Newspaper Page Text
Mr, Jeff Kir
' cornniiHsipiici’.y t \S BREEZE.
to mettle a gtiw---———■ . i —.l,
tho two c K , ~ ,
Pearson. h’GKIt j • Aliform & I*ulj'iii •-
• gacfty.
• 11. Coffee and n of Coffee County
twd "teachers in o
Friday night tlK.Batos Reasonable,
citizen* of
au oxpremmiona- l<\ WiAK ’!* A,,VANXK
the priin-i j>al^ljij-* 1 JCI WKKKI.Y.
pkea. Coihc re, a7Douglas
dimt faction ant’,
. T ANARUS,. , Class mail matter.
the Baptist, an
faith we.e thcr JAN , v] , y , 1890
r<t(,/ish< t .s’ Notice,
Some of the. patrons of the !>i:i:i./.i.
me hehind with their iieeotra^-:
fcgrt r
tieu oue. are payable. to the
jfie undersigned
lUffr such is not
tho case—that ;,ii (hn the
Buki.ze are dm fm, al. i
lie-p. '
I’.itiKl fITiY: Ckl.t ' l.
\ nicer cr Tin; no tes.
,nf ‘ The grand jury he tori the last
Pacin’nged tlir road law in 0111 county
from the old system of everybody's
business, to tin- new system, of a [< w
men’s husine- ; and the hired labor
under them, paid hy the county. A
special tax of two mills is allowed hy
the stall' to piit 1.1.i law into opera
tion. nii.Lli*. AirtinikAirv levied one
“ Is
tun* "if 4oe if a wstf-toS'i' 11.-1 and for Uu
was put
t>|hWJej.oOn4<PrnrfnTris after it was
*n*. • Ttipoii, null opened ahoiit foui
l>ef<re the m\t grand jury
Confcneii. As soon as this august
hi empaneled themselves wit-hill
tl uf. the temple of justice and
bc-'-'.fv, ■ F in'd, t ga: tlee* eonduet of
men and tin . tor the previoit
months of unsanct i-o^t; '1 weal', the new
road law fell an mil., I vie Li hie. I"
their almighty jiu i-dietioi'i Whethci'
because some of tin- momhK'i uric
wealthy one mill advam ■ in
ta MLv'OC in their pocUc*
men with the
or y,hetlier from a
ilesin■ oi smut to perpetuate their
names as members of this dignified as
mi-mby. we have not been able to learn
for there is up recoid of reasons in the
- - •' :.e )
I milled hy
every member of that jury, and. in
deed, hy everybody who ha traveled
over them since. The over-eers had
lietui faithful and the ordinary, watch
ful, and, in every district, the rood
liatl been improved In the gracious do
1 light of the citizens who were coin
polled to travel them.
: mESk& lu7l
al e I.y f I
, should
bemoan enough to grumhlo over a
little advance in taxi - that uld
commodate him to a smooth mad r
ride on. Ind 1 1 \, .1 re ! e plan
has operat n 111■>11 _• 1 1 ■ niahe a
Jicreeplih'.i 1■ ne (hi saving in • am! .. bi-i-H -utheu-nt
to r • ay 111 we il-- tax. s . \-p
vd. lint he - ir | -litiuhv-w.ivs
and rooty and sandy high wav- hn!
not a ehain'e cv, 11 1 > soften and 11 h:
rn the weary traveler's w. y, mn,
any returns f w the thou -
-ggJqjlMiiil’n out Vi'hieles and iad t
Wei -I
people tnni tne bee ; tse om e.mnt v i
almost tovol* and ir. ivioi'i j-o o' 1 ,..
pull uver. that wo ; avo tolor.-.hlv : -i
roads. IVO tuv wi.liii£ t> admit i\\ i
ovvMyihin:: is in our fnwu . ami that it
would ho o.Hiijhira v* f m , v>!
