The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, January 24, 1896, Image 3

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Tilings of Interest. Florida has reduced her tax rate from 3} to 2£ mills on the dollar. Profanity is the fool’s impulse and the coward’s fortification. —Cleveland Plaiudealer. . ♦ Florida oranges a specialty at J. W- Prince,s, Pearson. A fishing schooner collided with a fruit steamer near Boston on the night of the 13th, and nine of the schoon er’s crew were drowned. Apples and Baaanas are constantly coming to J. W. Prince, at Pearson. The best and cheapest college in Georgia is the Valdosta Business Col lege. Address J. E. Porter, Valdosta, Ga. 6-28-tf Three drinks of whisky for ten cents in Chicago. This reduction was in view of securing the democratic con vention : She got it. When you are in Pearson stop at J. W. Prince’s and buy a pound of fiae candy. Your sweetheart will be pleased and your wife and chi'dren will smile on you for a week, A personal note for $lO, on which the interest was $330, came into court in Arizona recently. The rate of in terest was $1.25 a week. The note was outlawed. The supreme court has confirmed the the lower court in the Nobles case which means that old Mrs. Nobles and the negro thimbles must hang un less tlie)goveraor interfere. Capt. Bradwell says that the ex pense to teachers attending the Nor mal school at Athens is only $7.00 a month. Every teacher ought to at tend it in his or her vacation. An Albany Sunday sphool boy was asked by his teacher what would be the consequence if he broke one of the ten commandments. He replied: “then there would only be nine.” whe Valdosta Times very truly says: “It is not advertising once a year or once a month that does great benefits, hut the constant, steady, never ceas ing pall through the columns of a newspaper, that does the best work." Gen. Coxey delivered a lecture a few night* ago to the people of Atlan ta, entitled, “Keep Off the Grass.” Atlanta does not like him any morpt and likely will request him not to climb her apple t. ees, as well as keep efl’ the grass. There is only one way to manage the Sultan of Turkey and that is to break his miserable nijck.—Waycrcss Herald. We are not in favor of lynch law, but if the United States will lend us a boat, we will be one of very many to go over and perform the operation —lf you" can’t do any one any good don’t dp him any harm. You ought to try/(o live more brother-like to your felkhv-man during 1896 than you have ptfer lived in your life, always speak something encouraging to him/or about him if possible.—MouUfflfT Ob server. s' The new house cjisfplain has a life time job. He dgtfnm’t believe in ahell. He is th? yjxfa. n congressmen have been lojjfemg for all these years. — Herald. His job may ex nd beyond this life : he will be need ed to toat ice water to congressmen, while they dip the dross off the melted silver problem. Judge Turner will uudoubtly be re nominated f®r Congress in the elev enth district, and that means re-elec tion. Mr. Turner’s work in the house of representatives certainly deserves this rec ignition from his party.—Fitz gerald Enterprise. Hurrah for the Enterprise! It recognizes a man re gardless of his polit cs. Col. C. C. Thomas contemplates running for the legislature from Ware. Charles being the tirst person birn in Waycross, inherits the place, and we should be glad to see him receive his own. There is not a brighter spirit or a more generous heart in Ware, and her people should oppreciate the young aspirant for representative. An old negro who had some trouble with a saloon keeper at Weswego wharf near New Orleans, was sitting in his boat with his wife, when a mob of white men with torches set the boat on fire, and when the couple left the boat and took to their heels, they were rid Red with bullets. The son of the negro recognized some of the mob, but it is not supposed that they will be punished, as the “authorities” stu diously avoided ‘he discovery and im plication of anybody concerned. APPEAL FOR CONFDER ATE RELICS. In behalf of the memorial museum now established for the preservation of Southern memorials and relics in the mansion occupied by Hon. Jell' Davis while president of the Confed eracy this appeal is made, to which every citizen of Georgia is earnestly asked to give sympathy and support. This historic building wis given by the city of Richmond