The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, January 24, 1896, Image 4

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MCDONALD'S MILL ITEMS. M-rS lohu lJluvvc was in town this week. He is doing quite a hustling business on the read for Geo. \\. Teedeinan A Ih > of S.n atuuih. John is a good fellow he always hits cigars in his pocket. Mr. K. L. Hilliard i went to Densm ne. Fla., ins oltl homo, | on a Hying Im.-im ,-s tr p Friday mor- j mug. Joint sat* they were not blue, ribbon Intt green, forsaken. | U. II . Tanner is ere ting a tur-j pontine still on the McDonald and , Dougins It,tore id. about six mil. - - ; from M. Donald’: >sii 1 Dr. 1 u’g jo n hit- moved in his new residence. lie Inis it cosy little home. Vtssrs. | Ainsworth A Cos, who have the con tract o', furnishing logs to the mill < >l | J. Ibclev ACo , will so..n begin to haul logs to he totiiroad by cable draw ) * r -i.t'cinery ntaebinery. ■. Mi lid) Cam mi. of Ware.-diiro. syuit Stl■ 'Jar at McDonalds Mill. There is s m a inaction for him here. Cmm iigain. Holt, \ye are always glad to- you— —Mr. Walter Lott toitk (pi jor i.\d to Douglas Sunday to a'.teiiU toe mc . ig. Hi i.-; always till ing something ( .ever. \\ e have the b. H .mg 11. ler in tl.. countrv. No te itfer ho . poor the hog is, just srtij can Mt.ii nd up, he is svre to get ! W#jJpll*u.- ler him. Mr. Jo.-. McDon f djul’ii'n t 11 you who the man is. %!'. Jtt-n D yal Ims quit having the and the girls are are all smiling A young lady ri tnarke 1 that ‘'Ma Dyul i so thoughtful of the wants of the ladies, hee iu-i lie never \SMtrtV to any big meeting hut what lie send*’ nice oranges, bananas, cau dy. etc.’' -Mr. Jus. McDonald has the Ifnest cow in this country. She gives liye gallon-, milk daily.—■—Our good looking and clever Frank Sweat w buying ii|) several lots of timber. ID- went to Waycro-s .Monday morn ing to look at a j < \ Lt iißton Dots. Tl o wratjier i- nice and pleasure nnd everybody j glad to see it. Far mers through till section arc prepar ing their land for another years’ crop. Messrs Cray A Catohcl have made an addition to their commissary hy pulling anew olli e on the west side. Drea hing at the church hist night hy a lady. Miss Smith She made an interesting I ilk. We should he glad to have her come again. Mr. John Kirkland, of Kirkland, parsed through our town yesterday on his way to "Ct ■ ichcc.’’ Mi>. iM. Xawheni, wife of Mr. Jack j was i., our little town today visiting friends and relatives. Dr, Wilcox, of \\ illaceoelieC. was called to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cross’ ha by today, which is very sit k at this place. Lynx. n: w; .<>\ mums. Our town in unusually quiet tliis week. \t ry few people have come in mi nee. nut of tin* rainy weather. The school here is increasing every day. utiil h fore long, we hope to have very largo attendance. The Hue is being r< paired and the room will he very comfort :b!e for pupils. %> J el!' Kirkland an.l little daugh ter I ly left Sunday for a visit to " parfedte in Ruvson. Tmr town 1 as heen entire y healthy i since the holidays. We should he Jiroud to*kiK)W this, for so many of our luighhoiing towns are having severe eases of measles etc. Ask the ' 'Prince" of pears n if he ! heard the preaehei's senneu at Kirk land Sunday. Mrs. iloi/.endortl with her two char ming daughters 1. >u and laua went down to W ayei<l.-.- tviturday evening to spend a few days. May. The Fitzgerald colony is in a dilema o'er t’.u negro question. Negroes have app’icd to the company for stock to the ann uu of several thous and dollars, hut in every case it has been promptly refused. Ho! What have we hen Northern people refus ing oven !m iti' s- relatives with the negro! It .- enough to cause Whittier to 1 iso out of his P. uh. and Mis. Stowe to write an.'tliei ' Uncle Tom's Cabin." ; New Romi i\> Fitzukkau'. —T fton. January 16.