The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, February 07, 1896, Image 3

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School books at hah'pricc at B. Pe tersons. By Emerson. Life, however short, is not so short but there is time enough for courtesy. How can the world know a man has a good thing unless he advertises the possession of it.—Vanderbilt. If Fitzgerald can build a 40.000 population town, what’s the matter with Brunswick?—Brunswick Times Advertiser. Politicians. For all sorts of good literature on Florida, Cuba and Jamaica write to B. YV. v reun, P. T. M, Plant system, Savannah, Ga. Ihe Quitman Free Press refuses to support for an ollice any man who gets drunk.—We are with you brother. A man whe loses his head W'll let his country perish. Jamaica, the great sunland of the world, brought within easy reach by the Plant steamship line. Six winter excursions. YY r rite B. YV. Wrenu, P T M, Savannah, Ga. The United Stages senate now Stands : Republicans, 44; Democra ts, 39 ; Populist, C—total, 89. The Repub licans lack one vote of a majority. And now it is said Atkinson will be in both the senatorial and gubernato rial races.—Ex. Atkinson will be into anything that promises an office. John L. Sullivan got drunk and fell from a train in Illinois going at thirty miles an hour. It is thought his chances to die are good.—Way cross Herald. As England’s flying squadron is provisioned for six months, perhaps it is going round the world just to scare everybody.—New York Journal. The Devil! Hold on brother Hustler; dent name us among the Toomer counties yet. The people up here are plain folks and we don’t like so much starch and perfume in our clothes. Colonel Stephen Pate of Pickens county one day last week killed a pig which when dressed weighed 675 lbs. He also killed four that averaged 500 pounds apiece. It is said Unit men marry because they are tired and women, became they are curious.—YVaycioss Journal. Laziness and curiosity seems to he rampant inGeoigia. The Liberty bell, escorted by a com mittee of Atlantians and Philadel phians, started on its return to the city of Brotherly Love Friday. It was sent away amid booming of can non and wild hurrahs. —Bank Teller : I cant ca?h this check for you without identification. Uncle Abner (without dignity): Mr. 1 told ye I was Abner Oatcake o’ Squeehawkt, an’ I’d like to know who kin know that any better’n myself.”— Harper’s Bazar. The darkest stain upon the memory of the Nineteenth century will be the American masacre3. For centuries to come the Christian world will be cen sured and the cause of Christ will suf fer because we of the present day failed in our duty to our fellow-Chris tians.—Waycro3B Herald. Benjamin W. Arnett, senior bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal church was refused as a guest iu three of the leading hotels of Boston last week. Bost >n people ought to be frank with the negroes like the south ern people, and a few straight out re fusals would suffice for all time. Senator Tillman made li.s maiden speech in the Senate last Friday. It was a fierce tyrade against President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle. J lit gallaries of the senate were full, and his speech was listened to with cu rious attention both by spectators and senators. The United States consul at Sydney Australia, says that lands may be leased iu that country for long terms at one half cent per acre ; and there being no winters in Australia, cattle are raised so cheap that beef sells for two ani two and a half cents a pound for the best steaks. Mutton is even cheaper. A man may be a Christian who is a master or a slave, but the logic of Christianity is liberty. A man may be a Christian who is an aristocrat or a plebeian, but the logic of Chiistianity is democracy. A man may be a Christif n who is a capitalist or a wage laborer, but the logic of Christianity I THE NATIONAL CONVENTIONS Rk The Republican national convention WF meet at St. Louis June 16, IS9G. The Democratic national convention wiliAneet at Chigago July 7, 1896. ’’The Populist national convention will meet af St. Lounis July 22,1596. The Rome Georgian is a bright pa per owned and edited by Beulah S. Mosle)-. \Y 7 e shou'd like to kn ow how to fill out the blank. Gordin Hiles of Remo a young writer of much promise has retired from journalism to enter the mercan tile business with his father. Don’t quit, Gordon, there is not much money but a sight of glory in it. The closing of the tent meeting has brought joy to the hearts of the col ored horublowers. They weie re quested not to play while the meeting was in progress—a request they re spectfully obeyed—but the welkin now trembles with the accumulated energy of their silence. Dissollusiou.