to the Confed erate Memorial Literary Society, an association whose object was to teach future generations the true history of the w ar. Every State is to have a distinct resresentation on the Board of Managers by a lady regent from that State, and also a seperatc room in which to deposit • its sacred relics of the glorious past. It should be the pride and glory ol the South to furnish the Memorial Museum in the former e. pital of the Confederacy, for no city in the land is so associated with the unparalelled heroism of the Souther i people as Richmond, hills overlook these battle fields immortalized by tUt chiv alry of soldiers from every state. And surely within the walls of the mansion wjiepe so often gathered the valiant men and true, those lasting ipeniorials of the noble sons and daughters of all the South should be sacredly guarded that the past may ever be held in honored remembrance. In furtheranre of this design the Association asks for contributions of original documents, pictures and ar ticles of juiy kind that tend to show the habits and manner of living of the people, or of the soldiers of the South ern States, from 1801 to 1805. Ihe Society suggest that these contribu tions be given as a memorial of some soldier, sailor or patriot; or of sonny battle, siege or march, the mernqry of which the donor desires to preserve. To each article should be attached a record uf the person, customer event it commemorates. The Museum is thoroughly fire-proof and guarded so that the relics placed there will be in no danger of destruction. Through the generosity of Mrs. de Renne, of New York, formerly of Savannah, Georgia has the nucleons of a magnificent collection, as yet far exceeding in yalue that of any other state. Let Georgia keep to the front in this patriotic work, i,Among the ladies in charge of the .Museum are Mrs. Joseph Bryan, Fies ident; Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel, Cor responding Secretary; Mrs. James R. Wertb, Chairman of Relic Committee , Miss Winnie Davis, Regent for Mis sissippi; Miss Mildred Lee, Regent for Virginia; Miss Daisy Hampton, Re gent for South Carolina; Mrs James P. Harrison, Vicc-Rcgent tor Georgia, and other well-known Southern women. It is desired that all ’ contributions from Georgia be fowayded as early as possible to Mrs. Joseph Bryan, Presi dent, Richmond, Ya., or to ROBERT E. PARK, for Georgia, Macon, Ga. The Plant system will soon erect a hospital in Wayeioss for its operatives. The Plant system never A cs things by halves or in a small way. It is magnanimous in all its apartments. Georgia—Cuff e county : To a! i whom it may concern : T L and M 11 I'ickren administrators o! the estate of J J Pickren deceased, late of said county, have in due form applied to the un lcr. igned for let ters of dismission rein said adm n istralorship, aid this is to notify all persons kindred and creditors to show cause if any at the March term 18% of the court of Ordinal'} ; u said county why such letters cl dismission sho ild not he grunt and Jo 'ii Vickers. Ord.nury. Notice of application for tuvr to m J lands belonging to the estate of Mai-om Meeks deceased, having been published as required by law and no objections b - ing filed to the granting of said appo-a t:on, an it appearing that it -is nece sarv for the purpose of j ayingtl. ■ :ml making distribution am mg the heirs of said deceased that said hinds bes Id. It is hereby ordered that leave be gran ted Elizabeth Meeks admlniM ratrix said deceased, to se I toe Imo !.<■ rue-r --ing to said estat , lying in -as! c ■ or, consistingoi the home pin■■■ an . tra< ' of lot No. oil in lith dis r> . i: ■ ' each containing !JoO and lb > acre- oc r • less This 4th. day < f November 1 "'■> >. John Vick err., Ordinary. Gl 8 L. BRACK, City Auctioneer. Douglas, Ga. Consignments Solicited. Full & prompt remittances gut, tautyi 1. PARKER w FIELDING, Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistol and Sewing Machine Promptly Repaired, Picture Frames of all KLn/ls & Sizes. Georgia—coffee county. Will be sold before the court house door and in the town of Douglas said county on the Ist Tuesday is February next., within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash the following-des cribed property to wit: Four huuivd and forty eight MIS) acres of lot of laud N0.03 situ itedin th : Otlr district of orig inaly Appling now Coffee county. Said property