—The Tift on and Northeas tern Railroad Company ha* been o;- gatmed with Captain 11. It. Tift as president. The following board of directors vas elected for the ensuing year: II H. Tift. W.O. Tift. K. H. Tift, Bessie \\ . Tift, W. W. Bacon. Reg ular trains arc running between Token ami Fitzgerald. The road to lortuue is through prin ters mk. —I’, T. Barnaul. jr." Bishop Hone. The body of Bishop AllticusG. Hay good is dead. (We say bis “body”; for he always studiously avoided the M i ni ■ death” in connection wftjj those whose funerals we have hears} him preach.) He breathed his last at his lit nue in Oxford at 2 o’clock on Dun day morning, January 10th, surround ed by all of his family hut two. He was uncovarious for several days, and his demise was expected. His re main-’were Lurie 1 Tuesday in the little Oxford cemetery, where already repose the bodies of several bishops and other illustrious men of the Meth- I odist church. Bishop Duncan con j ducted the funeral. For several months Bishop II ay good , has been declining in strength, and it ('cnied to those who were with him i that his going was only a matter of a J few months. Some time ago he was stricken with paralysis in Atlanta, when he was brought home, and hits areely left there since. He was 50 yeais old and has loon a member of the conference since iB6O. Bishop i! ygyod was the most illus trious man in the Southern Metho dist church, and probably the next most noted divine in America. He was born in WatkinsvilhqGa., educated iit Emory college, anil lias spent most of his career in Lis native state. Ho w. ole a number of bookH, the most loted of which is “Our Brother in Black.” Thi:; book was very far in advance of public opinion, and he was thoroughly criticised hy Southern ; people, but the bool: made its way, es j'nJH'd the truth it asserted, and j revolution'!?. :d sentiment jn regard to | the education of the negio all Over I the South. He was one of the great est nen America lias produced,and tile country at large will tv •T'aud is now up KUHn* m matter ..mi ' * dm fiTeDonaUl's Mill correspond cut repot ts that on last Saturday rdglif' i,i tjm resitfence of a Miv* 7 ' "• ’m ar Millwood, a erowd gaV ,!tl M site fr Jic. alid tittup I,'/',I ” * I 1 h()Use a lime,’,enerale spirits uV' c,l, ? ei) of Dol ic soon turned into a di’,"' D 111 111 Vcry soon pistols were gTty Mt:inu ' l the firelight, and jit the fusljjl home w ensued. Ji>iiu BickclsfHJ. 1 luird Bieketson, was shot ■oltl , , 0 hy ,1 p'stol in the bauds of Batiks Bennett. It seems that Bieketson wtvs trying to get the pistol out of the hands of Bennett when the weapon iVjfp dis charged and the ball entered the* up per part of Bieketson's thigh, from | which he died Sunday morning. It dots not appear that Bennett in tended to shoot Bieketson, as they were first cousins and no jll feeling hail existed between them. Benatf claimed that the shooting was wholly accidental, and in consequence of this, there was no inquest ordered. J t was a sad affair, and is regretted hy everybody, as Bieketson was a good citizen. FBOM PASTOR LEWIS. It is our purpose to be at Williams’ Chapel on tli 1 first Sunday in Febru ary and Saturday before at 11 a. m, li any young man contemplates mar rying in that community about this time, we trust he will he on time. Brother S. (1. Taylor will beat Lone II ill on the first Sabbath in February at 11 a. in. No service on Saturday. W ■ expect Brother J. M. Wilcox to he at Bioxtou cu the first Saturday iu February, am! Saturday before at 11 >t. m. 1 in l pastor expect; to till his regu lar appointment at Douglas on the fourth Sabbath, and also on Saturday icfore at 11 a. in. Midway and Bethel—We enjoyed be ng at these two churches last Snb >ath. We found clever people, and lad a pleasant time. Che re was a lively time when court convened Tuesday morning. Judge Bart hud notified the attendants on the court that the session would begin iat ton o'clock, sun time; but for rea sons so vaiious it would take a chap | ter to tell tli ;m, nearly everybody came lounging up to couit at ten o clock railroad time, and half au hour a her he had rapped for order in court. I’he s quel was a contribution to the county treasury of fifty cents for wit nesses. one .dollar for jurymen and constables, and five dollars for attor neys. The Judge believes in prompt tic-s, especially when the county is at a lveavy expense. The Telegraph's editorial on "What is Patriotism” was characteristic of its m illiunt editor. Mr. Allen. Like everv t.dug else he writes, it was a loftv idea with compreneusive scope, and as bright as it was lrainy. LIST OF JURORS Drawn for the February Term of ttre City Court, 1890. J S Bostic, Daniel Moore, David Pearson, Joel Wilcox, R A Smith, Ar chie Young, L S Guthrie, Elijah Paulk, Jr., Allen Ricketson, Mark Hall, T.m Ricketron. J M Brown, H | L Paulk, .’aiiey Vining, Kyler Kirk [ laud. Everybo iy throughout the countv and surround,tig country are smiling all over themselves over the imp r ove incut that has botn made in tin Breeze. The new management of tin Breeze expects, not onlv to A' , , ,f i dim up to its standard, b(,t* lo