—“Did mamma’s” ’ittle boy hurt liis darling head? Come here and let mama kiss it and make it well!” “That's got so it don’t cure any more, mamma. Put on some Arnica ” Chicago Tribune. The Darien Gazette says: “The peo ple ought to see to it next fall that the lunatics are sent to the asylum and not to the legislature.” Suppose Atlanta and Milledgeville change in mates for a season. Two farmers of Sharpsburg, Ky., bought 120 worth of law apiece in trying to settle in court a disputed debt of 20 cents. Then they took the matter out of court and compromised. Albauy Herald.—A fool only sees after his folly is committed. A 15-year-old school boy in Savan nah was accused by a boarder in the simc house with of stealing three dollars. He went to bis room took Rough on Rats to kill himsc! f , but was discovered before the poison took effect, and by the aid of stomach pumps and emetics was rescued from death. He said that while life is sweet, he preferred to die than be called a th ; ef. Iliram Lester, supposed to be the oldest man on earth died in the Henry County Poorliof'se on Jan. 26th at the age of one hundred and twenty eight years. lie was born in Raleigh N. C. eight years before the birth of the Republic. Four years ago be married Mrs. Mary Mosley aged eigli ty-one, the house keeper of the poor ho use. Over 36,000,000 pairs of gloves are used in England every year, and ot these fully f are worn by ladies. The value spent by them in these articles amounts annually to no Jess than $7, 500,000 dollars. One manufactur ing firm alone finds employment, di rectly and indirectly, for 60,000 peo ple, and at YY r oreester alone nearly five miles are covered by gleve facto ries.—Ex. Lee Enterprise : A few tests with roads. A two horse team pulled 5,500 pounds up a 4 per cent, grade on a stone road with 350 pound force ex erted, as measured by a dynamome ter. It took 1,900 pounds to pull the same load down a 4 per cent, sand grade, and it stalled completely on a Georgia dirt road down same grade. A good road enables one horse to do the work of two, and with less force and time expended. It saves a for tune to a community in wear and tear of vehicles. It builds up a communi ty and saves a sight of cuss words. The legislature of Sweden and Nor way lias taken a rather radical step in promoting the safety of the citizens in recognizing the public duty of vacilla tion. by enacting a law that before a couple cun be legally married certifi cates must be produced showing that both the bride and bridegroom have been vaccinated.—Ex. This is a hardship on those who are compelled to have the operation performed im mediately before marriage. A honey moon would lose its charms with an arm in the sling. Spartanburg, Spartan: During these long nights let the young men and women take up the life of Presi dent Monroe and study it. They will also learn that he was a justice pf the peace in I ondon county, Ya., af ter he served two terms as president of the United States. It may also he news to some people that Washington served on the grand jury, and was elected foreman, after he returned to Mount Vernon. Men who are great in great things are geeat in small things.—Ex. T. E. LANIER SON JEWELER cV STATIONERS! YY ay cross’, . - -f Georgia l #Y\'e carry a full line of Sewing Ma chines, Organs and Pianos. Our W;atch Repairing Is the best in the Country and we are prepared to give first class work. * —OUR STOCK OF— jil Waiclies, Clods & Jewelry IS COMPLETE. tL&s~ Correspondence by mail Solicited. When in Waycross give us a call. J. J. LOTT, Wholesale || GROCER. TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND LIQUORS. Also Flour, Meal, Grits. Grain, Hay and Bran. 212 & 214 BAT STREET. BRUiSTSWIOK, G-JN. CAM I OBTAIN [A PATENTP? lor . Srompt answer and an honest opinion, write to lI’NN !fc who have hail neui!ylift; ye- r-F experience in the patent business. Commun?ca tions strictly confidential. Af I :i:!hoel; of Ip formation concerning Fnleiun nni ii *# f tain them sent free. Also a catalogue e. . .</ teal anti scientific books sent freo. Patents taken through jViunr. & special notice Int. Scientific A tuu are orought widclv before tb out cost to tho invcnUn. This i issued weekly, elegantly iMust.-ated world. 5?,{ a y;nr. Sam; lc tqpi.M ut- Buildina Edition, monthly, s27oa year. •. .> copies, * Ky 7 cry number po:i f-s tiful plates, ir colors, and piiol. gn piv. )i igt houses, mni fe, enablinsr build • o*how th” wfes* - i" n p.nd secure contract U NLW v'Oi'K. ‘i V* 7.