Newspaper Page Text
w t, Crisp Paragraphs Flcke
Up Here, lhere and
Items Too Small for Hearts. Out Lor-l
Enough to Ilaiso Merry Cain When
Properly Imaiiod.
Douglas will soon be incorporated.
Overcoats were in demand Wednes
Mr. E. A. Buck went to Waycross
J. B. Smith is busy putting up hi*
new residence.
John Bussell is making a good re
cord in the legislature.
There is a white man in jail under
a charge of gambling.
Salbe Sweat, of Waycross, is
visiting friends in Douglas.
J. J. Jowers was shaking hands with
friends Wednesday last.
Broxton was here en masse last
Sunday attending the association,
Ihe Misses McDonalds’ from Par
konia were visiting in town this week.
New cottages are going up on every
hand. It will not be long ere Douglas
will riyal Waycross.
Who will be the first mayor of
Douglas? It is time for candidates to
make announcements.
J. W. Quineey returned form Hom
erville Wednesday where he had been
ttending superior court.
Our people who have been to the
exposition say it is a big thing. At
lanta never does things by halves.
The best and cheapest college in
Georgia is the Valdosta Business Col
lege. Address J. E. Torter, Valdosta,
Ga. 6-28-tf
Mr. T. P. Register who lias the con
tract for building the residftntce < f YY ‘
F. Bailey is we regret to learn sick
with the fever.
The Baptist association was a suc
cess. Much good was done by the
able sermons and earnest workers of
the association.
s—The rear guard of a struck
us this t tweek, Fo.tunately thcsi
things do not amount to much is this
Southland of ours.
Mrs. J. W. Quineey returned from
Florida on Wednesday after an extea
ded visit to relatives and friends at
Lake City and other points,
p. Mrs. W. W. Terrell and little sot
Rewel are home again and the Doc
tor’s genial smile has grown scvei a •
inches in consequence there o'.
* Porter’s Business College of Macor
has been moved to Valdosta and coin
bined with Valdosta Bus ness College
with J. E. Porter president and busi
ness manager, 6-28-tf
The funeral of Mrs. Tabitha Daught
ry will be preached at Pafford church
six miles from Willacoochee on the
3rd Sunday in November. Relatives
and friends will please note the time.
Mr. Z. T. Brown, of Waycross, ar
rived in town Monday and w.ll at
once set about building a residence
for himself and one for bis son T. M
Brown. The citizens of Douglas ox
tend a cordial welcome to Mr. Brown
as t® all others who may desire to
come among us.
A party of Douglasitc-s among whom
were B. Peterson, wife and sou Oliver.
N. T. Creel, W. W. McDonald, W. T
Patrick, Frank Hall, Mrs. E. A. Buck
Miss Bouchelle and Miss Kate Kirk
lan4. left tins morning on a spc-cia
train for the exposition.
Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that a bid
Will be introduced at th;a term of tin
General Assembly creating a Board o
County Commissioners for Code
county and for other purposes.
Georgia Coffee :countyj.M.Miller lia
applied for exemption of personalit;
and setting apart and valuation o
homestead and I will pass upon th
earn® at 10 o’clock a. m., on the oti
day of Nov. 1895 at my office in u > ij.
John Vickers,
Unities and Desolations Adopt
ed by the Association.
Coffee County Sunday School As
sociation convened at Roberts church
; • Way evening Oct. 15th, 1895 at 7
1 ’clock.
i Invocation services was conducted
• v Rev. 0. W. Infinger. The spirit of
! the good Lord was with us at the com
i n
uencement and remained with us
through the entire meeting.
Committees was appointed as fol
lows on credent als: Rev. H. 0. F> n
i.-ss and Bio. F. P. Cady; on nomiua
tic ns Rev. Daniel and Bros.
■ J. W:e, J. C. Brady and Jas. F
J vi-rstrect
The question of tue p..\v to!county
,auiz B to- iv ■ hen taken up nd
very ably die. ;J by Rev. H. C.
'.'eatress L'lk a her a short a dress
the President of the county asso
eoti-m . e adjou iu and to reconven. at
o’clock Saturday morning.
