The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, December 20, 1895, Image 2

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DOUGLAS BREEZE. •jg ; t, W. ypINGIOY, f ~<Jlt° r “ &1 1 Organ of Coffee County Advertising Kates Reasonable. anrcitirn n Ha year, in advance KUI.USnED WEEKLY. * ■,.. _ ntered at die Posloflice at Douglas a. as see nd-Class mail matter. FRIDAY, DEO. 20 1895. .WILL THEY DO I l'. Never perhaps in the history of the country lias a greater degree of anxiety Wen exhibited or felt in the action of congress. The country lias good rea hod to be anxious. The great problem before it and its represeiiatives is liovv shall the country and its industries be A condition of prosperity So accustomed arc we to speak of pros* peiity without having any of it or any great amount of it at hand when asked to define or give an example of what we long for we we might have conside^/ddc' difficulty, The copdApm of thitfWjrSUiHiy in- - live year <J A perhaps came as near to thcstandaio ■ that will satisfy us as anything else. In fact the conditions of 1890 may he naid to fill all requirments. In the year the.jwopltr of this countty were empKycd nj a fair wages or they •were •ngaged in moderately remune rative pursuits. ■ There wifs perhaps, DQt a single tramp in the entire limbs of the United States. The only paupers were persons who, hy reason of old age of other disabilaty, were unable to work, and they were all provided for in the state and county asylums yiiore were also a few millionaires fend there was littlo speculative busi i iess winch led to the sudden creation •f great wealth. The government issu ed no paper money, but only gold fur large payment* and subsidiary silver for small amounts. The national debt ■wus small, although in eight-five years the country had. passed through threo. wars, and the taxes were so easily paid that, nobody ever talked about them. The United States, next to Great Britian, had tho gi : etest number of merchant ships cn tho ocean T*day the conditins , are very diL Cerent. The New Orleans Pacayune outlines these. "In the tirat place, ■ays the Picayune, there arc in parts •f the country many men whoarecon euutly out of employment. Tramps Who will not work, and the paupers who cannot, amount to an nriny- Millionaires are counted by llie thousand, and a vast amount if the business done is that of a specula tive soi l by which fortunes are made and lost in the same day, and well to do preple aie beggared it; an hour. Tho United States owes the enormous debt aud the taxes to main tain the vast annual expenses of the government are oppressive, but not autiicleut to meet current demands. As to the money issued by the gov ernment, it consists largely of paper notes Which one body of people desires to see immensely increase, while an other body wants the public and pri vate fiuanees of the country brought to a silver basis, with dollars reduced to one-half the present standard of value. When it comes to American mercantile shipping, the contrast with the conditions of other nations is truly humiliating. There is not per il ips, a third class commercial country that does not own and opperat© in for egin coinmc rce a tonnage vastly great er than that of the United States,” After all, the solution of the problem is not very difficult, provided the