Newspaper Page Text
,*,MJrisp Paragraphs Picks
fl Up Here, a here and
I “
emi Too Small for Head*, but Loud
fßn*gli to Raise Merry Cain When
Properly Loaded.
V* A* expedition.
.ages and Unions *ts dozen at
.A * Dati*’.
Judge T. A. Parke,, of Baxley, is at
tending county court to-day.
Thert was church at the Methodist
church on Monday of this weak.
Judge F. \V. Part went to Way-
Cross Monday on legal business.
Mr. W. A. H. Dari* went to Way
cross Monday to moot Mrs. Davis and
the baby,
Several new residences in Douglas
will soom be ready for occupancy.
Let’er roll.
. Monday was uncommonly quiet
considering the fact that it was Ordi
nary’s day.
ihe eociijfl party at Kev. C W. In
ygers was much enjoyed on last
Tuesday night.
A fresh supply of coconuts, apples.
■ vxed nutj, cabbage, onions and tiu-
I Ward it Davis’,
recent cool weather has put a
A our farmers. They propose
Weed cane this fail.
\ and If. Petemon
W retyrn'ed from Atlanta
M. They report a big time at
/\V. W. McDonald will rehu-n
Atlanta where he has
Wetin for the pastweek on business
yi taking in the exposition.
TheJ -ist and college in
•is the Coi
Vdress J. E. Porter, Valdosta,
| A. G-2S-tf
Ik'ON HALE.—Fifty head
"*■ '
• i
■ f : & A„’
HRn yield. When it
*Hmie raised grub Coffee
takes the rag olf the bush
■&V time aud dent had Irv.
■ Levi Osteen entered the law
MMi Qtiincey arid MeDodnld as
HBnt, on Thursday of this week
Hiteon has many friends, in t'ui
aß&y who predicts a briU'aat future
fjr him, in Iris chosen profession.
Many of our citizens went to Brax
ton Sunday last to attend the Holi
ness meeting in progress there. Wi
are informed that much spiritual b< i
efit was derived from the meeting,
informed by-the Tax Cot
► :
I- 1394, from the po9
I'.Tian lift/ dollars. Is the.
ftuuty in the slate that can
Kcr si lowing than Coffee?
Bant to see .a regular o' •.
ami tumble, kno
gg§B :iva’- D.' ,
i relay v.
to one you i; be
E dont want ns to to go
[grindings mustn’t leave
1 at. cim: office. If there's
S*nte4 Age**y, Jf*h., Oct. Id ti.
Editors Brosse, Dear Sir
Dost and storm* oeh a? I
have witnessed for the past font- days
j ncTiir visit th* south. Stddei-MhngSs
a id changes without wiinsd stay b#
expected here at any tiaw. dy *r
night, Let r *ld wet of dir. Jttst at
liltn. Saturday I heard the r**rbg *i
a storm oxer the Dakin* jeUia* and iu
five :■%• the duet driM iu**?
by the Wild, Was te blinding 4W t
could Met held toy faee again** It n*i
breathe. At Hates tree* *d heue-s
could ot be see* across the St.ladUa
and white teamsters ceraing is* eS‘ the
roads all look alike as to color. Their
f. ccs, eyes, hats, clothes, hair all was
covered ia dust. At such times the
windows must be kept shut and then
the fine dust |finds its way into the
rooms and covers-every thing.. The
tempreature dropped to 10 degrees Fh
ana the bleak north wind whistled
night cad day for 50 hours. The first
thing I saw this A. M. was the drifting
snow. It Continued snowing all the
forenoon, covering everything in *
thin beautiful white. They say it often
snows here in the month oi October
The wise old weather prophets are
already predicting an early
winter. Of course their prognostica
tion must be fulfilled if it bankrupts
the weather bureau to accomplish i‘.
As to weather this is the surest j*!a<-a
or earth to always find a lull stock on
hand of every} ■ •iie’y except damp
weather. 1 these fellows but
here lu.d some wood, and water tUy
could soon g-l up a- :-10 speed, They
have plenty of climate, and abandon,
ce of land amt sp .ee enough L.- tits*
e iterpris*. But with all this they ate
not satisfied and thousands are mov
ing away. They are going oast amb
south. They are simply looking wood
end water. One ' fellow passing our
pl*ep oa seeing n little stream (-”!p
--portod by the artesian well) almost
went beside himself with joy. ‘‘where
arc you moving froth” 1 asked pfrom
them d—m Dakota plains where every
•iron .-f.'.va>v !>-* - y,p.;. -f-p.Vlmi it”
ha said. I have been tip there jut* 5
years a* i that was just three year*
and ix months too ling” be ccmtim
i?d. I am
ffoors with a lay or of thick paper be
j tween and in addition to this biti’d
the hsuse. on the ground and then
bank the dirt and pack it close all
areund to prevent the air from get
ting to the floor. The spaces between
the Eluding it cemented with hard ce
ment to prevent any passage of air
between the ceiling and the weather
boarding and the latter is douwed
with paper between. Lumber costs
just four times what in does in the
ssut’u for nr -t grades. It sells from
to SGO *er thousand. Inside
• these tightly built houses they ha e
■ to keep large coal heaters burning and. jr
or night cli-yi z the cold winter
months to be oo;fot table, "hi. - , coal
. !gt oin lien ■ a an iv.-ragc < < $7 p i
ton. Now coni pa; e the cos! of living
erne of the o long hit win: - r iviih li e
mild .vintar in the south, when;, o.H|
(in the con. tr; dUtm-Ui 1 o.:ots ■. • It
| hg anil 'vht.'ic* one t;< a! ways sure I
, t crop rnd tin.v.i no dost ; -r
blinding blizzards. W 1 1 eh. i:h,l t-e
"ir t l*o writ'.* !i pi*!'-’ i6iifi* f'.< • ‘l
yf may old uiendc b'H I linvant the
time.* Idas is the on';, wh.t 1 in
|h - - o'a a’l at once It is s>o c>
- I
■ :>*, %.: i 1 1 ■i i- cl
I r u Wild batdooG m much for
,■* I e
llt and! these ye-ers An <*■ 8
* *
I But i OOC' !ho c '
this 10 m of the lo
fty . -
-t tbo 5 ■■■ ■: Cl !- m
•V K KAN W.lCc . s'F.