Invocation services conducted by
Bro. F. P. Cady. Address of welcome
by Rev. Daniel Robot: ts which made
ns fed a home among Cods children
.•'he same was responded to by Bro j
as. F. Overstreet, which only in part ;
a own how much we Sunday school
orkers aj precisted the herb
•ome made by there good people. Tat I
■vile of whiskey drinking tbc-n
Icen up and very iuccessfull :'• ll
and by Re v. 11. C Fen. re-s.
Tlie call of schools was then taken
n and the following twenty-one
choots were reported to be alive:
• hive, Anliock, .nd. K->-k
land, Pearson, Sweetwater, Midway
Lourpe’s Chapel, William’s Chapel,
Fillacoccheo Lelialon, Douglas,
hide Rib on. Ready Branch, New
Hope.. Lone Hill, Fellowship, Harmo
ny Grove, Oak Grove. < o;key Grove
Red BluiT. The following had in their
written report* Vutiock, Olive,
Bratcher pond, Kirkland, Pearson,
Sweetwater, Willacoochee, Midway
Monroe's Chapel. L -liaton, Douglas
ed Waite Ribon, showing a tota 1
membership of 765 with 58 conver
sions during tho last six months. Th*
remaining nine schools were simply
reported bv word of the mouth. Th>
following members and delegates had
heir names enrolled : Roan Roberts,
President; C. \V. Infinger, Secretary
otem ; Revs. Dauic-1 Roberts. H. C
Fentress, J. S,
da.SSTSJoSrtr P. rtndv, f .1 Giißose,
T. T N. YY ’tkiiir;, J, tl. Brady, Gray
vfeeks, '. J. Hood, A. Overstreet, L.
Taylor, Aaron. Corbett, W. T. Pat
; :k, and A. P, llux ; Misses Viola
Fussel!, Ada Iniinger, Sallie Mansell,
Betsey P'flbrd, Alberta Riokeb m,
Nannie Buck. Lunanmio Corbett.
Laura Douglas. Louie Gaskin cud
,! .s Annie Vutkina. We then ad
uiiod *-• reeom mi *t 1 o’c! ~k.
Tin e. ii i \n,l Oh. c .n f b
■ 11r r i!” su-,h •/ •• •! worm ?• 1,-
. W. id: i : CarbeH. P.mlk
• d.'.-.K aa i oilo -< iwvj.v Iv.uv to prt
Ac to :’ 0..f . :.(■ Id
n' be < i, 11 > . . and! - nd m.-ert
•to*, be in e taut y, -c- ihere as j- i
i" and >me to spare.
Religion - services conducted bp
Rev..B. J. Hauls. Importance of mu
sic in the Sun-hny school by Br® Al.
and . Pafford. Imnort s ce of looking af*
’er the > i clc . wa-ably tiiseu--fi
| by C. C. B-i.-hanao, of Waycross. r : be
übjeot <>f dik’iict celebrations was
:,bly advocated bv Pc. v, II C F* and vs
, nd Bro. J. W. Roberts. After p shot*
slk by th i'. T-' -nt y:r adjoumetl
jto reconvene i 7 ebb 1 .
i nici:t SESSION.
Religions sc \V< • condtvl by Rev
j Daniel 1 oberts, aftei we had
1 i short sc; non preached by Rev. Sand.
• -aids, frrm the 14th chapter and 6tii
j verse cf Mathew Short talks wi s
) then nr do • l ,on central But dev
j ichool work by Revs C. VV. Intinge ,
j Daniel Rv verts, etal, we then adjourn*
j <d to reconvene at 10 o’clock Sunday
j morning.
Jnvot ' ii .ervices conducted 1y
; dev. J- 5. ’ Un k. Duties of p.t
--; rei.ts to their children in reff-.-tence to
! ho 3u ■ dm,' O'J, was ably dhcostd
by Rev 0. W. InSny The mod do]
| dumla,- .school i upc-rin lenient by R( v
.1. C. "i'entrosa was a very in ter eg til g
and ins'ru'‘ivo discouise. The iti
iaenpp Ci •''d ’3 captivated ! y the
; address sad blackboard illustration of
the inoddtl Sunday school teacher
: showing clearly the importance o;
j having men and women full of grace
teach our children and the danger
-)f nntri • :g tl .. i:i the of
inacrr f t> u* q'J' :tion of tiie
import:.sea of tae Sunday school
teach* I ’T rnee inj waa ably disc”.ssed
v llev. A. J?. iiux and W. T. Patrick
A shot. talk was njaae by, and a rceo-
lution offered by Rev. C. W. Infiugei
see resolution adopted, we then took
up a collection to pay incidental ex
penses which resulted in the raising
of $5.82. The committee on nomina
tion! r spoiled iu faver of Sweetwater
church as the place for our next coun
ty convention, it being accepted we
then after a good old time hand shak
ing and God bleis you till we meet
again we adjourned to meet at Sweet
water church near Pearson on Friday
night before the 3rd Sunday in April,
1896. C. W. lnfinger,
Bec. Protem.
