Newspaper Page Text
Slf dppi ar>rg ! jt> th- eyuit ’ey tin* }• 4
gtmAit A. H >ri A S'Ki il*at M, 1
amhe-uv n<i M. A. *tephn* <o U"j
•r4aj’ f-f .faurary, IslM, w\< ut*d *nl|
:; V, A. R trha't*r ,t Son i. j
JB'H.lffig*' rn a tract-of laid l;. ing iifcWlu! j
ggotuhlt anildr -rihoi as folbws: Tw*-n
-two itur-n <or-j or lrn* i lot No I
*tj!misiW/in tUa ! xt* AU) diet net.
•g>,> county. Said iawo t' v JU*l* , l 1
• nrf !•. by lands *1 •laciAi A'icUm !
■*sit#*aat be iau<i*t of Tom .lohv>, i
Vy lands <ff W. M. Hk¥*>¥ nd
,b Ivy lauds of Kcl , tot; the
ol ••curio*! th* pay want ol’ a j
1 in #WMni**ory not* for th* su;u ol
.iMiiUdctd aud trelvoanH ouo-kmif
' rote* by th* aiil M. I*.
<i ' 11 *. .4. Mtefthnn* on tb
* imm ~ V y l|ft4 and fay a I>l* to
Till l> V Y iltcr k Re - ,tlu*oD
_ 1 inUr**t, ai th* rat*
j*ruiin frm date
N. N. jhi j). and M
Program of t’> pay. It is thorn
f** ' ounty hu ib* said M. l>. and M.
4/convene atr i >tn th h onrt <• or
layjnylit Oct*™ tl.r of< >,# prim;-
, p dn* said not* sad
00, „>, df**it there
4>! the COW'. . , Pfr eed a-> to j nut ion
•shall apfN'U'N'. h*td it i* further or Jer
4a,i t hat tbie rdih ' * •'•Vwhol in the
'.Uouglai J*ra*7.r, publish*!
•ta the county *f Cd***f one* a iu*nt.h
,! nor four <iuth* or en* said
IM.-lt. Rf*phHß ud M. A. Rtephaaa o
totheir apeoial t*nt, or at.oraey three
'Mouth* |.r*riona m tha nest t.*rui *
dghia coni'.', 4. k. Sweat,
. Ju*f* R. C. *. (J.
. Qhincey A MclAiaiM,
Pettt!n*ra Att. -raty*. j
, 1 . hmnd fnr Slip.
*jl be folio* iujj iota *f land b..R h#on
ta our baud* fer *al*. We nill
o t )t t ik**r<nriiatin* piiviley** and
fciirt; of or *H wo mean .10 a*ll at
*>Hee. S.Oi nf 1 hoae laada ara imnror
•<! aod W* nillaall
Ml! or a ,i* tit. the purchaser. N\:
eebarj# for showing yoe th* laedo. Cell
Muuaor write *#, The following la a
*.li*t of tii* lah'da !• the tirnt (let; diitrict
f Coff** oouhtr, (la: 4tD auras No !i7,
, 41Wasra N 4s. 4<* •!• Ne S, 4ty
wrees Np'iii, 4#tt aoree No I4‘ 4h'.ia-rea
sol,4ooacr* It'4. 4 e-rni No l’6o, 400
acre* No WJ*. 4t*acr> No 4*o ac. at.
ilk, Ih, 4* acre* No **4, urea No !
’ i? 7, 4*o acre# No *|tt, 4U‘> acier No 411
410 acr.’i.No I*l, 4*oaer,*No 45, 40
'aahm seti*4K The Ndlewiitg ta iu th*j
>Mitih t4th! dietrio* hf Coffee iviiaty:
4*** auwa No l*a. 4PO acre* Ne 04**, 400 1
)cfea Ne. Mi. 4M imt** W*. 4tt ae:fsj
¥o4i, 4*o aoKh So *O4. 4*3 aeveu No 1
4*o aoi-M No wti, 4*o aoreo No 1, 400
>wjn>aN>o. 400 acres No 110. 40 sores
"No 49c, 4*o aerec No 140. 400 acres No
•VMS. 409 acl'M No IA, 400 acres No 4J>7,
■dW utr— No *O, 4*o arias No K 47, 400
Moires 9o AM. 4*oacres NobO*. 409 acres
4jf 0 I4i.\The toUowiac lets of laud is
iti the ee <>ul Sod' diatiicl of Appling
*’.otiity, (la; 40*i acres Ne 140. 4*o acres
ilo SIS. 40* acre* Ne T 0.400 acres Ne 406
* *O4l a*'roe Ne *td 400 acre* No *OO. T. e
rfolipwiag lute ia*io the f >urtlt (4t j) die
■a+iniof Apjdiiig marnty; 400 seise No:
TSKI), 4*o acres N<> 007,40 aegye No SW,
•4001 acres No IV. 40.) asres No 100. Total
tautsher of eerfe MOO.