men can be found who will fill the require ments to .bring about the conditions necessary in order to secure perma nent prosperity. It is, says the Piea yuue,‘‘good, plain common sense" tin t ia wanted. It is more than that. It is more patrotism ad less selfishness, less politics of the lowest grade and an elevation of its plane. Only pure patrotism and honesty among the members who compose the prescut congress will bring about prosperity of conditions or such as existed in ISGI>- conditions that were entirely differe U from those of todsy. Flie country ex pects much from represeualives in ♦lie present congress. It has n right to do s<> for they wore elected because of the hope that they would improve upon the course pursued bt tlie Dem ocratic congress, which disgusted and embittered Democrats and wrough. j 'the ruin of their party. If the fifty-1 fourth congress will Ik? honiu Robert ’ifaise!!. ' •* / W >1 lim tftr I / i address itself to the restoration of the finances of the country to a safe and honest basis, and without regard to the voice of the silver ft'.unties or the greenback cranks, do v< hat is best for the country, there is sonic hope for permanent prosperi.y. Will they do it.—Telegraph. Georgia—Coffee county. N C Greer has in due form applied, for exemp tion of personalty and setting apart and valuation'of homestead and I will pass upon the same at 2 o’clock on the 6th day off January 1836 at my .of fice. Jon Vickers, Ordinary. Schedule on Douglas & McDonalO.R. Leave McDonalds 11:30. “ Sweats btill 11:45. “ Low there 12 :05. “ Moores 12:23 “ Downing 1 :U5. Arrive Douglas 1:25. RETURNING; Leave Douglas 2:20. “ Downing 2 40. “ Moores 3:17. “ Lowthers 3:35. “ Sweats ihill 3:55. Arrive McDci '.Ms 4:15. ARE young to the Eposition? If so M i' leading Hotel where ■ :'■ ■ ■ ■ -re to be had for 1,- only first-class' Hotel p J. K -fg only $2-per day. The Ylcfor i Hotel , JW G ulucke, I .nager, Nos. 80-82-34 South dryer street Half Block from Car Shed. ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. Burglar proof safe for valuables. Cars pass the door every fiye minutes foi the Exposition grounds. Every thing first-class. The best beds in the city. Telegraph or write ahead for ac commodations. Remember we will treat you right and only charge you per day for hoard and lodging P rters meet all trains. The Greatest Attraction at The Exposition is the Wonderiiil Cyclorama, BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. Located just ousido thg main entrance on 14 street and Piedmont avenue, ou’t Miss It. T HE * > .+,?■ V ... . Murderers Located GUSL. BRACK l CO., the mur derers of High Prices are located in tli© Overman building wi‘k HIGH PRICES CUT TO THE HEART. WE LEAD IN LOW PRICES FOR i LEAN. HONEST, FRESH, PURE, FANCY *ni> FAMILY GROCERIES. Ob hand and daily arriving all styles Pork Sausages,; Hams, Butter, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Hudnuts Grits, Cabbage, Onions, Turnips Flour Apples, Oysters, Fish, a full assort ment to accommodate the tastes of all too numerous to mention.