Resolutions adopted by Coffbe coun
ty Sunday school association while in
convention at the Roberts church
October 27th, 1895.
Ist. Resolved that each Sunday
school in Coffee county elect annually
a Sunday school missiomrry whose
duty it shall be to look out for the neg
looted ones who are out of the Sunday j
school and report to his or her school \
that means way be devised to bring
Waycross Clothing Etore
Waycross, Georgia.
BfEADQUAIiTERB FOR EVERY 11HNG In a first,-cl.i * ctotliing
store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city in the tmte.
Call and examine our complete Block,
The Wide Awake and Up To Tate Clothiers.
Successors to FRANK C. OWENK
J. A. JONES & CO.,
Owing to the fact that we are overstocked with goods wc make the
following low prices;
$45.00 Buggies will be sold for 40.00.
SSO Buggies will be sold for s4o.
S6O Buggies will be sold for SSO. 1| one horse faun wagons ©2B
and S3O. $lO Florida saddles @ 17. Give us a trial.
ar. jl mmm mmn m
Jaspr Normal Inslilitu:'
The great question of the day is,
how and where can the best educa
tion be obtained? The best educa
tion is that which prepares for the
necessities of life. No man can live
in ignorance and make a success of
life. The education needed by the
average young man or woman is
that which gives them a stove of
useful knowledge, and at the same
time trains the mental powers so
that the knowledge they possess can
be Rsed to a good advantage. The
successful man must he trained to
think and to express his thoughts
forcibly. Jsopo? Kortnal Jnstitt/e 1
gives such an wiwut&on as yourg
people of tb-i prrjbh need. The 1
school has ar> - imo3 of room, a
good library nr-/- perrty of aparatus.
The faculty Is Oißoosed of a line
corps of Normally trained teachers
better ones cannot be found in the
south. The student Las of
a variety of courses. The wants
of all are met. Work of a high or
der is done in each department,
Thoroughness is the motto of the
Institute. Jispenses are low. Ac
commodations are good. The
health is excellent. There has not
been a serious case of sickness a
mong the students in four years.
Jasper Normal is the largest school
of high grade in Florida, and is the
best equipped normal school with
in 3Jo miles of Jasper. Thorough,
honest work is the cause of our
Next term opens September 17th.,
Don’t think of attending school clse
them into the Sunday scheol.
Respectfully submitted,
C. YV. Infinger,.S|
2nd. Resolved that each member
of the executive committee be requir
ed to present tho claim® of state,
county ad district to each school in
his respective districts and endeavor
to raise the necessary amounts of
money to defray tho said expenses.
Respectfully submitted,
H. C. Fentress.
The above resolutions were read and
adopted by Coffee county Sunday
school association at th® Roberts
church October 27th, 1895.
Roan Roberts, President.
C. W. Infinoer, See, Pro.
Notice is hereby given that a bill
will be introduced at the uext session
of the legislature to abolish the coun
ty court of Coffee county. This Sept.
2nd 1595.
Arthur Lott sr., Jon. M. Lott, sr.,
D. Gaskin, YV. M. Tan tier,
J. 8. Lott, Hamp Sears.
vhcre until you know the full p artic
ulars. Write for catalogue.
J. M. Guilliams,
Jasper, Fla.
Beware ol Ointments for Catarrh tlial
contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except
on prescripti m from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they will do is
ten fold to fhe.go'iu you can possibly
derive from turn. Hall’s Catarrh
1 Cure, manufactured by l l '. J. Cheney
& Cos., Toledo, <)., contains no mercu
ry, and is taken imcmwly, acting di
; fectly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. In buying Hall’s
Catarrh Cure be no re j:> i get the gen
uine. Lis taken internally and is
made in To’edo, 0., by F. J. Cheney
&C >. Testimonials free. tar sold
by druggists, price 75c per bottle.