tor for Codoe emmn* t-> have the b> *• i
o| roadai* but wo * \:\W u,t admit tl
wo have e\ ou tutu r......i5. \, l : ; ur
auyh >dy who It.. en . j v , e
ia other and m atle < eonutio
ted ior Us goa l roads an i ..> i
and wo aie prepared to sas that otu
e-.i o:' t vn. lut VO
rood bed< are broader than
the ?*tem oi railroad beds ami
quite as smooth* We believe that tht
eonviets should \ e worked upon xTo
roads instead of beiaty loas< and to or-,
vato eeueerijs : out this siu-.d bo iro-e
- ...
f tltf next iurv o the
>s. to iuo new system. % i \<>
‘ wtii jjivc ue vU
roads. 'The taxes have lieen ad
vanced for that purpose and the-peo
; pie -hmild receive the benefit of the
; outlay. No good citizen will grumble
I d it be used for this purpose.
It 1 M ns! Ho re (i Sr kiwi.
I In ia-t vvci h’s Leader the editor of
| that pape. made an appeal to the clti
! z.en.s of Douglas to act at once in their
. elliirts for a school. We wish to re
j echo the sentiment of that article, and
j tve beg the people to come together
jin this matter and make immediate
i .in'a"gi mi nt.- to build a -chool house
and secure a tirst class man to put
j into operation in our town a school to
which we may lend our earnest co-op
eration and feel worthily proud of.
There is nd one institution in any
community that commands so much
respect end lijunls Mich a weighty in
fluence to that community as a first
e! - ..rad. and Vehy*!. Wli -n jieople an
lieipa. e neighborhood,
t-he first ip.ojftyMi that js aske lin con
n ei.ion waljh t!ieH W' -pective move
i.. wl.. njf there is a good
•eh t;iz tj' neighhnjhood. And
1 i|jis jv •‘V / X'e<jPctly natural question,'
Jbjkjmt-' By wisdom and experience,
'ftie fat luit a town or county takes
no Ueleii-t or pride in its schoolt,
i miquestionahle evidence that
town or county is not a
desirable place in which to live.
It evinces an idea that the people are
slothful and inactive to the higher ele
ments of life that make for us enlight
enment aie.-! a glorious civilization. If
Douglas were not com; natively anew
town, and her institutions yet in their
forma.ivc period, the fact that we
have not a well, established sttkrfol
would stand “n iull st us a detriment,
and, in truth, a di■'gjiiee,'^'*"^
1 lie time has j 3 , Knv n j )0ll
"■ fui' i " ti " n >" U, ;s matter, and a
r u i| l Ml no excuse in the
eyi nof inventors j home seekers.
Our worthy town ( lU; y lv j >. |. eter .
has generousli (I .j ercd H site 0 n
uhieh to build a j selu/)l house and
.1’ .‘ ,!l '"'-id' • It 'V'- citivens of Doug-
not t iLh—r'As ,uiA t.i s ni'iuili-
add to .L.. ltamollnt
perfectV^ olU;ru l l I ' a 'l home will
..ppurtemmee-Vy" I"’'’" 1 "’'’" itU the
wo slum t\ arc uu
giatefir!ior the mit have ac
crued froniSyluia- 1 the
We knoVl' 1/SjniypTl -r wify to
bring ah. mt this iiV pinplislunent than
for the mayfcf to eiuf| a meeting of the
townsmen and the ply ..pie in proxim
ity to the town, and Lave a general
rally for the specific ptii'yiose of build
ing a first class school liouse. Who
will sanction us in this ideV or offer a
hotter imo that will elicit io\ immedi
ate act ion'.’ y \
Shall wo sit idly -hy and Net our
school interest languish and uUe, or
wi.l we take it in hand and perfcVt it
’iitn an institution that will relltect
credit on on - town, and will crow 1 t\s
w lit glory in the minds of ouryoung'A
Dr. (Ins Taylor, of Macon, and Miss
Ida \\ 1 ,oi Walden, were married
I'm-.-ilay. The Taylors and Willises
ate gi'od people and we wish the
young couple happiness and prosper
ity. .
