Mr. T. H. Morton, i:., of VayoroW
has accepted the position as conduc
tor on the Douglas A .Toll me Id It. I!
At the regular conferak. e- last Sun
day night Rev. W. I. Patrick was re
elected pastor of the Bapiist ehuich of
Douglas for the ensuing year.
Miss Annie Girtman, one of Hazle
hurst’s most beautiful and accom
plished young ladies, spout several
days in Douglas this week.
At 12 o’clock on Wednesday night
the jury returned a verdict of guilty
of murder with recomcndntion to mor
cy against Sro;?rt Jones, col, for tin
murder of Harriet Jones, col.
Porter's Business College of Macon
has been moved to Valdosta and com
bintd with Valdosta Bus ness College
with J. E. Porter president and busi
ness manager, d-28 ;f
Col, i. W. Bennett, of Jesup, one of ■
the aspirants for the Solicitor Ciener
alship of the Brunswick circuit was in
attendance upon our superior court
shaking hands with old friends an;
leaking many new ones.
The young people oi our town are
indebted to Mr. aucl Mrs, T. M. Brown j
for a most delightful social on Tuet
day evening last, in honor of Mrs |
Mattie Etheridge and Miss Anuu
Girtmau, of Hassleburst.'
Mr. W. F. Bailey, of J. S. Bailey i. •
Cos., is placing the lumber on the j
Corner of Cleveland and Sellars ; reet.-}
for a handsome two story res dence
3,nd Mr. T. P. Register the contractor
commenced work Thursday morning.
Simple it uatice.
The Valdosta Business College is
rapidly coming to the front. \ try
thorough instructions o< mbined witi:
renjarkaWy tern sof tintio.
commend it to all interested in accjuii
ing a thorough b ess education at
a minium cost. Ht-iti-iL
A of in ,
Xotice is hereby given that a bih
will be mirouuccd at the next cession
of the legislature to a l ' !ish the com
ty court of Coffee county, lins Sep
2nd 1695.
Arthur Lott sr., Jon. M. Lott, sr.,
D. W. Gaskin, >'■ • M. Trailer,
J. g. Lott, Hanip 6ears.
* - r the lir'tze.
| iFr< ai L. it.'
Golfee Ci v*t.y Superior Coiirt eon
; vei ■ o;: J. •.% morning the 14th,
;'ns*, with bis Honor Judge Joel L. *
picsnliug, and?■ ucitor Gener-j
j * • C. Brantley rep resenting the
| 'i; .a. 1 lie Way;- . s bar is repre
seiu-‘d by Cuts, McDonald. Crawley. |
M" V' on, liieuiy and liiich.'
Cr - wick >y Mershou and Harris. {
L: yby adgett and Holton & Son j
Or, . m d\ ■ . J). *j<ah.-un. The local j
bar by Ceh , & McDonald, }
W■** & Dart, Denton and Briggs. j
- ■ • Ju-Jg*'.-' charge was able, poiii-j
t'-V arching at* ! >-■ ,ii • l'. Both till' I
ci' ..lid c'i..i'-al ••.. acts are un- j
*' la--,.' as n.-i: '.iva- result of
oji -ui:'iy isierras . • millation.
! 1 oiii; u '- ■ ' dispensed •
| tit; ;#>aess v*-.y yu> * f, the ;
! i if jus. ; who .j.-ual and com
te< ■■ style. ■ L
crowd i.i were un
it y larg and 1 sTed.
< nccy McDonald d*-fended the
| n:. r:ty of 'ln: cri:nin;*l c. ses..
. M:; ci* J., .craige and M. .
• M " Sutod, . ich, got first v rdict
[in -:ir <ll v- >ve <M> .
The leading h<4*di and hoarding
j l:r. - cid ihriv'i'g I: nsim ss,
; mr-i'choni.s nia>.<* close colics
t i, ■ anti g.-o'i tiles and they area l '
[ sn- ■■•3 in consequence,
• farmer f.-b'ivd* . :• - h giii'ng '*,
j ii{ .ii.te (.;■ fact that *' ■* -1 a" l•. -* mer
Icb .;;■s ca 11 i 111 I.: illl with US g''P'
ja v i-*iy i! g n.d :i 1;■ to* re as .pa
\ 'il. iices as cio is' li*ii| >, s.n.i j] rp,
i is 1,, Hiiu.-k wi !i War ! A Davis
hr.-" opened u n a stock of general nn*r
:■ ii ilise -in the Overra ui building
ilf ; ten si vo Ci-q-iaiutiir.'i' hno coiir
j i e-•' -■ dealing? will assure him sn-eesv
j uppy Pat Smith is here and the
l lift of town this week.