QuivCßl A WcCONAIvD i
ItOHcits. (la. !
/er( !,sf4efe>ie.
Notice it hereby giren that at (be I
■ next sees. iu of (he Central Assembly |
of Ueargia a hill entitled 111 irt Ui
•Lotiah the county aourt of Coflea
• ounty w ill he inlrnductdAleo an act to
eptahli*h the oily court, of Cefl’ee eouu
•y. to (letiee its p<iwera and ieritdic
non, to prwfide for the epiKiiutmen*;
fiia-, Judge end ol'ier oiicera thereof.;
to dr-tine their duties and powers, sud ]
•foi Other pur(vje . This September,
30th. l*9o.
•w buy. or sell lend. We haee for,
•aleeowe of the fieeat farm* iu South;
44*ergie. Cheep—lmproved end on:
improved realeaiate •( el! deeetiptiue
9 vou desire fo put your reel estate:
**• the market U> adveutege consult!
atp. We can .help you—C'erreepond j
•net aelicited.
Quieoer A McDeueM. '
.Ueuglee (ta.
\y aycKuui, Ui., July sth, 1895.
\lr Editor .Dooflaa Breexe :—Plea*o,
*l!ow apace in your paper to untie a 1
statement m the many tender* of yotn i
palter that Kev, It. Buiitb, of i
Oa., ha* been expelled from !
the Baptiat rhurch of which h ait a :
radHiber auii *l*< exempt from the
SjMuirterial rank* of the St. inline
‘Bbptiei Heeottialiuu by older of the ox
aw'utiv* board the aimve named as-
iatidn. nuii be ie u.ov mating him*
*lf an iinpeetor by continuing to;
jWxrh atul fliaturb the people of our;
■community after Iwn expelled from !
tw eiiureti and executive l*oard of j
the tniaieterial mul* Done by order]
nijTtlw Executive Board according to J
trtieJawt- of the Baptttt v
It. U. Bryant. ch**n**o :C. Ktiiyht,
*— - • -** -
MOI? remarkable wh on
ret>*rd be* ccoiap!iLed |ir>
3?<*>and ■
tuf*b iU >o^<9^Ct
Right la The Swim !!
'I hat i*, you hi* in the swum i
yon buy Your Mcrchai disc Iron
L ..
We h* e the biggest lot. *f T>ry (iooda coming that tut* evtr a,
A legnlareye opener W* feeve bought allotted; price* end menu
glee #tr suitomere theltoefll of our Dropiu B*i yee ■<
We are paying she to?
of the market foi eottox
and eonntry produce.
n ' |
) • i
Cur giu* wiH he la.seug iu a few days when weoan neve laojiey
* l
farmers h* givieg them better lint and marc of it tl linanybedy in Cof
ceunty. la fact we *re in theriash tor hvsiuc* w* vant your trade am ;
yoesoiMlt. ysurpwn intareat wa will g*t it. At old sutsd.
Vickers and Son.
Douglai, C* corgi? ,
<■ 'orgia—Coffe * county. To
cli nil it may niuci';:. Mlij-i;
I’a'ili;, si'., ii iini ir..tOi . . lr.
hr T.iulk, <1 < otiSt i, l i;i ■ . ; and
loi l ll'iplic I t . tilt' i|i. . ';;
for leave to e!i t 1;.•. • -
in i, to the e ;at •of .-aid •: 1-
ami -aid tipplic litm vi 11 i> bea
tit the i.rst -Mo <!. y is: ; m-;. i,e. .
T i.:s ricpieml.c.r 2u,.l i Rl)-'..