t’eorgi t—-T’,.11e6 county. All
I't‘i ais having ilcniaiHls against |
l uiun.i- l’aulk dec ';;SeJ late of' said
c.uintj ar-o hereby notilied and re j
and 'Hi i to present them properly
:-1 to ilii- undersigned within
li et me pres; rihed by law. And
oil pei -miis nd, bte.l to said dec as
" 1 ’ 'bv required to make im
: and te settlement to tie under
m This s pt, 2nd 1895.
. 0 1' Milk, sr , Admin’r.
1 ■ ! A t'oiYee County. Will be
re Ihe court; house door in the
1,1 1 U'ligias said county 011 the Ist ]
l - day in 1• ehrtiary next bet ween the I
I'U-d hours ut sale to the highest I
i'idilor ior cash the following
' i I'l'.iperiy io-wit; Four hull- -
acres ot lot of land I
'■ situated in the 7th |
l i.lloe county. Said property
' - ■ ■ on and t-ghe - >ld under and by :
~ ti .. i-siie 1 troiu county court
v e eo.tntv ill favor of L, D. Hoyt
i '• agaiur-i M. Kirkland in satis- j
• : ’ • 1 ta. Levy made
' y\VA .1 Smith.
/ ■ j-e 1 y 1 mrt ot t'aftee Ooun- j
Wm. Tanner.
’ 1 —Veliev cjunty. To all!
" ; ’ ;i - !! Ay ' ■ neern : A . i>urk- 1
•- ad tut iistiatoV of the estate,
Vie '< -s deceased late of'
iy .is indue lomi ap-|
• ■ l -‘° it and :signed for letters
• i ' in -aid adiainis
- 1 ■ anil will pass upon j
‘ on t e Ist Monday!
in 1899.
John \ ickers, Ordinary.
Chicago has been chosen as the
place for the democratic convention,
and July 7th the time. St. Louis was
her closest competitor and New York
next. It took twenty-nin? ballots to
decide the contest, and Chicago en
tered the race with only six votes, but
she cleared the goal with twent-six
and St. Louis close behind with twen
G orgia—Coffee County, To all
whom it may concern : All persons
interested, ere hereby n tiii 1 that
if 1:0 good cause be shown to the
contrary an o der will 1 e granted
hy th c undersigned on the Ith lay
of Feb 2896 establishing anew
road as marked out by the Com
missioners apDointed for that pur
pO e, commencing at the town of
Willacoochee in said county, and
running in trie most direct poursc
for the recently built bridge a cross
the Satilla riv r ,t Ilebron church .
Running through the land of Eli
jah Faulk, Eiward McDonald,
through the lands and by the resi
dences of Amos Harper, Henry
Merrit, Elishr Lott, John A'ickers
and John Me t , connecting with
the liroxton and Willacoochee
roads at said ileb>on churc'ji.
Job 1 Vickers
Georgia—Coffee county.
Agreeably to an order of the court
of ordinary of C .tfee county G or\
gia will he sold at o Tory
before the court-house V.Vr of said
county bttw ei the leg 1 hours of
sale on the first Tuesday in Febru
ary 1896. The following described
property to-wif The undevided
of twenty-four acres of
-hind lieing a part of lot of land
number 191 in the 6th District of
said county also at the same
time and place one half of un
divided four ii Undred acres o land
being part of lot of land number
508 in the 6th District t the coun
ty aforesaid. Sold as the property
or Dr. MM. Hall late of Said coun
ty deceased for the benefit of (lie
fieirs mid creditors of said deceased.