±r. mmt this 1 Propose to SELL GOODS THU YEAR Cheaper Than Anybody! I Can Afford to do this because 1 Pay Cash for my Goods and Renive the Discounts, which Enables me to sell very close - when Peoplo-Uring the money. My Stock is of . -4 Dry Goods, Bl Groceries * and Biaoes, Ladies and Gents HATSI GlaOTMli^d'S Hardware, Tinware and Crockery, and Harness, Trunks and Furniiure of all kinds. lal , keeji a stock of Goffins and Fine ©askets Aft &JLI I can sell you a TOWN LOT or a FARM—Mv Mill grinds every Friday, and if ncces ary on Saturday. B. FETEUBON, DCUGLAs GEORGIA Prof, amith, for 19 Yearn Principal of the COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY. UNiYERSITY Awarded Medal by World's Exposition For HjnU'n* off* Itooli-kerpina anil General ItuNinrsM Feluratioii, *'tv. riiHt to com pin to liuHincss Courso about including tuition, booka and board. I*liouKft'Mpliy. T.rpvn rltiiifir and Telegraphy tauerht. lo.noo succcßnfu) graduates lOO in banks and 100 omcial*. IVo Vaeafton. KXTF.II NOW. Kentucky University l'iploma awarded our graduates. WrV" Asrislanct given our graduates in securing situations. tbtiT In order that your letters may reach this College tare this notice and address as below, WILBUR R. SMITH, LEXINGTON, KY _ v - 'id , '* : vc Itmgl.i Downing Moores Lowthors iuiH “ Sweats Still ' 3:55/ Arrive McDonalds 4 :15. BUCATION Macon, Ga., conceded to be the lar gest and most practical in the south is giving a Business, Shorthand, Normal, Telegraph or Fen-Art course for $25,00 and hoard at $9,00. Also giving to one worthy boy orj girl in each county a full corse. Write at once enclosing PI) nU ! stamp for paritculars. gg The Douglas BREERE for only .$1 a year. 1 THE m "Waycross Clothing Waycross, Georgia. ASM HEADQUARTERS FOR FINK CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS “Oil CHEAP CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST FITTING HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST HATS .Wo S1 HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISHING GOODS. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERY HUNG In a fivst-class cloVi! in ß store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city in the state. T BJATHIIR.ITBBOIDY INVITED TO Call and examine our complete stock. WAYCIIOSS CL( )TIIING STORE. The Wide Awake and Up To Bate Clothiers WAYCROSS, G A- Successors to FRANK C. OWENS- J . A. JONE & CO” i va yen (>ss aro naia . F& EEDTJOEtI PRIOE3, Owing to th" fact that, we are overstocked with goods wo make the following low prices • $45.00 Buggies will he sold for 4 fi .00. SSO Buggies will be sold forslo. S6O Buggies will be sold for $ >O. I t one horse farm wagons rib 28 ami S3O. $lO Florida saddles (A* 17. (five us a trial. i* &. mm,we Mm go. VrAYM>Hn,C,IA. We keep constantly on hand a full and Assorted l.iiri of Stationery AND ARE PREPARED TO PRINT BILLHEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS; ENVEL OPES, HAND BILLS, ETC., At prices that defy competition. BREEZE JOI! OFFICE. M=JLmA.HW TYSTPESBWE 72 TTI7TEI T.ABLB 72- '■' Hi 88 DO o cal I’atse Passe Passe r’gh iiger STATIONS""feri er n ß er J y Daily u " “ Haily Daily ex3an Daily A M A M P. M. A. M, P>l 7 20 ' B& W Wimps - h2o ‘ 745 b 8 90 " Brunswick - sil oo s 730 Ho'.) Southern Crossing - ],, 4 j 720 . 822 KJereii Mile Turnout ]<,27 7 07 f33 - Jamaica - fto US f 054 18 40- Waynesville - 1000 f 6 38 f8 57 - Atkinson - f9 54 f 630 f0 01 Balaton f9 IS f 023 f0 12 - Nahunta - f0 30 f 0 15 f0 3U - Hoboken - f0 23 f 559 f0 38 - Behlatterville - fOIS I 5 51 s 055 Arrive WAYCROSS Leave 900 5 25 1040 Leave WAYCROSS Ariive ss3j s 4 45 11055 - Waresboro -f 519 f 431 f Jll3 - Millwood - f4 57 f 4 13 f 11 20 - McDonald - f1 10 f 405 f 1135 - IT. , son - 14 31 f 340 f 1142 - Kirkland - f4 27 f 3 42 fll 51 Ninety-KigUt Mile Post 14 10 f 3 34 11154 - Gray’s -f 413 1 3 31 f 1157 - Willacoochee - f4 lo f 3 29 10 11215 - Alapalia - f3 5o f 311 11 112 28 - Enigma - - 13.’50 1 259 15 11235 Brookfield - 13 27 253 11 g 1250 Arrive - ’l l ETON - Leave 310 239 530 11 12 55 Leave - TIPTON - Arrive 300 s 232 H 0 Kill 11 f 1 n- Ty Ty , , 12 45 1 J 15 s 0 40i! 12 o 11 21 - Sumner - - f2 32 I 204 - 7 lh'l 12 1 1131 - - Poulan - - 12 24 1 157 s 7 451H2 2o 1138 - l abel la- 12 17 1 1 50 1 stSlai 12.30jfl 4'i - Willingham • 12 08 142 s 3 4'.’l 12 421 f 1 57 - Davis - f1 57 f 132 8 2o! 12 50; 215 Junction 140 1 17 9 30' 1 v sl 220 - ALBAN Y - 135 112 A.M.A.M.P. M. P. m! am 1127 89 87 88 90 s Regular Stop. f Stop on Signal. Direct connection YVayerotis with through Pullman Sleep ing Cars for St. Louis. Montgomery, Nashville, Savannah, Charleston and all points north ; also Tampa and St. Augustine. Reclining Chair Cars between YVaycroes and Montgomery via. Thomasville. B. Dunham, B. YY. Wrenn Geo. YV.Coates Gen. Superintendent Pass. Trade Manager. Div. Pa. 33. Agent Elw.iN Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Fat eat business ion ducted for Moderate Fees Oar Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office • nnd we can secure patent in leer time than thow remote from Washington. Send, model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of enarge. Our fee not duo till patent ia secured. A Pempiiiot, “liow ti Obtain Patents,” with rinmea of actual clients in your State, county, or tow n, sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. f ' ■ HW.Q 0,