Orrler of
Wm. P W troross
II yon want to keep yosf good
don't advertise them In the
Fall term Opens August 12th 1895.
Good board ,vith private families at reafonable rates
Nothing will be left undone to raise the standard and promote th®
efficiency of the school.
W c keep constantly on kaml a full
and Assorted Litis of Stationery
At prices that defy competition. BREEZE JOB OFFICE.
72 TIM E □ A BLE 72-
To take effect at 12 :0l o’clock, :i a., Sunday, Aug. 4th 1535
K. o! down Read im
( ai ._j 6 ' '* J yat
{jooa.jra-.e Pesse . .
tojrjiOfjiiEj ”*•"• ,x,2ar,
A M | P M AM p. M. A, Hi,"
and It* 720 * U & pps - 77 ‘2<> 7* 45
sS4Os 890 - Bvii ,ick - hU „„ * 7Hh
640 809 Southern >■■• .ing - 1d 41 7 iiO
70l 822 KloTen i Turnout 1,,27 707
17 11 f* 83 - Jfti u, - fJo 10 f 054
f < 28 f8 40- W; m vUle - ]ij (ju f 6 88
£7 3i 18 57 - AtUiu-j in - fas 4 i tj So
17 43 fOOI la nr toil f0 48 f 6‘23
175310 12 . Na hunt* - f0 30 f 16
sBU f0 30 . ) <■!. .icon . f0 23 f 659
I8 20 10 38 - Sohl ,u rville - f0 15 f 661
s * 41 s 065 Arrive We Vf i?OSS Leave 000 636
0 OQ, 1040 Leave WAVt .1 OSH Arrive b 5 3> g 4 IT
f0 10 /1065 . W.i- ,!)oro - f5 19 f 481
f 0 4111113 . M: iv- /if 4 67 f 4IS
I 054f11 Ho - McDonald -f 4 f 1 fli’i
flO 11 111 35 - IVarsou -f 4 3 1 1 ( 310
10 19 11142 - Kirk.Vnd - fl27i I 312
£lO2Ol 11 51 Ninety-high; Mile Tost (4101 351
1033 1 1154 - Gr.y’s -f 4 13! 1 3 81
flO 38 111 57 - WSL-.wocohee -f 4 lei f 3 21*
flO 50 £1216 - Aiui’.iha - f3 5o i ill
£ 1108 112 28 . Enigma - - 13 30 i 2 Ml
II 15 11235 Bruois field - (32ii ‘2 53
51130it1250 Arrive - TII'J.'ON - Leave 3 loj 1 IT)
530 1135 12 55 Leave - ‘Jill ON - Arrive 9 3 o'< s 232
s6 10 111 53 1113 - Ty ’!'y , 12 45 f 2 15
a6 40 112 oS £124 . Sumner - - f2S2 1 20*
a710112 13 f 131 - . Pou’.a.i - - (2 21 f 167
S 745 f 1220 1 1 3ft - J.M-h.dla - (217 f 160
3816 12 3d 1140 - \\.; 'hum - f2 ct 142
a84511242 (1 67 - Davis - 116, ] 1 132
920 12 59 2 1.5 Junction 140 1 1/
980 1 <5 220 - ALBANY - 1351 I Pi
A. M. A. IVJ. I*. Al. J\ M. Ais
1127 89~hT Hd ’~ttT __
ft Regular Stop. f Stop on Signal.
Direct connection made at Waycroas with tinough Cullman Sleep
ing Oars for St. lamia. Montgomery, Nashville, Savannah, Charleston
and all points north ; also Tampa and St. Augustine.
Reclining Chair Cars betwaen Way crons and Montgomery
via. Thomasville.
B. Dunham, B. W. Wrcnn Geo. W Coates
Gen. Superintendent Phbs. Trafic Manager. Div. Pass. Assent
WMiW mm&m*
Primary, Intermediate, Academic, Normal, Musical, and
Commercial. Send for catalogue,
Fall begins September 21st 1895.
w. E. zmmmm,