Terms cash. This 6th day of Jan
uary 1895. Mrs. Rebecca F>. Hall,
Georgia—Coffee County. Will he
i-oltl before the court house door at
Douglas said county on the first Tues
,day in February next within the legal
i '‘pus of sale to the highest and best
L't-bhiu f or cash the following property
to-wit: si |] 0 f I,of land N o M'i in the
first district <>f Coffee county eotaiiiing
tour hundred auq ninety 4!) 1 a. res
moii' or less. Said property levied on
and to he sold by virtue of ;l j; j ;l issued
from the county court aga J. q\
Minchevv of said county in favo.. 0 f p
W. Gaskin and Cos. Levy made a., d
returned to me by W A J Smith Sheriff
City court of Coffee county. This Jan.
Bth 18il(i. Win. Tanner.
Georgia—Coffee County, will he sold
before the court house door at; Douglas
Sid county {on the first Tuesday in
February next within the legal hours of
.sale to the highest and best bidder for
Vash the following described property
tVpwit: S ; xty (00) acres of lot No. 25
in ktlie Ist district of Coffee county and
oneYjundre'd and twenty two ;122 acres
of luff of land No 222 in tlie lirst (listrict
of Coflckfo county. Suid propoHy levied
on uudtV and hy virtue of a fifa issued
from the\Coffee county couri against
Fred Forth and Cos. and M. AY. Howell
in favor ot\ A. Leffler and Son. Prop
erty levied qn and to be sold as the
property of Alfi W, Howell in satisfact
ion of the above; described ti fa. Levy
made and returned to me by AV A Smitli
Sheriff City court Foffee county. This
Jan. Bth 1890. Win. Tanner.
v Sheriff’.
V ——
Georgia Coffee countj\ A\ i:l besdet
before tlni court house croov a Douglas
said county on Ist TuesdayVa February
next within the legal lAuirs of sale
to the highest and best b'd. Ur far cash
the foie wing described pr u> ; ,to wit:
•Twenty two acres of 1> t ' i i\(>. oin li
Oth district af Coffee count v nut! boun
ded as follows On the uorth . lauds of
Jacob Paulk on the east by land-s of
Tom Johnston south by lan s of Neal
Johnston west by lands of \Y M Suit m
Baid property levied on - mid by
virtue of n mortgage fi. fa. i sued from -
the superior court of said . uutvinfa
vw of A lturkhalter an s against
M 1> and M A Steplu P: | erty
levied on m the property o At I) and
M A Stephens in satisf.o im f the
above dc-e in • 1 ti fa Lc . y made this
Jan. Btti AA’ni- t’anner
Georgia—Coffee Coumv. To all
whom it may concern ; VJ i :l nJe
belonging to the estate t'C G Par
ker late of said county decease ,
consisti ig of the home 1 . exclu
ding the dowery will h • sold at
the Court iiouse door in the town
of Douglas on the first T., t -J av j n
Fi biliary next, terms ma known
on day of sale. This Jan. 6 1595.
C. 8. Parker.
It All Over Town
and spreading rap pod Iy that
Has the largest stock anti pun.- DRUGS ever brought to Douglas
We keep in stock all : ; tui tn.l Patent Medicines. We also
carry a large stock oi tie finest American,
Frenci' and English
‘O’ TVX eS.
Toilet Soap and Tcilct y\ l td. les, Brushes, Combs, Sponges etc.,
also Hawk’s Specktacles and c c gia -.-os. We are not simply “Dealers
iu Drugs” but we are practical
and our care, skill and precision in dispensing ensures our eustome
the fce.,t possible results and gaar.intces them against errers.
Who fills yon Plisiiffi ail Family Rsceijs.
We make a spec: ilty of tl 1 ~ department. We make no extra
charge for delivering goods.
, Prescriptions left at our Pharmacy by your Physician, or sent
to us will receive our host attention, and the medicine will be promptly
sent to y'tjUr home in any part of town.
..rms-oam ua .. ITil ,, rMTir nr - rr , m—aimi—jumum _illj.hi
Come to Valdosta?
