The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, January 31, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. VI. LOCAL NEWS Judge Calvin Ward went to Hazle hurst last legal business. Apples and Bananas are constantly Incoming to J. W. Prince, at Pearson. Louis Hnvm, representing A. PTvaiser & Bro., of Brunswick, was in tbwn during the past week. vMr. McCrary, of the firm of T. E. Lanier Son & Cos., brought his family to Douglas Tuesday. Mr. W. R. Cox, representing J. J. Lott & Cos., of Brunswick, was round amongst our merchants last week. Buy your onion sets of T. J. Davis & Cos., only 20c per quart. Go there for anything else you want. - Our friend Clinton Walker, Lipp f man Bros’, boy drummer, was in town Tuesday. He was talking as usual. Florida oranges a specialty at J. W' Prince,s, Pearson. Mr. Claud Dart, * who has been spending a week with Judge Dart, re turned tojhis home in Waycross Mon day. T. ing toVacco in town —the “Fine Cut.” They sell 3nuff regardless of the “jubilee,” Mrs. G. R. Briggs, who has been vis iting friends and relatives in middle Georgia, nas returned to her home in Douglas. Col. Denton made a fiyiug trip to Fenton, Ga., last Friday, lie has an elegant home there and every conven ience around it. Squire’s Boston bellies at 7f ct. at A. P. Hucks, Pearson, Ga. Rev. W. I. Patrick, of Enigma, a Baptist minister, will preach in the courthouse Sunday. The public are _j>ordially invited. A. P. Hucks at' Pearson, sells Squires lard at 9 cts. Mr. T. E. Lanier returned to Doug las Monday and will be in and around here for s me weeks meeting the peo ple and introducing his goods. 3 lb. can tomatoes for 10 cts. at A. P. Ilucks, Pearson, Ga. Messrs. Davis, Ward <fc Cos. are driving a pump under the oak by the Breeze office. We are glad, for our devil can new keep his face clean. Corn and hay at A. P. Hucks, Pearson, Ga. Judge Willis Dart and Mr. Claud Dart are playing havoc among the feathery tribe: they have killed two sapsuckers and a sparrow up to date. Seed and feed oats for sale by A. P. Hucks, Pearson, Ga. Mr. J. J . Dußosc, of Douglas, had the misfortune to lose a very valuable mule on last Monday. He died like a true soldier—with his shoes on. The artesian well that is being bored on Ward street is progressing nicely. Mr. Davis says if they go much far ther they are likely to reach China. Misses Hortense Perkins and Tempe Lott, and Messrs. Emmett Peterson and R. R. Perkins, all of Broxton, at tended the tent meeting here Sunday. Mr. R. L Wiggins, of Philip’s mill, called on the Breeze Monday. He says the people up iq that neighbor hoed have fallen in love with the Breeze. Mr. W. A Mcßae, of Towns, Ga., is here looking for a business location, and says Douglas is the place for him. We shall be glad to have him here. He is a clever gentlemen. Mr. Juo. H. Stephens, of Bavaanab, contracting agent for the Plant Sys tem of railroads, was in Dougfas Mon day and Tuesday. He is a gentleman •of culture and refinement, and as f pleasant as men get to be. Mr. B. Peterson is making a strong effort to ge‘ the Southern Express Company to extend its service to Douglas. The People of Douglas and surrounding country will be under lasting obligation to him for this ef fort, and we sincerely hope that he pray succeed. THE OOUCLAS BREEZE. Atlanta proposes now to have an exposition every fall. We hope it will fall through. Atlanta has dismissed its detective force. It is too late now : the expo sition robberies are all committed. HuTheodore Runyon, ambassa dor uKftknnany, died suddenly of heart on the morning of tire 27th inst. A mule just outside* of our office would not be led through a narrow gateway until he received a lashing. Mules are as contrary as some people. Mr. G. S. Brewster of the firm of the Southern Pacilfe Guano Cos., of Atlan ta, paid our to ,vu a visit this week. Mr. Brewster is well pleased with Douglas and Coffee county. Mr. A. A. Monsch, repjeeentiug the Grocers Manufacturing Cos., of Augus ta, has been doing Douglas and Coffee county the major portion of the past week. They make a specialty of pure fruit ciders. Send to Col. B*W. Wrenn, Savan nah, for Maj. Smith’s book: it is a jewel and reflects credit