.101111 \ ic’:crf.. • .! v
Georgia—Coll couidr ; W 1
be sdd belore the 00 i t m
do ii'in the to n L'c , ,s g. i
county on the first 'i'u* irv
Octoijr n. ;;t l.iet'.ve n * e ;
ho sirs of sale to. il o :.< l I
lit'' 1 ' idder !.)■ cash, tl, o low j;
d'v: ended tat aad jctlv'e] ■■ [ auiil a
wt: Two hundred anil t •*'
(245) acres of la ,and. ih i \
und bc’iig in tbr; fth 1 ! cl jt, t
of C.dice (Oulit}', and b i a j -
ti :>ll of lot \ > twenty- " t 1 and
the [d oe on which It- bt. Fub and
now lv-ides. Sr id j•: cm ■)•; ,ev 1
'On and t be Sold es 1 ; •. urope Lv
rif Ituht. Fuse and, ira ' . r md by , r
tue of a fi ia issued from t.-e -.0 ci
ty court of said Cain: eja .. 4
tie Slid I( .It. I'll-S 11 a'.VO ; O
T H Marsh ill. This tb.; did ■ay
ol September 181)5.
W M ,Sh■ -i
- VtJ*.—. *s
f n"; dF
•A rj-A* 5 and, -
StS /V-a
.-n ■
; For Female Diseases i
1 wa.RSv thiSgicl 'dd-r r.
’11.,. I.|)|if,|| - ! . I !■; .1, ~..1- ,v. . j
• ftG'.j juice; dl j. i< tv t' •>’•!-? 1
niUKInK ltd* t nnuicy *••".- •* t ii.* < . fd J
Wadi-r 11 .' !.. ’ : .i'c In- iln tl; I
• ••k'd. livi-j >•• ftiniil u.;ii4r :i •'•d -j
(V V; ‘jiiiikl; 'chen the;. n tin !i •• \vn) f
* . Jid uTinl p>Tfct't!> m oi;o i... •11; • . is., u* 1
■ M’wtiiW'* Mb Itn I>V‘ lli' i , mi | he >i m,! *. 3
1 tifo. I w ill ofar • - . •'
:*• *linx Mfa. Cos.. <’ oinuhu: < , • *
,I'Ofllt noil A* 1 f*Til tloij: \ ['4 &• 1
pßoTtir<6¥tQ£ '• r i
* pneumonia, diphtheric, fever :d
t*viklcn:ic9 Is g'via by Ih •• *ar •:.
rilla. U maittc tf*Rg BLCC-J.
f| Mjk !l ■.&if §
taiir’S 1
prompt answer ;;<* • • .•< ■ • ■ v ♦<>
r,!!!SNv ■ ~\ .• i>:; , rtv
experience in the ;>u?: t. bun! t’YtuL. -■*
ftrjet! v-rortl.i..; ■ , i, . xfj.
iu I lVits!i ■' ’
{'♦'[l MltfUi * fy*M\ Ats > *•, n!., • -, A n . -
•<*m aeicntlfld f(.ol<a t*f ;it lu>e.
i’uteiitd t;.kcn rbrocrh V- ■ <“o -
special notice .*• i-nthi r .
tuu* are brought v.iiviz bei .
ont o:>st to tfco *nvon;6r. t*.
pnr.ert week
ur/eat ciitraiati'-n of p t s
World. S3 a year,
itaildlna .vJit* *r; ii-nr : ■ niy, >. •*.-}■. . V
•-ißlWfctf.'Srr.nt. ....
rMf* O CJiiV *>*’’ . | b-l
fj>uae.% : , V.> *. en&U’imr l>u ;
&• ok; . >1 secure co-ni i
M ’, \uw Vonii, |?
if % v'
Brings comfort an-.! ir.ipv* nt. .a
tm.'s to personal ;;j. •. v y
rightly use !. Tbexua.iv, ••’. Svo
ter than others air i enjoy hi ■, .i
ie#> expenditure, l-v ui. •• • • a- v
adapting the w ';h.b ’ •••*. ] >l:.ct
tiiv. Iv*.‘(tjs Ui V'f* VSiCill • - U t
tV value t ix-iiith of tin 1!>, 1
laxative principles end n i# ;
remedy, Syrup of i'i ■ .
It? excellence is du •to '• ; \- •?i: ig
: . the form most arc- ot; . n : p
iat to the taste, :!■ • roi 1 t■ • y
.u ficial properties of _t > i
< bvo : offei ua.iy ob - :nr :! e .-y;
isnelling cold -j h: niiacbt a 'ft a
■;} por:ftaaent:y ron-lhia-
given sa.i.'fcc; uir ; bn: 1
-i T.ith tl.e approval o. it. u.t< .1
‘it'-vdon, l>-ca’.;?p it act 1-
*ys, Liver and IWv -is - . ; X
' ytstlcm r.r. 1 > -v.-rf. .e ea
-tv i'\
••‘yrop of Ftp..- i-. ■>; all <!
ealnJWc ri' 5 ■?> t % b st ,n
--tfacturcd or the ibaiitar; i.; b:-; S tip
.oniy wi'- re b- r.. tn y
~jcace, also the re.e. : < f e;,
hcitig vr lt ir.t ul •
-•>: any sal’s*it;: i otic.\ b
2300 R OICESvic-w load to
* iservousncss.c.a- ait 'opsi: .ud
ft' at misery. The lie-; i med U
Prices To Saii the times
AC '
TI 1 i General Merchandise store of
,ir ~~ 1r ?