* We also carry an assortment of To bacco's, Cigars and smokers goods. A full line of Confectioneries, Ready made Clothing, Sheeting, Shirting and Domestics, Calico's, Shoes. Ac., at prices that defy competition. Give us a trial order and Le con vinced that you are saving money. GI S L. BRACK S CO.. DOUGLAS, : GEORGIA. SI liipta Justice. The Valdosta Business College is rapidly coming to the front. Very thorough instructions combined witii remarkably terms of tuition I commend it to all interested in acquir I ing a thorough b ess education at a minium cost. fi-2S-tf. DO YOU WISH. o buy, or sell land. We have for sale some of the finest farms in South Georgia. Cheap—lmproved and un improved real estate of all description i you desire to put your real estate on the market to advantage consult us. We can help you—Correspond ence solicited. Quincev .t McDonald. Douglas Ga. a |*H6 MOST remarkable cures ot ! rooordltave Uvu accomplished b> i 1 [U J j ill Jlflte' ( gjSar ; i.GriFfift. (j Jy a Scar Remain ] 6cr tula Cu od —Blood Puriflcc. oy Hood'a Sarsaparilla. “C. Hood ft < , Lowoll, Miss.: “ . wlVIi pt era that I Bend testin' a] *0: :ilng win Hood’s Sars'iparHU ha . fc daugb! It is a wonderful nn as and :cannot n. mmsnd It too highly. Ka ah, who is fourteen ear* old, has been Afflict j With Scrofula eve inoa 3ht v. .a one year old. For five • rs s) - ' had ar< >;!-><: gore on one side . •* fa - We tried :.:y remedy recommend! at not) did her good until v.e com.. and u:,!i: 'food's*;. apaiiUn. My married and. or a' mini* to i > flood’s gm ,i>urili& b jo ! 30d ■.Victor 1 It i: i cured 1/r of dyspepsia. She ha' ;en ti vd'with * :t complaint since ch!i and, a . her ci. * eiie hat never been wl: .it a ti 'of flood arsaparilla in th hone We o-i : nenced gtvi qit to ,Sarah about o:; - ear aio. and it has i aquersd the running sore, Only a Scar Remaining r : 'raeeofth' droadful disease'.' Pre - . b ■ to t ", the mei e - her eyesight 'was ed Dot now she o; 1 - perfectly. In ton. 'on v lti Hood’s B. .parl.ia we Itve use li. d’s Vr table Fill's Had them” ..uig. tIA xa 6ium , Xenia, Illinois. V Cd'B Phis euro nausea, sick lira -he, IndiaeeUoa. bi... nsnoiis. Sold Lvall rlru t TirP H TTP 4 Ll jill 1 ! ' j BPS.INKSS CO! ’ ••’•tK Macon, Ga., conceded to be tli. ir gesL and most practical in the s ,tL is .giving Business, Short’. .and, Normal, Telegraph or ,1V Art course for ?,xis,yo and board’at; ,00. Al.- o giving t!o one worthy bey or gi iin eacl ounty a full corse Vrito at once enclosingr, . stamp for , srit.culars. [’ll liL SIBOO.OO O VEN AWAY TO INVENT 5. sfc*.©o ever, •nonth given away to any ©l and ap pl b through ;r the most meritorious pat*. .ring th ; month prec !ng. *swore i u brst patents for our nts, :\r l tho object < this offer is to encourage in 4 u.tort to keep track of t r bright ideas. At the same due we nuaii to imprest, oon the pubHc the fact that it sThes ple, trivial inve: ins TH r. YIELD FORTUNES, n haithe'V window ’’ which can be ears iup down wt ut breaking the passen back, ‘ .tuce-pan,” ’Jar-burton,” ‘‘nut-lock,” ottk -\/per,” and housand other Kttle thin? f mast t . one can fi. a way of improving; andth irnple iu cutiou* are ones that bring largest retur: . to die u .:hor. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NO SO HARD AS IT SEE. IS. latent* uk' through us receivespeeini n xe in ti <“ National vecordcr, published at W. /ton, !' C ,trhichis i’.