The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, February 07, 1896, Image 4

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Gs. as upc nil-class mail in"' ' L —, . - ... ... . J , „..H 80011 ~s in anil u, K FliiOVY, toKeth , r , but wi ITre absent she can melt the hea.j of all the rest of the alphabet? 1 would suggest that the farmers put in for a good hay crop this year, for which the soil seems best adapted. There is a good de mand for hay at 75c per hundred, and this will beat cotton at the present prices. -—-Mrs. 1.. I). Phillips had a serious attack of colic a few days ago, which lasted quite a while, but we are glad to announce she is aide to hr up again. The Phillips mill school opened up last Monday with bright prospects for tiie future.M : ss Willie own iH winning quite a reputation teacher. Bon. Pear von t children’s candy pulling at the loCouse on Friday evening was lance merriest occasions which tne ) side til t' hav’> attended in many a duy.*hiovtl* Thursday evening a' the residence of Mr. Itobt. A. Gr er, - it,e Noting men of oiir town tendered the young ladies a party, Which was highly enjoyed. The young Indies ex press many thanks to them and hope they wdl repeat it soon. Mr. Mose Griffin spent a few days in Savannah last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Mucks left Tuesday for North Carolina, their old home, to spend a week with relatives. Anyone wish ing to purchase an “Karlie” appli can do so by calling on Miss Maude Greer. Mrs. N. C. Greer lias gone to Bruns wick on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Futcli. Dr. Thurman left Sunday for Robert’s church where he will take a school. We wish him much success. May. Iluzlehurnt. We have several cases of measles in our town this week. The school of Frof. W. F. Boone has been discontin ued for several days on account of his having the measles. Wo hope how ever his sicknoss will not prove se vere and that he will he at his post of duty at an early date. Dr. J. H. Lattimer Jr., made a Hy ing trip to Kastman, Ga. lust week. Mr. Henry G. Moore and family ex poet to move in the near future to Erie Ga. where he will continue in the mercantile business. There were several entertain ments in town last week which were greatly enjoyed by the young people. Call on Elbut Miller, lie carries a nice line of fancy groceries—cheap. Miss Mamie Keller has been the guest of Miss Bessie llart for several days. We trust her stay in our tow n will he a pleasant one. Mr. Will Hart of Summer, Ga. was in our town a few days during the past week. No doubt there are more than one glad to see him. Come ugaiu Will. E. Wilcox. Mr. F. B. Davis A Cos., has gone to Alabama to live, much to the geueral regret, as everybody loved him and we miss him so much in our Sunday School and Epworth league. Pastor J. S. Lewis lilled his appoint ment ou the 3rd. Every one who met him fell in love with him. Miss, iv’ileox a cousin of Miss Lila Wilcox is visiting here. Hops she will decide to stay till spring. Mr. C. T. Latilucre of G arrant was up to see us yesterday. Capt. E. K. Wilcox, the prince of drummers passed through Wilcox Tuesday. The yong pople of our League aiv trying to get up a troop and play for the benefit of the League. Hope they will succeed, for nothing succeeds like success. Wonder how long before our young friend from Montgomery county will be over again. Come again, Clayton, we'll try to be at home next time. Miss Minnie Lattimere of Hazle hurst is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. McLean Mr. Jas. I.attimeir of Eastman, vis ited in our neighborhood this week. The Breeze is growing in fayor with our people. K. IN Georgia Pat -.uia Moments. Elc. Mantels, Grates, Tiling, Iron Fencing and fine memorial ware. Write for designs and prices. R. E. LaMance, Brunswick, Ga. A P HXJCKB ““B GROCERIES. SQUIRE’S MEATS AND LARI). Other Grocers say f am selling too cheap, but I can’t hold my Goods when people bring the cash. The staples like Bacon, Flour, Lard, Grist and meal are always on hand. Jnd fresh Vegetables and Fruit come daily Seed and Feed Oats, Corn and Kay. Orator anil Leader brand Flour—Full Patent per barrel. JBE JUG • PEARSON, GEORGIA. Prices To Suit the times. AT The Circncral Merchandise sfOHE OF JEFF KIRKLAND. PearsOn , Ga. CONTBCtOtIS! It All Over Town imd spreading nipped I v that im. W. 1\ SI ISIS JETT Has the largest stock and purest DRUGS ever brought to Douglas PERFUM eS. Toilet Soap and Toilet Articles, Brushes, Combs, Sponges ete., also Hawk’s Speektuclos and eye glasses. We are not sim ply “Dealer s Pharmacists and our care, skill and precision in dispensing ensures our c us It n the best possible results and guarantees them against errsrs. Vlo fills you PRescijlioas and Family Recelps. We ma\e a specialty of th.s department. We make no extr Prescriptions left at our Pharmacy by your Physician, or sent o us will leceive our best atiention, and the medicine will be promptly J. J.LO T T , Wholesale GROCER. tobacco, cigars, and liquors. Also Flour, Meal, Grits, Grain, llay and Bran. 212 Sc 214 BAY STREET. BRUNSWICK. GhJL- ~ice. LDDDEN k BATES S M H The oldest and most reliable Music House IN THE SOUTH. and Organs at lowest prices and on Easiest Terms. Nothing but Best Grades Handled. Branch House, WAYCROSS, - GA. J. R Knight, Mngr 8 Massey’s CHAIN or Business Colleges Columbus, Qa., Montgomery, Ala., Jacksonville, Fla. Tbs Great Schools of the South. Cheapest and beat. Endorsed by Ex* Speaker Crisp, Goternora, state super* mtendenta of Education, Boards of Trade, and thousands of former stu dents who are holding lucrative situa tions. Students’ railroad fare paid and credit given for half of tuition until they are placed in situations. Hoard Cheap. The Massey Collegia receive more calls from business firms for their araduates than any dozen schools in the South. 