j m prove on it lrom aH f ag as our new material arrives. Yoi can aid ua in doing this hi coming f 'Cnuijti and paying your sub ] * lm . e . •' The expenditure of on< in I ~j’’dollar will not hurt any man, ai.d t|)e collection of the same from several hundred people will ni4ke u B smile, even more than the cat, wlios. i picture adorns the head of this article iiAinie forward, gentlemen, and help nd v> give Coffee eouuty the best pa ig- tun j |,o wiregrnss region of Georgia. , 'itzcerald Enterprise seems "t Georg 1 , , . , . tue Monthsrnei’3 will take 11 solu beK . , , ! , ns to the uhosiuerasies of he | Douglas sg * day in F&P le - Rest aMUr ‘ d of tc-|Ky,rs of sale ‘ r Enterprise; there are ntf'pcsy- ~p . the world endued with more common sense than the Southern people, and that is a certain preventive of yourantieipaU.-Jail.neut. - • —— VYDt you are in Pearson stop at J. W. Priuoe'a and buy a pound of fine sandy. Your sweetheart WIH he pleased and your wile and chj'dren will smile on you for ft week. C. C. THOMAS* ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Waycruse, - - Georgia. Sjiet'ial attention given to in iht; City and Superior Court! of Coffee County. P HUOXUS “**B GROCERIES. \ Other Grocers say I am selling too cheap, but I can’t hold my Goods when people bring the cash. The staples like Bacon, Flour, Lard, Grist and meal are always on hand. ud fresh Vegetables and Fruit come daily Seed and Feed Oats, Corn and Hay, Orator and Leader brand Flour—Full Pateut #4.60 per barrel. A P H 4CKS. PEARSON, GEORGIA. Prices To Suit the times. AT Flie lireneral Merchandise StORE OF JEFF KIRKLAND. PearsOu , Ga. NOTICE. From this date my office will be in the new store recently occupied by Messrs. Hall Bros. At night I can be found at my residence next door to office, opposite John M. Lott’s. All calls answered promptly day or night. Charges reasonable. I solicit in the future as in the past, a reasonable share of your patronage. My drugs will all be fresh and pure. Make my office head quarters when in town. W. W. Terrell. NOTICE !==? Georgia—Coffee County. To all whom it may concern : Mrs. Mary E. Girtmau has in due form applied t> the undersigned for permanent letters of Warren Gitt man, deceased ni I will pass upon said application on the first Mon day in February next. Given un der my hand and official signature this Jan. G 1596. Jon. Vick, rs. v Ordinary. Georgia—Coffee county. Will be sold before the court house door at Douglas said eouuty, on the first Tues day on February next within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best adder for cash the following described property to. wit: Ninety (90) acres of lot of land No one hundred and sixty two [l62] in the sixth distret of Coffee county. Said property levied on and v virtue of three Ufa’s issued from the la’tuity court of Coffee county two in favor of H, H. Wolf and company and >ne it. favor of Manis, Bear and Cos., j’TSiflai Jeff Kirkland. Said property levied oil and to be sold in satisfaction ,f the above described fi fa's. Levy made and returned to m j by W AJ. Smith Sheriff City court of Coffee county. This Jam fftli 1896. Wm Tanner. Sht'i iff. your job printing to the Bree?.e office. Our Mr. Barker has spent twenty-six years at the Business, uid can please the most fastidious, My son, deal with men who adver tise. You will never lose by it.—Benj. Franklin. LEE EAUKEXi, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, NEAT WORK GUARANTEED. DOUGLAS, - - qEGiUHA POPULAR % PRICES for 1896 $1 00 per day—Single meals. 25c. Harnett House, SAYANNaH. - GEORGIA. • ' 1 ■ 1 • ; PEARSONS Merchant —PRINCE, — I HIS STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Hats % Boots, slioes. notiOns. :- I ' - And Ready Made Pants, is always full, but Groceries, Slioes and Ladies’ Hats are his Specialties. The Public are invited to .call on J W PRINCE WIRSOH, GEORGIA. ' 2==!SwisEaßsW==S========—? New Year, It Hew PRICES, f§ V V. H New Firm, Te have opened up a ful l line of— — \ FAMILY GROCERIES IX THE Overman Building, ! Consisting of Canned Goods. Flour, Rice, Coffee, Sugar, Grits. Lard, Butter, Pork Sausage, Cabbage. Turnips, Apples, To bacco, Cigars, Snuff, Fresh Fish. Candies, Crackers and any thing usually found in a First 0 Class H Grocery. When ill need of anything in our line give us a call. We will always lreat-you right, and it shall always be our aim to give you the most goods for the least money. T. J. DAVIS & 00. Overman Building, |§ Douglas, €*<orgia.