levied on and to be sold under and by a virtue ot a fi. fa. issued from the county court of Coffee county against II aud E Ellis of said county in favor of West, Winfree Tobacco Com pany, Said property levied on a:ia sol and as the property of E Ellis levy made and returned to me by W AJ. Smith Sheriff City court of Coffee county. \\ .M,Tanner. Sheriff. MAfiRV THIS GIRL-SOMEBODY! Mr. Editor:—l stained a blue silk dross will* lemon juice; what will restore the color? lam making lota of money selling the Climax I‘ish Washer. Have not made leas than $lO any day 1 worked. Every fninjly wants a Dish Washer, and pay quickly when they see the dishi a w.isWl and dried perfectly in one minute. 1 sell an many washers aa my brother, and he is an old sales-. tiii.Ti . I will clear $3,000 this year. Address tin Climax Mfg. Cos., Columbus, Ohio. Anyone ca J do aa well aa I am doing. MAOtil E U THF Way w 'oss, Gcoi '</ ia, LOTH 1 NO. headquarters tor (f^iiAPS^’ T|I!N( L /Headquarters for bes! clothing. / HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST lYfllj^nSiroES. / HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISH HEADQUARTERS FOR EV ERY ii i INfl si i'Q and i . ~ i EVEPoYBODY Id>TVITED Call and examine our complete T / WA ACROSS CLOT iKI NO; The Wide J, A. JON! tii Cos., WA YCKOSS G EORGIA. f E-EDUOECI PRIOBS. Owing to the fact that we are overstocked with goods wo make Ine following low prices: $45.00 Buggies will he sold for 40.00. SSO Buggies will bo sold for $1). S6O Buggies will he sold for SSO. I 1 o,u 1 - . n wagons fj -13 and S3O. $lO Florida saddles © t>7. Give o 1 ' . . ar. ml tows rto ciq>, WAYCKOSN, CCY ■ PAIN - I-CURE, Sold on positive guarantee ’l<> cure any pain in one minute, A: Wonderful: Houssliole: Medicine Cures Neurali •. Rheum ’lc • Spasmodic Pains. .it*. Sprains, Drui.scs. I.umrno ■, ,amp< <:n\ Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Slings of I ! -•, Swellings of all Kinds, Stifi’-nct h, Siren'-, s Soreibroat, Sick Stomach or Sea sh-Kiiess. In case> of Pad < o'd or 1 icu monia, it AHonls Quick WL 2E 'JLm X 3ES A:' 1 - PRICE 25 CEPTT3. WA'LJC EP.’S !>EA SHOT 0 o 1i c C !i r s MULfiS & HO USES. DjUKC7-iONs —Give 2 to 4 lifbli j oon fills in one pint of sweet milk or water If not relieved in % minutes repent the dose giving two tablespoonful . ft j s gcklom necessary to give the second do-e, a-, it acts like magic, giving re ]Rf almost instantly. It is also a very valuable general liniment used externally for all kinds of pains, bruises, sprains, old sores, spavin, sweeny, saddle galls, stiff joints etc. Price one dolin'. And for sale by druggist, MANCFACTIbBEO 15 Y THE WALKER CO. Savannah, Ofa. Schedule on Douglas $ McDonald R.R. Leave McDonalds If MO. “ Sweats Still j k :45. “ Lowthers 12:05. * Moores / 12:23 “ Downing 1:05, Arrive Douglas ' 1:25. RETURNING ; Leave Douglas 2 :20. “ Downing 2 10. “ Moores 3:17. “ Lowtlurs 3:35. “ ; weats St'll 3:55. Arrive Mel-Un-'dds 4:15. min iTpraiff • . ga-alabam^ UUUnI lUN I'l SINIOSS COU.KOU Macon, GD, conceded to be the lav gest and most practical in the south is giving a Business, Shorthand, Normal, Telegraph or Pen-Art course for •: 25,1j0 and board at %!), 10. Als'* giving to one worthy boy or gijd in each county a full corse. Write at once enclosing HD FF stamp for pariloiflars. f{| jjN '1 lie Douglas HEEEEE for only $1 a year. SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAVTO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any one who an- j ! plies through ua for the most meritorious patent during tlic month preceding. Wo secure tSic best patents for our clients, and the object of this offer if to encourage inventors to keep track of their \. . ;ht ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, IRIYIAL INVENTIONS Tf’AT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “par-window" which can be easily slid up a-.-' <J-,wn v.d. .ft '.'..iking the passenger's back, sauce-pan," “col! '.r-buuon," “nut-lock," “bottle-J sd i,per," and a t!iou.