The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, October 25, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. V. COUNTY DIRFCTOUY Ordinary, John Victors, W'llacoockeo •keriff, Ww Tanner, Douglas. Clerk Superior Court, 1>: W. Gat jin Beuglas. Tax Collecter, B. W. Douglas, Peaa in. Treasurer, Richard Kirkland. Dougla Tax Receiver, M. E. Vickers, Will* •eeehee. Coroaer, Dr. W. P. Sibfcect, Dougls. Surveyor, Tharp Bailey, G arrant. Judge County Court, F. Willis Bar ®euglas. Monthly term 2nd Friday •ack menfch. Quarterly terms 2nd Fr days in February, May, August and Nb- Temker. J. P. 743 District, G id., T. 3. Bee, If. P., and ex-Offioio J. P , C- W. Infr ger. Court Ist Saturday. J. P. 1137 District G. M.. C. C. Smith M. P. and exOfficio J. P., T. J. Alc&oi ■ere. Court Ist Saturday. 3, P. ISSB District G. 11., W. J. Doe; kf. F. and ex-officio J. P., B. F. Gr.S ##urt 4th Saturday. J. P. 1170 District G. M., M. M. Kirk lamd, N. P. ana ex-Offioio J. P., lliron Davis. Court 2nd turd ay. 3. P, 437 District G. M , G. W. Taj let", K. P. and ex-Odicic J. P., T. J. Id' Kachiii. Court Ith Saturday. J. P. 1130 District u. C. J. hfe< dews, Court 2nd Satur’uS*’, J. P. 1025 District G. M. T. R. Herio .' W. P. and sx-OEsio TANARUS, P., J. B. Pfifford Court 4th Saturday. 8, &• Convention Program of Mis convention of Cos Xee county isundi „• I'cpool AsW'Oir.tio<i to convene at the Roberts church Fri~ day night Oct 25* h, ISJ>S. FRIDAY SIGHT. 7 o’clock p. m., —Invocation service? conducted by Rev. 0. W. in linger 7 :3G—Appointment of committee 1 . s—Power of organisation by B. Allen, i’ reYt'loo■ >•'" Brhetf co: tv Sunday School I; • •co.ujou. Adjourn. 6ATCRDA v 10-//, (vocation ‘rvicea condiwiC by W. T'jPatrick •• b. 11.I 1 . Cady. 10:15—Add res,'. •• ; co:r.e by lit- Daniel Roberts. 10:09—Response Ly Jas, 8. Ow ) street or E. B, Moore. i 10:45—Call of schools 11:15—Evil oi 'n;* nip< r nre suoject selected, by C. C. Buchan.: President Ware county Sunday Soho,. Association. i 12—Dinner on ihe grounds. AFTERNOON SESSION. Ip. ns., —bong service and i tance of music in the Sunday s;be by M. A. Pafford. I:3o—Model Sunday school toa> er by W. P. Lott . D. It. Sweat, I:4s—lmportance of looking {i the little ones by L. Xewbern or R. C. W T . Infinge:. 2 :15—Importance of district cc brations by J. \Y. Rub. ria or Rev. C. Fentress, j 2.4s—Report of committees. 3—Adjourn. NIGHT SESSION. 7 —Religious service ; conducted ... p. he Williams, i 7 ;J5 —Short talks by enthuvia- < | Sunday school worker -. 8 :30—Adjourn SENDAI' HORNING. 10 o'clock a. m., —Invocation s • vice conducted by lltv. J. 8. Fund burk. 10:15—T-low to . ell the negler. ■ by V. L. Stanton. 10:45—The model Sunday school j superintendent by Rev. H, C. Ft nti n 11:80 —Duties of parents to i. children by Rev Dam i Ro tru. 12—Duties of ch.iuren to rare '. by J. W. Roberts or C. W. lniinger i * 12:30 —Should non-l’rofessora ■ emyloped as guv’ay school teach :s j by Rev. W. T. IV 12 :45 linporUu e of S.m ' school teacher’s meetings by Rev P. Hux or E i: • r . 1 p. m„ —Sei.'-v-t a for the t .t , convention. Roan Rcbev.. s, ii .c. s. Bv, ! .-a viE*hcs. The Va-d. . Bm.nCit Cf-lk. rapidly coiui- - o tue .. . thorough ins l ; -• eorohi . remarkably 1: commend it to - t. , ; ! ing a thorough ■■ ■• ear. a minium eosi tW . QREA7 BATTLbS are con 1 uaily go : n;; on in tiie human c tens. I looflje i-ttrsanar i )la drives Cut - • vaseiwaßErr&RgSft&jUT i. I M )!1 Q’L 4S> pp Tjyw7^ warsattc* -. '*l*... .