“The II Iff heat Honored college in the South”
Blue ribbon and Diploma at State Fairs and Inter-tate Expsiotion
“Decidedly the cheapest and best college in Georgia.”
> Skilled accountants, penmen ai i reporters as teachers. Actual Business
Practice a special feature. I> a iue -and Shorthand course 825. Good board
cheap. Graduates assisted to p ......mi--. Take advantage of these special
summer rates. Come. Address
J. E. PORTER, President,
A Miracle in Vermont
with an Incurable u;
and yet Cured.
(From Argus and Pali iut, M> \
Light yt or.s ago Geo. Hut cl. ii.- < i
from Bradford to Chelsea, Vi., a a . , :u
the sawmill at tH© latter jdace. tl.
known as one of the. strong* t
section. On Dec. 10, uu while ai • -rl in
the mill, he was struck in the bar. i a
flying hoard, which seriously jniiii !
and incapacitated him for \u>> . ~
kind. Asa result of this, Locouu . . , A
set in, (this is a form of paraly: D v. i
deprives the patient of ail use of l
limbs.) The Argus & Patriot in; .tv', a u
Mr. Hutchinson to-day, and his v rv is
here given in his own words.
“My back ached continually and mv ] *s
began to grow numb and to b
usable. By the 15th of April I r .
Absolutely nothing and was scarcely ; i-i.
stand. Mv physicians advist : tac : u>
the Mary Vleteher Hospital at ! •..
to be treated, and I took their advi<
1 left home my friends bade ia.
never expecting to see me alive ; ;lu
The physicians at the hospital t-Tl
my case was a serious one and I v m
pletely discouraged. ! remained the
nospital seven weeks and took the pi
which the doctors gave me. I felt 1 r .it
the hospital and thought that I av;i \
ing, and went home to continue iK * t
ment, which 1 did for two mouths, .
had an electric battery under tie
The improvement, however,did is t c c
and I began to give lip hope. ; - • It,
1893,1 could not get out of my cl. ti:
assistance, and if I got down upoj t fl
could not get up alone. Ab at 1 i
chanced to read an account of tie
ful curative powers of Dr. AVißiam
Fills for Rale People in ‘ l i
own. I did not have any faith in u
but thought a trial could <U* no l
bought some without telling :tnv, >
was going to do. After I lut i 1
them some time 1 found that, f r tl
in months 1 was to wr.ik
|K)st office, and mv neighbor- i
cuss the marked lmprovem out : t it.
As 1 continued tlie mediei: let i
improve, ami soon recomru. . ;
in the mill, at first very 1 ht •..
creasing as I was able and a :
health and spirits, in id now t .r
three months I havsbeen wor .i n _
per day almost as steadi’y I
\feel well, eat well and td : .. i
ever did and I have no pain r
The reporter talked with, si
tlemen in regard to the e:u
ton, who stated that any staten. rr t
make would be entitled to entl
Dr. Williams* Pink rills c r
elements necessary t > give t i
richness to the blood and r- *
nerves. They are for sale by
or may be had by mail from 1 . V,
Medicine Company, Schenee: !y, M \, t tor
V)c. per box, or 6 boxes for $2.50.
J.' J. 0T T ,
Wholesale GrOCER.
A’.-i . Grits, Grain, Hay and Braa.
212 &c 214 3 Ji^EIET-
- Ivy Poisoning
Eight Year 9 of Suffering
Perfect Cure by Hood’s Sarsaparilla
M C. I. Hood & Cos., LowefJ, Mass.:
“ Dear Sirs: —We hare triod Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla and find It to be all you c .'.aim for It. My
a lio was poisoned by Ivy when a young woman,
and for eight years was troubled every season
Hood’s Cures
with the breaking out and terrible Itching and
burning. I thought hers was as bad a case as
anyone over had. She was in this distressing
condition every year until she began to taka
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which has effected a per
feet cure, without leaving any scars, and shs
has had
No Sign of the Poison Since.