-; nest newspaper published in t .erica \\ dm interest*. inventors, we furnish or s gub 'nj don to of cost, to all c iicnts. Ui? .ispadver -/fiee of cost, the invention e aonlh v eh wins on an i hundreds m ands g? copies of t “National Recorder,” cr mg a s! - ten of they . And a description of his ution, v be scatter ..oughoat the United Suit uiong < •’lists an- infacturers, thus bringii j cheur a. umtion the i its of the invention. vi! oommum tiens regarded strictly confid. ..uaL Address JOHN ' v'EODERBURN & C ~ . .'.tcitur* c. American and Foreign I a.enti, C .3F Street, N.W., ! >x 385. Washington, D. C. S'* Rf/ctin. —editor of this paper. Wriu J orour j page partphht, PKEE. lon y to iri si. The I er-Stato Build! mul I. ;ui As:- i:*tion, of Allan 14a., 1 .ms mo! yto its mcrabi at a 1 :cap rat o[ interest, and o,: easy ' nis. Ii is now ready for ■ ing business i 1 Douglas. For i her j irticuln ■ apply to J. A. D ught ry. local ecretary and treasn r, or < \V. In linger, local agent. >AI N- I- CU IE, Sold on positive guaran c to e ;rc any pain in one miniU k : Wand rial: Honssiaie: l. icina Cures No ■ *!_ri■.*. Rheumatic, >.• us.t S >asmodu* Ruins, Toothache, Ii kacl \ f trains, Jh rises. hamunc-s, t.rm Col . V iarrhoca, Oyscutcry, Stings of .l.sect , \ollinga ot !! Kinds, StilF-nuk, ,vm s v rehroar. crick Stomach or Sea - 'kness. l.i case? o' l*ad Coughs, Col ls or Pneu 1 tnia. it A Fords Quick PRICE 25 CEx. IS. AA ALKER’I i>e.\o—sll. rr G 0 ! i c GIFI —FOR — * ill ::s A- non es. Directions —Give 2to 4 ta' poor. ' lis in otA pint <>f sweet mi k water not r, ; vod in 30 minutes epeat he dose s iving two tablespoo .tils. It is seldom necessary to give tin econd 'so, as i. ... is iitio magic, gi :g re ’..of almos' insttuitlv. j ta • It ts a. a very valuable eneral f uiment -ed externally for. kinds ! pains, raises, sprains, old sores. ! pavin, s-.eony, saddle gaL stiil nts etc. Frice one dollar. And for - Ue by druggist, y. .NCFACTL'KK£) By CHE WALKER Sarannah, C f WiSa f ' '1 II b. • :? '• . A t ; f Y ¥ Its i■ * V : ? Town aiadsprei x • a iy that n a. A SIBSL -m U s the largest Am ' pn . *GS ever brought to AouglaS We keep i : ..!■ la > nt Medicines. We ;.'?o car>y , :t< :o t ..(• neot Ameriem, '■ re ~isii a® sl sl :; - '.. .a*: c sex . Toilet Soap and !• i!s ; : 'washes, Combs, Spurges alio Hawk’s Fpecki r o-and > We are o; simply Dealers in Drags” but'we ; .c practical J?w :: *„i ; kcsis os and our care, skin '<l pr is'. :, i using ensures-out,, customers ‘.he best possible rc.-filts aui s a .. , mem agaliist’errors, a!D E i i FaPliii 1)’: .i. W r.jft I.•” ■’ ■!< y tiMVit. We.makb; ex r a liarg.r for dcdvci : nx.A: byvtm.r.l”,. AArjy-.r^nl ovs wi:l re t . ~3 medio-iiiv-.11 : >e : i uhn ' y < .It to your mi: ’ . ~ y • "v Co m aid* i Ain s lie? p; i ‘a ;- |.. .iiiliblia: . alii. .aW . ' , MDiapo] A .- ttnaf? ii’o IjJfibidi ifa; , • ideliH UfO V.teftjW % n n;, :ss coli; ;gt "Tli, U - ■ in th Son-, - Sliß rihlijn a...-. -a sad /sta-uts’ \i all,a “Deified ■ ■ ■ i tyeUfifft Oeot i / Skilled awo y. • tors a* teachers. Act j.l isinc-s ■’lvictioo a hj) , •.. > or'haad sour* £25. G ■'>'l ' oarv .-neap. Givduat -.ake *dva of the jpv A I rummer rates. Cmu . FOSTER, PrsddeEt, VADOSTA, a- -A.. " r 'T g- T Wr&T e 1! .;o .-;••/ f i constantly 6a hand a lino cf thf best GROCERILS, a nice and ae lowest price* to be sold a 1 in ,I,is markct - : •' 1 ars thus able to give ur ce-li ners the benefit o i ~ prices- FOR GROCERIES. We nr © u; 1 . -junection whi. our sP r 1 liestaurr -t ‘‘ oIo! '1 wn Ev ‘rrf'iiag Srst " < ‘ ! Mug you want rt NCTiDE. mu HW It! hj;!. We . tdopia tow:, fl ■ r at. i i;il4ing .