-v. ’ : f.JtA/KT . ... sXo... „ t .■>„ llouuutli j , A ' METTS TOWN '.Nr'. WONDERS. Wits .!* \---a , 7'3ter'?a TvySst'U .v fc ... sc < .•or.nsdl Hat '.r.f U. ( c TriunUti ., A" Qazetir.) j r - t ; •: i iV, - : atiisra, ?.v\, . * • •• "t. a .1 ; ; ■ i . >.y io , ; . * . jot of the phj >i iJ: ‘ ; . r,r limb.. .Hi djLt. -■ '■ '' - rr.-oi , ; ... , '•• • ' - ... Of- !;, ead ia ru i -"A. ■•••i v : : ft.-odom a: .1 cb...\r .. )V c. : ’ > • ij ' is name of the litt'j *' ' ‘fuj”:'.’ vi!i i-t - . . j "®** \ 3 hut % hild of-8 year ti- H. nt . -Mrs in bed, Ajjv*. wlj * de -■ ■ irfoui ea - f i -K. .J i r.c, '. -, iii): i cauls of i'. -r I ioi, r Li ... js -.t, ,V : tiie former , were' - ■’{ m. .fsuapsandtwistedand ‘ ■'' ’ vna .'it; .io manner; ,1 ui •• fciulat r so tighteand .. j o-.s da ato draw h r d.-aj do>vn on her • ' ITer arm-, to.', were F 1 pic— . 1 - " v 0 1 Cc Itl! i li. •;■ Otlii 3 t " rj : -.j diwcit.- • rr r: r l y.'.•> i Lie t'jrtb cf 'ft ■ | cr ' l < 11 err e . . „ , and •; ng e.i the ! . euside. Fn y "f watonine 1 V,M ■ ■• ■ ’ ! id St last the child 1 gat. to 1 fi'i 1, i . r coi’l'i ri'laxeljhern o you gathered srn ■ ;!i a .id power. ~/( I j-' . as •♦a*'?.'. :.ho e sa'icntnninenV' Jt f;i. CO V. V /Ig0; ::ir a child. V.'rm. l9 >' 'ej o '"* physician aoplaud, and a- w ;• ■ I AHtua baharehe- sue l'er•f . •’•>rwv/Lth su ;e. (t * r ’ • •* - ■■ cal!;, an in tV. er. c .c i -x D :v the i'l'j.c is to weft . ’ *,u t-iiar# so far a>'pi. ■- *‘ ' 1 ,r '_.o tti. j end ctncdiesareciup l ,r '.I W " ut ’ .•* tScU'-Sfi 3.. *.f.: V! lijis to ti.t- veal'- enra 'fit .fi c.j cherryer! ’ roperties th t ■ ’tf I, to •V •’ C: l( ' - v ■ ! - • rad iiaiu Al ■' 'M ■ M acta • v.i. . , .... ...we-o : ~ G ot { Yh " ' hh) t oar L _>r mouth, tod lace dV Ifi. to oroe the food Into it. Her : 10 a , v. . ;. a.-.rgs, e.d, ol dear, what a loot Jr™ '■ sue and as, r Ve | 0 ~ :,H.- 9f f icreyi " i-at. a. Mat wr both ha- % !.c. :; :r , vfi too yonug to-e t ; ..>rn t rry t, cat :u;3tit will do a;.' IOC ill hi glad iaKvov " read it -vij: e: y ' •' •• •’i’ll'.t, i .'ah eo . ! " - ■!■■■ ne f hat i T . . ■ gatoat. 1 oplearouivjhe ’• y ■■ r believe it 1 as ’ r r.)"r -gyle contain aii t' r K ' • 1 ci,'. new If . a. ; ' ■ ■> a!.■■.' . . = ' ' ‘ 'i’ ; : . I : : ™ • " '-Afo cIK WnhW? S • -■ 1 •' : r ( *• .• - r . > f . .-j • ; t; V: 819BE1 I J 4 s+*- ■ &** *> 'v- '•% Drt'j.-ier.f, fancy cover, Fur i - : Tv _ iart". ir;v ds.self settinpnee ..•blfvo, K.-iI-V/irondiii" shtf-Ja, <s► inderana a *} , ; -v,v : ,!imerits,equal x * C ’ vi.SewingMacmnc ▼ *3* * - . v.,. •. */'on days* trial > v . ‘ ■ , v ‘ ;;no tet'ore payment <y* - ’)i ton manufacturers <>. an- sh/qco:. I&cbine warrant- <> e v five • ••;.-£. Send us a trial order a <> wi‘ T tv erem: •, and we will ship machine £ <&• to you lor ftuorovstl. Wepa.y Hut frtiyhl. + J Co-i-i'i®!'-’ '&Scwißg fcachina Ce. % 4* to3* Box Ki3 a. Fbiladeliihia, Pa, 2 EyE lULIAR ■ v.--' ,:V ; " parcioa and prey . •;• \<y ; etii ent-.b.ood’sSarsap:.. - ■ -,j curs.: ive value. You should : ; V g*f. iF I ?! ft -“■■■. .1— .rk {I >oar : i' )U A lth : /n.eans ;c much mor; than’ I' you Inugin■ —serious and 1 J*fatal diseases result from' ailmeHts neglected.' a I?on't p’ay r ith Naftire’* 1 I'greaiebi gift.