Pet: son , Q
tilmi is
Pfichap’g oM, £ arlm u 4 gwiak wm* br
' ft-''?# Ccxip'S? ?.* > SapmrUr to Cutcr OU.
V H "**_ ?<woot4e gyvrpfc Chl:s4r*. a c.y fcVr.A.l.
‘.ua_ tg_dw4||>rs Mesa Crc.xairtc...
S’-- ,to 2 A, f r>ulSuwii* t • | 1 T^ x ’tuaumd CastoH* it cUlgraa's
MttSSaa*a- j
The CGI.-T JXE Oou.-iM, 75' Hurray St., KswTark.
mtan •xdly what we say r, J arc able to make every promise good*
SMAaOM 81453.
y c in.%cl.T4je jap-to ,tir*.vo q-jjAV
-ro> pnw .* ; too auk wvuj p^atao Ziuu
o*. pJO aj*a- ’t*vaa oqoJ qo)Vjk aequr.omoa
•’ ■' ol iVT4k mmi*. M> J Xv 4 140 X lyjJOAh J|o.w
!W t pood /yaqx d.>ni*oar.a 04 Sf
X ;o 00'Ort muo/a pat? aoi
isr A- .'(4M3J i;4i’ T VUV rfTJrfO POTT-J pjolf 'l \
■R. > A cnoo H I**l3 B,Xfrt>{ V qix-v li-TfiO3Hi*t4AHl
.115 ■ qil- qsw fcnmnr.sM ‘1 poo j c ;j *
'•w ' |(JJUM (n_i k Wh*ot|Ojntl pnii!ain n
wi;i utf oi*a\ a •uvajaniXpm mji; >* v y>r->2
■. uf iganoo jo w m Noipet au Qsjy ...
•j.-AAne j*j*~>aj. nf.-A pir?
rrofj a, tv £ •) *pjvia 4011 oju tiro v- t o .ajj,
*.Tia\Mc;' '( >TO GUl.\ '-■
-i fcv (id . vdti yuuMV .
ioo #if> qiui-cjo %n iSAj:S P'.os stf X;jajj pus eiqunQ
‘AvaK inaaiina OKinxascos
I M H3BVJI IVBL’y ftIGS 83A1IS wnNiwmv
;f 92, f 4 and SS.6O PrMO lltM.
0-:% M I N^LSS.So Police Shoe, 3 ole.
l W
! £ jdL Uuetiualled at the price.
£ P iCTiPjk Boya 99 A •1.73 SehMl Maaa
Di i;LBRS who push the sale of Y*. L. Dcuglas Shoes gain customers,
wh i helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. Tfcy mam.
aft to Aell at a less profit * and wo believe ou *an save money by baylof fllft yw
fool our of Ukt> Uoaior Ravertideii beloiv, CW oguo fireo gym oppUastloni
i p al m :rit is the character- jfe.
lie of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It -v, a
cun ven after otlierpreparations fail.
, *'' * TOOtWjftl trf tnwie.. *.m
. a rtaenu, ’Vwi
\'7K • '
* A-, #
f, W : blkciArc
t y§H TMS e-i ;f7>- >" MS HBGrM J
* I * j4w.cs! runs its sc/n 1
v "m*
w~ V Arattl -jl noise so common I
/ ’V\ Xv rr* I to LAvVN MOWERS, 2
. 1 1 1 mTi ~ -
‘ " ‘ °StW4
(O' l W’troa IBgTljJ . M>
■ s;; csod s) ?a wnia ” ; ■ Ii
S ‘*>,i ajaiofci ; “ ; ; \
: > : : ” :
j-i :; : : f
'•• ! : ; : ; :
I w>; ,I p Ji<>s *
I Vai.-HUawaa * " •
i: : S
w,WSS: : : s
; - “ u * JU< s&W'Jit;KPiiogMiijßinnwr •
"saoraa asm!, it xocrc