161 students placed in situ ations in six months. Send at ouce for circulars. Address nearest sehooi. R. W. MASSEY, President. CAPITAL. 130.000.00. We have hundred* of letters like the following: | Montgomery, Ala., July 5, I*os. / % R. W. Uassty, President: \ I Dbar Sim—Five years wo I was work- I f lug on a farm, getting SIOO.OO per year. / l 1 took a coarse in Telegraphy at your 1 % Collega on borrowed monty. Immedf- R t ately upon graduating, you secured for J # me a situation as telegrapher and sta- # 1 tion agent ou the Ala. Grt. So. R. R, 1 a From that day to thti my success has \ M bean onward and upward. To-day I t m am train dispatcher at a salary of i l Jlwo® per yeas. J, K. Colb. 1 A Miracle in Missouri. CRIPPLED AND BENT FOR TEN YEARS WITH RHEUMATISM. Ths Case Happened In Panama, Ho., and ta Use Wonder of the State. (From the Kansas City Times.) Far years one of the best known men in Bates and Veruon counties has been Mark M. Woodson, now poetma.ter at Panama, and brother of ex State Inspector of Mine., C. C. Woodson, of this city. The people of lUoh Hill, where he formerly resided, and of his present heme, remember well the bent form, misshapen almost from the semblance of man, which has painfully bowed itshoad half to earth mud labored snail-like across ths walks season after season, and when ono day last month it straightened to its full height, throw away the heavy butt of cana which for years had boon its oulv support from total hclplessuoss, and walked erect, firmly, unhesitatingly about the two cities, people looked and woadered. The story of the remarkable case has become the marrel of the wo counties. Exactly as Mr. Wood son told it to a -Times reporter, it is here published: “ In ’B4 the rheumatism started in my right kne>, and after a lingering illness it settled generally in my joints. 1 was finally able to arise, but for the past o years oould oulv walk with the aid of crutchts, and my body was bent half toward the ground. I went to the best dispensary in Kansas City, where 1 was treated for’six weeks, and without the slightest good. I then tried a strong galvanic battery, with the same result. I then went to the City Hospital at St. Louis, where the beet physi cians treated me—(ineluding Dre. Kale and Mudd)—but without result,and 1 come heme, weak, doubled with pain and despondent. “About this tims my atteution was called to the account of a remarkable cure by Dr. Williams’ Piuk Pills for Pale People of looomotor ataxia, rheumatism and paral ysis. I ordered some of the pills as an ex periment. Wheu 1 begin to take them, the rheumatism had developed into a phase of paralvsis ; my leg from the thigh down was cold all the time and could not be kept warm. In a short time 1 was able to attend to nty office duties, aud l oould enjoy a sound and restfttl night's sleep, something 1 had not known for ten years. To-day am prac tically. and I firmly believe, permanently cured of mv terrible and agonizing ailment. No magician of the Far East ever wrought the miracle with his wand that Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills did for me.” To verify the story beyond ail question of doubt Sir. Woodnou made affidavit to the shove. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Id day of March, ISM. Johm D. Moore, Katary Puhlia. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shuttered nerves. Thev are for sale by all druggists, or may be had bv mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, SohenecUdy, N. Y.,fo AOs. par box. or ux boss* for 2.50. PEARSOKi n 1 —iTTOf'KV AT LAW ' DOUGLA --PMNCE. — HIS STOCK OF DRY Gf ODB II ts ots. sli es. notiOns. And Ready Made Pants, is always full, but Groceries, Shoes and Ladies’ Hats are his Specialties. The Public are invited to call on J W PRINCE PEARSON, GEORGIA. New Year, ft New PRICES, f§ H New Firm. "X e have opened up a full and well selectod line of FAMILY GROCERIES IN THE Overman Building, Consistiag of Canned Goods, Flour, Rice, Coffee, Sugar, Grits, Lard, Butter, Pork Sausage, Cabbage. Turnips, Apples, To bacco, Cigars, Snuff, Fresh Fish, Candies, Crackers and any thing usually found in a First $$ Class 0 Grocery. When in need of anything in our line give us a call. We will always lreat you right, and it shall always be our aim to give you the most goods for the least money. T. J. DAVIS & CO. Overman Building, H Douglas, G eorgia.