Ehe Is well and hearty. I have taken Hood’s
Sarsaparilla after the grip with good results, and
have also given it to our four children. AVo are
all pictures of perfect health and owo it ta
Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” J. C. Fkeeman, Van
dalia, Illinois.
N. B. If you decido to take Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla do not be induced to buy any other instead.
Hood’s Pills are hand made, and perfed
in proportion and appearance. 25c. per box.
Honey to i^oan.
The Inter-State Building mid
i an Association, of Aliantn, G.i.,
loans*money to its members at a
cheap rate of interest, and on easy
‘••rms. It is now ready for doing
i usiness in Douglas. For further
particulars apply to J. A. Daught
ry. local secretary and treasurer, or
C. \V. Infinger, local agent.
DOUGLAS, - - - - GA.
Strict attention given to all business
quincev & McDonald,
Douglas, ; ; .• ; ; Georgia
Will practi-'-'i in Cotii and .-iilioining
counties. Gliice in Dr. M. M. Halls old
drug store.
J Lee Crawley JJ
Attorney -at-Law
M i.l attend the niouthly and quar
terly terrne of the County Court of
Attorney-at-Law, |
Homerrillc, : : Georgia. I
M il! attend Superior Court in Cof
fee county.
Hazleiiurst, : : : ; : ; ; Ga
Mill attend terms of County and'
Superior Conn- of C- -flee county All
Legal matters attended to piomptly.
W Ai, Too ta r
A 7 Tons ICY-A T-JLA W> {
WA VC ROSS. : : : : ; GEOEGIA.j
Ii ill attend all tern;- of County ant*
Sup* n court pf < flee county. All
legal ma-ttei --. attended to promptly.
C. A. WAR; > J n . F. W. DART
Douglas, : : : : : : : : : : Ga
Will practice together in all the court
oi Coffee county, except County court
aim elsewhere by special contract
Prompt attention given to all legd
ini w, ir. ihufuELL, j
J'liysit inn all and Surgvon.
lot- seven years lias made a special
study ot. diseases peculiar to women
and children, both ia private and hos
pital practice. Douglas, Ga, G-25-110. j*
Calls promptly answered da%
or night.
' lh. ir. J. Mm '
wji.l.m oorin;!;, : : ; g KORQI4
All calls attended to, day or night,
TJ . AI. Carter
D<*t'<*. : : ; Georgia
All calls promptly- attended day u
Dll. . I\ JOHN SOX
1 in esxi lax Axn St ko£ox.
Chrome desiase ti specialty, will b 3
in Douglas on 2nd Thursday of eac 1
J. A. Pugh
Headquarters Pearson, Ga. Brant h
omces, Douglas and Willacoochee. Per
sons wishing W ork at other points writ 0
me. J am fully prepared to do an y
kiuu ot won.; pertaining to the ai t.
Crown and Bnuge work a specialty.
I win iit the following places on tl 10
following dates: Douglas, Ist to
Driixt'Oth to KtL McDonald’s Mi H.
12tli to 18th. 1 carson, 18th to 24th, W il
lacoochee, 24th to 30th. |
' DAVID LOTT, Proprietor. |
i .mable. Table •
with t the markets afisrdjß
Booms and beds comfortunj
I am ;.re-i.-u-etlVx take the best ofcaV
Miss M Jf. Ij&uglas |
Mi ’BITS I! i rfj.
in Mimner i
Insure your lire." * * ~ .]
e represent three of the liars
comnsnicin the world, and cai
■>u cant hell
Quiucey A McDonald.
Douglas Ga.
(Mall aad WtalirijM, If
T a > <~ > < I
I .nr. : . ty prepared to do all kiS„.
of work in my line.
Such as making and repairing tfl
gies, wagons, road carts, timber caa . t
etc., etc. TB' 1
ty. * f
I would be pleased to have the V
ronage of the pub’ic. Respectfully,
2-23-33-tf N. F. GOOD YE AT