■ , , . " Lrießtl* du • g t u • ' For anything 0 ,ial as* gcurat y nimoyU indistinct PRINT j j 1 J. E. ;. j.n IIS a.l(i .ua - * •%> PROFESSIONAL CARDS. maMMIA- - r—■—fc.w m p'-riniaa ii mai i■■ m ). K. BRIGGS. —ATTOIIX.EY AT LAW— f/UGLAS, - - - - GA. •t at ntion given to :11 buair.ega. ’ >'V ; CY. W. W. MCDONALD v.UI' CEY &c McDONALD, A TTORNEYS AT I.AVV, ’hf/la , ; ; ; ; Georgia, , f.n. lice in Coffee, end sdjoicine . noos Office in Dr. M. M. HaJla old •u.s store. J Lee Crawley -i ttorney-at-Laiv t’AYCI.oSS, GEORGIA Vi hi attend the monthly ana quar irly tenne of the County Court of of%>. A G. DICKKIiSON,' Attorney-at-Law, lomerviUe, : ; Georgia. Will attend Superior Court ia Cof ee county. an. vj. TDi^TaosT AT TO P.>; E 1A T LAW Hazlehurst, Ga Will intend terms of County and penor Courts of Coffee county All ... gal matters attended to pio/nptly. ti r M. , Toomr A 7 rOJRXEY-AT-LA •TAYCROSS, : : : : : GEORGIA. , Will attend all terms of County and ! pcric • court of Coffee county. All .■ ’' letters attenued to nromcfly. Aa, RDJn. F. W. DAF.T v aed & bart. LA WILLS, • Douglas, • • ; (7 A . • ;*ll - lUitlc'o together ifi'.fij'tlie efiurt x tOiic.A count;,-, excSpt Coflirty coftrt, •I.a- el - iwficEC by tpfioiiii'-contract. mp; attention given. ' •V-Viv., ■ mi n7; V. iFutiE iCI, I‘. : jsicirtit an tf irtigeeu. '' trs ha Oj:v1(- a sp'o'cial ;1 ’ . diseases j-'.-upar to women - •'•>! 1 <>th. in private and bos- Gce. i !di | ii;>, {a. AiO-i )b. \ L' •>' 1 If ni -.q'-oi • a~ GIAN A cCRGFuN! : pf ■'*, -- GEORGIA. - promptly answered day or night, Lh\ Ff .A, Moore ; 01A N AND SURGEON, ViM.AGOOCHEE. : : : GEORGIA, calls, day or night. B , M. Carter f; rsiciAN aMi sc lit; toy. J ‘ rl ' A 'r‘ ~ •* a •' Georgia, AU caUs promptly attended day or r ght. nit. .is Aollnson Fiiysician and Burgeon. Chronic desrase a specialty, will be in Douglas on 2nd Thursday of each month J. A. Pugh J)enl Ist, fleao'piarters l earson, Ga. Bj'anch o aces, i -ouglas and Wiiiaeooehee. Pei sans wishing work at other points write mo., i am fully prepared to do any kina ot work pertaining to the art. Crown uad Bridge work a specialty. . „ Wl d ue the toliowii.g places on the toilowmg dates: Douglas, Ist to 6th Broxton, 6th to 12th, McDonald's Mill, ltin to Ibih, Pearson, lbth to 21th, \V il iac, locliee, 24th to 30th. iriJCGKAS HOUSE, DA v ID LOTT, Proprietor. KATES reasonable. Table supplied with the best the markets afford. Gun., pleasant aim beds comfortable 1 an , repared to l .:ke the best of care K o ''-' ■ - -'-Mv of feed, ct;u fox table stals Misi K . A. Douglas DRESS MAKER -A-3* ID J Milliner 8 DOUGLAS, : : ; : GEORGIA ti!Un. -Goofls of U Kinds. Call r.nvl sec tier St,/rk hclVe buying yoar HATS and Dress GOODS. iTES STYLES AM) FASHIONS. Insure your lne. ero osent thre o' the fl ues :n t-c world, and can y - > easy ■■.-. t you cant help ■ut !Qi.>?iro—Come to ere us. Quiucey & McDonald. Douglas Ga. IT. F. GOODYEAR Elaeksmttb and Wheelwright, DOUG LA >, - - - - GEORGIA. fully prepared to do all kinds c m ray line. ■ . as making'and repairing bug. • - wagons, road carts, timber cart i, HORSE SHOEING a special r w ild bo pleased to have the pst *iaj of the pub ic. Respectfully, N. F. CrO'ODYEiB,