—health. 1 cr r \.r a and x- J 1/ 7X2. 3 ' , *^*'*. n^rvo'i | *! i S*>k Ui* ax> rerta-, j. 1 .- ji ii |nac>'<f.whici . i -i V,-.'. '■ '!:©• Iron Ba> ' TANARUS, a’-sra. A (ef- b*. ( £ e i !JM car*—bnicgt Bitters gpg ( U Cures 9 . ' *128831 lag p ’ - Trscateo 4 ... .vtljtttSce, Bed oNta > ‘L-lui'D t .teroi tS/et*. ti 1 a V.'=>-ita*3 kcir ptehstiu tr.'. P, 'J;o jrt- IscV’.i^CTWSS: j/ Vso tat rspoar. AS iwr W-Wy 1 A a l *- k ra. ; ' ? Whm b WS SAY* bn* - hat Hcwt's gampWclhtt Dots, H*' tstis :t;c mJZ7 rf. iVt ißEtii "S'! sue*' Set CvR2B. x/OLGLAfc, GA. COFFEE COUNTY. FRIDAY OCTOBER 25.1895. •I'V - - -- _ 68* am bis? 8 22*’* it ap c • JH? I|a \i Ugos? , fc ’{lf 3 SB 10If ilSnai h 4'V ills* ! The largcststock of groceries ever shown in any rehdJ store in this seeiiea. 1 buy in round, lots from hcadqUArte. ■>; :naka prices the same ■way. I -will meet tfco pQces of .a;y man onaartb, AND BOY’S Cd-OTiirNG IN IIE.vPh AN D PU.2S. GOOD FITS AND LATEST STYLES. shoes! shoes! Shoes!!! i My stock h* the bet an-i knd Lrjost c a:./ retail Btor* I:N SOUTH GEORGIA. | Stock is Compl* in '\&euy Line AND CHEAPER THAN HAS EVER. BEEN HOLD. Customerscoming to Oouglas CAN PUT THEIR HORSES IN MY LOT FREE OF CHARGE. I HAVE t ON HAND LINT COTTON FOR SALE FOR MATTREIBES. I*ive me a trial and foeeoii?mced nothing to price my If you rhov.M *t any time a.od a Coffin cr 'Vb <-t,t oi.f.-oa me, I htve a OoSn d'partaicnt in my atore. Car, fix y>u up *:.y pa. • and style. ALL p*oas that have notes or accounts iue will save ai:>n*y by * -- ruitig ff fv-Bna *t once. C - - i&t 4 QOUGLA GEOA GIA Wisdom, Justice and Moderation. yh-. kA j r-* W fS Ss 3R rtf Kj W fJLVi IW i'lk L 4 p fcjj Mr K f-.H v-; h' a* ADVERTISEMENTS? TO SAVE YOUR l OB u Ala jail m ßJ±hKu, WILL BUI MORE GOODS Al BE® GOODS FOB LOS MONO! A! Ward. & Da vis’ than can be bought elsewhere in COFFEE County. Our f.iHtto is: “UNDERBUY and t/NDRRSHLI.,*’ the most go*ds for the least Money. The question i asked : Ho.v can WARD & DAVIS sill so CHE A l’? we buy our goods in the Northern and Kn'on markets for SPOT CASH, we save the middle roan's piotit. we msll for t LOT CABH a.iA run tio on bad nccouets, v. I'.-:- '' no rents to, v omnioy i\o clerks, wdo ear own buying mid aching and -,vo ad! goods at i.ii.vj oi r customers can live at. W *; [ \ i ;> rl* -x; 3. ►-R7 CF ■tC arc making the old iin:o I'.i-.n • ■ inc'vhaii.ts treinlih’. vvitli tr.a-, 1000 Shooa to he P, :ld at Km-.'-ct pries a during next Cos days OUIB. I’SVfi €23 NT COiIiVTIIB in running eyer wdb U VROAINH. 2I.A.TG I l-rsS.V; 11 HATSIII tv? ttevj the nicest au-joriii.viit • , ”or rhown in I ■< tubas, : :i 1 at price' that will please you. ?•"' F? V'J ' ’fJT if v. 'b 'J bf i-'V : ■ % i&j&g .-.V; JCi' .'7 F.- 1 -'- sSsi a DRESS GOODS, CALICOEB SU’-.bii; .-; MIECKS,- fc., AT ASTONISHING L Y LOW PRICE'S, Oei sis#!; Is la u j parllsislas' aad w® O'safaiiise s l itlb&&c'tola be . < R prise. OWE, MMB of oEOOE ri©s Is £b©:Yv vbS al prices :.4i tl at will miilb© jCYb smile 18lt Graiv.datvd Yti-a: ' , V .'v , ji 40:: . ,r ' 1 20R Ric |l, 50U>a Grits?l, Meat i'; • h 15, .luta 5 ceal* a box and everything else at; rb- ?, th.ct will nv . W.E W-‘.nt C-..dc tv. . , poke. t.> i it. Cb'.'-JETo co 8# ,V 8 can save you MONEY. wp?ii xv ruyiq Hh-Mb ij* ink r< If jj | Lwf- :i'jsr TnOW 2?2fvX<3-'33 Dougiag) - - U^orgia NUMBER 40