:' andsoßie Frank Sweat atlenu-
mg court. Me is five days ahead of
his regular schedule.
Clever Albert C. Sweat ( ,f th Black
shear Hustler is hers in the interest
of is bright newsy shoot.
1' o Turkish female peddlers are
to: -g m the town to the delight of
the.o who wish to invest in fancy
gi gawa.
the horse ■ rapper in all his pros
ti. -j glory war on tlie half acre with
any kind *•:' si *i*d from a skeleton to a
th • dollar mule.
• j many frieu’s of Mrs. Mattie
1. ridge ‘er) |J .wed to hive her
\\ ■ them this w-.< k.
V* ithui one wee!; cornea the Smy
n. association tit, 1) mglas. This,
i'i. on top of court Cannes the know
it' old roosters to break for the
S' " mp at a Nancy Hanks gait whisp
ering where at! where at!!
<=>- C <> - • • -
Jfi lilies'! Meet tuff,
c:n ink., mod that; the Valdosta
0 Jmt ll> iiiicTs A-- ndation will hold
i ■ •mg at Broxfon, beginning on
t .'J ho: 0 .o'-c. 1 running v
l i.a CI jS •■>’>; !)■}> V. He v IV . JS .
1) • 'go and purh.-p.s othei help from
<d ad arc expected.
if. C Fentress.
Vv,i nrled Meeting.
protivvT.d (■■ting will com
n cat D , igla-.i on November 4.h.
h .1 L ?,I n re!!, .relist, is ex
P i* •: t;> !• • v;:;.!i a! if pruyiden- o
p< - lit the meeting wi 1 con' ten
! •*. We a-k tint earnest prayer be
u ’• f r tor: sue. C.‘s of these meet
iu 11. C. Fentress.
UK ; n comb to ti ’ Mposi !;<■
I slop at the I ■: : : Up ft W K* C.
a •OH;i:I' - . : ii- ... to i. : ilwC f<; • 1 -
j i mi. j
in -ft ' o g i.i, ■; '1 pier day.
- 'he r kioi la Hotel,
JT7 J At-I-.-p, Kanasor,
f >ts.h Pryor street
y- - ■ -i. C... y licit
' LA NT. 1 , - GEORGIA.
Bmglar proof sate yalm yoa
c • i.- pets . 11 c c\ iry ii/*.’ n.,putts
f- the Expcritioa gu umN. Kvoy
-j lug first chi s. h • ft.- -I Ur* in the
c y. lelegrcoii < : ahead for ac
c '.mod.; J-. LLinemh;*: we wi 1
t it y u dglit and mly charge von
■4. per day h r boa. ii and lodging
iters n.a!! I,'.:,ip-.
r j jp f.'c ■//. "•' oil (it Tii
V::j- * 1- ihe .< "iuieiful
BATILJ 6Siri>Boßs.
tied jt e H*e main entrance
0:1 H.- • : aa.L i'ifdmout avenue
Heart Hits It.
iirentest and
Everybody in Coflee and adjoining
j counties knows and admires genial
j hearted Joe Ellis, who tipis the beam
j;r three hundred pounds and stands
I six feet one inch.
He has been the small boys champ
j i:n till t!;e arrival in town on Tiyts
j Mr. Hiram Taylor, who was born
e l and raised near Pickrcn. Mr Tavlor
: tips the beam at one hundred and ten
pounds, is twenty-five years old and
four feet and two inches high. lie is
of a well balanced mind, leader in
p aver meetings and a thorough lead
er in vocal music.
The contrast is very great in the
sire of these two Coffee county citi j
/.ms. They sat for a picture en groupe [
and the demand from admiring friends I
to say nothing of the envious was |
greater tli 'ii could on '
short notice.
Waycross Clotbi&g Store
Tr tt ar row. Gen v ’a.
c 7 */
H Ea!>QU A R’l Kits < R o>* !2A ° I.*l DING
HEADQUARTERS FOR BE " Ell ! l\'i. • I.O’ni,\r.