Ate r.nyanpi r.ti‘.ii<-!y '* ' o:t c r..<: ; ,:e
rin. Nhcajc cvakauclapt 1-l ' -■ -1*
conze, Mahpiya ckra :-iin
econpi kin He ivccen m.-k.c, ; .■■■■■■ e
;on|ii numvo iinnetn iyah: avti• api
kin, aupetu kin do un.pi nnye. <y m
na ecinsniyan ecaunkieoupi inn. <vi
cunkici-inja j api He ivecou tcunle ;n
--■pi kim unkiciijuju iiye, <<a ’oka
wawlyutan kin ekta unkayapi mi
yj/ve, Tuba taku fete* cin eta.ihau
■MLhdnku naive Wokiconze ki q
kin. q | wo -- ;*s : u:t
HBl-' nifca't ’ r. k'.- ...
State •/ Georgia, Oimj,\ &
General ’ Offlee. j®
Oct. lltli; 5.
Dear Sir:—The condition of "the
Treasury it *uch that 1 am constrain
ed to eall th* attention of all Tax Col
lee tor* to the necessity of making
prompt remittances of the State taxes.
1, therefore, request and urge you to
he diligent im the collection f taxes
due from your county and to forward
♦kern at once so that the *traia may
he relieved. Very respectfully,
Wif, A. Weiomt,
Comptroller General.
We prist the above at the request
of our Tax Collector B. W. Douglas.
It speaks for itself. Tax payers will
please take notice and act accord
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 3rd, 18113.
Editors Douglas Breeze :
J * a Reporter of the prodeediugs of
the legislature I write briefly of the
% . .*** " *
Waycross Clothing Store
Way cross, Georgia.
store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city in the t: ,:c.
Call and examine our complete slock.
The Wide Awake and Up To Bale Clothiers.
[T A. JONES & CO.,
I nor i
ir *
Owing to the fact that we are overstocked with goods we make the
following low prices;
$15.00 Buggies will he sold for 49.00.
SSO Buggies will he sold for $ to.
S6O Buggies will he gold for SSO. 1| one horse fa m wagons @2B
and S3O. $lO Florida saddles © $7. Give us a trial.
ir. jl mmwn mmb go.
: gy
§ nrß of llie win-
Jasper Kornal listitatei
The great question of the clay is,
how and where can the best educa
tion be obtained? The best educa
tion which prepares for the
necessities of life. No man can live
in ignorance and make a success of
life. The education needed by the
average young man or woman is
that which gives them a store of
useful knowledge, and at the same
time trains the mental powers so
that the knowledge they possess can
be fised to a good advantage The
successful man must b&trained to
think and to express his Thoughts
forcibly. Jaapnv NormaPln.-ff
gives such an as your;,
people of tff iir- Tm need, The
school has an of room, a
good library ; • o’Tii/of aparatus.
1 The faculty is * . of a him
j corps of Normally trained teachers
j better ones cannot be found iu the
j south. The student has of
a variety of courses. The wants
ot all are met. YY T ork of a high or-!
der is done in each department, j
Thoroughness is the motto of the |
Institute. Expenses are low. Ac- '
commodations are good. The
health is excellent. There has not
been a sermus case of sickness a
mong the students in four years.
Jasper Normal is the largest school
of high grade in Florida, and is the
best equipped normal school with
in 300 miles of Jasper. Thorough,
honest work is the cause of our
Next term opdns September 17th.
I Due t think of attending school else
He atto*u.
for which he
misses a roll-call, and no * Model"
Georgia is more faithfully ret... (
than yours, lie favor* all laws iiu,
will reduce the taxes of the people,
and on the line of economy in the ad
ministration of the State government,
he favors all measures that will bane
tit the farmer and the classes of the
poor working people, and in all res
pect, ho is one of the most faithful
members of either the Hons# or the
Senate. Reporter.
.Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that a bill
will be introduced at this term of the
General Assembly creating a Board of
County Commissioners for Coffee
county and for other purposes.
tvl:er until you know the full partic
ulars. Write for catalogue.