even on the great Plant System. Mr. Cleveland and Lord Salisbury have ceased quarreling with each other and are now fixing up a scare crow for the Sultan. The war is over and the wounded are being brought in. the senate draw forth the pension rolls to b ini up the wounds. What did Bro. Wrench of the Brunswiok Times, mean by that edi torial—“ From Bad to Worse?” It reads like Protection. *— A man who will not help to support his home paper when it is doing every-,. thing it can to hglp ungrateful. \ Col. Richard Cannon, of Waycross, cx-solicitor of Ware county, was in town Wednesday and Thursday with a view of locating here. Douglas is steadily moving upward. I * Tin: city of Sydney, Austrnli:M||||| inipe.-ed a line of one pound upo^Bß person convicted of spitting floor of public buildings, or upon the street. —Ex. The women must rub snuff over then. The Brunswick shoe factory will be so split up between Waycross and Brunswick that it will he difficult to get “solo” and “holy” together. After “awl” we expect it will at “last” de cide to come to Douglas. W. D. Wheelwright A Qo., large lumber factors of New York, with southern headquarters at Brunswick, made an assignment last Saturday. Assets and liabilities- not knoyn. Many of our qiill men are interested. The fact thattiic aggregate increase in the jarnings of 201 railroads in the United States last year exceeded 000 000 proves that there was a very decided inipovement in business dur ing the year.—Ex. With this income it is not thought that any oft! e com panies will be placed on the public charity list this year. Mortgages Filed —On Monday the National bank of Brunswick filed mortgages on the mill property of Gray and Gatchel, of tins county, on the B. & W. railroad. These mort gages were simply transferred from W. D . Wheelwright & Cos. to the bank, as collateral against acceptances of that firm, which has just gone into the hands of a receiver, it will hardly ef lect the movements of Gray and Gatchel’s splendid mills at Lelj^ton. The paper money of our country is much improved from what it u*ed to be. One scarcely ever ses an oid bill now. They are nearly all new. Fa cilities for making it are much im proved, and the bankers send all rag ged money in to the government. In England the bank notes are ail crisp and new, because the bank of England never allows one to go out the second time. The age of an average note is five days. DOUGLAS, GA. COFFEE COUNTY. FRIDAY JANUARY 31. 1898. T.E. LANIER SON & CO., JEWELER cS ST A TfONERS! Waycross, - - Georgia • ■v #"Wc carry a full line of Sewing Ma chines, Organs and Pianos. “'yjv* * Our Watch Repairing Department Is the best in the Country and we are prepared to give first class work- JMfJk -OUR STOCK OF Watctei Clocks & Jewelry IS comp lete. Correspondence by mail Solicited. When in Waycross give-us a call. 00 YOU fcEAO BVERTISEMENTS? |1 tOtl TOY YOUR $ % s’s? 0 BARGi\ INS! The largest stock of groceries ever z • shown in any retail store se MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING IN HEAPS AND PILES. <s GOOD FITS AND LATEST STYLES. shoes! shoes! Shoes!!! My stock is the best aud cheapest, and largest oi any retail store IN SOUTH GEORGIA. My Stock is Comp It in Line AND CHEAPER THAN HAS EVER BEEN SOLD. Customerscoming l)ougt CAN PUT TIIEIR HORSES IN MY LOT I . "E OF CHARGE. I HAVE ON RAND LINT COTTON FOR SALK. FOR MATTRESSES. Hive me a Trial and be convinced nothing to price my goods. ■> If you . hould a*, any tirrie need a Coffin or Caakett call on me, I have a Coffin department in my store. Can fix you uj> any price and style. DOUGLAs GEORGIA Unto All Man and All Things Give Due Consideration 1896 NEW YEAR 1896 GREETINGS! * Our Business D ' m,so ™ l! i>ast yeae DOUBLED THE I’RECEED ING YEAR. WHAT DID IT? Low Prices, of Course. C hg!V€ opcnwl 11,0 N( ‘ w Ye,,r wit . h I>ri(, ° B c,,t < " 11 ’ h 0111 aim to give our Customer* more Bargains and Better Bargains than ever. We want your trade! W© must have it! Wishing our Friends and Custo iwers a Happy and Prosperous e New Year, &Y Promising to give them the -most (;OI)S FOR TIIE LEAST MONEYS Ok * I M YOURS TO PLEASE WARD & DAYIS, LEADER XjST LOW PRIOES Douglas, - Georgia: NUMBER 5