Newspaper Page Text
Georgia— Coffee comity. Will bo,
old before the court hnuoe door j
in the town of Douglas between the |
legal hours of sale on the first j
Tuesday in November the sain be 1
ing the 6th day of said month to f
the highest and best bidder for
cash the following and scribed pro
perty to-wit: All that tiact ort
parcel of land lying and being i)
the county ofCott e and descr. oeu
as fdlows : All of lot of land N, - ’
one (1) in the first (Ist) distsi t
Coffee county containing four hut -
dred and ninety (490) acres, Sui
property levied on and to be old
‘ i the property of Robert Fussed
er and by virtue o f a fi id i
- m the Justice court oft ;
This lim trict G M pf said eouni.
ta- First, ■ {5. Mayer Alina .
"Sn'rhPhert Fuatoll. Proper!,
ing over v in satisfaction of th
urified fi fa. This Oc-
Tl “*^B#s.
lure met 1
. , \\ M Tanner, Sheriu.
see to be
A j, ig S iR„,
\i l tor> of the largest sign* ever printed
ts sea 'on the roof of the Chattanooga ,
Madiciae, Oo'a laboratory,at the. foot and j
Laokout mountain. The sign is 17.1 fi. j
Jeiig nd 40 ft wide and reads, “Me!
'■<o W>ne of Ca. for women
letters are 20 ft. long, ••• •
be read ,‘ r rt> lhe tc T of thc ' hi " I
•Id mountain visitar conn to?
thi. popular report without li vu v
“Wine of Cardui’' impressed
eu hi. memory, f hi. medicine b * -
iacraaaed in popular favor very i*pvl-.
ly, and now .lands at the head o' 1 r. f
lais. Thousand, of iadies u f t|
oreiy month. j
■ —i
Geoigia —Coffee county, T> ndj
pluunitmav concern: All p< ;
sons i ,'tcrestcd are hereby not fled j
that if no good cause be show nio j
the contrary an order wtll be v at ; i
ed by the una>rs>g nod ‘ >a th( 4,;: j
day of November,
lishing thc o!d BlPClt. s hear *o, 1
leading tiom Douglas oo dl 'o.\ to ~
in Coffee county, it being pon.-i.h - \
e<l to be to th best interest OJ t e J
]ublic- This Oct. 7th 1895.
John Viokcra. Ordinary, j
_ . . . . - .. . •
Georgia—Coffee county. T > a'l i
wliom it may concern : Hanna’ii
Hargraves, c ilored, lias in civ |
form applied to the undersigned l
for permanent letters of udmiu t. i
tion the estate of llenry llargi ivi - j
Into of said county deceased And ! j
uiil pas- upon said application o i
the Ist Monday ir. November. Giv- j
en undci my hand and official s iy- \
nature this Oct. 7tli, 1895.
John Vickers, Ordinary
Georgia—Coffee county. All
persons having demands against
Thomas Paulk dec jased late of -a l
county arc hereby notified and r>-
.juired to present them properly
attested to the undersigned within
the time prescribed by law. And
all persons indebted to said dcuviis
e l are hereby required to mak ■ im
mediate settlement to the under
signed. This Sept, find 1895.
Elijah Paulk, sr., Admin'r.
Georgia—Coffe* county. To all
•whom it may concern. Klijah
Paulk, sr., administrator of Thom
as Paulk, k :ceased, has in due
form applied to the undersigned
for leave to sell the lands belong
ing to the estate of said deceased,
and said application will be iioarcl,
♦n the first Monday in Oct. text-
This September 2nd 189",,
John Vickers, Ordinary
Notiea i karat? gitaa vkai t. t*
mail aioa of tha Gaaarat A.aa wt y
of eiaorgis a kill, aatitlek an est <a
akali.k tka aoaaiy aoart af t >T a
esmnt? will kaiatradnead Alao a* r-at 't
a.i.kli.k tka cut aaart af Caffaa saw a
iy, to kafiaa ita pawara and j*i dc
tuaa, io pravitla far tka appoint waut
soa and atbar allcara tk jreof,
to kaiaa thair auc.aa aak powar. au4
iai otkar parpoata. Tkia Saptcnahsr
•f;k. im.
o you wisi.
• kuy, or tail laod. We katt f.u
aala a• af tka f aaat fanua im : u k
Gaorgia. Cktap—laaprarad a* 4 o
iatpravad raalaitata ai all daaariatiom
i yaw daatre to pot toot root t*U •
wo ike Markot ta advaotaga ec t.nli
li. Weeaa kalp t#—Carratposd
occ aalieited.
(JaioaeTJk liaDaa.dd.
Danglaa t.’a.
THE MOiT reocrkabia corea oo
■ ropoatl here koao aceoiopkohrii :>
Hood's Saraapatlkf • Hia or.a^naUru
r aU 81.088 ISASIS
Right la Th€ Sw:m 11
That is, jou will bf Jft tk *• w a ii
yau buy Y#ur fflzi ?hauiiiSs i
, ■ j
1 t
pickers <-s Soo4 *
Wobaratka kig|ast lt of Vn rG< '; eouiu; m# to re. :•< .t
A regularjt opttr Woh*r : '" hr, hnttem t**ie*v ■> .tj ■. io j
glr ba. oina Drop n *e *
We are i € ' ■
of the market for eM
and count rp r© te-1
Oor giaa wH Wa r*ato; i. fw ewkeawacao ■ om ycr
:araiara ky (inag tkoa kattar lia' aac ta* af it tbaa.aayr.ody t es
aitoty. la taat wa ra ia cka ro. '< kvtia smt - le ir<! if
yoa aoatalt yomr owa iotarest.wt wi.'.goi, it. olditaad
Yickers o m
Oouglaa, / fit, -gli.
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¥:r ' i the times
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Be . jam,
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■- _ %>'.• 'Am to 6tog btl,
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E Of ; Ka , .virsem) Osstorltt ?v:r ■:hlWi>n>
, - •IfJnhs. -.> sspciMs- foaoy pt>aerisi(iea
" -'■ ;a: ei'i" B. A. ajHwsa, 3C.Su
: tlOtciw.i rft, Bro&i'.iTO, fI.T.
> • Coar-ierr, 7? Itnriay St, JffcwTcrSo
, s& ta?2. . •^gsti'sssssms^ssaa
1 WSTS - \
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‘.-4- • • 1 -f. OK In JC.Ei T 0
—i numwi r irirws ill', n—■ !■ ■mm
■ SHOE 9 S“
ttf)ia Best sold at
. •' SfeS.SO Drsß
-ta c■.x’V'm -.. wrk, cot>ng irotA $6 to
• f'rdloo Slao®, 3 Soldo*
a But; ' siiiL.Tg' .“^hee
11.S0, and @S: h€a #
Unco'.tailed it the priae.
Bov* SfS ft 81.78 Scheel Ibß
L. **vn; *JiC jior
r " , JLAOIEft* ‘
% is, 'SSS.B© sa, it.m
''.-T*. K-ett Ifaeol, feiyiliA., rwM
v >'>£Uujcuid
•• , r , to t*® wortd. AiS Mih
-i.J . •• . a* open luivtag vTEI
v - ----
'■ '-vs ■s£: m<s iwi ju •
i7fee^ bot •“*
las Shoes gain cuttoflMHft
y . •:' lull line of goods, nw ■
9T r_ . . by b7lar bB JWWT
bF" • a -*'” ... .
i . VV --
f-d lr- D?r' a
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