J. M. Guilliams,
Jasper, Fla.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
j articles should never be used except
! on prc-.criptimM from reputable pliyai
| oiitnp, us the don ige they will do iu
[ ten fob! to the good you can possibly
i derive from Mem. flail’s Catarrh
: Cure, manufactured i.y F. J. Cheney
, &. Cos., Toledo, t onlains no mercu
ry, and is taken ioterually, acting di
i rectly i) on tl: * blood and mucous sur
face, of ti.e hom., So buying Hail’d
C arh C:\r-: i>r* \o:i gi t tlie gei -
Ufllf*. J- 'i l ot H ifi’ -ri.; iiy and is
1 iiiu* I .** in T >Vdo, <>., hy J. Cheney
&i (J ). IV.-flimoni*: '* free. gjT Sold
by druggists, price 75c per bottle.
Order of
Wm. PARKER, Wa,yoro33
II yon want to keep yonr good!
don’t adiertise them In tbo
?linrp^ WEK ’ IViu ‘
Good board with private fawilie* at reafonablo rates.
Nothing will be left undone to raise the standard and promote th#
efficiency of the school.
I . :
We keep constantly on hand a full
iind Assorted Uue ot Stationery
At prices that defy competition. BREEZE JOB OFFICE.
72 TINdZID T'.A.R ,ljrj 72.
To take etlect at 12:01 o’clock, n-,., ■•euday, Aug 4ll\ 139 i
- ' Red up
_! ™ *—"— T>
Local Passe Passe T. ~
Fr vii mr. r nger 1 aM< ‘ 1 ass *
Duly Daily Unity CSIAT (OS H Dully
|iir[' - i ; p7 m ; aTuT
1J" 7 2,. - B * -'V. - ‘ Ti 2o 746
I ti 40 88 HO -- Bruio It \ ill 00 s 780
6 40, 809 Soutliern : r e ■ - 1041 710
70l 822 Ueven h 1 'I• ■ it 1027 707
17 11 1833 - Jamaica - flo Hi f 664
f7 28 fa 40- Wav :i-, •. . lo 00 f 63*
17 At 18 57 - Atkiti.-on f|)Qi . f 6So
17 43 19 04 i•'!,'/oil fcodS 1 *!W
1 753 10 12 - N.'tl.n: l ' 18 30 1 6 16
SHU f0 30 - Hiilittl'f- * - . f023 1 6
I8 2j 1038 - Bell .:' rvil ! • * ; - fa 15 1 661
s 8 41 s 955 Arrive WA Y< 10 Leave 9 00 586
9 001 104'. Leave WAU Kt.) '.{■ Arrive si36 * 446
1916 11U 56 - V\ f. . : . f6 19 f 4 81
1 9 4111118 - Mi”'.'.. Hi f4 57 1 4 13
1 9 61t1120 - M<l). iU - M4.ii 1 4 06
[ 10 11 111 35 - 1 varcoii - 14 81. 1 849
10 19 11142 - K irklaiui - 14 271 P 9 U -
f10291 11 51 Ninety-KigliL M.ic V.t * 1 1 l,; ! f 5 34
10 38 1 1154 - Cray - (4 18' 1 • SI
f 1038 11167 - Willacoociia* - Mloj 1 389
110 56 11215 - A 'aj.utni • . fS6o ; 1 811
111 08 fl 228 . K.UfUiift ■ - 1.18811
II 15 1 1235 Brooklb-iil - 1.(2',; ?/ ;ar
511301250 Arrive - TIFTON - Leave X It.j 2MI
530 1136 12 55 Leave - 'J Il'TcN - Arrive *3o< 5,2 32
s6 10 111 53 1113 - Tv 'l.. , , 1 2 45 1 1 2 15
s6 40 112 5 1 124 . Bici'UM - 1 2 3-, f ..2 04
a7lO 1 1213 1 131 - - Pool ail - - . f 24hf *.T
a 745 112 2o 1 1 8s . 1. Mi!.; - (2l'lf 1 W
s8 15 12 3o 1 l 46 - AVHliit; .haul - 12 ol 143
58451 12 42 11 57 - G:iA,i . 111,1 f 1 S3
920 12 59 215 .’ 14. ; 117
9a) 1 < 5 220 - Al,i 1 31)1 1 12
A. M. A." A)TTT. y. ivi. T~
•w~Brrf~ ——■— — -w-g-ft
s Regular Stop. f Stop on Signal.
Direct connection made at Waycross with through Pullman Sleep
ing Cars for St. Louis. Montgomery, Nashville, Savannah, Charleston
and all points north ; also Tampa and St. Augustine.
Reclining Chair Cars between Way cross and fiipntgomory
via. Thoniaevillc.
B. Dunham, 13. W. Wrenn Geo. W Coatpa
Gen. Superintendent Pass. Trafic Manager. Div. Pass. AgMtt
, rasaaa
WMM, 3CHB00&.
Primary, Intermediate, Academic, Normal, ilusical, and
Commercial. Send for catalogue,
Fall begins September 21st 1895,