> <nri mb or little thinp’o that mo ,t j any one can fi.. i , of inipr >ving; and these simple ir. vcntioi are li;e : s that bring largest returns to the author. Try to ; hi!: cisomething to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS, l atent ‘ cut through s receivespecial notice in the *' l.'r.h ~ ‘ published at Washington, 7;. C ,which :. c ■ -t newspaper published in America ■ scription to t:.: v, f -.e of cost, client We also advert i - I r ee f cost, the invention each month v bich wi; n < *;r > v r and hundreds of thousands of copies of the “i hi.i . I Recorder," containing a r,f the v/inner. and a description ofhi. invention, wili be scattci ed t!., :: i.oi.t the United States among c iDd ->or ! thus bringing then i invention. Ai ! co.'mninnrai. -.ic if , - J strictly confidential. j AddrebO JOHN Wl'D‘/ERBURN & CO., So Haiti)* i> A American and Foreign Fa tents, 1 618 F Street’, N. W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. r '•*' Reference —c,J’ rrf'thispnf-tr. Write for our y-f • •• fav.-phlct, JR RE. !> O/ S' K HI S Order of !Wm P V I V z.l V i/ir 033 : CAUTION - V you vast to kea? you? gootlr i- n't ifl t&0 Mr©©^©. Farm for Salk First-class farm two miles' west of Douglas. 400 acres, with saw mill tim ber on the land, 120 acres in cultiva tion, three good dwelling houses with out houses on each place, good fence around the entire plantation. The' proposed S. B. V. & N. W. R. R. runs through the land. This is one of the 1 t Units in Coffee county. The land is fertile, water good and on the a hole a very desirable pace, and can be bought at a bargain. For terms and further particulars call on or ad dmss B. H. Smith, Douglas, Ga. PROTECTION from the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria, fever and epidemics is given by Mood’s Sarsapa rilla. It makes PURE BLOOD. ~ mn iMIll—■J_BL_U pOOR DICESTION leads to nervousness,chronicdyspepsiaaml I givat misery. The best remedy is j HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. We keep constantly nubuiY. a full and Assorted Liao of AND ARE PREPARED 'itfßi: INT BILLHEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS’ ENVEL OPES, HAND BILLS, ETC., At prices that defy competition. BREEZE JOB OFFICE. L’IbAJSrT TYSS'X’E xm. 72 TIME TA.B3JAII] 72- ——^7- —— I,oca 11 P.e ,e ’ J hot , Tasso Daily STATIONS ■' j "ger ■n,, 'I 'UvlDaily W Daily I- Ij. aTmT |J 720 • B& w Shops - , j ~72 shim - Brunswick -7, . Soil Southern Crossing - i<, 41 7 20 / S..J hloTen Mile Turnout 7 07 k'i';: ' JHumioa - mu f 064 * D- Waynesville - 1 , f 11 38 ' Atkinson . : f (j 30 -Hit Luluton : 1 1 as f 023 , * Nahunta - . f ■. Q' '>o . Hoboken - .; f r. m f • Bchlatterville - ill", f 551 : Q ,;v ' Arrive WAYCROSS I.cave i.n:, 630 ..lo heave WAYRUOSS Arrive l# fiiw . • MTiiwood ro . ■ m f H 2o - McDonald - ■“7'K'TfiSi l11 •" - Pearson - <B( If ’K 4 1 B 12 - Kirkland [!|?‘ Ninety-Kight Mile Post , 10 f 334 i 2; ' ljru y', H • r t t:; r 331 j l ’ i 111 " AUpaha - 13• J f3 H 11 1/ i l-.vl - Enigma - - ■ ■ ;l f •> na I-< I TL Bruoklielil - | . '•> 53 U'Ms 12 s<> Arrive* - TIKTON - I.i. 2 "‘i r>3" Do I-’;-' heave - TIKToN - A 1 rive ■ ■ a 232 !i jl' ' u T >' Ty , , 1 21 , t 215 <, 401 Dim l 1-t - bumner - -f 001 710i;1213 t 1 31 . . Poulail - - . £ 167 s7 1.i,l 12 2if 133 - Isabella - . 17 f 180 sl > 12 ;w I l 4i - Willingham * i j .I*2 h I ',l 12 42 II 37 - Davis -i : ft 32 .1 201 12 ;>!) 2hi J unction I.: J I y ! 1 ' - A h 11A NY - | !■■: 112 a ■ ■ ’ ■ i—mr 1 "127 8b 87 " yo — Regular Stop. f Stop on Signal. Direct connection made at Wayciows with through I’ulln . Sleep ing Gars for Mt. Louis. Montgomery, Nashville, Sai . 0 bar lea ton and all points north ; also Tampa and St. Augu.4inc. Reclining Chair Cars between Wayci ..,.; at*. via. Thomasvillo. .^ B. Dunham, B. W. Wreun Gee. W&Zmk Gen. Superintendent I'ass. Trafic Manager. WIIjIjAOOOCIT /; >j£3 mmm soaai: ; . COURSE OE STUDY: I'.; iiury, In’ermsdialo, Acailtoiic, Nonu;-.:, ■ .Hd and OOuiiE-r . Send fnr catnlo-ue. Fall begins September 21st 1895. W. E. BllMh FtiacipaL I- : . r jVonJ bay lie l •>q ygjir Good's Sarsiij: rilla ! -ale OF ALL l; v c ,;;2G. A Big Sign. One of the largest signs . ,- i;r painted is seen on the roof of the Chattanooga Medicine Go’s laboratory : the foot of Lookout mountain. The , Gn in 175 ft. long and 40 ft wide and rends, McEl ree s \\ ine of Card and for women Some of the letters are 20 ft. 10. g, and can he read from the top of the historic ohl mountain. No visitor comes to this popular resort without having “Wine of Carditi" firmly impressed on his memory. This medicine has increased in popular favor very lapid ly, and now stands at the head of its class. Thousands of lad'. s“ use it every month. QREAT BATTI aiNcmßln ually go:iig .-o in ;. a, nr. i ~.. tciH. 1 food’s Snr.-: pari >, ease and RESTORE.* j; if.