HE A UQUAR TERS FOR EVE-A IflV- 'n al' a-clasi do hi ig
store. Styles and prices not excel din u < if' i*i : 11< : I.i *
C.i'l and examine ••ip- i nniiui *< -i
The Wide A wake and Vp To Gate ('luthiers,
Successor3 to FRANK C. OWENS
j. a. mim co.,
S/33X)T3*02i3CE 3?T?ICKI3. —
; •> .
Owing to the fact that we a o overstocked with goods w make the
following low prices •
IWfI.OO Buggies will lie sold for -l"'.00.
sao Buggies will he sold for*-•>•
SOO Buggies will be sold for $->O. one horse fa- • ( : .\ 28
and S3O. $lO Florida saddles (<;, ;7. Give us a trial.
Ir, &, mmm ijss m
Jasper iml lastitats
me great question of the day is,
how and where can the best educa
lou be obtained? The best educa
tion is that which prepares for the
tecessitie.s of life. No man can Ive
■a ignorance and make a success of
■ife. The education needed by (he
iveragc young man or w M .i
•.hat which gives them a ste of
iseful knowledge, and at the same
ime trains the mental pim<■•••, -a
that the knowiedg, they p0t.,,.'- s im,
•e used to a good advantage, ’i n ’
successful man must be trained
hink and to ctrpvcj. his i.b.oua’t. r
forcibly. Jarc Normal,.
dves such Ci ' vjjfy'oii as you:.;,
people of (T ••eed. 'if.
iCiiool lias ;ir* * .. ■ .' j of room, ,
niod library i b of apamt us.
Ihe faculty in a line
icrps of NPi m ,-‘.i / trail mo touchers
better olios cannot be found m the
south. The student has chice of
a variety of courses. The wants
if all are met. Work of a high or
der is done in each department,
thoroughness is the rgotto of tho
Institute. Expenses are low. Ac*
jommodatious au-Q good. The
health is excellent. There has not
seen a serious case of sickness a
uong the students in four years.
Jasper Normal is the largest school
; of nigh grade in Florida, and is, thy
j oes. equipped school with
; ii 000 miles of Jasper. Thorough,
aouest work is the cause of our
Next term opens September 17th.
I><•**T think of attending sch'dol else
| All persons indebted to me are re
quested to settle their necoun s by ihe
( Ist of November! All not settled by
then will be placed in the hands of a
collecting officer. 1 mean what 1 say
I cau't wait any longer.
| W. F. Sibbktt, M. D.
Local L< {/(station.
To whom it may concern :—Not ; co
is hereby given that at the next term j
of tio Legislature the following bill:
will be intmdui'od : An act to incur- j
poratc the town of Douglas, to confer!
general powers, define the corporate
limits, providing for pavi.,g and open
ing streets, levying a town tax and
for other purposes.
Will he let to t,tie lowest bidder bv
th" foot, on the lath of October, 1811a,
,a the Luka Ferry, a contract to build
a line bridge between the.counties of.
Coffee and Berrien. Said contract to
he let at the biidge site at the Luke
Ferry ns aforesaid. The l ight is rc
-Bcrved,ito reject- anv and all bids.
John Vickers, Ordinary.
where until you know the full juirtic
ulars.. Write for catalogue.
Address ‘ •
J. M. Guilliaras,
Jasper, Fla.
Beware of Ointments far Cain nil that
contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smelt and completely' derange
the whole syrfem when entering it
through the nnq* surfaces. Such
articles shout: Ce \v tie used except
oh [ire it pii ■■ ft r;i reputable phyai
eisiss, >o du ii'bn •;< They will do is
ten Jola s • 'li * i ' ’ : i -an possibly
derive lion iu i • M ‘'s Catarrh
'.'tire, nr ore I'• 1 Cheney
&V. T.'.lcjp i t : s mercu*
ry, Hud i- ih’o-o n'o a y, voting di
< oily up.oii li uucous sur
tiM'l'r: of the •<;, ■o n, i>i ■ ;y’nHall’s
CiUai .i: rii' i *i ■ -i re you •; • ! ili.3 gen
uine. 1, is t iio ii 'ooro - ’v and is
made in ioedo, j Cheney
&0 i. T“siimoniels' free, Sol'd
by liruggis.s, price 7*V* p.; bottle.
Order of
Win. PA.RK’SS.. WiMry.u
. caution"
II yoa want to keep yga? good
• don’t advertise them in the
Fail term Opens August 12th 1895.
Good board with piivate families at reufomible rates
Nothing will be’A'-ft undone to raise the standard and Ii H'B'jSuitlfl
efficiency of tli.'< school.
c ke<‘|i mi hmul
and Assorted Line of
At prices that deQ competition. P-RE ,Z%i JOB OFFICE
IPLAWT HZ" : irt-znr'-y~ wr.
72 TIM 33 TA T- LDEI 72-
To t’ -e effect at 1 2 :0L o’cl'e k, a. ml, Sunday, Aug fib !>;K>.
. .. bred lip
i ' ■ ■ - i to :
k-dbw" -7 , ' STATIONS lii'Sff
*xbtin j.
rir| RV! TiV~ __ TsT
I "ol i. 8 *•> i- Brunswick - <1( f" s - J f.
- ,A-n
7o' •f- i “‘ "" 'Lie lament im>7 71.7
~ •ItV.liS'] * aanmtea - f, u p; f nsi
' it j ' Yi"' yno>vlll ° * f<i il*
n'i - * Atl-.iimin , f<l >4 f (i So
. 1 ’ h-ili-toa f!> is f ti 23
.I t t o.j 11 91, . Nahunta - 1 u ,;:i t 11 15
f“ - • I„ > ** * .-.*3 U.iiltoi vill© - I •}',, fa *SI
*. sM.n Arrive W? VCR )8d Leave u()',| rtf a
Mimhu'v v,> WA Y OltQ.-ja Arrive s-SS !a4 4*
' ' ‘1 > ) - K\ ;*l{ slioro - | ,hi f a W
f • Mil l w- 0,1 - !■ id r Y?i
t' 1t.i1.4 II jim * iUe'lu. ii S 1 . f.i . 1 f ,j fif
fib lit i 1 -in - Riarsoj . f ( h |l
1“ HU' li ' • - K irktiuid - flay / 3\ >
flO afiil 11 61 j Ninety-Right Mile Rost f y i.ji f 3 34
J0;|l if 51 ; . tirav - - 1 i | 7 o ej
IflOGSil 1157. - Wfilimcdcfieo - lmi i UI
•Iflo - *tf ♦IV 15 a- Ampal.a - \ 3 ■,\\\ *U
• ’ Lnigtiiii . tnmtr'f 2 to
II !-)il t; -il Hi'' 1, .held - | ,j ■/. 9 l).i
sII IMS lit sn . A'w'va - lO' ION . ;,,i •> 5*9
• r TO Uff.' . Leave - TI ETON - Arrive x tUf. j s 'J !)2
l'') tu o! ff H *' *<• -.' iy iy , , f t r,i 215
hMI" t lio*. I 1 tfr • - f* 1 1 ner - - t i 904
.(7 ii.ijf t't ,i;j .1 ift - - f’oulan - - f2 24 f 1 1,7
57461 12 20 JIGS . Is."tel la- f 2 1.7 I' X6O
a S l- r >| 12 ■ fl' J t* - Willingham • f2 oH 1 -12
sSE>f 12 \l I 1 4>( - Davis , f1 57 f 1 S'i
!) 20 12 5.) , 2.!/, Jin,."'on 1 4o 1 17
,' ' - AI.HANV . I : ;,s 112
A' v - L- I ' ,t 'T“77 A IVI 11
vEV . .v;r ; 1 qd
s Regular Stop. f Stop on Kignal.
l)ii>cct connection Waycross with through l*ithman Sleep*
iijg Cars for SI,. Loujjj. Montgomery, Nashville, Savannah,- Chuleataa
aid all points nortn*;,a,lso Tampa cud St. Augustine.
. j .Rcc.liniijjj .Chair Cars between Way crocs and Montgomery
via. ThpmasviilCj.. ’
• , B ( „Dunhiipi, B. W. V.’renn Goo. W Goal.i a
,i- Gen. Superintendent Pass. "1 ado Manager. Div. Bass. A|
' - rnmmk,
•• . ■
■. 4 ’ >
82 7 • ! Li
v 7 . L
: ® ;i ||
Primary, Intel mediate, Academic, Normal, Musical, and
Commercial. SVlid for catalogue,
Fall begins September 2ist lS'.'b.
! w: ■•‘w. &• tTßmms&L,
‘ FrlncipaL